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67 Cards in this Set

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Hyperlipidemia is also known as _________.


Primary Hyperlipidemia

increased lipids in the blood

Secondary Hyperlipidemia

alcoholism, diabetes

What are the three types of lipids?

Cholesterol, triglycerides, and lipoproteins (chylomicrons, LDL, HDL)

What is cholesterol responsible for?

Steroid hormone production

Where does cholesterol come from?

It only comes from animal cells. Your liver makes cholesterol based on your diet.

What is a normal cholesterol reading in the body?


What are triglycerides?

The energy source for your body.

What is the normal triglyceride reading in your body?


How long must you fast if you are testing for triglycerides?

9-12 hours

Name some cardiac risk factors.

OSA, watching TV, skipping breakfast, "sitting", "old looking face"

S&S of Metabolic Syndrome

increased waist circumference + 2 of the following: increased BP, increased triglycerides, or FBS >100

Metabolic Syndrome is also known as ________.


How can a person manage their hyperlipidemia?

Lifestyle Modification Trial

What are some characteristics of the Lifestyle Modification Trial?

diet modification, exercise > 30 min, medication, and eliminate modifiable risk factors

List the five macronutrients.

carbs, fats, proteins, water, and fiber


used for primary energy, simple vs complex

Simple Carbs

quick absorption, fast use

Complex Carbs

slow absorption, used over time, and healthier for you


fatty acids are converted to glycerol, saturated vs. unsaturated

Saturated Fats


Unsaturated Fats

good, (PUFA, MUFA)


take .8mg/kg BW per day, the building blocks of the body


our body needs about 2L/day while at rest


a natural laxative, increased satiety rates, and they reduce FBG

Name the two micronutrients.

vitamins and minerals

Water Soluble Vitamins

B and C

Fat Soluble Vitamins

A,D,E, and K


"trace elements", "building blocks"; they regulate energy production, provide structure to the teeth, and carry O2

Characteristics of Macrominerals

need >100 mg/day of Na, K, Ca, Mg, Cl, phosphate

What mineral is the most important in the body?


List the Micronutrients

Iron, iodine, zinc, and flouride

Thiamine (B1) Deficiency

beriberi and Wernicke-Korsakoff syndrome; nervous system disorders


affects lower extremities with parasthesias and burning in the toes

Wernicke-Korsakoff Syndrome

psychomotor problems, ataxia, nystagmus, seen in alcoholics

Vitamin B2 Deficiency

occurs in vegans, inflammation of the lips, tongue, mouth, and magenta hue tongue

Niacin B3 Deficiency

Casole's Necklace; causes Pellagra

S&S of Pellagra

4Ds: dermatitis, diarrhea, dementia, death

Pyridoxine B6 Deficiency

needs INH therapy, peripheral neuropathy

Folic Acid B9 Deficiency

pregnant women need this to help avoid anemia

Cobalamin B12 Deficiency

pernicious anemia

What causes pernicious anemia?

insufficient intrinsic factor

Ascorbic Acid C Deficiency


Scurvy presents with ________.

Spontaneous hemorrhage and bleeding gums

Retinol A Deficiency

night blindness to day blindness to dry eyes to keratomalacia

Vitamin D Deficiency


Why is ricketts not seen in America?

fortified milk and food, healthy diets

Where types of climates do SOF personnel see ricketts?

places with monsoons

Vitamin K Deficiency

causes hemorrhagic disease of the newborn

Iron Tocxicity

causes hepatotoxicity

Tx for Iron Toxicity

activated charcoal PO

Copper Toxicity

causes Wilson's Disease and cirrhosis of the liver

Tx for Wilson's Disease

penicillamine PO

Fluoride Toxicity

causes brittle bones

Name two eating disorders.

Anorexia nervosa and Bulemia nervosa

Characteristics of Anorexia Nervosa

body dysmorphia, self-imposed weight loss, causes fatigue, irritability, low blood pressure, it has a 10-20% mortality rate, patients are skinny, and it restricts caloric intake

Characteristics of Bulemia Nervosa

this is the most common and is not usually lethal, these people can be any size, they see the real them in the mirror, have binge-eating and purging

PEM (Protein Energy Malnutrition)

these people small feedings around the clock are best in the early stages of recovery

What are the three types of PEM?

Marasmus, Kwashiorkor, and Marasmic-Kwashiorkor

Characeristics of Marasmus

calorie deficiency, starvation, muscular wasting, and build up of subcutaneous fat

Characteristics of Kwashiorkor

protein deficiency, this happens when a mother stops breast feeding to early, pitting (dependent) edema, hypoalbumineria, dispigmented hair, and flat-pink dermatosis


moon face, loss of hair

What is the role of chylomicrons?

Transport exogenous fatty acids

Role of LDLs.

They take cholesterol from the liver to the tissues which puts us at a risk for CHD.

Role of HDLs.

They take cholesterol from the tissues of the body to the liver for disposal decreasing the risk of CHD.


wasting away

Tx for Wernicke-Korsakoff

give D5W