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45 Cards in this Set

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Cycle of Violence

-tension building:

victim: feels tense and afraid, helpless, becomes complaint, accepts blame

abuser: edgy, minor explosions, can become verbally abusive, minor hitting, slapping
Cycle of Violence

-the victim may try to cover up the injury or may look for help

-the tension becomes unbearable, the victim may provoke an incident to get it over with
battering stage
Cycle of Violence

-honeymoon phase:

v- trusting, hoping for change, wants to believe partners promises

a: loving behavior, bringing gifts or flowers and doing special thinks for the victim, sorry, makes promises to change
Cycle of Violence

: negative cognitions, he wont get off my back, he won’t leave me alone, negative statements invites more tension
tension building:
Cycle of Violence

can last 10 minutes or 3 months
tension building:
Cycle of Violence

-tension builds in women until she loses it and beats him up (battering stage)
tension building:
Cycle of Violence

BELIEVES she is hopeful that it will get better (hope component keeps them in the cycle)
Cycle of Violence

when should the nures intervene and what 2 things can she do?
-intervene in the tension building phase (change how the person is interpreting what’s going on) do cognitive restructuring or cognitive reframing that invites calm and rational thinking
Cycle of Violence

minor incidents like showing, pushing, verbal abuse
tension building stage
Cycle of Violence

the victim ignores or accepts the abuse for fear that more severe abuse will follow
tension building stage
Cycle of Violence

abuser releases built-up tension by brutal beatings. severe injuries can result
-battering stage
Cycle of Violence

and loving behaviors b/c the abuser feels remorseful and buys presents, makes promises, and tells the victim how much she is loved and then she believes him,& drops all her plans of leaving
-2 most prevalent disorders resulting from childhood trauma
depression and PTSD
-initiates violence and considers their needs more important than anyone else’s needs
perpetrator :

-violence: (what 3 things does it come from)
rooted in child,
lack of self regard(esteem),
inability to assume adult role
males –
- violence about control and power
-male domination / supremacy
-act out of the need to feel power
-extreme jealousy
-get very restrictive in monitoring activities (results in isolation) –become prisoner in own home
-control finances (don’t give any money, you can’t leave me)
-alcohol or drugs DOES NOT CAUSE VIOLENCE, it can make someone more likely to
act on violence
-prone to abuse when:
-how do they act:
-what do they want done following the episode?
-prone to abuse when drunk
-be remorseful and act child like
-want to be nurtured following the episode
-both male and female perpetrators perceive themselves as having (2)

-what about relationships outside of their significant other?

-how do they describe their relationship with their partner?
poor social skills and their relationships are pathological (Co-dependent)

-lack supportive relationships outside the signifcant other

-describe the relationship with their partner as being the closest they have ever known
vulnerable person (3 things that cause them to be at risk)

what is the greatest risk?
-move towards independence
-greatest risk when person leaves the relationship (homicide occurs most often)
general assessment

-what needs to be secure first??
-safety needs to be secure before they open up
-be neutral and matter of fact, open ended
-tell me what happens to you when you do something wrong?
-what about your children behavior disturbs you the most?
-describe how you describe your child?
general assessment

nurses must ass suicide potential, why?
-they can become so hopeless
-abuser can use suicide as a threat
-homicide potential
-think _______
Suicide Potential

-often, the means of attempted suicide is OD with a combination of
alcohol and other CNS depressants or sleeping medications that have been prescribed
-greatest intervention:

develop safety plan (ex 599) –so they know what to do in the event that they need a quick escape

-other goal: empower them (doing a safety goal with them)
-when your with them, they decide to make a phone call to the police( have them make the phone call,
anytime the person makes actions is empowering)
-giving them choices, safety plan,
Identify four factors that put a vulnerable person at greater risk for homicide.
1)presence of a gun in the home
2)alcohol and drug abuse
3)history of violence on the part of the perpetrator in other situations
4)extreme jealousy and obsessiveness on the part of the perpetrator regarding the relationships with the victim and attempt to control all the victims daily activities
a family member upon whom abuse is perpetrated

also referred to as victim or survivor
vulnerable person
vulnerable person
-what makes someone vulnerable?
pregnancy - b/c of added responsibility

moving towards independence (visiting friends, gettign a job, going back to school)

greatest risk when the person leaves the relationship
when does homocide occur most often?
when the vulnerable person/victim leaves the relationship
who should be screened for abuse?
all people
abuse complaints may be stated as:
-chronic pain
-gyneo problems
assessment should include what topics (3)
sexual abuse
family violence
drug use or abuse

vulnerable person
-under 3
-perceived as being different (congenital abnormalities, chronic disease)
-produce of unwanted pregnancy
-remind parent of someone they dont like
-different rom pts fantasy
vulnerable person
-older adults

they are vulnerable because...

what puts them at high risk?
they are in poorer mental or physical health

dependency needs
general assessment
-what does the nurse need to do first?
-safety needs to be secure before they open up

-be neutral and matter of fact, open ended
-tell me what happens to you when you do something wrong?
-what about your children behavior disturbs you the most?
-describe how you describe your child?
suicide potential
--abuser can use suicide as a threat..how?
to manipulate the victim into caving into demands "dont let me or ill kill myself"
-long term outcome:
victim is no longer exploited
suicide potential
-if the patient feels that life is not worth living, has a suicide plan, and means to carry out the plan, admission to inpatient hospital is necessary.

if the patient is talking about future plans and is saying "for the sake of the children" what is ok?
outpatient referrals
- instead of saying how do you “abuse" your child or using thew ord "violence,” what can the nurse ask?
-ask about ways of solving disagreements or methods of discipline children rather than to use the words “abuse or violence”
-- before getting details of violence, what must the nurse do?
sit near the pt and spend time establishing trust and report
-what do you reassure to the pt?
-what kind of questions to you ask (open or closed)
-reassure the pt that he or she did nothing wrong
-ask open ended questions to elicit more relevant info
-greatest intervention:
1) develop safety plan (ex 599) –so they know what to do in the event that they need a quick escape

2) empower them. (doing a safety goal with them)
-when your with them, they decide to make a phone call to the police( have them make the phone call,
anytime the person makes actions is empowering)
-giving them choices,
safety plan
-identify what?
signs of escalation of violence to pick a particular sign that will tell them in the future "now is the time to leave"
safety plan
-what is it important to make sure that the plan includes?
destination and transportation
safety plan
-what should the nurse always give the pt?
the # of the nearest available shelter even if they decide with their abuser
-(having the contact # contributes to thinking about options)