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158 Cards in this Set

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T or F: Crucial life events precede only a small number of cases of depression
How do clinically effective antidepressants increase neurotransmitter concentrations at postsynaptic receptor sites
by inhibiting their reuptake from the synaptic cleft
T or F: Depression is caused by a neurotransmitter deficiency
What psychological event may precede the onset of endocrine disorders such as hyperthyroidism and Cushing's syndrome
Emotional trauma
What 2 endocrine systems are extensively studied in psychology
hypothalamic-pituitary adrenal axis (HPA) and hypothalamic-pituitary-thyroid axis (HPT)
Half of pts with major depression exhibit hypersecretion of what steroid which returns to normal once depression is cured
What are the most commonly observed psychiatric sx in pts who have adult hypothyroidism
Depression and cognitive decline
What thyroid hormone will accelerate the therapeutic effect of various antidepressants in women
T3 - triiodothyronine
Administration of TRH (thyrotropin-releasing hormone) has what psychological effect in normal subjects as well as those with psychiatric disease
increased sense of well-being and relaxation
What 3 categories is depression divided into
Depressive sx
bipolar disorder
In what population is major depressive disorder 2-3 times as common
adolescent and adult females
T or F: in prepubertal children, boys and girls are affected equally with major depression
What is the cardinal feature of a major depressive episode
depressed mood or loss of interest or pleasure for at least 2 weeks and causes significant distress or impairment in the social, occupational, or other important areas of functioning
Suffering from depression and not reporting a depressed mood is referred as:
Masked depression
Inability to enjoy usual activities is termed:
Do most pts w/ depression observe an increase or decrease in appetite
What is the most common sleep disturbance in depression
How is insomnia classified in depressed pts
initial, middle, or late
What type of insomnia is common in depressed pts with significant comorbid anxiety
Hypersomnia is common in what mood disorders
atypical depression and seasonal affective disorder
What is the term for significant loss of energy, seen commonly in depressed inds
Severe form of depression, commonly seen among the elderly is often called:
When is risk of suicide highest among depressed inds
Immediately after initiation of tx and during 6-9 mos period following symptomatic recovery
During what time of season is SAD most commonly seen
fall and winter, remitting in spring
To what type of tx does SAD respond well
light tx and serotenergic agents (SSRIs)
T or F: Bereavement is not considered a mental disorder even though it may have sx characteristic of a major depressive episode
When is antidepressant tx justified in bereavement
when behavioral sx are prolonged or associated with continued functional impairment
T or F: effectiveness of antidepressants in young pts is controversial
How long should antidepressants be administered for continuation tx
At least 6 months
When should antidepressant maintenance tx for extended periods of time be considered
-if pt older than 40 y/o and had 2+ prior episodes of illness
-first episode at age 50+
-Hx of 3+ depressive episodes
Slow tapering of antidepressants can be considered after how many yrs of tx if the pt is completely
5 years
What is the most serious side effect associated with MAOI use
acute HTN crisis
Metabolism of what dietary amino acid is blocked by MAOIs
What sx are seen in pts taking MAOIs with acute hypertensive crisis
pounding H/A, flushing, and blood vessel distention
What drug is used to treat acute HTN crisis in pts taking MAOIs
What class of drugs does phentolamine belong to
alpha adrenergic antagonist
What types of drugs do MAOIs interfere with
sympathomimetic amines - pseudoephedrine and phenylpropanolamine
Coadministration of MAOIs with SSRIs provoke what type of syndrome
central serotonin syndrome
Central serotonin syndrome is characterized by what symptoms
restlessness, diaphoresis, tremor, diarrhea, hyperreflexia
Central serotonin syndrome usually resolves within what time period
Within 24 hrs after discontinuation of drugs
MAOIs should not be started within how many weeks of discontinuation of most SSRIs
2 weeks
Coadministration of what 2 drug classes can produce side effects such as delirium and hypertension
TCAs and MAOIs
T or F: It is advisable to wait at least 2 weeks after discontinuing TCAs before initiating treatment with MAOIs
Tricyclic-induced side effects are the result of their binding to what 4 specific and non-specific sites
What food and drugs must be avoided under all circumstances when taking MAOIs
What food and drugs SHOULD be avoided when taking MAOIs
-All fermented or aged foods
-Fermented alcoholic beverages
How could TCAs affect the heart
induce A-V conduction delays
Is first degree A-V block a relative or absolute contraindication for TCA intake
Is second degree A-V block a relative or absolute contraindication for TCA intake
SSRIs selectively block the uptake of serotonin, thereby producing the following symptoms
-sexual dysfunction
What two drugs can manage SSRI induced sexual dysfunction
T or F: All antidepressants can be displaced by other drugs with similar protein-binding characteristics
What anticoagulant can be easily displaced by antidepressants
Will impairement of hepatic or renal function increase or decrease plasma clearance of
Will impairement of hepatic or renal function potentiate or diminish effects of antidepressants
What % of pts with major depressive disorder respond well to adequate antidepressant drug trial
List 4 reasons for treatment failure with antidepressants
-inadequate dose
-inadequate duration
-prominent side effects
What is the minimum duration of antidepressant treatment
6 weeks
When antidepressant treatment truly fails, what alternative approaches may a physician try
-Combining TCAs with MAOIs
-Augmentation strategy
What are the most effective treatments in augmenting the therapeutic effects of TCAs and may be the most important in triggering or facilitating the acute response to antidepressant
-Lithium carbonate
-thyroid hormone (T3)
-sleep deprivation
T or F: Antidepressant effects of one night of wakefulness are immediate
What 2 psychostimulants may be useful in treating refractory depression, but in a limited way
If psychostimulants are ineffectivce, what is another option in treating refractory depression, which potentially has serious side effects
combine TCA and MAOI
Name a TCA and an MAOI commonly combined
Imipramine and phenelzine
What is a potential negative effect of combining a TCA and an MAOI
Hypertensive reactions
If no other options work, what is the final and highly effective and safe alternative to treating
refractory depression
Electroconvulsive Therapy (ECT)
90% of all ECT treatments in the US are performed for the treatment of this disorder
Major depressive disorder
Urgent need for a rapid response, history of better response, or strong pt preference are all indications for primary use of this depression therapy
Are there absolute contraindications to ECT?
T or F: ECT cannot be used safely in pregnant and elderly pts
False, it CAN be used
T or F: The overall mortality rate of ECT is extremely low
T or F: There is a relationship between ECT and brain damage
False, NO relationship
T or F: Temporary cognitive changes occur with the use of ECT
All pts experience this state lasting few minutes to a few hours after ECT
Postictal confusion
T or F: Avoidance of cognitive demands during acute postictal period, after ECT, is usually all that is necessary for treatment
Postictal sedation with short-acting benzodiazepine such as ___ may be necessary if pt becomes agitated after ECT
Is Interictal confusion during the ECT therapy common or uncommon phenomenon
Name the two types of memory impairements that occur with ECT
-retrograde amnesia
-anterograde amnesia
T or F: Small group of pts report that their memory never returned to normal after ECT
During the seizure and acute postictal period, what two nervous systems are stimulated sequentially
Sympathetic and parasympathetic autonomic systems
What cardiovascular complications may arise with ECT
Transient arrhythmia
With ECT, most cardiovascular changes are minor and the risk of complications can be diminished greatly by the use of ____
A typical ECT course involves how many treatments
Multiple monitored electroconvulsive therapy (MMECT) is a treatment course that induces how many seizures during a single treatment
Is MMECT associated with higher or lower frequency of prolonged seizure activity
T or F: MMECT is associated with exaggerated cardiovascular response
T or F: MMECT is associated with decreased cognitive side effects
False: increased cognitive side effects
In the US, most ECT treatments are given how many times a week
3 (eg: Monday, Wednesday, Friday)
After the remission of a depressive or manic episode, ECT treatment should be conitinued for how many months
Is there a lifetime maximum number of ECT treatments that a pt may have
T or F: cumulative amnestic disorders are not usually seen with repeated ECT treatments
What factor plays a major role in a selection of a particular form of psychotherapy
patient preference
T or F: Major depressive disorder may be preceded by dysthymic disorder
What can serve as a predictor of future course and prognosis of major depression
number of past episodes
What is the average number of lifetime episodes of major depressive episodes
Almost 25% of pts relapse within how many months of remission, especially if discontinued their
antidepressant meds
6 months
What factors are more important in triggering the first two depressive episodes, and become less
important in subsequent episodes
psychosocial stressors
Name the disorder that "lies on the border between the normal and pathological." Whose symptoms are lower in intensity than in major depression
dysthymic disorder
Subsyndromal mood disorder has been applied to what disorder
dysthymic disorder
T or F: the protracted course of dysthymic disorder makes it the most commonly encountered form of mood disorder
Who does dysthymic disorder affect more, men or women?
Vegetative symptoms such as insomnia, loss of appetite, loss of libido, and weight loss are common presentation of this mood disorder
Major depressive disorder
This disorder is characterized by chronic, less severe depressive symptoms
Dysthymic disorder
Are vegetative states more or less common in dysthymic disorder
What should be the initial treatment of choice for dysthymic disorder
In pts who do not respond to SSRIs in dysthymic disorder should be given what two drugs (TCAs)
imipramine and desipramine
What type of therapy should be used to address impairments in social and occupational functioning in
dysthymic disorder
Pure dysthymic disorder is a risk factor for developing the following disorder
major depressive disorder
This disorder consists of episodes of mania cycling with depressive episodes
Bipolar I disorder
This disorder consists of episodes of hypomania cycling with depressive episodes
Bipolar II disorder
Is there a clear association between life events and the onset of manic or hypomanic episodes
What are key risk factors for developing bipolar disorder
-being female
-family hx
-upper socioeconomic class
T or F: Someone who already has bipolar disorder faces an increasing risk of a recurrent manic or
depressive episode
T or F: bipolar disorders are about equally distributed among males and females, but there are more females with more serious bipolar disorder, esp rapid-cycling bipolar disorder
T or F: Pure (or monopolar) mania is very rare
T or F: When pts are manic, they sleep little or not at all
It is difficult to control an acute manic episode clinically if one cannot control what associated symptom
Racing thoughts and flight of ideas are cognitive feature of these episodes:
What drug can markedly attenuate the risk of suicie attempts in bipolar pts
T or F: Hypomania usually does not present with psychotic symptoms
By definition, pts with rapid-cycling bipolar disorder experience how many affective episodes per year
Four or more
The development of this disease in a manic pt predisposes him/her to a more rapidly cycling course
clincial or subclinical hypothyroidism
T or F: no lab findings are diagnostic of bipolar disroder
Pts suffering from what mood disorder are known to have a blunted TSH response to TRH administration
Hypothyroidism is very common in pts with what mood disorder
T or F: psychotic features associated with schizophrenia or schizoaffective disorder are easily distinguishable from those associated with acute mania
False: indistinguishable
T or F: substance abuse is exceedingly common in bipolar disorder
T or F: Mood disorders complicated by substance abuse are treated in units especially designed to treat aspects of dual diagnosis
Acute depressive episodes are treated best with these drugs, because they are less likely to trigger the switch into mania or hypomania frequently caused by TCAs
Acute manic episodes as well as maintenance treatment of bipolar disorder can be managed with what 3 drugs
-valproic acid
If delusional sx and agitation are present in a manic episode, what drugs can be administered
antipsychotics - haloperidol
benzodiazepines - clonazepam
T or F: General treatment principles of bipolar disorder include optimizing sleep and eliminating mood destabilizrs
What agents have the propensity to destabilize mood
What are the two indications for administration of lithium
-acute manic or hypomanic episode
-prevention of further episodes of mania and depression
What drug is useful in acute manic episodes
T or F: Bupropion or SSRIs are least likely to produce hypomanic episodes
Most clinicians use what other drugs in addition to lithium in the acute phase of mania
-neuroleptics or
Once the acute manic episode is resolved, lithium should be continued for at least how many months
If a depressive episode "breaks through" lithium maintenance treatment, what steps should be taken
-increase lithium dose
-maximize thyroid function
-add SSRI
-sleep deprivation or ECT for severe depression
Does lithium have a wide or narrow therapeutic window and why
narrow because of its close association between plasma levels and toxicity
What are benign side effects of Lithium
-fine tremor
What are serious side effects of lithium
-coarse tremor
-muscle weakness
T or F: reduction of lithium will quickly ameliorate acute symptoms
What cardiac drugs are tremors often responsive to
What 4 side effects of lithium have been most frequently reported
-memory problems
T or F: Over the long term, some pts on lithium may experience sick sinus syndrome and therefore
routine monitoring of pt's ECG and pulse is necessary
If pts do not respond to lithium, which anticonvulsants may be administered
-sodium valproate
What is a common side effect of carbamazepine, which requires discontinuation
This anticonvulsant can acutely damage the liver, resulting in marked increase in liver enzymes and
sometimes jaundice
Blood dyscrasias including granulocytopenia and agranulocytosis may be side effects of this anticonvulsant
T or F: Valproic acid may be used in acute management of mania
T or F: combined use of lithium with either carbamazepine or sodium valproate is common
When is ECT most useful for manic pts
when they don't respond to medication
This disorder is characterized by periods of depression alternating with periods of hypomania which are generally of less severity or shorter duration than those in bipolar I disorder. Changes in mood tend to be irregular and abrupt, occurring within hours of each other
Cyclothymic disorder
This disorder is frequently confused with cyclothymic disorder because of its strong affective component with marked shifts in mood
Borderline personality disorder
This class of drugs tends to improve the symptoms of ADHD but worsen the mood swings of cyclothymic disorder
What is the treatment of choice of cyclothymic disorder
low dose SSRIs in conjunction with lithium
what two antidepressants are associated with an increased risk for seizures