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15 Cards in this Set

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What is the single most desireable method for loading data into the aircraft systems
The 1553 Bus.
What mode is data
stored on the memory card and compared with the data
stored in the avionic/EW system memory to flag any errors.
Verify mode.
How many 1553 data busses are there?
Eleven 1553 buses (5 primary
avionics buses, each with dual redundant backup bus
and one EW bus) but only one dual redundant bus
pair is connected at any one time.
What is the first test displayed on the screen after MLVS has been connected and power turned on?
LCD Test.
What is the EEPROM Checksum Test?
This test verifies the
contents of the EEPROM to confirm that the MLVS
software instructions have not been corrupted.
Who services the MLVS system?
Depot Level
The MLVS BIT and E-BIT tests will not
detect an RS-422 fault or a Differential
Discrete failure unless both lines of the
differential pair are in a what?
Open Condition.
When do you never insert or remove memory cards?
When power is on. It will damage the cards.
If a memory card is not inserted in slot 1, what message is displayed?
If a test has been removed from the loop, what is the only way to bring it back to the loop.
Seting the PWR ON/OFF to OFF and then back to
ON and re-executing E-BIT.
Basic BIT performs onepass
internal testing on what?
Internal RS-232 Interface
• Internal RS-422 Interface
• MS-1553
What switch enables execution of statement shown on display screen and
enables statement shown on display screen to be skipped
exec/skip switch
If test passes, what message is displayed
No message
Upon successful completion of E-BIT test 00
through 0B, the MLVS shall test what?
What characters identify how many times, in hexadecimal, the series of E-BIT tests have
run since E-BIT was started.