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48 Cards in this Set

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1. Info that had been acquired stored and is ready for retrieval.

2. The process of constructing and updating info based I logic, resoning, and creating new info

Where does it go?


Getting info I learned earlier


Identify info I learned before

Ex. Remembering when I learned basic geometry


Learning something more quickly because you already learned it (but it may not have been well identified)


Getting info into my head

The more personal the info is the more likely I will remember it.


Keeping the information inside my head for an extended period.


Getting back stored information

Working Memory

The process of taking a short term memory and making it longterm.

We can consciously keep 5-9 bits of infor beforr it is stored or trashed.

Sensory Memory

Recording important info

Short Term Memory

Activating memory that is only there for a brief time before it is stored or forgotten

Long Term Memory

Stored info that can be accessed later

Explicit Memory

The facts & experiences we conciously know and declare

Aka. Declarative Memory

Effortful Processing

The process by which we create explicit memories

Automatic Processing

The process by which we store implicit memories without concious effort.

Implicit Memory

Automatic processing creates unconcious memories

Implicit Memory

Automatic processing creates unconcious memories


A setbod exoectations for how an event SHOULD happen.

S for script

S for should


A setbod exoectations for how an event SHOULD happen.

S for script

S for should

Verbatim Memory

A memory that does not change


Sematic Memory

All of the stored knowlege that is in my mind.

The meaning of language

Gist Memory

A vague recollection of events

Gist Memory

A vague recollection of events

Iconic Memory

A segment of sensory memory.

Momentary photographic memory that I remember in great detail.

An Icon is and Image

Echoic Memory

A branch of sensory memory that stored audio memory

Echo Smith = music = audio


Organizing info into manageable sections



Using images to better remember


Using images to better remember


Using chunking and mnemonics together to store memory

Spacing Effect

I learn things better when they are introduced over a long period of time rather than all at once.

Shallow Processing

Encoding information at its surface level

Identifying letters is the process

Deep processing

Processing more complex info

Using letters to identify words is this process

Retrieval Cues

Surroundings, moods, seating position, etc. that allow me to access menory


Associating memories without concious effort.

This often effects behavior

Mood Congruence

Associating memory based I mood ore emotions

This explains why or moods persist even after an event had ended

Serial Position Effect

Our tenancy to more easily recall the first and last items of a list better than those in the middle

Flashbulb Memories

When under stress pr strong emotions, hormones tell the brain to "capture this moment!" and it is then easier to remember

The flash that occurs when taking a picture

Long term potentiation

Am increase I cells during potential after a rapid stimulation

Anterogaded Amnesia

Recalling your past but unable to reform new memories

Anterogaded Amnesia

Recalling your past but unable to reform new memories

Can create non-verbal memories but they won't remember how they aquired the memory

Retrograde Amnesia

The inability to recall ones past but can create new memories

Ecoding Failure

The inability to commit some event to long term memory

Storage Decay

Unable to keep info in ones head

Retrieval failure

Struggling or inability to get back information that has been stored

"Its on the tip of my tongue"

Proactive Intergerence

When attempting to retrieve informtion, it collides with other information and often getd confused

Retrogative Interference

New information muddles up old information.

Positive Transfer

When new info harmonizes with old infornation to solidify that information

Imagination Inflation

Recieving misleading information messes up or creates memories that may not exactly be true.

Because of this, trying to dig up repressed memories in therapy is avoided.

Misinformation Effect

Recieving misleading information causes us to misremember