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18 Cards in this Set

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What is memory

The process of recieveing, encoding and processing information into the brain and how it is then retrive/utilised.

Multi-store model

Atkinson and Shiffrin's (1968) original model of memory, consisting of the sensory register, short-term store, and long-term store. The modal model of memory is an explanation of how memory processes work.

Sensory Memory

Made up of two parts iconic and echoic. It has a small capacity.

Iconic Memory

Visual. Duration is < 0.5 seconds.

Echoic Memory

Auditory. Duration is 2-3 seconds.

Working memory

Alan Baddeley and Graham Hitch proposed a model of working memory

Working Memory (STM)

Has a medium capacity. Duration is 7 +/- 2 seconds. Its encoding is through the Visuo-spacial sketch pad and the phonological loop, which is controlled by the central executive to form the episodic buffer which connects to the LTM.

Visuo-spacial sketch pad (VSS)

Visual information. i.e. Images, pictures and maps

Phonological Loop

Verabl information (both hearing and visual verbal). i.e. Sound, writing. This is from the echoic and iconic memory.

Central Executive

The co-ordeinator of the visuo-spacial sketch pad and the phonological loop. It creates and inegrated represetenation of both.

Episodic Buffer

Sends the informatio/connects from the working memory into the long term memory.

Long Term Memory (LTM)

Duration is indefinant (saving). It is split into two parts: explicit and implicit memory.


Fact and events you can vidily/clearly remember. Split into the sematic and episodic.


Factual information: Words and numbers.


Events.i .e. birthdays.


Unconcious/implicit information that is harder to articulate. Split into two parts procedural and priming.


Proccess/procedures.i. e. riding a bike.


Previous experiences/understanding influences your current interpretation of events.