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44 Cards in this Set

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the process of acquiring information and entering it into memory
Acoustic encoding
the mental representation of information as a sequence of sounds
Visual encoding
the mental representation of information as images
semantic encoding
the mental representation of an experience by its general meaning
the process of maintaining information in memory over time
the process of recalling information stored in memory
episodic memory
memory of an event that happened while one was present
semantic memory
a type of memory containing generalized knowledge of the world
procedural memory
a type of memory containing information about how to do things
explicit memory
the process in which people intentionally try to remember something
implicit memory
the unintentional influence of prior experiences
information processing model
a model of memory in which information is seen as passing through sensory memory, short term memory and long term memory
levels-of-processing memory
a view stating that how well something is remembered depends on the degree to which incoming information is mentally processed
maintenance rehearsal
repeating information over and over again to keep it active in short term memory
elaborative rehearsal
a memorization method that involves thinking about how new information relates to information already stored in long term memory
Transfer-appropriate procesing model
a model of memory that suggests that a critical determinant of memory is how well the retrieval process matches the original encoding process
parallel distributed processing models
memory models in which new experiences change one's overall knowledge base
multiple memory systems model
a model of memory that suggests the brain contains several memory systems, each of which resides in a different area and each of which serves somewhat different purposes
sensory memory
a typeof memory that holds large amounts of incoming information very briefly, but long enough to connect one impression to the next--lasts less than one second
sensory registers
memory systems that hold incoming information long enough for it to be processed further
selective attention
the focusing of mental resources on only part of the stimulus field
Short term memory
the maintenance component of working memory, which holds unrehearsed information for a limited time--lasts about 18 seconds
working memory
the part of the memory system that allows us to mentally work with, or manipulate information being held in short term memory
immediate memory span
the maximum number of itens a person can recall perfectly after one presentation of the items
stimuli that are percieved as one unit or as a meaningfull grouping
brown-peterson procedure
a method for determining how long unrehearsed information remains in shor term memory
long term memory
a relatively long lasting stage of memory whose capacity to store new information is believed to be unlimited
primacy effect
a characteristic of memory in which recall of the first two or three items in a list is particularly good
recency effect
a characteristic of memory in which recall is particularly good for the last few items in a list
retrieval cue
a stimulus that aids the recall or recognition of information stored in memory
encoding specificity principle
a principle stating that the ability of a cue to aid retrieval depends on the degree to which it taps into information that was encoded at the time of original learning
context dependent memory
memory that can be helped or hindered by similarities or differences between the context in which it is learned and the context in which it is recalled
state dependent memory
memory that is aided or impeded by a persons internal state
spreading activiation
a principle that explains how information is retrieved in semantic network theories of memory
mental representations of categories of objects, events and people
method of savings
measuring forgetting by computing the difference between the number of repetitions needed to learn and, after a delay, relearn the same material
the gradual disappearance of the mental representation of a stimulus
the process through which either the storage or the retrieval of information is impaired by the presence of other information
retroactive interference
a cause of forgetting in which new information placed in memory interferes with the ability to recall information already in memory
proactive interference
a cause of forgetting in which information already in long term memory interferes with the ability to remember new information
anterograde amnesia
a loss of memory for any event that occurs after a brain injury
retrograde amnesia
a loss of memory for events prior to a brain injury
strategies for placing information in an organized context in order to remember
method of loci
method of places