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8 Cards in this Set

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Multi Store Model
environ stim attention rehearsal
sensory ---------> short ----------------> long term
mem term mem mem
info maintenance
retrieval rehears
Long Term Memory
-memory of events that have happened in the past
DURATION: Potentially a lifetime
CAPACITY: Potentially unlimited
ENCODING: Semantic (meaning)
Short Term Memory
-memory of immediate events
-lasts a limited time and decay unlessed rehearsed
DURATION: 20 seconds at most (Peterson)
CAPACITY: less than 7 chunks 7+/-2 items
ENCODING: acoustic or visual
-measure of how much can be held in memory
-measure in terms of bits of information
STM has a very limited capacity (less than 7 chunks)
LTM potentially unlimited capacity
a measure of how long a memory lasts for before it's
no longer available
-STM has a limited duration
-LTM has a potentially unlimited duration (life time)
-the way information is changed so that it can stored in memory
-infor stored in several forms
VISUAL- picture
ACOUSTIC - sounds
SEMANTIC - meaning
Miller proposed that ht ecapactiy of STM can be enhanced by grouping sets of digits or letters into meaningful units or 'chunks'
FOR EXAMPLE- it's easier to remember 100 10 1000 100 than 100101000100
Peterson and Peterson (1959) DURATION OF STM
WHO? 24 students
WHAT? -said consonant sylabble followed by 3 digit number
- immediately after P count down backwards from 3 didgit number in 3s or 4s
- asked to recall sylabble
- rehearsal was prevented (counting backwards)
- 2 practice 8 trials (each time retention interval different 3, 6, 9, 12 seconds)
FINDINGS? P's remembered 90% (interval =90seconds) 2% (interval = 18 seconds)
CONCLUSION? when rehearsal is prevented STM lasts about 20 seconds