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124 Cards in this Set

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early approach that eschewed study of consciousness in favor of a scientific analysis of overt behavior
Cognitive psych
scientific study of mental processes
cognitive science & included disciplines
effort to understand the mind; cog psych, philosophy, neuroscience, artificial intelligence, linguistics, anthropol.
connectionism / parallel distributed processing
model using brain based metaphor to describe cognitive processes in terms of complex and interconnected networks of individual processing units that operate in parallel.
dualism / descartes
the belief that mind and body operate separately (mind & brain are separate)
ecological validity
extent to which research results can be related to everyday situations
embodied cognition

a constellation of ideas emphasizing the belief that thinking is dynamic & occurs in conjunction with action & within a broader context that guides and shapes it.
Forgetting curve / memory loss v. time
a fn relating memory to time passage. most memory loss occurs shortly after studying & slows down from there on.
Early approach to study of consciousness that emphasized discovery of basic uses of consciousness & how it helps us to ADAPT in daily life.
Gestalt approach

early approach to study of consciousness that emphasized inherent organization tendencies of the mind.
Info-processing model
descriptive approach likening the processes of the brain to the operation of a computer.
rigorous & systematic self-report of basic elements of an experience
latent learning

learning that occurs in the absence of any reinforcement
Laws of Association

philos. behind psych
Principles that underlie the act of relating two ideas or concepts
materialism / opposite of dualism
View that mind & body are one & the same. Mind is completely accounted for by the brain. (basically the mind doesnt exist on its own)
mental map

mental representation of a spatial layout

))))))) I )))) brightness, closeness, etc. PERCEPTION,

ex: snapping at a concert, snapping in the library
study of relationship between physical properties of a stimulus & properties taken on when stimulus is filtered through a subjective experience.
Ebbinghaus; measure of memory; reduction of learning trials needed to retain information based on previous learning trials
S-R Psychology

stimulus-response, reinforcements
AKA Behaviorist approach - emphasizes observation of relationships between observable stimuli and responses.

behaviorists - reinforcements produce certain responses which we can predict.
structuralism / ELEMENTS

*like CHEM*
early approach to study of consciousness emphasizing breaking it down in terms of most elemental components
Unconscious inference
Implicit assumption made by perceptual systems about some characteristic of an incoming stimulus.
% of trials on which a subject is correct
action potential
all or none reaction of a neuron when a stim. meets a threshold
between - subjects design
experimental design in which different subjects receive each level of the independent variable
between - subjects factorial design
diff subjects are assigned to each of the experimental groups created by the factorial design
carryover effects
occur when processing/strategy effects from one condition influence processing in a subsequent condition
case studies
intensive investigations of a single case or a small number of cases
central tendency
descriptive measure that give an indication of a typical score
cerebral cortex
outer shell of the brain that compromises majority of the forebrain and is made up of billions of neurons
cog neuroscience
interdisciplinary field of study; combo neuro + psych; attempts to relate cognitive processing to its neural substrates
confounding variables
factors that vary in conjunction with IV
dependent variables
measured in experiment that are influenced by the IV
descriptive stats
variables measured in an experiment that are influenced by changes in the iV
double-blind procedure
prevention strategy for expectancy effects that keep both the partipants and researcher naive as to purposes and particular treatments of the study
double dissociation
two measures of performance are affected in an opposite fashion by different experimental variables
electroencephalograph EEG
a brain investigation technique that involves recording summed action potentials through scalp to diff areas of brain
Event-related potentials (ERP<-> EEG)
changes in the brains electrical activy at crit points that are measured to show the temporal relationship between a stimulus presentation and brain response
expectancy effects
influence of a subject or experimenter beliefs on results of a study
experimental conditions
groups being compared in a study; circumstances formed by manipulation of IV
experimental context variables
varying the nature of the instructions given to subjects or the situaitons in whcih subjects are tested
experimental research
systematic manipulation and measurement of variables in a controlled setting designed to allow for casual explanations
synonym for the IV
factorial design
experimental design THAT INVOLVES completely crossing levels of one IV with levels of all other IV
LARGEST region, controls higher-level process involved in sensation, emo, thought.
functional magnetic resonance imagine
FMRI - brain-imaging technique tracing brain activity through use of magnetic detectors sensitive to blood hemoglobin levels
region of brain lying at base of the skull and controls basic life functions
IV -
Manipulated & assumed to cause changes in DV
inferential stats
stat tests that provide indication that results occurred as a probability of chance
occurs when particular influence of one independent variable depends on the level of another IV
internal validity
degree to which extraneous variables are controlled
limbic system
system of structures in the lower forebrain that is important in learning, mem, basic emo
main effects
overall effects of an IV on DV
material variables
varying nature of the material being processed by subjects
one's awareness of one's own cognitive processing tendencies & abilities
a small brain region dorsal to hindbrain that controls some sensory reactions and relates to overall brain arousal
mixed-factorial design
involves joint manipulation of at least one between-subjects factor and at least one within-subjects factor
n400 Response
Pronounced negative deflection in brain's response to a stimulus relative to a baseline condition that occurs approx. 400 ms after onset of stimulus.
naturalistic observation
watching and recording behavior in a natural setting
nerve cell; basic building block of nervous system
operational definiton
defining a variable in terms of precise, measurable procedures that can be repeated by other researchers
p300 resonse
pronounced POSITIVE deflectoin in brain's response to a stimulus relative to a baseline condition that occurs approx. 300 ms after onset of the stimulus
performance-meaure variables
varying the nature of the response measures given to subjects
positron-emission topography scan (PET scan) radiooo

here kittykitty on the radio
brain-imaging technique that traces brain activity by observing the distribution of an ingested radioactive substance
practice effects
general improvement in participant performance that occurs over the course of participation
Reaction Time RT
time taken to respond to a stimulus, usually measured in miliseconds
use of interviews or questionnaires to gather subject data
occurs when some change influences the operation of one particular process but leave another unaffected
single-factor experiment
Experiment in which the effects of only one IV are assessed.
speed-accuracy trade-off

speed ^ accuracy v
indirect relationship
tendency for faster responding to be associated with higher error rates (all other things equal)
split-brain patients
people who have their corpus callosum split; typically for treatment of epilepsy.
statistical significance
term used to describe results that are unlikely to have arisen through simple chance variation
subject variables
varying nature of research subjects (sex, age..)
within-subjects design
experimental design in which same subjects receive each level of the IV
within-subjects factorial
factorial design in which the same subjects partake in each of the conditions created by factorial design.
access consciousness
we manipulate representations in the service of reasoning, communication, behavior
attentional capture

occasions in which a person's attention is involuntarily drawn to a stimulus
attentional set

see lib, attention is motivated
strategy or mind-set you have as you attend to a visual scene
attenuation theory
theory positing an attenuation mech that minimizes but does not eliminate analysis of unattended info; salient or contextual
authorship processing
set of processes that lead us to attribute events to the entities that are thought to have caused them
neurolog disorder characterized by a lack of visual awareness but the preserved ability to report on some aspects of a stimulus .
bottom - up / data-driven

wake up, feel tired
DunkinDoughnuts brings your BOTTOMS UP!
identification of a stim. thru assembly of its component features, no prev expectency
change detection
ability to notice variations in perceptual environment

(drawings of triangle)
tendency to perceptually complete incomplete objects
cocktail party phenomenon
tendency to notice highly relevant stimuli presented in an unattended channel
common fate
tendency to group elements together if they are moving in the same direction or at the same speed
common region
tendency to group together elements that seem to belong to a common designated area
awareness of internal and external events
constructive view
perceptual empahsis of the role of active construction and interpretation in arrive at a 3D percept of the world
dichotic listening

hearing test
simultaneous listening to two different messages, one in each ear
direct view
perceptual emphasisof the direct pick ip of info from the environment and de emphasizes the role of constructive processes in producing a precept.
early selection theory
theory positing a sensory processing filter for incoming messages; limitations in attention occur immediately after sensory processing
embodied perception
view of perception that emphasizes dynamic interaction with the everyday environment
tendency to segregate visual scenes into a background and an image that superimposes it
flicker paradigm
procedure used to study change detection in which two slightly different versions of a scene alternate with one another rapidly
global precedence
tendency to encode overall features of a scene before scene details.
good continuation

circles, rectangles
tendency to percieve lines as flowing, naturally in a single direction
process by which we organize incoming sensations
illusion of conscious will
often-erroneous belief that our efforts and actions are controlled through consciousness force of thought.
inattentional blindness
failure to notice obvious changes or events in our visual environment
degree to which particular cognitive processes are localized in the brain
late-selection theory

-selection <->response
theory of attention positing that selection occurs after all incoming stimuli have been identified; limitations in attention are at the stage of response.
mcgurk effect
speech perception effect in which visual info conflicts with auditory signals, changing perceived speech sound
object-based attention
focusing on objects of particular importance or salience
objective threshold
level of stim energy below which participants report not seeing a stimulus; forced-choice procedures also indicate a lack of awareness
Coherent rep of an object or even that results from the process of s & p.
perceptual set
tendency to visually analyze scenes in a particular way
phenomenal consciousness
subjective awareness of what we are doing
change in reaction time produced by prior presentation of a stimulus
principles of visual organization

principles, simpliples, sensibles
followed by perceptual system to organize incoming sensations in a sensible and simple manner
tendency for objects that are near one another to be grouped
response bias
subject's willingness to report a stimulus
cluster of knowledge about some object/event
ability to detect presence or absense
Approach to psychophysics - perceptual experience as the joint product of sensitivity and response bias
tendency to group similar objects together
spatial attention

...walking toward center of campus, focused on the bogie tower
focusing on a particular region in space..
speech shadowing
repeating a message word for word
subjective threshold
level of stim energy below which subjects report not seeing a stimulus; force-choice procedures indicate some awareness.
subliminal perception

pissed kevin alking to me when has a gf

-->extra pissed bc i was that girls position, influence unconsciously
purported tendency to be influenced by stimuli presented below level of awareness
ABOVE threshold of conscious awareness
grouping stimuli that occur at the same time
experiences in which input from one sensory system produces an experience not only in that modality but in another as well
top-down (conceptually driven)
identification of a stimulus with prior knowledge or expectations
ventriloquist effect
occurs when a visual cue that is presented simultaneously with an auditory stimulus biasses the localization of that auditory stim toward the local of the visual cue.