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90 Cards in this Set

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Symmetric (Hermintian)


Screw Symmetric




Lower triangular

a symmetric n-by-n matrix M is ________ if the scaler z^T*M*z is postive for every non-zero column vector z of n real numbers

positive definite [2 -1 0;

-1 2 0;

0 -1 2]

herminitian Matrix


skew herminitian

A^T= -A

orthagonal matrix


if the entries in a matrix above the main diagonal are zero the matrix is called

lower triangular

if the entries in a matrix below the main diagonal are all zero the matrix is called

an upper triangular

a square matrix is a called ________________ if it is invertable


a matrix that is not invertible is called a ______________

singular matrix

any of a number of results about linear operators or matrices

spectral theorem

_________________ for an inner product space V with finite dimension is a basis of V whose vectors are orthonormal, that is, they are all unit vectors and orthogonal to each other

orthonormal basis

a collection of objects called vectors which may be added together and multiplied by numbers called scalars

vector space

for every _____________ there exists a ______

vector space there exists a basis

the ________________ of a vector space V is the number of vectors of a basis of V


a set of vectors are linearly independent iff

all the coefficients in the a1x1 + a2x2 + ... +anxn=0 equals 0

this is a function that assigns a strictly positive length or size to each vector in a vector space


the p-norm is equal to

for a matrix norm ||A|| is

greater than or equal to 0

||A||=0 iff


||oA|| =

|o|||A|| where o is a scaler

||A+B|| ________||A|| + ||B||

less than or equal to

for all square matrices ||AB|| ____||A|| ||B||

less than or equal to

a factorization of a real or complex matrix and is the generalization of the eigendecompostion of a positive semidefinite normal matrix

Singular Value Decomposition

The uses of singular value decomposition

signal processing and statistics, determination of the rank, range, and null space of a matrix

a faster more economical computation of SVD

reduced version of SVD

If n<

QR decomposition

a decomposition of a matrix A into a product A=QR where Q =______ and R=_______

Q=orthogonal matrix and R is a upper triangular matrix

the rank of A is equal to the rank of

the transpose of A

the SVD can be useful because it can find the ______ of a matrix

the rank

lower triangular matrices can be solved by

forward substitution

upper triangular matrices can be solved by

backward substitution

_________ is the matrix form of Gaussian Elimination

LU decomposition

systems of linear equations are often solved by the

LU decomposition

any square matrix has a

LUP factorization

any matrix that is invertible, has a ________ factorization iff its leading principle minors are nonzero


computing the LU decomposition requires how many steps


It is faster and more efficient to compute the LU decomposition of a matrix A once and then solve the triangular matrices for the different b rather than performing

Gaussian Elimination

Once you have PA=LU you can use forward and backward substitution on the equations

Ly=Pb and then Ux=y

The advantage of LU decompostion over QR Decompostion

LU is approximately 2(n^3)/3 steps and QR is approximately 4(n^3)/3 (LU IS TWICE AS FAST)

a square binary matrix that has exactly one entry of 1 in each row and each column and 0's elsewhere

permutation matrix

the dimension of a rowspace is called ________

the rank of the matrix

elementary row operations have no effect on __________

the rowspace of the matrix

when a matrix is in rref the non zero rows are

linearly independent

the rank of the matrix is equal to _________ in rref

number of non zero rows

the rank of a matrix plus the dimension is equal to

the number of columns

in a matrix if the rows are linearly independent then the rank is equal to

the amount of linearly independent rows

the column space is key to

existence of solutions

the nullspace is the key to existence of


in general is the rank is equal to the nullspace

the null(A) is equal to the zero vector and the solution to Ax=b (if there is one) is unique

fewer equations than unknowns (r

undetermined system (Infinitely many solutions)

same number of equations as unknowns

possibly one unique solution

more equations than unknowns

no solution

the row space is ___________ to the nullspace


the column space is ___________ to the left nullspace


a matrix A is non singular iff

i) A^-1 exists

ii) R(A)=R^n (dimR(A)=n)

iii) N(A)=0(vec)

iv) no zero eigenvalues

if the rank of matrix A is equal to the num of rows and columns then

the solution is unique

if the rank is equal to the num of rows and less than the num of columns (norm >rows)

there is an infinite amount of solutions

if the rank is less than the number of rows and equal to the number of columns then

there is 0 solutions if rows>col and 1 solution if N(A)=0

if rank is less than both rows and columns then Ax=b has

zero solutions

one key applications of the SVD is

the construction of low rank approximations to a matrix

In a square matrix:

if the rank is = the number of rows and col

there is a unique solution

In a square matrix:

if the rank is less than the num of rows or columns then

there are infinite solutions

If there are more equations than unknowns then

there is no solution

the instability in the guass elimination method could be solved by

permuting the order of the rows by pivoting

the pivot is choosen by

the largest absolute value in a subdiagonal entry in the column

Gauss Elimination and Gauss Elimination Partial Pivoting is a

direct method

Iterative methods for Ax=b approximate solutions of a linear equation and find solutions that

converge to an exact solution

two types of iterative methods

i) classical

ii) minimization algorithms

if a matrix is _____________ then the Jacobi method converges for any initial guess x(0)

strictly diagonally dominant

classical iterative methods take advantage of the decomposition


three types of iterative methods

Jacobian, Gauss Siegel, Successive over relaxation(SOR)

methods that give solutions after an amount of computation that can be specified in advance

direct methods

iterative method

starts from an approximation to the true solution and if successful obtain a better and better approximation from a computation cycle repeated as often as may be necessary for achieving required accuracy

If matrices have large main diagonal entries, we use which method

iterative methods

you would use what method if your matrix is sparse or with many zeros in it and why?

an iterative method because you wouldnt want to waste space storing zeros

a sufficient condition for convergence in the gauss seidel method is

||C||<1 where ||C|| = sqrt(sumj sumk cjk^2)

Why is the gauss seidal a method of successive corrections?

because for each component we successively replace an approximation of a component by a corresponding new approximation as soon as the latter has been computed

What is a simultaneous correction iteration method?

this is when no component of an approximation is used until ALL the components of x(m) have been computed (Jacobi iteration)

the important facotrs in judging the quality of a numeric method are

amont of storage

amount of time (number of operations)

effect of roundoff error

minimization algorithms

extremely useful techniques for solving large linear systems of equations

advantages/disadvantages of direct methods

they compute the exact solution but with high computational cost and (o(N^3)/3)

advantages/disadvantages of iterative methods

they converge to the exact solution with some tolerance they are faster with O(mn^2) but they are not garenteed to converge

pivoting in the gauss elimination is unnecessary with what kind of matrices

positive definite systems

why can direct methods be bad

direct methods could use a great deal of storage and perhaps computation time

why isnt jacobis method used

slowest iteration method

in the Succession over relaxation, the acceleration factor is used to

minimize the M0 and maximized the convergence rate