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100 Cards in this Set

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91. What are the somatomotor nuclei columns in the brainstem
a) Dorsomedial cell column – oculomotor, trochlear, abducens, hypoglossal (III, IV, VI, XII)
b) Ventrolateral cell column – trigeminal, facial, glossopharyngeal, vagus, accessory, (V, VII, IX, XI) (V, IX & X send
sensory fibres to spinal nucleus of V)
92. List the visceromotor (parasympathetic) nuclei of the cranial nerves
•Oculomotor n. (III) – Edinger-Westphal nucleus
•Facial n. (VII) – Superior Salivatory nucleus
•Glossopharyngeal n. (IX) – Inferior Salivatory nucleus
•Vagus n. (X) – dorsal motor nucleus of vagus, scattered neurons in the dorsolateral aspect of the ambiguous nucleus
93. Which type of motoneurons are located in the spinal cord, Define their target
a) Somatic motoneurons (alpha & gamma):
Alpha Target: extrafusal skeletal muscle fibres
Gamma Target: intrafusal muscle fibres within the muscle spindle
b) Autonomic preganglionic motoneurons
i. Target: peripheral autonomic ganglia
94. List nuclei involved in the movement of the eye
a) Oculomotor nucleus
b) Trochlear nucleus
c) Abducens nucleus
d) The interstitial nucleus of Cajal
e) Superior colliculus
95. List at least five descending pathways that are involved in the control of spinal motor functions
•Pyramidal tract
•Rubrospinal tract
•Reticulospinal tract
•Raphespinal tract
•Vestibulospinal tract
•Tectospinal tract
•Interstitiospinal tract
•Hypothalamospinal tract
•Solitarospinal tract
•Cerulospinal tract
•Medial longitudinal fascicle
96. Name brainstem nuclei that send descending fibres to the spinal motor apparatus
a) Medial and lateral vestibular nuclei
b) Reticular formation
c) Tectum of the mesencephalon
d) Red nucleus
e) Nucleus raphe magnus
f) Locus ceruleus
97. Name 3 nuclei in the diencephalon that participate in the regulation of somatomotor function
a) VA
b) VL
c) Subthalamic nuclei
d) Metathalamus
98. Name 3 nuclei (areas) in the telencephalon that participate in the regulation of somatomotor function
a) Caudate nucleus
b) Lentiform nucleus (putamen, globus pallidus)
c) Cerebral cortex
99. Define the term motor unit
A motor neuron with the innervated skeletal muscle fibres
100. List 3 muscles on the head whose motor neurons receive exclusively contralateral innervations from the pyramidaltract
a) Genioglossus
b) Levator labii superioris
c) Mentalis
"ג'ניה ולב גברים"
101. What are the differences between nuclear and supranuclear facial paralysis
a) Nuclear – paralyzes all muscles of facial expression ipsilaterally to the side of the lesion
b) Supranuclear – the voluntary eye closing and wrinkling of forehead is unaffected at both sides. The other muscles of
facial expression are paralyzed contralaterally to the side of the lesion
102. What is the difference between the a) fovea centralis and b) optic papilla in the retina
a) Fovea centralis has only cones, no rods and no blood vessels
b) Optic papilla has no photoreceptors (blind spot). The optic nerve radiates from here.
103. List the neurons of the retina
a) Rods & cones
b) Retinal ganglion cells
c) Bipolar cells
d) Amacrine cells
e) Horizontal cells
c,d,e = "bipolar american whore"
104. List the histological layers of the cornea
•Corneal epithelium - stratified squamous nonkeratinizing.
•Bowman's membrane.
•Substantia propria: stroma of cornea.
•Descemet's membrane.
•Corneal endothelium
105. Name the structures that are indicated by arrows on the drawing
1. Sclera,
2. Cornea,
3. Lens,
4. Iris,
5. Pupil,
6. Anterior chamber (Aqueous humor),
7. Posterior chamber,
8. Ciliary body,
9. Zonule,
10. Choroid,
11. Retina,
12. Vitreous body,
13. Optical nerve
106. List the refracting media of the eye in the antero-posterior direction
•Cornea, aqueous humor, lens, vitreous body.
107. What structure allows the active accommodation of the eye
•Ciliary muscle of the ciliary body.
108. Define the type of blindness that may be caused by a) tumors of the hypophysis b) swelling of the internal carotid artery by compressing the optic chiasm
a) Bitemporal hemianopsy
b) Nasal hemianopsy
109. List the nuclei in which the optic fibres terminate
a) Lateral geniculate body (LGB)
b) Pretectal area
c) Superior colliculus
d) Interstitial nucleus of Cajal
110. Name the muscles of contraction which cause a) elevation & b) extorsion of the eyeball
a) Rectus superior, superior oblique
b) Rectus inferior, inferior oblique
111. List the a.) external and b.) internal eye muscles and their innervation
•Superior oblique muscle - trochlear nerve.
•Inferior oblique muscle - oculomotor nerve,
•superior rectus muscle - oculomotor nerve,
•medial rectus muscle - oculomotor nerve,
•inferior rectus muscle - oculomotor nerve.
•lateral rectus muscle - abducens nerve.
•ciliary muscle and sphincter pupillae muscle - oculomotor nerve.
•dilator pupillae muscle - Long Ciliary nerve: Sympathetic (postganglionic) nerve originating from the superior cervical ganglion.
112. List the constituents of the visual pathways from the retina to the visual cortex
a) Ganglion cells
b) Optic nerve
c) Optic chiasm
d) Optic tract
e) Lateral geniculate body
f) Optic radiation
g) Primary visual cortex (Brodmann 17)
113. Give the neurons in the olfactory glomerulus (bulb)
a) Mitral cell
b) Periglomerular cell
c) Granular cell
d) Tufted cell
114. Name the structures forming the oval and round windows
a) Oval: foot-plate of stapes
b) Round: secondary tympanic membrane
115. What opens into the saccular part of the membranous labyrinth
•Semicircular canal
116. How do the semicircular ducts open into the utricle
•In one end, all of them open through a membranous ampulla. At the other end, the anterior and posterior semicircular
ducts open through the common membranous crus, meanwhile the lateral semicircular duct opens with its own
membranous crus.
117. Define the terms a) modiolus and b)helicotrema.
•Modiolus – the central cone-shaped core of spongy bone about which turns the spiral canal of the cochlea
•Helicotrema – a semilunar opening at the apex of the cochlea through which the scala vestibule and the scala
tympani of the cochlea communicate with each other.
118. List the structures that are located on the medial wall of the tympanic cavity!
•Prominence of the lateral semicircular canal,
•prominence of the facial canal,
•fenestra vestibuli (oval window) closed by
the base of the stapes,
•fenestra cochleae (round window),
• tympanic plexus.
• cochleariformis process,
119. List the connections of the tympanic cavity! Where do they lead to
•auditory tube - nasopharynx,
•tympanic canaliculus - fossula petrosa,
•opening of the canal of the lesser petrosal nerve - middle cranial fossa,
•mastoid antrum - mastoid air cells,
•canaliculus of the chorda tympani - facial canal,
•caroticotympanic canaliculi - carotid canal,
•petrotympanic fissure - external cranial base
120. Which nerves have a close topographic relation with the tympanic cavity
•Facial nerve, and its branches entering the tympanic cavity:
•Tympanic nerve
•chorda tympani,
•Caroticotympanic nerve
•Tensor tympani nerve
•stapedius nerve
121. Name the auditory ossicles and define their major parts!
•Malleus: head, neck, handle, lateral & anterior process.
•Incus: body, short & long crura.
•Stapes: head, ant. & post. crura, base of footplate.
122. Name the joints and the muscles of the auditory ossicles!
•Joints: incudomallear and incudostapedial.
•Tensor tympani, stapedius muscle.
123. Describe the major parts of the a) osseous and b) membranous labyrinth!
a) Anterior, posterior, & lateral semicircular canals,
b) - Semicircular ducts: (anterior, posterior, lateral), - - --utricle, -saccule, -utriculosaccular duct,
-cochlear duct,
-endolymphatic duct.
-ductus reuniens
124. Name the membranes that constitute the walls of the cochlear duct
•Upper or vestibular wall: vestibular membrane.
•Lower or tympanic wall: basilar membrane.
•Outer wall: stria vascularis.
125. Indicate the location of the a) auditory receptors, and b) vestibular receptors in the membranous labyrinth!
a) cochlear duct,
b) utricle, saccule, ampullae of the semicircular ducts.
126. List the cell types that comprise the organ of Corti.
•Inner and outer hair cells,
• inner and outer phalangeal cells
• inner and outer pillar cells,
• other supporting cells
127. Where are the neurons that innervate the a) organ of Corti b) crista ampullaris located
a) In the spiral canal of the modiolus: spiral ganglion.
b) In the internal acoustic meatus: ganglion of vestibular nerve.
128. Where is the inlet and outlet of the a) aqueduct of the vestibule and b) aqueduct of the cochlea
a) Inlet: below elliptical recess.
Outlet: Endolymphatic Sac (posterior surface of pyramid).
b) Inlet: scala tympani.
Outlet: near petrous fossa (inferior surface of
129. What structures make the reticular lamina of Corti and what is its function
•Made by tight junctions between the apical part of the cells (hair cells & supporting cells) of the Organ of Corti
•Function: mechanical support, barrier
130. What is the direction of the axis of the a) macula of the utricle and macula of the saccule, b) What is the position of the kinocilium of the hair cells in the utricle and in the saccule
a) Macule of utricle lies in the horizontal plane. Macula of saccule lies in the vertical plane.
b) The kinocilium is always located on one side of the hair cell
131. What kind of movements of the stereocilia of the hair cells result in a) depolarization and b) hyperpolarization of the hair cells
a) Towards the kinocilium
b) Away from the kinocilium
132. What is the position of the kinocilium of hair cells in the crista ampullaris of the semicircular ducts
•Lateral semicircular duct– towards the utricle
•Anterior & posterior semicircular ducts – away from the utricle
133. Name the receptor organs which detect linear acceleration and gravity in the inner ear! List also the cell types and other structure that comprise these organs!
•Macula utriculi and sacculi
•hair cells and supporting cells
•Otolith membrane
134. Name the receptor organs which detect angular acceleration. List also the cell types and other structure that comprise these organs.
•Crista ampullaris.
•Sustentacular and hair cells.
135. Name 2 CNS structures getting afferent fibres from the lateral vestibular nuclei.
a) Cerebellum
b) Spinal cord
136. Name 2 nuclei of the CNS where centrifugal fibres terminating in the olfactory bulb arise.
a) Primary olfactory cortex
b) Lateral hypothalamus
137. List the cortical projection areas of the olfactory tract.
a) Amygdaloid nucleus
b) Limen insulae
c) Primary olfactory cortex in the temporal and frontal lobes
138. What is the location of the cell bodies in the preganglionic a) sympathetic and b) parasympathetic fibres of the kidney
a) Lesser & Least Splanchnic nerves T10-T12,
rexed lamina 7
b) Dorsal motor nucleus of vagus
139. What is the location of the nuclei of the brain & spinal cord in which the cell bodies of the preganglionic sympathetic & parasympathetic fibres of the a) heart and b) stomach
a) Heart – sympathetic T1-T5 rexed lamina 7,
- parasympathetic (dorsal motor nucleus of
vagus and dorsolateral to nucleus ambiguous)

b) Stomach – sympathetic T6-T12 (rexed lamina 7),
- parasympathetic (dorsal motor nucleus
of vagus)
140. List the parasympathetic (visceromotor) nuclei of the brainstem.
•Edinger-Westphal nucleus (III)
•Superior salivatory nucleus (VII)
•Inferior salivatory nucleus (IX)
•Dorsal parasympathetic nucleus of vagus (X)
141. Name of nuclei of the brain and spinal cord in which preganglionic parasympathetic neurons innervating the a)
parotid gland b) rectum & c) lung are located.
a) Parotid gland – inferior salivatory nucleus
b) Rectum – Lateral horn of the sacral spinal cord
c) Lung – in the medulla, dorsolateral to the nucleus ambiguous
142. Where is the spiral ganglion located and what kind of cells can be found in it
•Located in the spiral canal of Modiolus
•Type 1 ganglionic cells innervate inner hair cells
•Type 2 ganglionic cells innervate outer hair cells
143. List 3 prevertebral ganglia.
a) Celiac ganglion
b) Superior mesenteric ganglion
c) Inferior mesenteric ganglion
•Same branches as abdominal aorta
144. Name 3 peripheral nerves from parasympathetic nuclei of the brainstem.
a) From facial n. (VII), Greater petrosal nerve – terminates at pterygopalatine ganglion
b) From facial n. (VII), Chorda Tympani nerve – terminates at submandibular ganglion
c) From glossopharyngeal n. (IX), lesser petrosal nerve – terminates at otic ganglion
145. Describe the possible course of preganglionic sympathetic fibres having reached the sympathetic trunk.
•Run through the paravertebral ganglia (splanchnic nerves) and synapse in one of the prevertebral ganglia (celiac,
superior and inferior mesenteric ganglia)
•Pass up and down the sympathetic trunk before establishing contacts with postganglionic neurons at cervical,
thoracic and lumbar levels of the ganglia of the sympathetic trunk.
•Establish synaptic contacts with postganglionic neurons in the paravertebral ganglia at the level of entrance
146. List those areas of the central nervous system where the sympathetic and parasympathetic preganglionic neurons are located!
a) Sympathetic:
i. lateral horn of the spinal cord at T1-L2-3 segments.
b) Parasympathetic:
i. lateral horn of the spinal cord at S2-4 segments.
c) Brain stem:
i. mesencephalon - Edinger- Westphal nucleus
ii. pons - sup. salivatory nucleus
f) Medulla oblongata:
•inf. salivatory nucleus
•dorsal nucleus of vagus
•scattered cells dorsolaterally to the nucleus ambiguous
147. List the parasympathetic ganglia on the head! Name the nerves that carry preganglionic fibers to and postganglionic fibers from them!
•Ciliary ganglion: Pre.: oculomotor nerve, post.: short ciliary nerve.
•Sphenopalatine ganglion: Pre.: greater petrosal nerve. Post.: from zygomatic nerve to lacrimal nerve, posterior nasal
nerves, greater and lesser palatine nerves.
•Submandibular ganglion: Pre.: chorda tympani. Post.: lingual nerve.
•Otic ganglion: Pre.: lesser petrosal nerve. Post.: auriculotemporal nerve.
148. List the peripheral parasympathetic ganglia on the head, and the organs that are innervated by postganglionic fibers arising from these ganglia!
•Ciliary ganglion. Sphincter pupillae, ciliary muscle.
•Sphenopalatine ganglion: lacrimal gland, salivary glands in the nasal and oral cavities.
•Submandibular ganglion: Submandibular and sublingual glands.
•Otic ganglion: parotid gland.
149. What are the exceptions to the usual direct termination of postganglionic fibres on target organs
a) Enteric nervous system (submucosal, myenteric plexuses)
b) Autonomic innervations of the heart (end on SA)
150. How do the preganglionic sympathetic fibres reach the cervical ganglia
The preganglionic sympathetic motoneurons are located in the lateral horn of the spinal cord at the level of the thoracic
segments 1-5. The axons of the neurons leave the spinal cord through the ventral root and passes through the white
communicating rami to the thoracic part of the sympathetic trunk. Then they ascend in the trunk and reach the cervical ganglia.
151. What is the Stellate ganglion
The cervicothoracic ganglion. The fusion of the 1st thoracic and inferior cervical paravertebral sympathetic ganglia.
152. Give the fibres or nuclei participating in the “ring of Papez”.
a) Hippocampus
b) Fimbriae hippocampus
c) Fornix
d) Mammilary body
e) Mammilothalamic tract
f) Anterior nuclei of thalamus
g) Cingulate gyrus
153. What are the parts of the limbic system
a) Hippocampus
b) Parahippocampal gyrus
c) Dentate gyrus
d) Cingulate gyrus
e) Amygdala
f) Mamillary body
g) Subcalusal area
h) Septum Pellucidum
154. Name the afferent pathways of the limbic system
•Medial forebrain bundle (in the lateral zone of the hypothalamus)
•Olfactory pathway
155. List the parts of the hippocampal formation.
a) Hippocampus
b) Parahippocampal gyrus
c) Dentate gyrus
d) Subiculum
156. What are the 4 main divisions of the hypothalamus
a) Preoptic area
i. Medial preoptic (GNRH), lateral preoptic
b) Lateral zone
i. Medial forebrain bundle
c) Medial zone (most of the nuclei)
i. Supraoptic region
1. Supraoptic, paraventricular nuclei
2. ADH, Oxytocin
ii. Tuberal (medial) region
1. Ventromedial, dorsomedial, arcuate nuclei
2. All major activation and inhibiting factors
iii. Mamillary region
1. Mamillary nuclei
2. Connected to the limbic system (fornix)
d) Periventricular zone
157. List the functional divisions of the hypothalamus.
a) Posterolateral hypothalamus – sympathetic-like activities
b) Anteromedial hypothalamus – parasympathetic-like activities
158. What are the afferent pathways of the hypothalamus
a) Fornix
b) Stria terminalis
c) Medial forebrain bundle
d) Thalamo-hypothalamic tract
e) Cortico-hypothalamic tract
f) Retino-hypothalamic tract (SCN)
159. List the efferent pathways of the hypothalamus.
a) Hypothalamus-hypophyseal (tubero-infundibular)
b) Mammilothalamic fascicle
c) Dorsal longitudinal fascicle
d) Hypothalamobulbar
e) Hypothalamospinal
•The last 3 are descending
160. List the magnocellular neurosecretory nuclei of the hypothalamus. Name also the hormones they produce.
a) Supraoptic nucleus – ADH or Vasopressin,
b) Paraventricular nucleus - Oxytocin
161. List the parvocellular neurosecretory nuclei of the hypothalamus! Name also the hormones that they produce!
a) Infundibular (arcuate) nucleus, ventromedial nucleus, dorsomedial. nucleus.

b) Products:
•Releasing factors:
1. CRF( corticotropin-releasing factor)
2. LHRH( luteinizing hormone releasing hormone)
3. MSH-RH (melanocyte-stimulating hormone releasing hormone)
4. FRH(follicle-stimulating hormone releasing hormone)
5. TRH (thyrotropin-releasing hormone)
6. PRH (prolactin releasing hormone)
7. GRH (growth hormone releasing hormone)

•Inhibiting factors.
162. Name the components of the basal ganglia.
a) Caudate nucleus
b) Acumbens Nucleus
c) Lentiform nucleus (putamen, globus pallidus)
e) Subthalamic nucleus
f) Substantia nigra
163. What constitutes the basal ganglia system/apparatus
a) All components of the basal ganglia +
b) Thalamus (VA, VL)
c) Cerebral cortex
164. List the efferent pathways of the pallidum.
a) Ansa lenticularis (to the thalamus)
b) Lenticular fasciculus (to the thalamus)
c) Both go to VA/VL and/or subthalamic nuclei
d) Both use GABA
165. Name the structures that are referred to as a) neostriatum b) paleostriatum c) archistriatum
a) Caudate nucleus, putamen
b) Globus pallidus
c) Amygdaloid nuclear complex
166. What structures constitute the corpus striatum
•Caudate nucleus, putamen
167. List the defects in the basal ganglia system.
a) Parkinson’s disease – death of dopaminergic neurons in the substantia nigra, overexcitation of the striatum
b) Huntington’s disease – degeneration of GABAergic neurons in the striatum
168. Name the a) serotonergic b) noradrenergic c) dopaminergic nuclei of the brainstem
a) Raphe magnus nucleus, raphe dorsalis nucleus
b) Locus ceruleus
c) Substantia nigra
169. What is the effect of the activation of catecholaminergic receptors on a) the level of wakefulness b) spinal sensory neurons c) sexual behavior
a) Excitation
b) Inhibition
c) Excitation
170. List the nuclei in the telencephalon where serotonergic fibres arising from the brainstem terminate.?
a) Amygdaloid body
b) Basal ganglia
c) Cingulate gyrus
d) Hippocampus
171. Name the divisions of the reticular formation.
a) Median group (nucleus raphe)
i. Dorsal raphe (goes to neostriatum )
ii. Raphe magnus (goes to spinal cord)
b) Medial group
c) Lateral group
i. Substantia nigra – dopamine
ii. Locus ceruleus – norepinephrine
172. Distribution of biogenic amines in the reticular formation.
a) Serotonergic
i. Median and paramedian reticular formation
ii. Dorsal raphe and raphe magnus
iii. All over the brainstem
b) Noradrenergic
i. Lateral reticular formation
ii. Locus ceruleus
iii. Pons & medulla only
c) Dopaminergic
i. Lateral reticular formation
ii. Substantia nigra
iii. Mesencephalon & up (hypothalamus)
173. List the projections of serotonergic nuclei.
a) Descending to the spinal cord
b) Descending to the cerebellum (arborize diffusely in both molecular and granular layer)
c) Ascending to the thalamus, striatum, cortex, amygdale, hippocampus & hypothalamus
174. Where are the serotonergic nuclei located in the brainstem?
List also their main efferent pathways.
•They are located within the median and paramedian zone of the reticular formation of the medulla oblongata, pons and
•Efferent: descending pathway to the spinal cord, cerebellar pathway, ascending pathway to the cerebral cortex, limbic
system, neostriatum & diencephalon
175. List the projections of noradrenergic nuclei.
a) Ascending is similar to serotonin only with the basal ganglia
b) Descending to the spinal cord
c) Descending to the cerebellum
176. Where are the noradrenergic cell groups located in the brainstem, List also their main efferent pathways.?
•in the lateral zone of the reticular formation at the level of the medulla oblongata and pons
•Efferents: descending pathway to the spinal cord, cerebellar pathway ascending pathway to the cerebral cortex, limbic system & diencephalon
177. List the projections of dopaminergic nuclei.
a) Nigrostriatal tract
b) Mesolimbic & mesocortical tract (limbic)
c) Tubero-infundibular tract
178. List the efferent pathways of the dopaminergic cell groups.
•TuberoInfundibular dopaminergic system
•Mesolimbic dopaminergic system
•Nigrostriatal dopaminergic system
(TI.M.N תימן)
179. Describe adrenergic receptor activity.
•Only α1 is excitatory !! (as said by ANTAL!)
180. Name the anatomically and histologically distinct parts of the pituitary gland.
•Adenohypophysis – pars distalis, pars infundibularis, pars intermedia
•Neurohypophysis – infundibular stem, pars nervosa
181. List the characteristic cell types of the pars distalis of the pituitary gland. Name also the hormones they produce.
1. Chromophils
a. Acidophils
i. Somatotrope cells – somatotropin (growth hormone, GH)
ii. Mammotrope cells – prolactin (PR)
b. Basophils
i. Thyrotrope cells – thyrotropin (TSH)
ii. Corticotrope cells – adrenocorticotropic hormone (ACTH), melanocyte-stimulating hormone
iii. Gonadotrope cells – follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH), luteinizing hormone (LH)
2. Chromophobes
182. Name the hormones produced in the basophilic cells of the adenohypophysis (anterior pituitary).
a) TSH
b) MSH
d) FSH
e) LH
183. List the hormones secreted by the adenohypophysis. Classify them according to their chemical nature.
a) Protein hormones – somatotropin, prolactin
b) Glycoprotein hormones – LH, FSH, TSH
c) Peptide hormones – ACTH, MSH, LPH
184. By which way do the hypothalamic hormones reach the adenohypophysis
The hypothalamic hormones are produced by the neurosecretory cells of the arcuate, ventromedial and dorsomedial
nuclei. The hormones are carried by axonal transport through the axons of the tuberoinfundibular tract and discharged
into the capillary loops in the median eminence. The hormones are then transported through the hypophyseal portal veins
to a second capillary net in the anterior lobe, where they influence the secretion of the various adenohypophyseal
185. Explain the portal circulation and how it influences the hypophysis.
Hormones are carried by AXONPLASMIC TRANSPORT,
then discharged into the PERIVASCULAR spaces surrounding the PORTAL CAPILLARIES, which unite to form PORTAL VEINS, which open into VASCULAR SINUSES in the ADENOHYPOPHYSIS.
186. List the tissue layers of the suprarenal gland. Name also the hormones produced by the cells in the distinct tissue layers.
•Zona glomerulosa – mineralocorticoids (aldodosterone)
•Zona fasciculata – glucocorticoids (cortisol)
•Zona reticularis – gonadocorticoids (some glucocorticoids)
187. What are the a) origin, b) the name and c) the hormonal products of the cells constituting the suprarenal medulla
a) neural crest
b) chromaffin cells
c) epinephrine, norepinephrine
188. Define the structural unit of the thyroid gland and describe its microscopic structure!
•The Follicle is the structural unit of the thyroid gland. The follicle is a spherical compartment.
The wall is made of simple cuboidal epithelium.
The lumen is filled with a gel-like mass called Colloid.
189. List the cell types of the thyroid gland that produce hormones. Name also the hormones that are produced by these cells.
•Follicular cells – T3 (triiodothyronine), T4 (thyroxin)
•Parafollicular (C) cell – Calcitonin
190. What kind of new mechanism was described about the regulation of circadian rhythm in the nucleus suprachiasmaticus of mice
The CLOCK protein forms a heterodimer with another protein (BMAL-1). This can bind to the promoter of the Per genes
(Per 1-3) and activate their transcription. The formed Per proteins are phosphorylated by a kinase and these will inhibit
the heterodimerization of the CLOCK protein.