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30 Cards in this Set

  • Front
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Buen Trabajo!
Good job!
Cuanto me alegro (por ud/ti)
I'm very happy (for you)
Enhorabuena / Felicidades / Felicitaciones!
Hay que celebrarlo!
We have to celebrate!
Lo lograste
you made it
Que lo disfrute(s)!
Enjoy it!
Se lo merece
you deserve it
te lo ganaste
you earned it
lo felicito
congratulations (to you)
Cuanto lo siento
I'm so sorry
Lo siento mucho
I'm very sorry
Te acompano en el sentimiento
I sympathize with you
Mi sentido pesame
My deepest sympathy.
Pobre / Pobrecita!
Poor thing!
Que pena!
How sad!
Que lastima
What a pity!
Le acompano en su dolor
I share your pain
Cheer up!
Cuenta conmigo
count on me
Echa pa'lante!
Hng in there!
Estoy a tu disposicion!
I am at your service!
No te desanimes! / No te amilanes!
Don't get discouraged!
No te des por vencido!
Don't give up!
Vas a salir adelante!
You're going to make it!
A mal tiempo buena cara
Grin and bear it.
Cuando Dios cierra una puerta, abre una ventana.
Every cloud has a silver lining.
Manana sera otro dia
Tomorrow's another day
Naciste de pie
You were born lucky
No hay mal que dure cien anos ni cuerpo que lo resista
There's no evil that lasts forever
Te salista con la tuya
You had your own way