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69 Cards in this Set

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Vitamin A,D,E,K are what kind of vitamin?
Fat soluable
Vitamin C, B6, B12, Niacin, Thiamine, Pantothenic Acid, Riboflavin, Folicin are what kinds of vitamins?
Normal structure of bones and teeth
Maintenance of skin and mucous membranes
Makes retina adapt to dim light
Vitamin A
Liver, whole milk, meat, poultry, cream, butter, egg yolk, cheese, carrots, sweet potatoes, cantaloupe, apricots (dark green veggies and deep yellow veggies)
Vitamin A
What deficiency causes:
Night blindness
Keratinized skin
Vitamin A
What vitamin aids in absorption of Calcium and phosphorus
promotes mineralization of bones and teeth
regulates the normal level of calcium
Vitamin D
what vitamin in fortified milk and UV light?
vitamin D
What vitamin acts as antioxidant and prevents oxidation of Vitamin A in intestine
Reduces oxidation of polyunsaturation fatty acids to maintain normal cell membrane
Protects RBC against hemolysis
Vitamin E
What vitamin in veggies oils, shortening, whole-grain cereals, legumes-nuts, spinach, kale(dark green leafy veggies)
Vitamin E
Deficiencies of this vitamin causes exaggerated and unproven claims of tx of diseases?
vitamin E
What vitamin aids in formation of Prothrombin?
Vitamin K
What vitamin is in spinach- kale (dark green leafy veggies)?
Vitamin K
Deficiencies of this vitamin cause: tendency to hemorrhage
vitamin K
Ascorbic Acid is aka?
vitamin c
This vitamin is essential for formation of collagen
improves absorption of iron from intestines
aid in conversion of cholesterol to bile acids
reduces the oxidation of vitamins a & e and polyunsaturated fatty acids
helps in the metabolism of amino acids
vitamin C
What vitamin is in: oranges- grapefruits, lemons, cantaloupe, strawberries, tomatoes, broccoli, potatoes (dark green leaft veggies)?
vitamin C
Scurvy develops when there is a deficiency of what vitamin?
vitamin c
What vitamin assists in breakdown of glucose
maintains healthy nerves, good mental outlook, normal apppetite, good digestion
aids in formation of sugar essential in DNA & RNA
Thiamine (B1)
Foods like pork, liver, dried beans, peas, peanuts, peanut butter & eggs, poultry, enriches and whole-grain breads and cereals have what vitamin in common?
Fatigue, poor appetite, mental Beriberi, found with alcoholism is present when this vitamin is low?
This vitamin helps with healthy skin, good vision, necessary in breakdown of glucose to energy
Cheilosis (cracking of skin at corners of lips), redness, burning & itching of eyes, light sensitivity is caused when what vitamin deficient?
What vitamin aids in breakdown of glucose to energy, healthy skin, normal digestion, maintenance of nerbous system?
Precursor of niacin is?
Tryptophan (protein)
Meat, poultry, liver, milk, cheese, eggs, fish, dark green leafy beggies, whole grain breads and cereals have what vitamin in particular?
What deficiency causes 4 D's (diarrhea, dementia, dermatitis, and death)?
What vitamin helps with systhesis and breakdown of amino acids
conversion of tryptophan to niacin
production of antibodies
formation of heme in hemoglobin
formation of hormones important in brain function?
Vitamin B6
Meat, liver, whole grain cereals, soybeans, peanuts, potatoes are food sources of what vitamin?
GI upsets, weak gait, irritability, nervousness, convulsions are signs of this vitamin deficiency?
vitamin B6
Vitamin required for maturation of RBC in bone marrow, synthesis of proteins, metabolism of nervous tissue?
Vitamin B12
Milk, eggs, cheese, meat, fish, poultry are sources of what vitamin?
Vitamin B12
Lack of B12 causes?
pernicious anemia, macrocytic anemia, neurologic degeneration
This vitamin is needed for formation of DNA & heme in RBC
Metabolism of amino acids
Folacin (folic acid)
Dark green leafy veggies, liver, meat, poultry, fish, whole grain cereals are good examples of what vitamin?
Folic Acid
Macrocytic anemia, sore mouth, diarrhea are caused by what vitamin deficiency?
Folic Acid
This vitamin helps in the metabolism of carbs, fats and amino acids
Food sources of this vitamin are liver, egg yolk, legumes, nuts
This vitamin is in meat, whole grain cereals, legumes, milk, fruits, veggies
Panthenic Acid
Vitamin C, B6, 12, pantothenic acid, folic acid, niacin, thiamin, riboflavin, biotin are what kind of vitamin?
water soluable
Which step in pain pathway is the one of initial tissue damage where biochemical mediators (bradykinin, protaglandins, serotonin, histamine, substance P) are released?
Transduction phase
Meds that work in transduction phase because they block protaglandin?
by decreasing the movement of ions across the cell membrane=
by depleting accumulation of substance P
ibuprofen or ASA
topical anethetics
Transmit of impulses to the spinal cord via the spinothalmic tract to the thalmus- thalmus to cerebral cortex
Transmission phase
What blocks neurotransmitters, esp sub P which stops pain at spinal level?
What theory says that more stressed = increased sensitivity to pain
Gate control theory
Descending fibers release substances such as endogenous opiods, serotonin etc to inhibit the ascending painful impulses in this phase
body's natural pain meds
Perception of pain is in the .......
cerebral cortex
Type of pain that has sudden onset, lasts < 3-6 mths, well identified self limiting, likely to be resolved
acute pain
Type of pain that has insidious onset, last longer than 6 mths, pain areas not well identified, complete relief unlikely
chronic pain
Vitals q2h, monitor IV, monitor I & esp O, ambulate with caution, watch for constipation with........
PCA pump
Cerebral cortex depresses perception of pain, thalamus prevents impulses from reaching cerebral cortex, cerebellum (unsteady gait), Medulla depresses vs (esp. resp) during.......
cns depression
antiemetic usually ordered with what drug?
What depresses CNS, elevates pain threshold, causes "high", has a sedative effect?
Raw opium is...
morphine, hydromophone (delaudid), codeine
(no ceiling on these)
semi-synthetic narcotic with either tylenol or ASA added to it
percodan (ASA)
percocet (tylenol)
Synthetic narcotic with no ceiling.....
demerol, darvon
Respiratory depression, drowsiness, dizziness, confusion, headache, sedation, euphoria, orthostatic hypotension, N/V, constipation, urinary retention, unsteady gait are side effects of.....
Assessment of pt includes___________ on narcotics?
Vital, I & O (retention, BM)
Assist w/ ambulation, side rails while in bed and night light
Respirations < 12, contricted pupils and decreased loc, decreased decision making process .......
overdose and notify dr.
treatment of narcotic overdose is?
narcan because of it's side effects of hyperventilation, hypertension, tachycardia
other names for morphine are?
duramorph, ms contin, roxanol
IV 2.5-10 mg diluted in 4-5 ml of H20 for injection over 5 minutes
PO 10-30 mg q4h
what drug?
25-100mcg patch that is changed q 72 hrs
fentanyl patch
PO/SQ/IM 50-150 mg q3-4hr is what drug
demerol (meperidine)
PO q 4-6 hrs prn is what med?
oxycodone (oxycontin)
percodan has ASA
percocet has tylenol
know about this that you take po, 1-2 tabs q4h, all forms have acetaminophin in it
has a ceiling amt then
least likely narcotics to become addicting
darvon and darvocet
generic name propoxyphene for?
Dosage is .4mg-2mg IV at 2-3 min intervals for 2 or 3 doses then 1-2 hrs prn
These non-opiods have a ceiling due to liver toxicity....
ASA,Acetaminophen, NSAIDs