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362 Cards in this Set

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3 causes of aminotransferase values > 5000
Acetaminophen toxicity
Hepatic ischemia
Unusual viruses (e.g. HSV)
Distinguishing pseudoachalasia from achalasia
In adenocarcinoma, there is resistance to the scope passing thru the GEJ
Asymptomatic indirect hyperbilirubinemia with normal Hb and otherwise normal LFTs
3 cirrhosis-like changes that are normal in pregnancy
Increased alk phos
Spider angiomata
Palmar erythema
Pain with internal rotation of the hip
Obturator sign
The obturator sign is associated with ?
Pelvic appendix
Pain in the right lower quadrant with extension of the right hip
Iliopsoas sign
The iliopsoas sign is associated with?
Retrocecal appendix
Red flags for alternative to IBS diagnosis
Weight loss
Nocturnal awakening
Fever, onset >50yo, recent antibiotic use, FH of colon cancer or IBD
Rx for IBS
Abdominal pain with leukocytosis, hyperkalemia, and metabolic acidosis
Acute mesenteric artery ischemia
3 most common causes of acute mesenteric artery ischemia
Mesenteric arterial embolism originating from the heart (often due to atrial fibrillation)

Mesenteric arterial thrombosis (due to atherosclerotic lesions)

Mesenteric venous thrombosis (usually in SMV)
Best diagnostic test for potential pancreatic carcinoma
Helical CT of the abdomen
(then an ERCP afterward)
Calcium supplementation may cause this GI problem
Two treatments for cholangitis
Empiric antibiotics

ERCP (must do as well, b/c of high mortality; may need to do ductal decompression)
Gall bladder wall thickening indicates
Acute cholecystitis
Total bilirubin >4.0 mg/dL, elevated aminotransferase levels, diminished consciousness or shock
Suspect acute cholangitis
Gallbladder disease associated with ulcerative colitis
Sclerosing cholangitis
Test for diagnosis and treatment of sclerosing cholangitis
Rx for gallstone pancreatitis
IVF, pain management, and laparoscopic cholecystectomy (due to high relapse rate)
Pretest odds (formula)
Pretest probability / 1- pretest prob
Post-test probability (formula)
Post-test odds/ Post-test odds + 1
A screening abdominal ultrasound is recommended to evaluate for ___ in men 65-79yo who are current or former smokers?
Best prophylactic measure against influenza for immunosuppresed pts?
Oseltamivir (pts can't respond to live or inactivated vaccine) + vaccination of all family members
Who should use the inactivated influenza vaccine vs. the live intranasal vaccine?
Elderly (>50yo), anyone with a chronic medical condition, pt on chronic corticosteroids, or pregnant
Systolic murmurs necessitate a TTE only when they are
Grade III or higher
How to differentiate vertebrobasilar TIA from carotid TIA?
Both have focal neurologic deficits, but vertegrobasilar usually has LOC, whereas carotid does not
Presyncopal symptoms of warmth, diaphoresis, and lightheadedness are consistent with
Neurocardiogenic syncope
Drug class contraindicated in cocaine-induced MI
Beta blockers
Should be used in place of beta blockers in cocaine-induced MI
Labetalol (both alpha and beta blocker)
Imaging modality of choice for potential spinal cord compression?
MRI (of the entire spine, not just suspect region)
Leg ischemia is likely if pt has ____ with exertion and an ankle:brachial index of ____ that ____ with exercise


Decreases (by at least 20%)
Best intervention in pts with peripheral artery disease
Smoking cessation

(Best medical intervention for symptoms: cilostazol)
Phosphodiesterase inhibitors are contraindicated in pts with
Heart disease
Gastric bypass surgery is recommended as an option for which pts?
patients with class III obesity, defined as those who have a Those with Class III obesity:

BMI of ≥40 who have been unable to maintain weight loss with exercise and diet with or without drug therapy, and have obesity-related comorbid conditions
Mechanism of orlistat
Lipase inhibitor
Mechanism of sibutramine
Appetite suppressant
Which is contraindicated in pts with HTN, orlistat or sibutramine?
Positive depression screening with what score on the Geriatric Depression Scale?
At least 2 out of 5
How to differentiate B12 and folate deficiency on lab testing
Folate: only homocysteine is elevated
B12: both homocysteine and methylmalonic acid are elevated
Other than hereditary spherocytosis, spherocytes are seen in this disease
Warm antibody autoimmune hemolytic anemia
Low/normal iron, low TIBC, and increased ferritin indicate
Anemia of chronic disease (i.e. inflammation)
Rx for TTP
Prolonged PTT time after previously normal tests indicates
Acquired Factor VIII inhibitor
3 associations with Factor VIII inhibitor development
Malignancies (esp lymphomas)
Autoimmune disorders
Postpartum setting.
How does a mixing study (aka inhibitor screen) differentiate between deficiency and inhibitor?
Deficiency: coagulopathy fixed when pt's serum mixed with normal serum

Inhibitor: coagulopathy not corrected
In pts with recurrent giardiasis and respiratory infections, suspect ____ and test ____
Common variable immunodeficiency

IgG levels
Malodorous vaginal discharge without irritation, pain, or itching
Bacterial vaginosis
Rx for bacterial vaginosis
Metronidazole or clindamycin
Frothy yellow green pruritic discharge
Trichomonas vaginalis
Cottage cheese discharge with inflammation, irritation, and no smell
Two symptoms that may accompany a drug fever
Noninfectious causes of SIRS
Trauma, pancreatitis, and severe burn
Which should be avoided in asthmatics, oseltamivir or zanamivir?
Zanamivir (can induce bronchospasm)
Rx for acute sinusitis
3- to 10-day course of a narrow-spectrum antibiotic (amox, Bactrim, doxy)
Pentad of TTP
Microangiopathic hemolytic anemia
Renal failure
Neurologic findings
What is the anion gap in multiple myeloma?
Low (e.g. around 3)
Maltese cross fat droplets of urine sediment under polarized light
Minimal change disease
C3 and C4 levels in SLE
Both low
Edema, hypoalbuminemia, hypercholesterolemia
Minimal change diseaes
Rx of hyperuricemia
Increased serum uric acid, potassium, and phosphorus concentrations
Tumor lysis syndrome
Obesity hypoventilation syndrome causes a? (respiratory or metabolic, acidosis or alkalosis)
Respiratory acidosis
4 diagnostic features of delirium
1) acute onset or fluctuations in mental status over24hrs
2) inattention
3) disorganization of thinking
4) altered LOC
What causes migraine or tension headaches to transform into chronic daily headache?
Excessive analgesic use
Rx for cluster headaches
5 diagnostic criteria for migraine headaches
POUND: pulsatile, one-day duration, unilateral, nausea or vomiting, and disabling
3 headache red flags
Age >50
Acute onset
Hx of malignancy
Fluctuating lethargy and inattention, hallucinations, and asterixis
Toxic encephalopathy (causing a dementia/ delirium picture)
Abrupt onset of dementia with subsequent improvement
Vascular dementia
Periventricular white matter ischemia on CT or MRI of the brain
Vascular dementia
Memantine is not useful in patients with this level of Alzheimer's dementia
Three cholinesterase inhibitors with efficacy in dementia
Rivastigmine, donezepil, galantamine
Rx for HSV encephalitis
Poor prognostic sign for neurologic recovery in herpes encephalitis
Abnormality in the temporal lobe (e.g., a hemorrhagic lesion) on imaging
Rx for restless leg syndrome
Dopamine agonist
Check this serum measurement before beginning pharma treatment for restless leg syndrome
Serum ferritin: correcting iron deficiency can alleviate symptoms
Hodgkin's lymphoma survivors who receive extended-field radiation therapy have a greatly increased risk for developing
Solid tumors (e.g. breast cancer in young women treated)
Alkylating-agent chemotherapy treatment increases the risk of
Best chance of cure for pts with cancer of head of pancreas?
Whipple procedure (pancreaticoduodenectomy)
Most common causes of malignant pericardial disease
Breast and lung cancers
Ab to HER2/Neu receptor
Rx for metastatic small cell lung cancer
Chemotherapy only (usually a platinum agent (cisplatin or carboplatin) and etoposide or irinotecan)
Are malignant pulmonary nodules generally spiculated or not, and calcified or not?
Spiculated, minimally calcified
Women at increased risk for breast cancer (>1.6% over next 5 years) can receive this therapy to decrease their risk
Rx for ulcerative colitis pt with low-grade dysplasia
Pain only on full elbow flexion
Olecranon bursitis
Extreme pain on passive joint motion
Acute crystalline or infectious synovitis
Pain and tenderness over the anteromedial aspect of the lower leg below the joint line of the knee
Anserine bursitis
Pain exacerbated by going down steps and by extended flexion at rest
Patellofemoral pain syndrome
Rx for patellofemoral pain syndrome
Difference in swelling patterns for ligamentous vs. meniscal injuries
Ligamentous: immediate swelling
Meniscal: swelling occurs over several hours
Twisting injury w/ popping or tearing sensation often felt, followed by severe pain, esp on walking (commonly up and down stairs)
Meniscal injury
Rx for knee sprain
RICE: rest, ice, compression, elevation
Knee radiograph indicated if pt has any of these features
1) >55yo
2) tenderness at head of fibula or patella
3) inability to flex to 90 or bear weight
Subacromial tenderness and impingement; pain when reading overhead and when lying on the shoulder
Rotator cuff tendonitis
Decreased ROM of shoulder from stiffness rather than pain or weakness
Adhesive capsulitis (aka frozen shoulder)
Postmenopausal women who use diuretics have an increased risk for
Tophaceous gout of the DIPs
Two drugs for long-term gout management and their mechanisms
Probenecid: uricosuric
Allopurinol: xanthine oxidase inhibitor
Two drugs for acute gout treatment
NSAIDs (preferred)
Colchicine (high toxicity; binds and stabilizes tubulin to prevent polymerization)
Target uric acid level for pts with recurrent gout
Abnormal LFTs, arthropathy, fatigue, impotence
Hereditary hemochromatosis
Morning joint pain lasting 15 minutes
Osteoarthritis! Only think RA if >30 minutes
Heberden's and Bouchard's nodes are on which joints and indicate?
DIP and PIP, respectively
Rx for osteoarthritis
Acetaminophen (NSAIDs have equal/ marginally better efficacy but more adverse effects)
Rx for refractory knee osteoarthritis
Intra-articular corticosteroid injections
Dermatomyositis, polymyositis, and inclusion-body myositis have an increased risk for
Ausculatory findings of COPD
Decreased breath sounds
Prolonged expiration
Chylothorax (drainage of lymphatic fluid into pleural space due to disruption/blockage of thoracic duct) is associated with
Malignancy (non-Hodgkin's lymphoma) or cardiothoracic procedures
Most common cause of hemothorax
Trauma (either blunt or penetrating, incl. iatrogenic)
Radiation-induced heart diseases
Myocardial fibrosis, constrictive pericarditis, early CAD, valve dysfunction
Increased JVP, fatigue, dyspnea, peripheral edema, ascites in a pt without CHF
Constrictive pericarditis
Which is more dangerous, primary or secondary pnuemothorax?
Secondary (there is already underlying lung disease)
Rx for secondary pneumothorax
Tube thoracostomy (chest tube placement)
Paradoxical abdominal motion on breathing, excessive decrease in FVC while supine, and poor inspiratory force
Neuromuscular respiratory failure
When is tube thoracostomy (chest tube drainage) indicated for a parapneumonic effusion, and why?
If pus or G+ pleural fluid is detected or if pleural pH is <7.0

They are complicated parapneumonic effusions, at risk for loculation
Size cutoff for a pleural effusion that requires thoracentesis?
>10 mm in height (on lateral decubitus CXR)
Pleural fluid erythrocyte count >100,000/uL indicates
Pleural malignancy (if not in the setting of trauma or pulmonary infarction)
These non-selective meds can cause asthma exacerbations
Beta blockers
Rx for beta-blocker induced bronchocontstriction
Ipratropium bromide (or atropine, glucagon, corticosteroids, etc.)
3 most common causes of chronic cough
Cough-variant asthma
Postnasal drip syndrome
Diagnosis of exercise-induced asthma?
Exercise challenge test; post-exercise spirometry showing >20% fall in FEV1
Rx for acute severe asthma
1) Systemic corticosteroids
2) Inhaled bronchodilators (anticholinergic and short-acting beta-agonist)
3) Magnesium sulfate (IV or inhaled) --> bronchodilation
4) Intubation
Rx for home treatment of asthma
1) short-acting beta agonist
2) inhaled corticosteroid
3) long-acting beta agonist
4) theophylline or leukotriene receptor antagonist
5) IgE Abs (if have elevated Ab levels)
Episodic flushing, decreased BP, increased HR
Carcinoid syndrome
Pheochromocytomas are improved with these drugs and worsened by these drugs
Beta-blockers (unless after adequate alpha blockade)
In ____, hyperreninemia can cause recurrent episodes of flash pulmonary edema
Renovascular HTN
Scleroderma pt w/ new onset HTN, increased Cr, decreased platelets, anemia, LE edema
Scleroderma renal crisis
Rx for scleroderma renal crisis?
Short-acting ACEIs, e.g. captopril (to counteract increased renin)
Alteplase is contraindicated in pts with what BP?
>185/ 110 (or an MAP >135)
What types and when should anticoagulation be used in ischemic stroke?
LMWH and antiplatelet agents, 24-48 hrs after alteplase
Test used for suspected subarachnoid hemorrhage in pt with normal head CT?
Lumbar puncture to look for xanthrochromia
3 types of events that can precede Guillain-Barre syndrome?
Infection, immunization, surgery
Rx of Guillain-Barre
IV Ig or plasmapheresis
Symmetric proximal and distal muscle weakness, decreased DTRs, and distal loss of vibration and position senses
Chronic inflammatory demyelinating polyneuropathy
Rx for chronic inflammatory demyelinating polyneuropathy
Immunosuppressants (steroids, IV Ig, plasmapheresis)
Preventive therapy for prostate cancer
Finasteride (5-alpha reductase inhibitor)
Lateral compression of this lesion will produce a depression, or dimple, that helps distinguish it
This skin lesion develops quickly and spontaneously resolves over 4-6mo
Migratory arthralgia in one inflamed joint and tenosynovitis (wrist or ankle) and/or tender necrotic pustules on an erythematous base, especially on the distal extremities
Gonococcal arthritis
Rx for septic arthritis
IV antibiotics (not oral b/c is a closed space, need penetration)

Daily drainage
How to differentiate diffuse and limited systemic sclerosis?
Location of skin thickening

Limited: distal to elbows & knees
Diffuse: proximal to elbows & knees
Positive findings on pathergy test (development of an erythematous papular or pustular lesion >5 mm 24 to 48 hours after skin prick by a needle)
Behçet's disease
Recurrent aphthous oral ulcers +/- recurrent genital ulcers, inflammatory eye disease, cutaneous lesions
Behçet's disease
Scalp tenderness, carotidynia, and jaw claudication
Giant cell arteritis
Acute onset of asymmetrical weakness and sensory loss associated with severe pain
Vasculitic neuropathy
Thyrotoxicosis, a nontender thyroid gland, absent radioiodine uptake, and no visualization of tracer on the thyroid scan
Rx for thyroiditis
Which hyperthyroid states cause increased radioiodine uptake vs. decreased?
Increased: Graves', toxic multinodular goiter, autonomous thyroid nodules

Suppressed: Sporadic, postpartum, or subacute thyroiditis
Differentiate bone mineral density in osteoporosis vs. osteopenia
<-2.5 in osteoporosis
Between -1 and -2.5 SD below the mean is osteopenia
Which calcium channel blocker can be used in heart failure?
Amlodipine (2nd generation): more vasoselective, less cardiodepressant

CanNOT use nifedipine, diltiazem, or verapamil (1st generation): cause a reactive increase in sympathetic vasodilation due to peripheral vasodilation and negative ionotropic effects
Tuberculin skin testing cut-offs
>15mm of induration
> 5mm if immunosuppressed, close contacts, or + CXR
> 10mm for immigrants, IVDU, HCWs, prisoners
Rx for outpatient CAP?
Macrolide or doxycycline
Rx for hospitalized CAP?
IV fluoroquinolone or
IV Beta-lactam + macrolide or doxy
Rx for ICU CAP?
IV Beta-lactam + macrolide or fluoroquinolone
Bronchiectasis is a risk factor for the development of what pneumonia?
Pseudomonas aeruginosa
IV drug use, soft S1, muffled S2, heart block
Aortic valve perforation and paravalvular abscess
Best drug for antibiotic prophylaxis before dental procedures?
Amoxicilllin 1 hr beforehand
Osteomyelitis in sickle cell disease: 3 causative agents and appropriate antibiotics
Staph, strep, salmonella
Vanc + ceftriaxone
Anti-TNF-alpha therapy (e.g. infliximab) increases the risk for what infection?
Reactivation TB
Bone xray showing marginal erosions and juxta-articular osteopenia
Rheumatoid arthritis
Rx for gonococcal arthritis
Empiric meningitis Rx, and the bugs they cover
Ceftrixone and vancomycin (for S. pneumoniae and N. meningitides)
Risk factors for Listeria meningitis
Immunosuppression, extreme ages, alcoholism, malignancy, DM, hepatic failure, renal failure, iron overload, collagen vascular disorders, HIV
Intracerebral hemorrhage w/ subarachnoid hemorrhage is the hallmark of a
Ruptured arteriovenous malformation
Contralateral visual field deficit is due to a stroke in which artery?
Posterior cerebral artery
Contralateral leg weakness is due to a stroke in which artery?
Anterior cerebral artery
Contralateral arm>leg weakness, sensory loss, visual field deficit and aphasia or hemi-neglect is due to a stroke in which artery?
Middle cerebral artery
Left MCA stroke causes ___ vs. right MCA stroke, which causes ____?
Aphasia from left, hemi-neglect from right
Horner's syndrome, dysarthria, dysphagia, and alternating signs (contralateral body, ipsilateral face) is due to a stroke in which artery?
Vertebral artery (brainstem lesion)
Rx for ischemic stroke pts outside of the tPA window?
Major contributor to progression to ESRD
Uncontrolled HTN
Elevated leukocyte count and increased numbers of granulocytic cells in all phases of development
Increased leukocyte count and increased numbers of mature lymphocytes and “smudge” cells (lymphocytes that appear flattened or distorted)
Elevated leukocyte count, anemia, thrombocytopenia, and blasts
CAD equivalents for lipid goals
CAD, PAD, AAA, DM, Framingham score >20%
Mechanism of hypercalcemia in sarcoidosis
PTH-independent extrarenal production of 1,25-dihydroxyvitamin D3 by activated macrophages in the lungs and lymph nodes, which results in excess calcium absorption from the gut leading to hypercalciuria, hypercalcemia and hyperphosphatemia
Rx for ITP
Prednisone, followed by splenectomy if refractory
Achalasia is a risk factor for this type of esophageal cancer (vs. Barrett's, which is a risk for this type)
Squamous cell and adenocarcinoma, respectively
2 CXR findings in aortic coarctation
Rib notching (from erosion by collateral arteries formed in response to flow resistance) and a figure 3 sign (dilation before and after coarctation)
Alternative to an ACEI in pts with heart failure who develop hyperkalemia
Hydralazine and a nitrate
EF, K+, and Cr criteria for using spironolactone
EF < 35%, K+ <5, Cr < 2.5
Rx for hemoynamically unstable V-tach
Direct-current cardioversion
Rx for hemodynamically stable but symptomatic V-tach
IV lidocaine, procainamide, or amiodarone
Murmors of pulmonary stenosis and regurg ___ and ___ w/ inspiration
Increase for both
Rx for herpes zoster
Famciclovir or valacyclovir, ideally w/in 72hrs
Rx for onychomycosis
Terbinafine, griseofulvin, or itraconazole
Where are the lesions in inverse psoriasis?
Flexural sites, e.g. azillae and antecubital fossa
Guttate psoriasis often occurs after?
Beta-hemolytic strep infection
Which form of psoriasis can affect up to 100% of the skin?
Erythrodermic psoriasis
Erythematous lesions w/ central clearing and peripheral scale
Dermatophyte infection
Effect of sun on psoriasis?
Improves it
Ringworm like patch on trunk 1-2wks after viral infection
Pityriasis rosea (herald patch, followed by other scaly lesions)
Rx for pityriasis rosea
Topical cortisones and antihistamines
Papules that are sharply demarcated on yellowish-red skin and may be greasy or dry
Seborrheic dermatitis
Rx for tinea versicolor
Topical ketoconazole
Rx for common wart
Topical salicylic acid for 6-12wks (cryotherapy if persistant)
Multifocal atrial tachycardia is often associated w/ this lung disease
Hypoxic COPD
Risk factors for osteoporosis
Personal fracture Hx, Hx in family member, smoking, oral corticosteroids in last 3mo, weight <127lbs
When should screening for osteoporosis start?
DEXA scan at 65yo, or younger in women with risk factors
Possible underlying endocrine cause of hyperlipidemia
Subclinical hyperthyroidism increases the risk for this cardiac condition
Atrial fibrillation
Rx for hyperglycemic hyperosmolar syndrome
Normal saline first, then insulin (maintaining volume is most imp)
Sodium correction for hyperglycemia
Increase by 1.6 for every 100 of glucose over normal (100)
Most sensitive physical exam finding to exclude aortic stenosis
Physiologically split S2
HCOM murmur ___ with Valsalva and ___ with stand-to-squat maneuver, passive leg raises, and handgrib
Increases (decreased preload --> smaller chamber size --> more obstruction)

Decreases (increased preload --> opposite)
Ecchymosis of the flanks indicates?
Pancreatic hemorrhage due to pancreatic necrosis (rare presentation of acute pancreatitis)
Cigarette smoking is a risk factor for this pancreatic condition
Cancer (NOT pancreatitis)
4 signs of glucagonomas
4 Ds
DM, dermatitis (necrolytic migratory erythema), depression, DVT
Rx for H. pylori
Triple therapy for 10-14 days:
- Acid suppression (PPI or bismuth subsalicylate)
- Clarithromycin
- Amox or metronidazole
Med to give for acute esophageal variceal bleeding
Sign of fulminant acute hepatitis that is an indication for liver transplantation?
Encephalopathy/ declining mental status
Incubation period for HBC
When should you biopsy patients with NAFLD?
When you suspect fibrosis (and therefore want to know if need to screen for cirrhosis): >45, obese, DM, AST/ALT >1, low albumin
Rx for primary biliary cirrhosis
Ursodeoxycholic acid (improves pruritis, liver chemistries, decreases progression to cirrhosis)
Pts with this underlying disease are the only ones who should be given antibiotics for acute bronchitis
A type of sarcoidosis with bilateral hilar lymphadenopathy, polyarthralgias, and erythema nodosum
Lofgren's Syndrome
Which pts need LMWH instead of warfarin for long-term anticoagulation?
Pts w/ acute venous thromboembolism in association w/ metastatic cancer
Acidosis with increased osmolar gap and calcium oxalate crystals in the urine?
Ethylene glycol poisoning
Common cause of mixed anion gap metabolic acidosis and respiratory alkalosis
Salicylate toxicity
Things to rule out before diagnosing SIADH
Volume depletion, adrenal insufficiency, congestive heart failure, hypothyroidism, cirrhosis, and/or renal impairment
2 causes of pseudohyponatremia (normal serum osmolality)
Marked elevation of plasma lipids, proteins, or both

Hyperglycemia (or high concentration of another solute)
Hypercalcemia with hypophosphatemia
Primary hyperparathyroidism
Hyperphosphatemia is most commonly caused by
Chronic kidney disease
Hypomagnesemia in an alcoholic can mimic ____, causing ____ and ____
Hypoparathyroidism (b/c is suppresses PTH), causing hypocalcemia and hyperphospatemia
Fever, chest pain, shortness of breath, hypoxia, and a pulmonary infiltrate in a patient with a sickling disorder
Acute chest syndrome
Leading cause of death in pts with sickle cell anemia?
Acute chest syndrome
Rx for acute chest syndrome?
Blood transfusion
When is daily hydroxyurea indicated?
SCA pts with 3+ hospitalizations requiring opioids
This lab value is elevated in TTP
Rx for TTP
Plasma exchange
Best OCP for a woman with an inherited thrombotic disorder?
Factor V Leiden and prothrombin gene mutations are common in this population and very rare in these populations
Black and Asian
2 agents for AML induction chemo
Cytarabine and an anthracycline
Where does recurrent HSV1 usually present?
Lips (vermillion border), as opposed to in the mouth
When do recurrent aphthous ulcers usually begin to occur, and what is their cause?
Teenage years
Rx for poison ivy (or other contact dermatides)
Topical corticosteroids
Rx for severe poison ivy, esp if involves face, neck, or intertriginous areas, or if has edema/blisters (and why)?
Oral corticosteroids (these areas are more prone to corticosteroid-induced atrophy w/ topicals)
How fast should you taper oral corticosteroids for contact dermatitis?
Slowly (2-3wks) b/c of risk of rebound dermatitis
Hypokalemia, HTN, and metabolic acidosis
Target BP for pts with DM or renal failure
Rx for HTN in pregnancy (2 drugs)
Methyldopa or labetalol
What is erysipelas?
Type of cellulitis w/ inflammation of superficial dermis --> prominent swelling, usually w/ fever and chills, commonly from S. pyogenes
Similarities/ differences btwn retinal emboli (amaurosis fugax), CRAO, and CRVO
All cause sudden, painless, unilateral vision loss

Emboli shows a whitened, edematous retina on exam

CRAO shows pallor of optic disk and cherry red fovea

CRVO shows disk swelling, venous dilation/ tortuosity, cotton wool spots
Weakness, fatigue, depression, irritability, hypotension, lymphocytosis, eosinophilia
Glucocorticoid deficiency
What does skin pigmentation indicate about the cause of a pt's adrenal insufficiency?
It is primary adrenocortical deficiency (due to increased ACTH); secondary deficiency (hypothalamic or pituitary) has decreased ACTH, so no pigmentation
Primary problem in Klinefelter's
Seminiferous tubule dysgenesis --> increased LH and FSH but hypogonadism/ fibrotic testicles
Diuretic used for hypercalciuric renal stones vs. diuretic that can predispose to calcium stone formation
HCTZ (Rx) vs furosemide (stop)
Which stones are radiolucent?
Uric acid stones
Rx for uric acid stones

Alkalinization of urine w/ potassium citrate or potassium bicarb (to pH >6.5)

Low purine diet
Vitiligo, hyperpigmentation, hypotension, dehydration
Flushing, valvular heart disease, and diarrhea
Carcinoid syndrome
2 complications of bronchiectasis
Right-sided heart failure
Choledochal cysts are at risk for degenerating into this malignancy
Most pts with Paget's disease of the breast have this underlying condition
Most common side effect of digoxin?
GI (anorexia, nausea, diarrhea, etc.)
Pts with this lab value are unlikely to respond well to HBV Rx (lamivudine or interferon)
Normal ALT
Post-exposure prophylaxis for HBV
HBIG and the HBV vaccine
Five signs of acute limb ischemia
5 Ps

Pain, pulselessness, paresthesias, poikilothermia (cold), pallor
Dysphagia, regurgitation, foul-smelling breath, aspiration, palpable neck mass in an elderly male
Zenker's Diverticulum
Best diagnostic test for Zenker's diverticuli
Contrast esophagram
Most common kidney disease in Hodgkin's pts
Minimal change (can also get FSGS, but is almost always nephrotic syndrome)
Most common nephropathy associated with carcinoma?
Membranous nephropathy
Why is there increased work of breathing in COPD?
Increased lung volumes --> flattening of diaphragm --> difficulty decreasing intrathoracic pressure during inspiration
Rx for unmetastasized gastric MALT lymphoma?
H. pylori treatment (omeprazole, clarithromycin, amoxicillin)
Best Rx for hypersensitivity pneumonitis
Avoidance of antigen trigger
Rx for primary biliary cirrhosis
Ursodeoxycholic acid
HTN, hypokalemia, metabolic alkalosis, low renin (mostly from adrenal adenomas)
Primary hyperaldosteronism
Diagnosis of primary hyperaldosteronism
AM plasma aldosterone to plasma renin activity (PA/PRA) ratio > 30
Muscle cramps, polyuria, high glucose
Resistance to ADH --> polyuria
Impaired insulin secretion --> high glucose
Hypokalemia, HTN, and high plasma renin (2 causes)
Atherosclerotic renal artery stenosis

Fibromuscular dysplasia
Butterfly appearance of brain tumor
Lactic acidosis in pt with atherosclerosis and atrial fibrillation
Bowel ischemia
Chronic pressure overload --> ___ hypertrophy
Chronic volume overload --> ___ hypertrophy
Concentric for pressure

Eccentric for volume
Flushing, diarrhea, cyanosis
Carcinoid syndrome
BP goal during fibrinolytic therapy for acute stroke
When to start ASA in pt with acute ischemic stroke?
If giving fibrinolytics, hold for 24hrs

Otherwise, immediately
Ataxia, broad-based gait, dysmetria, intention tremor, difficulty with rapid alternating movements, and nystagmus are indicative of dysfxn where?
What does albumino-cytologic dissociation mean, and what disease does it point to?
Elevated protein w/ normal cell count in CSF

What valve disease classically presents in women during pregnancy?
Mitral stenosis
Acute onset dyspnea in pt with food allergies and urticaria is due to?
Laryngeal edema (obstructing the upper airway)
Back pain, anemia, renal dysfunction
Multiple myeloma
Severe constipation may be from an abnormality in this electrolyte
Rx for CMV retinitis
Ganciclovir or foscarnet
3 most common causes of death in dialysis pts
CVD (50% of deaths), withdrawal from dialysis, infection
Stroke localization: motor impairment + visual field abnormalities w/o cortical dysfxn
Lacunar infarction
Stroke localization: "alternates" w/ contralateral hemiplegia and ipsilateral CN involvement
Brain stem
Stroke localization: contralateral LE weakness, emotional disturbances
ACA occlusion
Stroke localization: contralateral hemiplegia, conjugate eye deviation toward lesion, hemianesthesia
MCA occlusion
Stroke localization: aphasia if in dominant hemisphere, hemineglect if in non-dominant hemisphere
MCA occlusion
Rx for severe hypovolemic hypernatremia
Isotonic 0.9% saline; .45% saline once volume deficit is restored
Rx for euvolemic hypernatremia or hypervolemic hypernatremia
5% dextrose in water (D5W)
Fever, severe jaundice, and RUQ abdominal pain
Charcot's triad of acute ascending cholangitis
Fever, jaundice, RUQ pain, confusion, hypotension
Reynold's pentad of suppurative cholangitis
Rx for acute ascending cholangitis
Supportive care, broad spectrum Abx

20% of pts have persistent pain: then do ERCP
Glutamic acid decarboxylase Abs may be seen in this disease
Type I diabetes
Distinguishing benzo from opioid toxicity
Both present with sedation; opioid intoxication also has respiratory depression and miosis
Overdose w/ tremor, hyperreflexia, ataxia, and seizures
Overdose w/ horizontal nystagmus, cerebellar ataxia, confusion
Management of solitary brain met w/ stable extracranial disease
Surgical resection followed by whole brain XRT
Management of multiple brain mets
Palliative whole brain radiation
Pts with long-term (>2 decades) ankylosing spondylitis are at risk for
Vertebral fractures
Rx for diphenhydramine overdose
Physostigmine (cholinesterase inhibitor)
Overdose w/ tinnitus, N/V, fever, AMS
Test for paroxysmal nocturnal hemoglobinuria
Sugar water test
Test for hereditary spherocytosis
Osmotic fragility test
Cause of bleeding in a dialysis pt
Platelet dysfunction 2/2 uremia
Rx for coagulopathy in uremic pts
DDAVP, cryprecipitate, conjugated estrogens
Dry cough, exertional dyspnea, and fever in an HIV pt (+ bilateral interstitial infiltrates, significant hypoxia, elevated LDH)
Bilateral arthralgias in PIP, MCP, and wrists in a day care worker
Parvovirus B19 viral arthritis
This joint is usually affected by psoriatic arthritis
DIP (usually with dactylitis)
Differentiate orbital cellulitis from preseptal cellulitis
Orbital involves fat and muscles, not just superficial tissue

Orbital has proptosis and decreased visual acuity (and has pain w/ eye movement more commonly than preseptal)
Differentiate orbital cellulitis from anterior uveitis
Both have painful red eyes; anterior uveitis does not involve eyellid
Differentiate orbital cellulitis from cavernous sinus thrombosis
CST is usually bilateral, causes ptosis, and causes rapid visual loss
What is enthesitis and what disease does it implicate?
Inflammation and pain at site of tendon and ligament attachment to bone; ankylosing spondylitis
Pts at increased risk for acalculous cholecystitis?
Extensive burns
Severe trauma
Prolonged TPN or fasting
Mechanical ventilation
Inferior wall MI is caused by an occlusion in this artery
Inferior wall MI is caused by an occlusion in this artery
RCA. No really. Don't **** this up.
Rx for herpes zoster ophthalmicus
What does dullness to percussion of the lung indicate?
Consolidation (or pleural effusion, though the former has increased breath sounds and the latter has decreased)
Four signs of consolidation on lung exam
Dullness to percussion
Bronchial breath sounds (louder and with pronounced expiratory phase)
Latex allergy is particularly common in pts with this disease
Spina bifida
Rx for cocaine-associated myocardial ischemia (not infarction, which requires cardiac cath)
Benzos (also aspirin and nitrates)
Complement deficiency predisposes to infection with
HIV pts should get these two vaccines annually
Influenza and pneumococcal
Who should get the HAV vaccine?
Pts with HBV, HCV, preexisting liver disease, IV drug users, and MSM
DDx for normotensive pts with hypokalemia and metabolic alkalosis
Diuretic use, surreptitious vomiting, Gitelman Syndrome, Bartter Syndrome

(latter two have elevated urine chloride (>20) b/c is defective Na and Cl reabsorption --> RAA system activation)
Indications for immediate treatment of hyperkalemia
Cardiac toxicity (EKG changes), muscular paralysis, K+ > 6.5
Three drug classes that cause hyperkalemia
K+ sparing diuretics, ACEIs, NSAIDs
Rx for subconjuctival hemorrhage
Mechanism of QRS prolongation in TCA poisoning
Inhibition of cardiac fast sodium channels
Rx for acute QRS prolongation
Sodium bicarb (reverses prolongation by increasing extracellular sodium concentration)
Rx for IV drug associated endocarditis
Vanc (b/c is often staph, so can't just use Amoxicillin-sulbactam like you can for most strep or enterococci endocarditis cases)
Common finding in exfoliative dermatitis
Common adverse effect with hydroxychloroquine
Retinopathy (need eye exams q 6mo)
Most common site of lacunar infarct, and what it causes
Posterior internal capsule
Pure motor stroke
Pathophys of lacunar stroke
Small vessel hyalinosis
Test used to confirm diagnosis of primary hyperaldosteronism (given high aldosterone to renin ratio)
Aldosterone suppression test (failure to suppress after loading with IV saline)
CHF with proteinuria and easy bruisability
Necrotizing dermatitis, weight loss, anemia, and persistent hyperglycemia
Severe watery diarrhea, hypokalemia --> muscle cramps, dehydration
Visual defect in which straight lines look wavy
Macular degeneration
B12 and folate deficiencies both cause increased ___ and decreased ____

B12 and folate deficiencies can be differentiated by the presence of increased ____ in B12 deficiency
Methylmalonic acid
Rx for amebic liver abscess
Rx for variant angina (vasospasm)
CCBs or nitrates
How can alkalosis cause paresthesias and cramps?
Increased pH increases affinity of serum albumin to calcium, decreasing the levels of ionized calcium; hypocalcemia --> paresthesias/ cramps
Rx for symptomatic sinus bradycardia
IV atropine (long-term might need pacemaker)
Gummas indicate what stage of syphilis?
Tick bite and hemolysis
Tick bite with leukopenia and thrombocytopenia
Why is amitryptyline useful in fibromyalgia?
Increases amt of restorative phase 4 sleep
Causes of osteonecrosis (also known as aseptic or avascular necrosis)
Corticosteroids, chronic alcohol use, trauma, antiphospholipid syndrome
Ring-shaped scaly patches w/ central clearing and distinct borders
Tinea corporis
Familial colon cancer + brain cancer
Turcot's Syndrome
Familial colon cancer + skin/bone cancer
Gardner's Syndrome
Calcium, phosphate, alk phos, and urinary hydroxyproline measurements in Paget's
Normal Ca and PO4

High alk phos and urinary hydroxyproline
Bilirubin encephalopathy indicates this disease
Crigler-Naajar Type 1
Rx for Crigler-Naajar Types 1 and 2
1: Phototherapy and plasmapheresis, though only liver transplant is curative

2: none/ occasional phenobarbital or clofibrate
Rx for CRAO
Ocular massage and high flow oxygen
Asymptomatic but with black liver
Dubin-Johnson Syndrome
Rx for PCP
Bactrim + oral prednisolone if PaO2 < 70