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24 Cards in this Set

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-wrote Hippocratic collection for him and his followers

-created Hippocratic oath

-used observation and analysis

-believed in the four humours



-believed in the theory of opposites which developed the idea that opposite humours to counter balance other humours.

-discovered brain controls speech and arteries and veins carry blood

-noticed difference invanimal and human anatomy


-thought blood was consumed

-thought that there were holes in the septum.



-battle surgeon who treated gunshot wounds

-ran out of boiling water so made a roman paste out of turpentine, rose oil and egg yolk.

-used ligatures instead of a cauterising iron to stop bleeding

-he wrote notes on surgery and disproved Galen


-ligatures caused infections



-did human dissections (Galen couldn't due to religious reasons)

-wrote books based on findings with diagrams ("Fabrica of the human anatomy"-1543)

-pointed out Galen's mistakes that there were no holes in the septum and the jaw bone is in one part

-robbed graves for the bodies



-discovers the circulation of blood disproving Galen's idea that blood is consumed.

-spots differences between arteries and veins

-writes "An anatomical account of the motion of the heart and blood"

-this allows them to discover blood groups 1901



-injected James Phipps in 1796 with pus from cowpox sores and then injected him with smallpox and he didn't get the disease.

-developed the first vaccine.

-ideas were copied by Koch and Pasteur 50 years later.

BUT-couldn't explain how it worked and he was worried about side effects and costs.



-discovered it reduced the sensation of pain

-he suggested it for dentists and surgical operations

BUT-did not make patients completely unconscious

-nor used widely as his findings were published in a book that was not well-known and had an obscure name


-used as an anaesthetic during a leg amputation.

BUT-irritated eyes and lungs

-caused coughing, sickness and smelt vile.



-inhaled chloroform and were knocked out when with his friends.

-very effective and used during childbirth and operations

-government supported use -queen used it during childbirth and praised it-Simpson was a good speaker so could persuadepeople

BUT- could kill people if over used

-discovered by chance so people didn't see the knowledge behind it

-religious people didn't agree as they thought pain was sent by God

-fighters in war thought it was unmanly



-made people wash hands before entering maternity ward

-stopped infection which is more likely to kill a pregnant women rather than pain.

BUT-faced opposition because people didn't know about germs so wouldn't realised that infection could be spread by not washing hands



-heard that carbolic acid spray was used on sewage which had a similar smell to gangrene

-he had read the work of Pasteur on germ theory and was prepared to take risks.

BUT- lister's method slowed down surgery which caused more bleeding and the spray was uncomfortable to use as it cracked skin.

-surgeons didn't copy the methods correctly so were disappointed in results.

-germ theory was nor widely accepted until 1857 (made theory into a joke)



-better way of growing germs (petri dish and agar jelly)

-identified bacteria which caused disease

-stained bacteria so he could see them easily through a microscope

-identified germs that caused anthrax, blood poisoning and TB.

-scientists copied methods.

BUT-did not develop treating and preventing disease

LOUIS PASTEUR-chicken cholera and anthrax vaccine

-used Koch's work to find new microbes and fight them

-he looked for cures for anthrax and chicken cholera.

-Chamberland forgot to inject the chickens before his holiday and when he returned he injected them with the germs.

-they survived when they were injected with the fresh germs.

-the weakened cholera had made the chickens immune from the disease


-asked by the government to report on the living conditions and health of the poor.

-he concluded that poverty was caused by ill health caused by bad living conditions

-he said that ratepayers can cut taxes by looking after the poor and spending money.

-organise drainage and refuse collenction

-provide a pure water supply

-appoint a medical officer of health

-in 1848, after a cholera outbreak a non compulsory health act was made to try and improve it by giving local authorities money to improve it.

-compulsory in 1875


-proved a link between cholera and water in broad street because of a crack in the cesspool contaminating the water.

-he put pressure on water companies to clean up the water supplies

BUT-couldn't work out how to stop it


-proved germs in the air by sterilising water and keeping it in a flask that didn't allow particles to enter, but water with an open flask let microbes in.

-took Jenner and Koch's work further and developed vaccines for cholera, anthrax and rabies.

-produced germ theory (1861) which stopped people from blaming bad smells for disease.

BUT-did not prove that germs caused disease in humans and couldn't develop specific germs


-human waste made its way into Thames and hot weather caused it to stink.

-prompted parliament to sort the sewage and drainage system and to clean up thames.

-within a year he had began to build up a sewage system that is still in operation today


-from a wealthy background and became a nurse despite her family

-during Crimean war she made huge improvements in ward hygiene by setting and running a military hospital

-set sanitary commission by Lord Palmerstone to improve ventillation and sewers

-she returned to England and started improving hospitals there.

-published book notes on nursing

-work affected nursing extremely as made nurses trained better


-showed people how to deal with cholera

-volunteered her services to an army and treated gunshot wounds (even tho=poor)

-during Crimea she set up "British Hotel" to provide food and soldiers to army and treated wounds on the battlefield.

-cinnamon tea

-after Crimea she returned to Britain with no money and published her memoirs but no one tried to use/learn from them.


-part of Koch's research team.

-stained bacteria and observed effects.

-looked to treat syphilis

-killed disease causing microbes

BUT-could kill patient and destroy organs

-salvarsan 606 was difficukt to use


-discovered penicillin when he came to clean some dishes that he was growing bacteria on and by chance a fungal spore had grown on the dish and the bacteria around it had stopped growing.

-he identified the fungal and called it penicillin.

-it produces a substance that kills bacteria

BUT-he gave up his research as he didn't get the results he hoped for.


-became interested in Flemings work and gathered a team of researchers.

-three days after WW2 they asked for money to fund the research, British turned them down

-they tested it on mice and the ones with penicillin survived.

-used humans in 1941 to treat septicaemia but after the penicillin ran out he died

-went to USA for money to fund mass prodution


-put forward a plan to reform medical services

-led to the creation of the NHS in 1948

-his idea was that all services were free including doctors, dentists and nurses which should be paid by the government and not local taxes

-cradle to grave


-able to persuade the government to agree with the report

-able to convince patients and doctors to join by promising them a salary and allowing them to treat private patients as well.

BUT-the move to NHS would cost millions

-doctors feared they would loose money