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14 Cards in this Set

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CAGE questions
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Eye opener
inflammation of the parietal portion of the peritoneum
causes localized pain over the inflammed area. this can also result in worsening pain w/ movement so they avoid movement and remain in a position of maximum comfort. Pts. also can have spasm of muscles resulting in rigidness of the abdominal muscles
obstruction of hollow viscera
have type c sensory fibers which result in diffuse more poorly differentiated pain.
viscera or ischemic pain
can be sudden in onset or develop over a series of days. The hallmark is the inevitable worsening of pain over time and a history or high risk for occlusive disease
Spontaneous Bacterial Peritonitis (SBP):
inflammation and infection of the peritoneal fluid due to gut translocation of bacteria. Patients with SBP will generally have ascites on exam, poorly localized pain, associated ileus with possible vomiting, guarding, and rebound tenderness. They may have only a low-grade fever and mild tenderness, or they may present in fulminant shock and sepsis.
typically localized to the right upper quadrant but may also radiate under the right scapula. The pain is typically colicky in nature but steadily worsens until it becomes constant. Pain may worsen with deep inspiration or jarring of the patient if the parietal peritoneum is secondarily inflamed. Vomiting is common, as is a low grade fever.
uncomplicated pancreatitis should be managed w/
IV fluids, pain control, and bowel rest (NPO status).
Drainage of an obstructed bile duct with ERCP provides...
rapid relief of symptoms and improved outcomes in obstructive forms of pancreatitis, but carries a risk of complications including bleeding, perforated bowel, worsening pancreatitis, or even death. If this test was performed in a patient who clearly had non-obstructive pancreatitis that was already improving, the risk definitely outweighs the benefit."
The DSM-IV defines alcohol abuse as...
maladaptive pattern of use despite harm, as evidenced by one of the following:

• Failure to fulfill work, school, or social obligations
• Recurrent substance abuse in physically hazardous situations
• Recurrent legal problems related to substance use
• Continued use despite alcohol-related social or interpersonal problems
Alcohol dependence
a maladaptive pattern of use associated with three or more of the following:

• Tolerance
• Withdrawal
• Substance taken in larger quantity than intended
• Persistent desire to cut down or control use
• Time is spent obtaining, using, or recovering from the substance
• Social, occupational, or recreational tasks are sacrificed
Alcohol addiction
is associated with physiologic changes attributable to alcohol abuse, including increased tolerance, blackouts, disturbed sleep, and withdrawal syndromes that range from mild tremor and anxiety to seizures, psychosis, and death.
Alcoholic hallucinosis
occurs in 25% of patients withdrawing from alcohol. They experience visual, auditory, or tactile hallucinations but have an intact sensorium and normal vital signs. These usually occur from 24-72 hours after the last drink.
Delirium tremens
• Onset within 48-96 hours after last drink of alcohol
• Autonomic hyperactivity: tachycardia, hypertension, diaphoresis, low grade fever
• Tremulousness
• Clouded sensorium and disorientation
Zollinger–Ellison syndrome (ZES)
caused by a non–beta islet cell, gastrin-secreting tumor of the pancreas that stimulates the acid-secreting cells of the stomach to maximal activity, with consequent gastrointestinal mucosal ulceration