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43 Cards in this Set

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When a patient has been on a benzodiazepine for several months and indicates a desire to stop the medication, what instruction should the nurse give the patient (besides talk to your doctor).
Instruct the patient not to stop abruptly but to taper off gradually under the direction of a physician.
List Benzodiazepines giving generic and trade names:
Generic Name / Trade Name
Chlordiazepoxide / Librium
Diazepam / Valium
Oxazepam / Serax
Alprazolam / Xanax
Lorazepam / Ativan
Generic Name: Chlordiazepoxide
Trade Name: Librium
Generic Name: Diazepam
Trade Name: Valium
Generic Name: Oxazepam
Trade Name: Serax
Generic Name: Alprazolam
Trade Name: Xanax
Generic Name: Lorazepam
Trade Name: Ativan
List the primary nonbenzodiazepine:
buspirone (BuSpar) and hydrolazine (Vistaril)
Generic Name: buspirone
Trade Name: BuSpar
Generic Name: hydrolazine
Trade Name: Vistaril
List the common tricyclics giving the generic and trade names:
Generic Name / Trade Name
Amitriptyline / Elavil
Desipramine / Norpramin
Imipramine / Trofranil
Generic Name:
Trade Name: Elavil
Generic Name:
Trade Name: Norpramin
Generic Name:
Trade Name: Trofranil
What is a common set of side effects of these tricyclic drugs:
Anticholinergic side effects
List five common anticholinergic side effects:
dry mouth, blurred vision, constipation, urinary retention, vaginal dryness, (some texts include orthostatic hypotension, and tachycardia).
Instructions to give the patient starting on antidepressants:
it takes 4-6 weeks to achieve full therapeutic effects.
MAOI : List generic and trade names
Generic / Trade Names:
Isocarboxazid / Marplan
Phenelzine / Nardil
Tranylcypromine / Parnate
Generic Name:
Trade Name: Marplan
Generic Name:
Trade Name: Nardil
Generic Name: Tranylcypromine
Trade Name: Parnate
What is the amino acid that interacts with MAOIs and what are some foods to teach the patient to avoid?
Amino acid: tyrami
Foods: (HESI= aged cheese, red wine, beer, beef and chicken liver, yeast, soy sauce, chocolate, bananas. fermented products.
Other books: smoked and processed meats, raisins, fava beans, flat Italian beens, MSG, corned beef
What happens if a MAOI is combined with a high tyramine food or OTC cold medication?
Hypertensive crisis
What happens if MAOI is combined with a SSRI?
Serotonin Syndrome
SSRIs: List any five SSRIs including generic and trade name:
Generic / Trade Name
Fluoxetine / Prozac
Paroxetine / Paxil
Sertraline / Zoloft
Escitalopram / Lexapro
Citalopram / Celexa
What is a common side effect of SSRIs:
sexual side effects
How long do you have to wait between administering a MAOI and SSRI?
Two weeks
Is there a difference in the timeframe with fluoxetine (prozac)?
Yes, Five weeks
Generic Name:
Trade Name:
Generic Name: Paroxetine
Trade Name: Paxil
Generic Name: Sertraline
Trade Name: Zoloft
Generic Name: Escitalopram
Trade Name: Lexapro
Generic Name: Citalopram
Trade Name: Celexa
What are the drugs of choice for EPS and how do these drugs work:
Artane, Benadyl 50 mg and Cogentin 1-2 mgs lowers acetylcholine/ Symmetrel increases dopamine
What is the therapeutic level of lithium and depakote?
Lithium =0.4-1.3 Depakote= 50-100
What is the toxic blood level of lithium?
Some give 1.5mEq/L as mildly toxic; toxicity continues to increase with Neuroleptics
What is the toxic blood level of Neuroleptics?
approaching 2 mEq/L as definitely toxic; death at 2.5-3.0
How is Haldol D and prolixin D administered?
Z-track deep IM
What is Neuroleptic Malignant Syndrome?
Life threatening adverse reaction to neuroleptics
What is the cause of Neuroleptic Malignant Syndrome?
Cause: Antipsychoics lower dopamine & cause an imbalance of Dopamine (low) & AcH (higher)
What are 5 S/S of Neuroleptic Malignant Syndrome?
Five S&S: High fever; muscle rigidity, tachycardia, stupor, lachypnea; leucocytosis and elevated CPK (CK)
Typical Antipsychotics?
Haldol / Haldol D
Prolixin / Prolixin D
Atypical Antipsychotic
Clozaril Invega / Sustena
Risperdal (M-tab) (Consta)
Geodon Fanapt
Zyprexa / Zuprexa Zydis