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15 Cards in this Set

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Hydrochloirithiazide (P.458)
HCTZ ( antihypertensive diuretic)

Theraputic effect: Lowering of BP in hypertensive patients and diuresis with mobilization of edema.

Action: Increases excretion of sodium and water by inhibiting sodium reabsorption in the distal tubule.

Common SE: HypoKalemia, dizziness, drowsiness, lethary, weakness, muscle cramps, hypercalcemia.

RN considerations: Monitor BP intake and output, and daily weight assess for edema. Assess for pt taking Digoxin carefully for common SE, they are at more risk for digtoxicity. Assess for allergy to sulfonamides, Monitor BP frequently.
Furosemide (P. 620)
Lasix (diuretic)

Theraputic Effects: Diuresis and subsequent mobilization of excess fluid ( edema, pleural effusions.) Decreased BP.

Action: Inhibits the reabsorption of sodium of chloride from the loop of henle and distal renal tubule.

Common SE: Hypochloremia, hypokalemia, hypomagnesemia, hyponatremia, hypovelmia, metabolic alkalosis.

RN considerations: Monitor daily weight, I's and O's. monitor lung sounds skin turgor, thirst, vitals before and after administration. watch for risk of falls in geri. Assess for tinnitus. Watch for patients on Dig. they could have more risk of digtoxicity.
Spironolactone (P. 456)
Aldactone ( diuretic, potassium sparring diuretic)

Theraputic effect: Weak diurectic and antihypertensive response when compared with other diuretics. Conservation of K+.

Action: Inhibition of sodium reabsorption in the kidney while saving K+ and hydrogen ions

Common SE: Hyperkalemia, hyponatremia, dizziness.

RN considerations : Monitor I's and O's, daily weight, monitor BP if given with BP medication before administering. monitor signs and symptoms of hypokalemia. Check EKG for changes.
Atenolol (P. 204)
Tenormin ( antianginals, antihypertensives)

Theraputic effect: Decreased BP and heart rate. Decreased frequency of attacks of angina pectoris. Prevention of MI.

Action: Blocks stimulation of Beta 1 adrenergic receptors.

Common SE: fatigue, weakness, erectile dysfunction.

RN considerations: Monitor BP and pulse frequently during dosage, adjustment period and throughout therapy. Monitor I's and O's and weight. people with CHF, monitor angina, monitor frequency of perscription refills.
Metoprolol (P.851)
( antihypertensive, antianginal)

Theraputic effect: Decreased BP and heart rate. Decreased frequency of attacks of angina pectoris. Decreased rate of cardiovascular mortality and hospitization with patients with heart failure.

Action: Blocks stimulation of beta 1 adrenergic receptors.

Common SE: fatigue, weakness, anxiety, depression, erectile dysfunction.

RN considerations: Monitor BP, EKG, and pulse frequently, monitor how often they refill drug, monitor vitals every 15 minutes during parenteral administration. if heart rate less than 40 administer atropine. Monitor I's and O's and daily weight, watch for S/S of CHF.
Carvedilol (P. 283)
Coreg, ( antihypertensive)

Theraputic effect: Decreased heart rate and BP, improved cardiac output, slowing of the progression of CHF and decreased risk of death.

Action: Blocks stimulation of Beta 1 and beta 2 adrenergic receptors. Also has alpha 1 blocking activity which may result in orthostatic hypotension.

Common SE: dizziness, fatigue, weakness, diarrhea, erectile dysfunction, hyperglycemia.

RN considerations: Don't confuse carvedilol with captopril or carteolol. Discontinue concurrent clonidine should be gradual, limit physical activity when weening off drug. Monitor BP and pulse during administration. Assess for orthostatic changes, Monitor I's and O's and weight. Assess for signs of CHF.
Benzepril (P. 176) Lotensin
Captopril (P. 176) Capoten
Enalapril (P. 176)Vasotec
Lisinopril (P. 176) Prinivil, zestril
Therapeutic effect: Lowering of BP in hypertensive patients, Improved symptoms in patients with CHF, Decreased development of overt heart failure and CHF after MI, and risk of MI or stroke, death from cardiovascular in high risk patients and lowering of progression of neuropathy in DM patients.

Actions: ACE inhibitors block the conversion of angiotension 1 to angiotension 2.

Common SE: cough, hypotension, taste disturbances, agranulocytosis, andioedema.

RN considerations: monitor BP and pulse frequently during intial dose adjustments. Assess for S/S of angioedema. Watch for weight and fluid overload, and signs of CHF,
Diltiazem (P. 445)
Cardizem ( antianginal, anti arrhythmics)

Theraputic effect: Systemic vasodilation resulting in decreased BP. Coronary vasodilation resulting in decreased frequency and severity of attacks of angina. Reduction of Ventricular rate in A fib. or flutter.

Action: Inhibits transport of calcium into myocardial and vascular smooth muscle cells, resulting in inhibitition of excitation-contraction coupling and subsequent contractions.

Common SE: arrhythmias, CHF, peripheral edema, bradycardia, chest pain, hypotension, steven-johnson syndrome.

RN considerations: Monitor BP and pulse prior to therapy, monitor EKG, monitor I's and O's and daily weight, assess for signs of CHF, edema, rales/ crackles,, dypnea, if on digoxin have levels monitored frequently for signs and symptoms of dig toxicity/ MOnitor EKG and look for bradycardia or prolonged hypotension.
Clonidine (P. 343)
Catapres ( antihypertensives)

Theraputic effects: Decreased BP, decreased pain.

Action: Stimulates alpha- adrenergic receptors in the CNS, which results in decreased sympathetic outflow inhibitinig cardioacceleration and vasoconstriction centers.

Common SE: drowsiness, dry mouth, withdrawal phenomenon.

RN considerations: Monitor I's and O's ratio and daily weight, and assess for edema daily, esp at beginning of therapy. Monitor BP and pulse.
Aspirin (P. 1131)
Bayer ( antipyretics, nonopioid analgesic)

theraputic effect: Analgesia, Reduction of inflammation. Reduction of fever.

Action: Decreases platelet agrigation.

Common SE: GI bleeding, dyspepsia, epigastric distress, nausea, exfoliative dermatitis steven- johnsom syndrome, toxic epidermal necrolysis. anaphylaxis, laryngeal edema.

RN considerations: Patients who have asthma, allergies, and nasal polyps or who are allergiv to tartrazine are at an increased risk for developing hypersensitivity reactions.
Plavix (P. 346)
Clopidogrel (antiplatelet agent)

Therapeutic effect: Decreased occurrence of atherosclerotic events in patients at risk.

Action: Inhibits platelet aggregation by irreversibly inhibiting the binding of ATP to platelet receptors.

Common SE: GI bleeding, bleeding neutropenia, thrombotic thrombocytopenic purpura.

RN considerations: Assess for signs of stroke, PVD, or MI, monitor for signs of thrombotic thrombocytic purpura Monitor bleeding time. Monitor CBC with differential and platelet count periodically during therapy.

therapeutic effect: cerebrtovascular disease, CHF, DM

Action: reduces viscosity and improves erythrocyte flexibility, micro circulatory flow, and tissue oxygenation.

Common SE: N/V, indigestion, dizziness, headache, angina

RN considerations: watch H and H, signs of bleeding, watch PTT

Therapeutic effect: HTN, stable angina, variant angina

Action: calcium channel antagonist

Common SE: hypotension, palpations, nausea, flushing, dizziness, headache, nervousness, cough, dyspnea

RN considerations: watch for angina, chest pain, HTN, edema, liver function, S/S of cardiac failure
heparin ( P. 654)
( Anticoagulant)

Theraputic effect: Prevention of thrombus formation, prevention of exension of existing thrombi.

Action: Potentiates the inhibitory effect of antithrombin on factor Xa and thrombin. In low doses prevents the conversion of prothrombin to thrombin by its effects on factor XA.

Common SE: anemia, thrombocytopenia, up to several weeks after discontinuation of therapy. BLEEDING.

RN considerations: assess for bleeding and hemorrhage, assess for evidience of additional or increased thrombosis, monitor hypersensitivity to drug.
Lovenox (P.657)
Innohep ( anticoagulant)

Theraputic effect: Prevention of thrombus formation.

Action: Potentiate the inhibiroty effect of antithrombin on factor Xa and thrombin.

Common SE: bleeding, anemia, headache dizziness, hematoma.

RN consideration: assess for bleeding and hemmorrhage Assess for thrombosis, assess for hypersensitivity to drug, ( fever chills,uticaria) assess for neurologic impairment for pt w epidural catheters.