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77 Cards in this Set

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an agent that decreases urine production




(w/in)(secrete)(study of)



a gland that produces an internal or hormonal secretion

medical specialty concerned w/ the production and effects of hormones

a medical specialist in endocrinology


Greek- to set in motion

chemical formed in 1 tissue or organ and carried by the bloodstream to stimulate or inhibit a function of another tissue or organ



an endocrine gland in the floor and wall of the 3rd ventricle of the brain



hormone formed by the pineal gland


(oxygen)(labor and childbirth)(substance)

pituitary hormone that stimulates the uterus to contract

Latin- like a pine cone

pt the pineal gland



pt the pituitary gland



hormone present in many tissues, but 1st isolated from the prostate gland



neurotransmitter in central and peripheral nervous system



enlargement of head, face, hands, and feet due to excess growth hormone in an adult


(adrenal gland)(from the cortex)(a turning/change)

hormone of the anterior pituitary that stimulates the cortex of the adrenal gland to produce its own hormones


(from the cortex)(steroid)

a hormone produced by the adrenal cortex


(from the cortex)(stimulation)

pituitary hormone that stimulates the cortex of the adrenal gland to secrete cortisone


(from the cortex)(hormone)

a corticosteroid produced in small amounts by the adrenal cortex

(diabetes) (in)(sipid)(us)

(Greek- siphon) (not)(flavor)(pt)

excretion of large amounts of dilute urine as a result of inadequate ADH production




Latin- seed

an organ that produces sex cells

any hormone that stimulates gonadal function


(water)(from the cortex)(hormone)

potent glucocorticoid w. anti-inflammatory properties



pituitary hormone that stimulates the production of milk


(the body)(stimulation)

hormone of the anterior pituitary that stimulates the growth of body tissues



hormone from the anterior pituitary gland that stimulates function of the thyroid gland



hormone produced by the thyroid gland that moves calcium from blood to bones


(make thin)(process)

abnormal thinness



endocrine glands embedded in the back of the thyroid gland

Greek- sweetbread

endocrine gland located in the mediastinum


Greek- an oblong shield

endocrine gland in the neck; or a cartilage of the larynx


(thyroid gland)(oxygen)(pt)

thyroid hormone T4, tetraiodothyronine




French- cretin

severe congenital hypothyroidism

condition of severe congenital hypothyroidism



protrusion of the eyeball

Latin- throat

enlargement of the thyroid gland

Graves disease

hyperthyroidism w/ toxic goiter
Hashimoto disease

autoimmune disease of the thyroid gland





excessive levels of parathyroid hormone

deficient levels of parathyroid hormone



extremely high body temperature or fever





excessive production of thyroid hormone

deficient production of thyroid hormone



chemical element, the lack of which causes thyroid disease



nonpitting, waxy edema of the skin in hypothyroidism


Greek- convulsive tension

severe muscle twitches, cramps, and spasms


(thyroid)(resembling)(surgical excision)



surgical removal of the thyroid gland

inflammation of the thyroid gland



disorder produced by excessive thyroid hormone production
Addison disease

an autoimmune disease leading to decreased production of adrenocortical steroids





endocrine gland on the upper pole of each kidney

main catecholamine produced by the adrenal medulla



pt the cortex of the adrenal gland


(organic compound)(steroid)(hormone)

mineralocorticoid hormone of the adrenal cortex


(tyrosine containing)(nitrogen-containing substance)

major elements produced by the adrenal cortex in the stress response
Cushing syndrome

hyper secretion of cortisol by the adrenal gland

Latin- appearance

facial features and expressions



hormone of the adrenal cortex that helps regulate glucose metabolism



potent glucocorticoid w/ anti-inflammatory properties



pt a disease of unknown etiology


(inorganic material)(cortex)(resembling)

hormone of the adrenal cortex that influences sodium and potassium metabolism



catecholamine hormone of the adrenal gland that is a parasympathetic neurotransmitter



large family of chemical substances found in many drugs, hormones, and body components



a gland that secretes outwardly through excretory ducts


(sugar)(to fight)

pancreatic hormone that supports blood glucose levels



formation of glucose from non-carbohydrate sources


(sugar)(full of)

the final product of carbohydrate digestion and the main sugar in the blood



conversion of glycogen to glucose


(an island)(a substance)

hormone produced by the islet cells of the pancreas
islets of Langerhans

areas of pancreatic cells that produce insulin and glucagon



hormone that inhibits release of growth hormone and insulin


(to prune)(a process)

process of removing a limb, part of a limb, a breast, or other projecting part



antibody produced in response to an antigen from the host's own tissue



(coma)(full of)

Greek- deep sleep

state of deep unconsciousness

in a state of coma

(diabetes) (mellitus)

(Greek- a siphon) (Latin- sweetened w/ honey)

metabolic syndrome caused by absolute or relative insulin deficiency and/or ineffectiveness


(excessive)(glucose)(a blood condition)

high level of glucose in the blood



low level of glucose in the blood



an abnormal sensation



excessive thirst



excessive eating



excessive production of urine


(retina of the eye)(disease)

degenerative disease of the retina

Latin- vinegar

ketone that is found in blood, urine, and breath when diabetes mellitus is out of control



excessive ketones in the blood, making is acid




Greek- acetone

chemical formed in uncontrolled diabetes or in starvation

excessive production of ketones

(metabol)(ic) (acid)(osis)

(change)(pt) (acid)(condition)

decreased pH in blood and body tissues as a result of an upset in metabolism


Latin- salt

salt solution, usually sodium chloride