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111 Cards in this Set

  • Front
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Prefix is added where?
Before the root.
The root establishes what?
Basic meaning.
The suffix is added where?
After the root.
The prefix and suffix modify what?
The meaning.
Most medical words are derived from what two languages?
Latin and Greek.
Compound words contain how many roots?
More than one.
When a suffix begins with a consonant, what letter is added?
An O. ex: neur+O+logy, oste+O+tomy
When a suffix is added to a word ending in x, the x is changed to either of these two letters?
A g or c. ex: Pharynx-Pharyn+G+eal Coccyx-Coccy+G+eal
When a vowel comes before an x, what letter do you change the letter to?
A c. ex: Thorax-Thora+C+ic, Cervix-Cervi+C+al
Compound words contain how many roots?
More than one.
When a suffix begins with a consonant, what letter is added?
An O. ex: neur+O+logy, oste+O+tomy
When a suffix is added to a word ending in x, the x is changed to either of these two letters?
A g or c. ex: Pharynx-Pharyn+G+eal Coccyx-Coccy+G+eal
When a vowel comes before an x, what letter do you change the letter to?
A c. ex: Thorax-Thora+C+ic, Cervix-Cervi+C+al
How many cervical vertebrae are there?
How many thoracic vertebrae are there?
How many lumbar vertebrae are there?
How many sacral vertebrae are there?
5. Fused into 1 sacrum.
How many coccygeal vertebrae are there?
4-5. Fused into 1 coccyx.
What is an acronym?
Abbreviation formed from first letter of each word. ex: PACU, ASAP, NPO.
What is a noun?
Person, place or thing.
What is an adjective?
Word that modifies a noun.
What is are plurals?
Convert single nouns to multiples.
Suffix -ia
"Condition of " ex: diment-ia
Suffix -ian means:
Specialist in a field of study.
ex: Physic-ian.
Suffix -iatrics means:
Medical specialty.
ex: Ped-iatrics.
Suffix -iatry means:
Medical specialty.
ex: pod-iatry.
Suffix -ics means:
Medical specialty.
ex: orthopaed-ics.
Suffix -ist means:
Specialist in a field of study.
ex: anesthet-ist.
Suffix -logy means:
Study of.
ex: cyto-logy.
Suffix -ac means:
"Pertaining to."
ex: cardi-ac.
Suffix -al means:
"Pertaining to."
ex: voc-al.
Suffix -ar means:
"Pertaining to."
ex: nucle-ar.
Suffix -ary means:
"Pertaining to."
ex: saliv-ary
Suffix -form means:
ex: cunei-form.
Suffix -ic means:
"Pertaining to."
ex: neurot-ic.
Suffix -ical (ic+al) means:
"Pertaining to."
ex: anitom-ical.
Suffix -ile means:
"Pertaining to."
ex: vir-ile.
Suffix -oid means:
"Pertaining to."
ex: lymph-oid.
Suffix -ory means:
"Pertaining to."
ex: respirat-ory.
Suffix -ous means:
"Pertaining to."
ex: ven-ous.
Pleural of word ending in -a:
ex: vertibr-a -> vertibr-ae
Pleural of word ending in -en:
ex: lum-en -> lum-ina.
Pleural of word ending in -ex, -ix, or yx:
ex: ind-ex -> ind-ices.
Pleural of a word ending in -is:
ex: prognos-is -> prognos-es.
Pleural of a word ending in -ma is:
ex: stig-ma -> stig-mata.
Pleural of a word ending in -nx (-anx, -inx, -ynx) is:
ex: phala-nx -> phala-nges.
Pleural of a word ending in -on is:
ex: phenomen-on -> phenomen-a.
Pleural of a word ending in -um is:
ex: ser-um -> ser-a.
Pleural of a word ending in -us is:
ex: thromb-us -> thromb-i.
Prefix for "first":
ex: primi-tive.
Prefixes for "one" :
1) mon/o-. ex: mono-clonal.
2) uni-. ex: uni-fy
Prefix for "half/one side" :
ex: hemi-sphere.
Prefix for "half/partial" :
ex: semi-permeable.
Prefixes for "two/twice" :
1) bi-. ex: bi-sect.
2) di-. ex: di-atomic.
Prefix for "double" :
ex: diplo-cocci.
Prefix for "three" :
ex: tri-cuspid.
Prefixes for "four" :
1) quadr/i-. ex: quadri-palegia.
2) tetra-. ex: tetra-logy.
Prefix for "many" :
ex: multi-cellular.
Prefix for "many/much" :
ex: poly-saccharide.
The prefix cyan/o- means:
ex: cyano-sis.
The prefix erythr/o- means:
ex: erythro-cyte.
The prefix leuk/o- means:
white/ colorless.
ex: leuko-cyte.
The prefix melan/o means:
black/ dark.
ex: melan-in.
The prefix xanth/o- means:
ex: xantho-ma.
The negative prefix a-/an- stands for:
"not, without, lack of, absence."
ex: an-hydrous.
The negative prefix anti- stands for:
ex: anti-inflammatory.
The negative prefix contra- stands for:
"against, opposite."
ex: contra-diction.
The negative prefix de- stands for:
"down, without, removal, loss."
ex: de-calcify.
The negative prefix dis- stands for:
"absence, removal, separation."
ex: dis-sect.
The negative prefix in-, im- (used before b, m, p) stands for:
ex: in-continent.
The negative prefix non- stands for:
ex: non-contributory.
The negative prefix un- stands for:
ex: un-coordinated.
The directional prefix ab- stands for:
"away from."
ex: ab-duct.
Abduct means:
"to move away from the midline."
The directional prefix ad- stands for:
"toward; near."
ex: ad-duct.
Adduct means:
"to move toward the midline."
The directional prefix dia- stands for:
ex: dia-rrhea.
The directional prefix per- stands for:
ex: per-cutaneous.
The directional prefix trans- stands for:
ex: trans-fusion.
The degree prefix hyper- stands for:
"over, excess, high, increased."
ex: hyper-tension.
The degree prefix hypo- stands for:
"under, below, low, decreased."
ex: hypo-glycemic.
The degree prefix olig/o- stands for:
"few, scarce."
ex: oligo-spermia.
The degree prefix pan- stands for:
ex: pan-demic.
The degree prefix super- stands for:
"above, excess."
ex: super-ficial.
The size/comparison prefix equi- stands for:
"equal, same."
ex: equi-librium.
The size/comparison prefix eu- stands for:
"good, easy, normal."
ex: eu-phoric.
The size/comparison prefix hetero- stands for:
"other, different."
ex: hetero-geneous.
The size/comparison prefix homo-/homeo- stands for:
"same, unchanging."
ex: homeo-stasis.
The size/comparison prefix iso- stands for:
"equal, same."
ex: iso-tonic.
The size/comparison prefix macro- stands for:
"large, abnormally large."
ex: macro-scopic.
The size/comparison prefix mega-/megalo- stands for"
"large, abnormally large."
ex: mega-colon.
The size/comparison prefix micro- stands for:
ex: micro-scopic.
The size/comparison prefix neo- stands for:
ex: neo-nate.
The size/comparison prefix normo- stands for:
ex: normo-volemia.
The size/comparison prefix ortho- stands for:
"straight, correct."
ex: ortho-tic.
The size/comparison prefix poikilo- stands for:
"varied, irregular."
ex: poikilo-thermic.
The size/comparison prefix pseudo- stands for:
ex: pseudo-plegia.
The size/comparison prefix re- stands for:
"again, back."
ex: re-flux.
The time prefix ante- stands for:
ex: ante-date.
The time prefix pre- stands for:
"before, in front."
ex: pre-op.
The time prefix pro- stands for:
"before, in front."
ex: pro-dome.
The time prefix post- stands for:
"after, behind."
ex: post-op.
The position prefix dextr/o- stands for:
ex: dextro-gastria.
The position prefix sinistr/o- stands for:
ex: sinistro-manual.
The position prefix ec-, ecto- stands for:
"out, outside."
ex: ec-topic.
The position prefix ex/o- stands for:
"away from, outside."
ex: ex-cise.
The position prefix end/o- stands for:
"in, within."
ex: endo-therm.
The position prefix mes/o- stands for:
The position prefixes syn-, sym- (used before b, m, p) stands for:
ex: syn-apse.
the position prefixes tel/e-, tel/o stand for:
ex: telo-phase.
When a suffix begins with an "rh":
The r is doubled.
ex: hemo-rr-hage.