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280 Cards in this Set

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gastrointestinal (GI) system or digestive system
3 points
1.Primary function is to break down food, prepare it for absorption, and eliminate waste.
2. Extends from mouth to anus
3. Includes the GI tract, or alimentary canal, and several accessory organs (liver, gallbladder, and pancreas)
Food passing along the GI tract is mixed with digestive enzymes and broken down into nutrient molecules, which are absorbed in the bloodstream. Undigested waste materials not absorbed by the blood are then eliminated from the body through defecation.
GI tract includes what?
1. mouth, 2. pharynx (throat), 3. esophagus, 4. stomach, 5. small intestine, 6. large intestine, 7. rectum, and 8. anus.
5 points
1. known as oral cavity or buccal cavity
2. is a receptacle for food.
3. process of digestion begins in the mouth.
4. It is formed by the cheeks (bucca), lips, teeth, tongue, and hard and soft palates.
5. located around the oral cavity are three pairs of salivary glands, which secrete saliva.
1 point
1. contains important digestive enzymes that help begin the chemical breakdown of food.
Breakdown of food in the mouth.
3 steps
1. broken down mechanically by teeth,
2. and then chemically by saliva,
3. and then formed into a bolus.
4 points
1. covered by a hard enamel, giving them a smooth, white appearance.
2. beneath the enamel is dentin, the main structure of the tooth.
3. The innermost part of the tooth is the pulp, which contains nerves and blood vessels.
4. The teeth are embedded in pink, fleshy tissue known as gums (gingiva).
SIDE 3 - role of teeth?
1. play important role in initial stages of digestion by mechanically breaking down food (mastication) into smaller pieces as they mix it with saliva.
1 point
mechanical breakdown of food into smaller pieces as is mixes with saliva
2 points
1. lies beneath the enamel
2. the main structure of the tooth
2 points
1. innermost part of the tooth
2. contains nerves and blood vessels
1. pink, fleshy tissue know as gums, in which teeth are embedded.
1.assists in the chewing process by manipulating the blus of food during chewing and moving it to the back of the mouth for swallowing (deflutition).
2. Aids in speech production and taste.
3. Rough projections on the surface of the tongue called papillae contain taste buds.
1. swalloing
1. rouge projections on the surface of tongue that contain taste buds.
Four basic taste sensations registered by chemical stimulation of the taste buds?
1. sweet, 2. sour, 3. salty, and 4. bitter.
Other taste perceptions? 2
1. All other taste perceptions are combinations of these four basic flavors.
2. sense of taste is intrately linked with sense of smell, making taste very complex
Two structures forming the roof of the mouth?
1. hard palate (anterior portion)
2. soft palate (posterior portion)
Oral cavity and GI tract lined with what?
1. mucous membranes.
Relation between hard and soft palates?
1. The soft palate, which forms a partition between the mouth and the nasopharynx, is continuous with the hard palate.
1. throat
2. funnel shaped
3. serves as a passageway to the respiratory and GI tracts
4. provides a resonating chamber for speech sounds
5. lowest portion divided into two tubes: 1. trachea, and 2. esophagus.
1. soft, fleshy, V-shaped structure that guides the bolus into the pharynx as it is pushed by the tongue.
1. one of two tubes extending from lowest portion of pharynx that leads to the lungs.
1. one of two tubes extending from the lowest portion of the pharynx that leads to the stomach.
1. a small flap of cartilage
2. folds back to cover the trachea during swallowing, forcing food to enter the esophagus.
3. at all other times, the epiglottis remains upright, allowing air to freely pass through the respiratory structures.
1. a saclike structure located in the left upper quadrant (LUQ) of the abdonimal cavity.
2. serves as a food reservoir that continues mechanical and chemical digestion.
3. extends from the esophagus to the first part of the small intestine (duodenum).
4. interior lining of the stomach is composed of mucous membranes and contains numerous macroscopic longitudinal folds called rugae.
lower esophageal (cardiac) sphincter
1. the terminal portion of the esophagus
2. composed of muscle fibers that constrict once food has passed into the stomach.
3. prevents stomach contents from regurgitating back into the esophagus.
body of the stomach
1. large central portion of the stomach
2. mainly a storage area.
1. the upper portion of the stomach.
2. mainly a storage area
1. funnel-shaped terminal portion of the stomach
2. place in the stomach where most digestion takes place.
1. macroscopic longitudinal folds in the interior lining of the stomach
2. gradually unfold as the stomach fills.
3. digestive glands within the rugae produce hydrochloric acid (HCI) and enzymes.
1. semiliquid formed from bolus by the secretions from rugae digestive glands and mechanical churning
2. slowly leaves the stomach through the pyloric sphincter to enter the duodenum.
pyloric spincter
1. regulates the speed and movement of chyme into the small intestine and prohibits backflow.
1. coordinated, rhythmic muscle contractions that propell food through the entire GI tract.
small intestine
1. coiled, 20-foot long tube that begins at the pyloric sphincter and extends at the large intestine.
2. consists of three parts: duodenum, jejunum, and ileum
1. the uppermost segment of the small intestine
2. 10 inches long
1. portion of the small intestine
2. approximately 8 feet long
1. portion of the small intestine
2. about 12 feet long
Completion of Digestion
1. Digestion is completed in the small intestine with the help of additional enzymes and secretions from the pancreas and liver.
2. nutrients enter the bloodstream and lymphatic system for distribution to the rest of the body.
1. microscopic, finger-like projections that absorb nutrients in chyme
ileocecal valve
1. a sphincter muscle at the terminal end of the small intestine
2. allows indigested or unabsorbed material from the small intestine to pass into the large intestine and eventually be excreted from the body.
large intestine
1. about 5 feet long,
2. begins at the end of the ileum and extends to the anus.
3. has three main compoments: cecum, colon, and rectum.
3. no digestion takes place in the large intestine.
4. the only secretion is mucus in the colon, which lubricates fecal material so it can pass from the body.
1. the first 2 or 3 inches of the large intestine.
2. a small pouch that hangs inferior to the ileocecal valve.
1. projects downward from the cecum
2. wormlike structures
3. function unknown
4. problems arise if it becomes infected or inflamed.
1. cecum merges with the colon
2. main functions are to absorb water and minerals and eliminate undigested material.
3. divided into ascending, transverse, descending, and sigmoid portions.
ascending colon
1. extends from the cecum to the lower border of the liber and turns abruptly to form the hepatic flexure.
transverse colon
1. the colon as it continues across the abdomen to the left side, curving beneath the spleen to form the splenic flexure.
descending colon
1. the transverse colon turns downward to become this part of the colon: _______ _______
sigmoid colon
1. the descending colon continues until it forms the: ______ ______
1. the last part of the GI tract
2. terminates at the anus
accessory organs of digestion
1. liver, gallbladder, and pancreas
2. lie outside the GI tract
3. play vital role in the proper digestion and absorption of nutrients.
1. largest granular organ in the body; weighs approximately 3 to 4 pounds.
2. located beneath the diaphragm in the right upper quadrant (RUQ) of the abdominal cavity.
3. death occurs if it ceases to function.
vital functions of liver
1. producing bile, used in the small intestine to emulsify and absorb fats
2. removing glucose (sugar) from blood to synthesize glycogen (startch) and retain it for later use
3. storing vitamins, such as B12, A, D, E, and K.
3.destroying or transofrming toxic products into less harmful compounds
4. maintaining normal glucose levels in the blood
5. destroying old erythrocytes and releasing bilirubin
6. producing various blood proteins, such as prothrombin and fibrinogen, that aid in blood clotting.
1. elongated, somewhat flattened organ
2. lies posterior and slightly inferior to the stomach
3. performs both endocrine and exocrine functions
pancreas as an endocrine gland
1. the _____ as a ______ gland, secretes insulin directly into the bloodstream to maintain normal blood glucose levels.
pancreas as an exocrine gland
1. the _____ as an _____ gland, produces digestive enzymes that pass into the duedenum through the pancreatic duct.
pancreatic duct
1. extends along the pancreas and, together with the hepatic duct from the liver, enters the dueodenum.
digestive enzymes produced by the pancreas
1. trypsin: breaks down proteins
2. amylase: breaks down carbohydrates
3. lipase: breaks down fat
1. saclike structure on the inferior surface of the liver
2. serves as a storage area for bile
3. releases bile, as needed, into the duedenum through the common bile duct.
right hapatic duct and left hapatic duct
1. bile is drained from the liver through the ___ ___ ___ and the ___ ___ ___.
2. these two structures eventually form the hapatic duct
cystic duct
1. the ___ ___ of the gallbladder merges with the hapatic duct to form the common bile duct, which leads to the duodenum.
bile production
1. ___ ___ is stimulated by hormone secretions, which are produced in the duodenum, as soon as food enters the small intestine.
2. without bile, fat difestion is not possible.
vital nutrients provided by digestive system are for:
1. growth, maintenance and repair of all organs and body cells.
functional relationship between digestive system
1. digestive system absorbs nutrients need by the heart.
functional relationship between digestive system
endocrine system
1. liver eliminates hormones from the blood to end their activity
2. pancreas contains hormone-producing cells
functional relationship between digestive system
female reproductive system
1. digestive system provides adequate nutrition, including fats, to make conception and normal fetal development possible.
2. Digestive system provides nutrients for repair of endometrium following menstruation
functional relationship between digestive system
genitourinary system
1. digestive system provides adequate nutrients in the development of viable sperm
2. liver metabolizes hormones, toxins, and drugs to forms that can be excreted in urine
functional relationship between digestive system
itegumentary system
1. digestive system supplies fats that provide insulation in the dermis and subcutaneous tissue
2. digestive system absorbs nutrients for maintenance, growth, and repair of the skin
functional relationship between digestive system
musculoskeletal system
1. digestive system provides nutrients needed for energy fuel.
2. digestive system absorbs calcium needed for bone salts and muscle contraction
3. liver removes lactic acid (resulting from muscle activity) from the blood
functional relationship between digestive system
nervous system
1. digestive system supplies nutrients for normal neural functioning
2. digestive system provides nutrients for synthesis of neurotransmitters and electrolytes for transmission of a nervous impules
3. liver plays a role in maintaining glucose levels for neural function
functional relationship between digestive system
respiratory system
1. digestive system absorbs nutrients needed by cells in the lungs and other tissues in the respiratory tract
2. the pharynx is shared by the digestive and respiratory systems. the lowest portion of the pharynx is divided into two tubes: one that leads to the lungs, called the trachea, and one that leads to the stomach, called the esophagus.
functional relationship between digestive system
blood, lymph, and immune system
1. liver regulates blood glucose levels
2. digestive tract secretes acids and enzymes to provide a hostile environment for pathogens
3. intestinal walls contain lymphoid nodules that help prevent invasion of pathogens
4. digestive system absorbs vitamin K for blood clotting.
glossectomy: removal of all or part of the tongue
lingual: pertaining to the tongue
buccal: pertaining to the cheek
cheiloplasty: surgical repair of a defective lip
labial: pertaining to the lips, particularly the lips of the mouth
dentist: specialist who diagnoses and treats diseases and siorders of teeth
orthodontist: dentist who specializes in correcting and preventing irregularities of abnormally positioned or aligned teeth
gingivectomy: excision of diseased gingival tissue.
performed as a surgical treatment for periodontal disease.
saliva, salivary gland
sialolith: calculus formed in a salivary gland or duct
esophagoscope: instrument used to examine the esophagus
pharynx (throat)
pharyngotonsillitis: inflammation of the pharynx and tonsils.
pylorospasm: involuntary contraction of the pyloric sphincter of the stomach, as in pyloric stenosis
duodenoscopy: visual examination of the duodenum
enteropathy: disease of the intestine
jujunorrhaphy: suture of the jejunum
ileostomy: creation of an opening between the ileum and the abdominal wall.
An ileostomy creates an opening on the surface of the abdomen to allow feces to be discharged into a bag worn on the abdomen.
appendectomy: excision of the appendix.
APpendectomy is performed to remove a diseased appendix in danger of rupturing.
appendicitis: inflammation of the appendix
colostomy: creation of an opening between the colon and the abdominal wall.
A colostomy creates a place for fecal matter to exit the body other than through the anus.
colonoscopy: visual examination of the colon. Colonoscopy is performed with an elongated endoscope called a colonoscope.
sigmoid colon
sigmoidotomy: incision of the sigmoid colon
rectocele: herniation or protrusion of the rectum; also called proctocele
anus, rectum
proctologist: physician who specializes in treating diorders of the colon, rectum, and anus
perianal: pertaining to the area around the anus
pancreatolysis: destruction of the pancreas by pancreatic enzymes
bile vessel
cholangiole: small terminal portion of the bile duct
bile, gall
cholelith: gallstone
Gallstones are solid masses composed of bile and cholesterol that form in the gallbladder and common bile duct.
cholecystectomy: removal of the gallbladder.
Cholecytectomy is performed by laparoscopic or open surgery.
bile duct
choledochoplasty: surgical repair of the common bile duct
anorexia: loss of appetite
dyspepsia: epigastric discomfort felt after eating; also called indigestion
swallowing, eating
erophagia: swallowing air
postprandial: following a meal
1. The branch of medicine concerned with digestive diseases.
1. disorder that does not present symptoms is ___.
1. the physician who specializes in the diagnoses and treatment of digestive disorders.
2. Do not perform surgeries, however, they do perform such procedures as liver biopsy and endoscopic examination.
1. a circumscribed open sore, on the skin or mucous membranes within the body
peptic ulcers
1. most common type of ulcer that occurs in the digestive system.
2. the two main types are: gastric ulcers, which develop in the stomach, and duodenal ulcers, which develop in the duodenum usually near the stomach.
peptic ulcer disease (PUD)
1. develops in the parts of the GI tract that are exposed to hydrochloric acid and pepsin.
2. if left untreated, mucosal destuction produces a perforation in the wall lining with resultant bleeding from the damaged area.
1. enzyme secreted in the stomach that begins the digestion of proteins.
role of pepsin and hydrchloric acid in PUD
1. both are found in gastric juice and normally act on food to begin the digestive process.
2. the strong action of these digestive products can destroy the protective defenses of the mucous membrances of the staomch and duodenum, causing the lining to erode.
helicobacter pylori
1. bacterium that is a leading cause of PUD.
2. spiral shape of this organism helps it burrow into the mucosa, weakening it, and making it more suceptible to the action of pepsin and stomach acid.
treatment for PUD
1. antibiotics to destroy H. pylori and antacids to treat peptic ulcers.
2. patients are advised to avoid nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs), caffeine, smoking and alcohol, which exacerbate symptoms of gastric ulcers.
ulcerative colitis
1. a chronic inflammatory disease of the large intestine and rectum.
ulcerative colitis - location
1. commonly begins in the rectum or sigmoid colon and extends upward into the entire colon.
ulcerative colitis - symptoms
1. characterized by profuse, watery diarrhea containing varying amounts of blood, mucus, and pus.
ulcerative colitis - inflammatory pattern
1. invlammation involved only the mucosal lining of the colon.
2. the affected portion of the colon is uniformly involved, with no patches of healthy mucosal tissue evident.
ulcerative colitis - associations
1. associated with a higher risk of colon cancer.
ulcerative colitis - severe cases
1. severe cases may require stoma for bowel evacuation to a bag worn on the abdomen.
1. a protrustion of any organ, tissue, or structure through the wall of the caviy in which it is naturally contained.
2. in general the term is applied to protrusions of viscera through the abdominal wall.
inguinal hernia
1. develops in the groin where the abdominal folds of flesh meet the thighs.
inguinal hernia - initial stages
1. hardly noticeable and appears as a soft lump under the skin, no larger than a marble.
inguinal hernia - early stages
1. usually reducible; can be pushed gently back into its normal place.
2. pain may be minimal
strangulated hernia
1. as time passes, pressure of the abdomen against the weak abdominal wall may increase the size of the opening as well as the size of the hernia lump.
2. ___ ___ may develop if blood supply to the hernia is cut off because of pressure
3. ___ ___ may lead to necrosis with gangrene.
umbilical hernia
1. a protrusion of part of the intestine at the navel.
2. occurs more commonly in obese women and among those who have had several pregnancies
congenital hernia
1. ___ ___ occur in newborn infants
2. also, hernias can form during early childhood. If not corrected by the age of 2, the deformity can be surgically corrected.
surgical treatment of hernia
1. hernioplasty with herniorrhaphy
diaphragmatic hernia
1. a congenital disorder
2. a hernia that occurs in the diaphragm
hiatal hernia
1. a hernia in the diaphragm
2. lower part of the esophagus and the top of the stomach slides through an opening (hiatus) in the diaphragm into the thorax.
hiatal hernia - symptoms
1. many are asymptomatic
2. stomach acid backs up into the esophagus, causing heartburn, chest pain, and swallowing difficulty.
gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD)
1. can be caused if a hiatal hernia continues for a prolonged period
intestinal obstruction
1. a partial or complete blockage in the small or large intestine that prevents forward flow of digestive products.
2. complete obstruction in any part of the intestine constitutes a medical emergency and requires rapid diagnosis and treatment within a 24-hour period to prevent death.
intestinal obstruction - mechanical blockage
1. contents of the intestine are prevented from moving forward due to an obstacle or barrier that blocks the lumen.
2. also called ileus
intestinal obstruction - nonmechanical blockage
1. peristaltic movement is lacking or absent and contents are no longer propelled through the intestine.
2. also called paralytic ileus
mechanical obstructions
1. include tumors,
2. scar tissues (adhesions),
3. intestinal twisting (volvolus),
4. intestinal "telescoping" where part of the intestine slips into another part just beneath it (intussusceptions),
5. strangled hernias, or
6. the presence of foreign bodies, such as fruit pits and gallstones.
nonmechanical blockages - causes
1. often result after abdonimal surgeries or with spinal cord lesions where peristalsis or other neurogenic stimuli are affected.
2. less common causes include thrombosis or embolism of mesenteric vessels and trauma or bacterial injury to the peritoneum.
intestinal obstruction - treatment
1. primary treatment is the insertion of an intestinal tube.
2. if the intestinal tube is ineffective in relieving the obstruction, surgery is indicated.
.1. enlarged veins in the mucous membrane of the anal canal.
2. they may occur inside or outside the rectal area.
hemmorrhoids - symptoms
1. often the may bleed, hurt, or itch
hemmorrhoids - causes
1. usually caused by abdonimal pressure, such as from straining during bowel movement, pregnancy, and standing or sitting for long periods.
2. they may also be associated with some disorders of the liver or the heart.
hemmorrhoids - prevention
1. a high-fiber diet as well as drinking plenty of water and juices
hemmorrhoids - treatment
1. temporary conditions
2. advanced conditions
1. temporary relief can be obtained by cold compresses, sitz baths, stool softeners, or analgesic ointments.
2. treatment for advanced conditions involves surgical removal
1. definition
2. treatment
3. progression
1. inflammatory condition of the liver.
2. treatment includes antiviral drugs; however there is no cure.
3. as the disease progresses, scarring of the liver becomes so serious that liver transplantation is the only recourse.
hepatitis - causes
usual causes include
1. exposure to toxic substances, especially alcohol
2. obstructions in the bile ducts
3. metabolic diseases
4. autoimmune diseases
5. bacterial or viral infections
hepatitis - viral
1. increasing incidence of ___ hepatitis is a growing public health concern. disease is easily transmitted and can cause prolonged loss of time from school or employment.
hepatitis - 3 most common forms
1. hepatitis A
2. hepatitis B
2. hepatitis C
hepatitis A
1. also called
2. most common causes
1. also called infectious hepatitis
2. most common causes are ingestion of contaiminated food, water, or milk.
hepatitis B
1. also called
1. also called serum hepatitis
hepatitis B
1. transmission
1. usually transmitted by routes other than the mouth (parenteral), such as from blood transfusions and sexual contact
hepatitis B
1. health care personnel
2. treatment
1. health care personnel are at increased risk for contacting hepatitis B because of patient exposure.
2. a vaccine provides immunity
hepatitis C
1. symptoms
2. treatment
1. patients may remain asymptomatic for years or the disease may produce mild flulike symptoms.
2. no vaccine exists.
liver disorders
1. symptoms
major symptoms include:
1. yellowing of the skin, mucous membrances and sclerae of the eys (jaundice, icterus). This occurs because this organ can no longer remove bilirubin, a yellow compound formed when erythrocytes are destroyed.
1. definition
1. a yellow compound formed when erythrocytes are destroyed.
1. definition
2. most common location of occurence
1. a condition in which small, blisterlike pockets (diverticula) develop in the inner lining of the large intestine and may balloon through the intestinal wall.
2. these pockets occur most commonly in the sigmoid colon.
1. definition
1. small blister like pockets that usually do not cause any problems unless they are inflammed.
1. definition
1. inflammation of diverticula
6 signs and symptoms
1. pain, often in the left lower quadrant (LLQ) of the abdomen
2. extreme constipation (obstipation) or diarrhea
3. fever
4. abdominal swelling
5. occasional blood in bowel movements
1. normal treatment
2. treatment in severe cases
1. bed rest, antibiotics, and a soft diet.
2. excision of the diverticulum (diverticulectomy)
stomach cancer
1. incidence
2. importance
3. susceptibility
4. development
5. symptoms
1. rare in US, but common in many parts of the world where food preservation is problematic.
2. important medical problem because of its high mortality rate.
3. men are more susceptible than women.
4. the neoplasm nearly always develops from the epithelial or mucosal lining of the stomach in the form of a cancerous glandular tumor (gastric adenocarcinoma)
5. persistent indigestion is one of the important warning signs.
other types of GI carcinomas
1. esophageal carcinomas
2. hepatocellular carcinomas
3. pancreatic carcinomas
colorectal cancer
1. development
1. arises from the epithelial lining of the large intestine.
colorectal cancer
7 signs and symptoms
depend largely on the location of the malignancy, but include:
1. changes in bowel habits
2. passage of blood and mucus in stools
3. rectal or abdominal pain
4. anemia
5. weight loss
6. obstruction
7. perforation
cancer involving the colon between the cecum and the sigmoid
2 symptoms may be...
1. the first symptom may be an obstruction that develops suddenly
2. a slowly developing obstruction will not become evident until the lumen is almost closed.
cancer of the sigmoid and rectum
3 symptom
1. partial obstruction with constipation alternating with diarrhea
2. lower abdominal cramping pain
3. distention
lack or loss of appetite, resulting in the inability to eat.
Anorexia should not be confused with anorexia nervosa, which is a complex psyhogenic eating disorder characterized by an all-consuming desire to remain thin.
Inflammation of the appendix, usually due to obstruction or infection.
If left undiagnosed, appendicitis rapidly leads to perforation and peritonitis. Treatment is appendectomy within 24 to 48 hours of the first symptoms because delay usually reults in rupture and peritonitis as fecal matter is released into the peritoneal cavity.
Abnormal accumulation of fluid in the abdomen.
Ascites is most commonly associated with cirrhosis of the liver, especially when caused by alcoholism. Failure of the liver to produce albumin (a protein that regulates the amount of fluid in the circulatory system), combined with portal hypertension forces fluid to pass from the circulatory system and accumulate in the peritoneum.
Rumbling or gurgling noises that are audible at a distance and caused by passage of gas through the liquid contents of the intestine.
Physical wasting that includes loss of weight and muscle mass; commonly associated with AIDS and cancer.
Presence or formation of gallstones in the gallbladder or common bile duct.
Cholelithiasis may or may not produce symptoms.
Scarring and dysfunction of the liver caused by chronic liver disease.
Cirrhosis is most commonly caused by chronic alcoholism. It may also be caused by toxins, infectious agents, metabolic diseases, and circulatory disorders. In this disorder, functional hepatic cells are replaced by nonfunctioning fibrous tissue that impairs the flow of blood and lymph within the liver, resulting in hepatic insufficiency.
Spasm in any hollow or tubular soft organ, especially in the colon, accompanied by pain.
Chrohn disease
Chronic inflammation, usually of the ileum, but possibly affecting any portion of the intestinal tract; also called reigonal enteritis.
Crohn disease is a chronic disease distinguished from closely related bowel disorders by its inflammatory pattern. It may cause fever, cramping, diarrhea, and weight loss.
Act of swallowing.
Inflammation of the intestine, especially the colon, that may be caused by ingesting water or food containing chemical irritants, bacteria, protozoa, or parasites, which results in bloody diarrhea.
Dyentery is common in underdeveloped countries and in times of disaster when sanitary living conditions, clean food, and safe water are not available.
Epigastric discomfort felt after eating; also called indigestion.
Inability or difficulty in swallowing; also called aphagia.
Producing gass from the stomach, usually with a characteristic sound; also called belching.
Fecal concretion
Gas in the GI tract; expelling of air from a body orifice, especially the anus.
gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD)
Backflow of gastric contents into the esophagus due to a malfunction of the sphincter muscle at the inferior portion of the esophagus.
GERD may occur whenever pressure in the stomach is greater than that in the esophagus and may be associated with heartburn, esophagitis, biatal hernia, or chest pain.
Offensive, or "bad" breath
Vomiting of blood from bleeding in the stomach or esophagus.
Hematemesis can be caused by an esophageal ulcer, esophageal varices (dilation of veins), or a gastric ulcer. Treatment requires correction of the underlying cause.
irritable bowel syndrome (IBS)
Symptom complex marked by abdominal pain and altered bowel function (typically constipation, diarrhea, or alternating constipation and diarrhea) for which no organic cause can be determined; also called spastic colon.
Contributing or aggravating factors of IBS include anxiety and stress.
malabsorption syndrome
Symptomcomplex of the small intestine characterized by the impaired passage of nutrients, minerals, or fluids through intestinal villi into the blood or lymph.
Malabsorption syndrome may be associated with or due to a number of diseases, including those affecting the intestinal mucosa. It may also be due to surgery, such as gastric resection and ileal bypass, or antibiotic therapy.
Passage of dark-colored, tarry stools, due to the presence of blood altered by intestinal juices.
Excessive accumulation of fat that exceeds the body's skeletal and physical standards, usually an increase of 20 percent or more above the ideal body weight.
Obesity may be due to excessive intake of food (exogenous) or metabolic or endocrine abnormalities (endogenous).
morbid obesity
Body mass index (BMI) of 40 or greater, which is generally 100 or more pounds over ideal body weight.
Morbid obesity is a desease with serious psychological, social, and medical ramifications and one that threatens necessary body functions such as respiration.
Severe constipation; may be caused by an intestinal obstruction.
oral leukoplakia
Formation of white spots or patches on the mucous membrance of the tongue, lips, or cheek caused primarily by irritation.
Oral leukoplakia is a precancerous condition usually associated with pipe or cigarette smoking or ill-fitting dentures.
Progressive, wavelike movement that occurs involuntarily in hollow tubes of the body, especially the GI tract.
pyloric stenosis
Stricture or narrowing of the pyloric sphincter (circular muscle of the pylorus) at the outlet of the stomach, causing an obstruction that blocks the flow of food into the small intestine.
The muscle fibers of the outlet are cut, wihtout severing the mucosa, to widen the opening. After surgery inadults, a stomach tube remains in place and observation is maintained fro signs of hemorrhage or blockage of the tube.
Backward flowing, as in the return of solids or fluids to the mouth from the stomach.
Passage of fat in large amounts in the feces due to failure to digest and absorb it.
Steatorrhea may occur in pancreatic disease when pancreatic enzymes are not sufficient. It also occurs in malabsorption syndrome.
visual examination of a cavity or canal using a flexible fiberoptic instrument called an endoscope.
The organ, cavity, or canal being examined dictates the name of the endoscopic procedure. A camera and video recorder are commonly used during the procedure to provide a permanent record.
upper GI endoscopy
Endoscopy of the esophagus (esophagoscopy), stomach (gastroscopy), and duodenum (duodenoscopy).
Endoscopy of the upper GI tract is performed to identify tumors, esophagitis, gastroesophageal varices, peptic ulcers, and the source of upper GI bleeding. It is also used to confirm the presence and extent of varices in the lower esophagus and stomach in patients with liver diease.
lower GI endoscopy
Endoscopy of the colon (colonoscopy), sigmoid colon (sigmoidoscopy), and rectum and anal canal (proctoscopy).
Endoscopy of the lower GI tract is used to identify pathological conditions in the colon. It may also be used to remove polyps. When polyps are discovered in the colon, they are retrieved and tested for cancer.
hepatitis panel
Panel of blood tests that identify the specific virus - hepatitis A (HAV), hepatitis B (HBV), or hepatitis C (HCV) - causing hepatitis by testing serum using antibodies to each of these antigens.
liver function tests (LFTs)
Group of blood tests that evaluate liver injury, iver function, and conditions often associated with the biliary tract.
LFTs evaluate liver enzymes, bilirubin, and proteins produced by the liver.
serum bilirubin
Measurement of the level of bilirubin in the blood.
Elevated serum bilirubin indicates excessive destruction of erythrocytes, liver disease, or biliary tract obstruction. Bilirubin is a breakdown product of hemoglobin and is normally excreted from the body as bile. Excesssive bilirubin caused yellowing of the skin and mucous membrances, a condition called jaundice.
stool culture
Applying a substance called guaiac to a stool sample to detect presence of occult (hidden) blood in the feces; also called Hemoccult (trade name of modified guaiac test).
Stool test detects presence of blood in the feces that is not apparent on visual inspection. It also helps detect colon cancer and bleeding associated with digestive disorders.
barium enema (BE)
Radiographic examination of the rectum and colon following enema adminstration of barium sulfate (contrast medium) into the rectun; also called lower GI series.
Barium is retained in the lower GI tract during fluoroscopic and radiographic studies. It is used for diagnosing obstructions, tumors, or other abnormalities of the colon.
barium swallow
Radiographic examination of the esophagus, stomach, and small intestine following oral administration of barium sulfate (contrast medium); also called asophagram and upper GI series.
Barium swallow is used to diagnose structural defects of the esophagus and vessels, such as esophageal varices. It may also be used to locate swallowed objects.
Radiographic images taken of the gallbladder after administration of contrast material containing iodine, usually in the form of a tablet.
This test evaluates gallbladder function and identifies the presence of disease or gallstones.
computed tomography (CT)
Imaging technique achieved by rotating an x-ray emitter around the area to be scanned and measuring the intensity of transmitted rays from different angles.
In CT scanning, a computer is used to generate a detailed cross-sectional image that appears as a slice. In the digestive system, CT scans are used to view the gallbladder, bowel, liver, bile ducts, and pancreas. It is also used to diagnose tumors, cysts, inflammation, abscesses, perforation, bleeding, and obstructions.
endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography (ERCP)
Endoscopic procedure that provides radiographic visualization of the bile and pancreatic ducts to identify partial or total obstructions, as well as stones, cysts, and tumors.
In ERCP, a flexible fiberoptic duodenscope is placed into the common bile duct. A radiopaque substance is instilled directly into the duct and serial x-ray films are taken.
percutaneous transhepatic cholangiography (PTCP)
Radiographic examination of bile duct structures.
Contrast medium is injected through a needle passed through the skin (percutaneous) and through the liver (transhepatic) directly into the hepatic duct. The bile duct can be viewed for obstructions, anatomical variations, and cysts.
Radiologic examination of the salivary glands and ducts.
ultrasonography (US)
Test that used high-frequency sound waves (ultrasound) to analyze the reflected echos from anatomical structures and convert them into an image on a video monitor; also called ultrasound, sonography, echo, and echogram.
US detects diseas and deformities in digestive organs, such as the gallbladder, liver, and pancreas. It is also used to locate abdominal masses outside the digestive ograns.
abdominal ultrosonography
Ultrasound visualization of the abdominal aorta, liver, gallbladder, bile ducts, pancreas, kidneys, ureters, and bladder.
An abdominal US is used to diagnose and locate cysts, tumors, and malformations as well as document the progression of various diseases and guide the insertion of instruments during surgical procedures.
biopsy (bx)
Representative tissue sample removed from a body site for microscopic examination, usually to establish a diagnosis. Use of a large-bore needle to remove a core of liver tissue for histological examination.
nasogastric intubation
Procedure that involves insertion of a nasogastric tube through the nose into the stomach to relieve gastric distention by removing gas, good, or gastric secretions; to instill medication, food, or fluids; or to obtain a specimen for laboratory analysis.
Surgical joining of two ducts, vessels, or bowel segments to allow flow from on to another.
ileorectal anastomosis
Surgical connection of the ileum and rectum after total colectomy, as is sometimes performed in the treatment of ulcerative colitis.
intestinal anastomosis
Surgical connection of two portions of the intestines; also called enteroenterostomy.
bariatric surgery
Group of procedures that treat morbid obesity, a condition which arises from severe accumulation of excess weight as fatty tissue, and the resultant health prblems.
Commonly employed bariatric surgeries include vertical banded gastroplasty and Roux-en-Y gastric bypass.
vertical banded gastroplasty bariatric surgery
Upper stomach near the esophagus is stapled vertically to reduce it to a small pouch. A band is then inserted that restricts food consumption and delays its passage from the pouch, causing a feeling of fullness.
Roux-en-Y gastric bypass (RGB) bariatric surgery
Stomach is first stapled to decrease it to a small pouch. Next, the jejunum is shortened and connected to the small stomach pouch, causing the base of the duodenum leading from the nonfunctioning portion of the stomach to form a Y configuration. This configuration decreases the pathway of food through the intestine, thus reducing absorption of calories and fats.
RGB can be performed laparoscopically or as an open procedure (laparotomy), depending on the health of the patient. RGB is the most commonly performed weight-loss surgery today.
Creation of an opening of a portion of the colon through the abdominal wall to its outside surface in order to divert fecal flow to a colostomy bag.
Procedure for crushing a stone and eliminating its fragments either surgically or using ultrasonic shock waves.
extracorporeal shockwave lithotripsy
Use of shock waves as a noninvasive method to break up stones in the gallbladder or biliary ducts.
In extracorporeal shockwave lithotripsy (ESWL), ultrasound is used to locate the stones and to monitor the destruction of the stones.
Excision of a polyp.
When polyps are discovered during sigmoidoscopy or colonoscopy, they are excised for microscopic tissue examination for abnormal or cancerous cells.
Incision of the longitudinal and circular muscles of the pylorus; used to treat hypertrophic pyloric stenosis.
Counteract or neutralize acidity, usually in the stomach.
Used to treat and prevent heartburn and acid reflux.
calcium carbonate: Mylanta, Rolaids, Tums.
Control loose stools and relieve diarrhea by absorbing excess water in the bowel or slowing peristalsis in the intestinal tract
loperamide: Imodium
kaolin/pectin: Donnagel-MB, Kapectolin
Control nausea and vomiting by blocking nerve umpulses to the vomiting center of the brain.
Some emetics act by hastening the movement of food through the digestive tract.
prochlorperazine: Compazine, Compro
trimethobenzamide: T-Gen, Tigan
Decrease gastrointestinal (GI) spasms by slowing peristalsis and motility throughout the GI tract.
Antispasmodics are prescribed for irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), spastic colon, and diverticulitis.
glycopyrrolate: Robinul
propantheline: Pro-Banthine
Treat constipation by increasing peristaltic activity in the large intestine or increasing water and electrolyte secretion into the bowel to induce defecation
senna, sennosides: Senokot, Senolax
psyllium: Metamucil, Natural Fiber Supplement
aspiration biopsy cytology
alk phos
alkaline phosphatase
alanine aminotransferase
angiotensin sensitivity
barium enema
bowel movement
body mass index
cystic fibrosis
computed tomography
endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography
gallbladder series (x-ray studies)
gastroesophageal reflux
gastroesophageal reflux disease
hepatitis A virus
hepatitis B virus
hepatitis C virus
hepatitis D virus
hepatitis E virus
irritable bowel syndrome
liver function test
physical examination;
pulmonary embolism
percutaneous transhepatic cholangeography
stat, STAT
past medical history
peptic ulcer disease
Roux-en-Y gastric bypass
rule out
before meals
twice a day
half strength
at bedtime
NPO, n.p.o.
nothing by mouth
pc, p.c.
after meals
by mouth
as required
every morning
every day
every hour
every 2 hours
four times a day
every other day
every evening
three times a day
orange-colored or yellowish pigment in bile.
Bilirubin is formed principally by the breakdown of hemoglobin in red blood cells after termination of their normal lifespan.
mass of masticated food ready to be swallowed.
denotes a gland that secretes its products through excretory ducts to the surface of an organ or tissue or into a vessel.
circular band of muscle fibers that constricts a passage or closes a natural opening of the body.