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89 Cards in this Set

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Sequence of muscle contraction that propels food through the GI tract is:
a) Peristalsis
b) Percussion
c) Pruritus
d) Ptosis
Occult blood is blood hidden in stool or urine that can be detected with a guaiac test.
Blood in urine
a) Exophthalmos
b) Gynecomastia
c) Hematuria
d) Menarche
e) Meatus
Body opening or passageway
a) Exophthalmos
b) Gynecomastia
c) Hematuria
d) Menarche
e) Meatus
Enlargement of the male breast
a) Exophthalmos
b) Gynecomastia
c) Hematuria
d) Menarche
e) Meatus
Abnormal protrusion of the eyeball
a) Exophthalmos
b) Gynecomastia
c) Hematuria
d) Menarche
e) Meatus
First menstrual period
a) Exophthalmos
b) Gynecomastia
c) Hematuria
d) Menarche
e) Meatus
The inability to understand the spoken word is known as:
a) Aphasia
b) Stupor
c) Receptive aphasia
d) Expressive aphasia
Receptor aphasia
Inequality of the diameter of the pupils is called:
a) Anisocoria
b) Apraxia
c) Adnexa
d) Ankylosis
Jaundice is a yellowish discoloration of the skin caused by the accumulation of hematuria.
The position commonly used for female pelvic examination in which the patient lies on her back with her hips and knees flexed and her thighs abducted and rotated externally is known as:
a) Supine lithotomy position
b) Dorsal lithotomy position
c) Lateral lithotomy position
Dorsal lithotomy position
Loud, high-pitched crowing sound usually heard during inspiration without the need for a stethoscope is:
a) Thrill
b) Strabismus
c) Stridor
d) Striae
A musical, drum-like sound heard during percussion over a hollow organ such as the stomach is:
a) Resonance
b) Percussion
c) Tympany
d) Tone
Measurements of the human body taken as part of a comprehensive nutritional assessment are called:
a) Antropometric measurements
b) Bimanual palpation
c) Hyperresonance
d) Point of maximum impulse
Antropometric measurements
An abnormal protrusion of a structure through an opening such as a loop of bowel through a muscle wall is called:
a) Hydrocele
b) Hyperopia
c) Hernia
d) Hematuria
Superficial reflex of the testicles elicited by stroking the upper inner thigh, which causes brisk retraction of the testis on the side of the stimulus is:
a) Hydrocele
b) Cremasteric reflex
c) Flaccidity
d) Gynecomastia
Cremasteric reflex
Excessive hair growth
a) Cremasteric reflex
b) Flaccidity
c) Hirsutism
d) Hordeolum
e) Introitus
Entrance to canal or cavity
a) Cremasteric reflex
b) Flaccidity
c) Hirsutism
d) Hordeolum
e) Introitus
Decreased muscle tone
a) Cremasteric reflex
b) Flaccidity
c) Hirsutism
d) Hordeolum
e) Introitus
Brisk retraction of the testis
a) Cremasteric reflex
b) Flaccidity
c) Hirsutism
d) Hordeolum
e) Introitus
Cremasteric reflex
Inflammation of the eyelid
a) Cremasteric reflex
b) Flaccidity
c) Hirsutism
d) Hordeolum
e) Introitus
A coma is an unconscious state in which the patient appears to be asleep, and doesn't respond to neither body nor environmental stimuli.
Difficulty in swallowing is known as:
a) Dysphasia
b) Dysphagia
c) Biblopia
d) Dysarthria
Consensual light reflex is the dilation of the pupil of one eye when the other eye is illuminated.
An abnormal protrusion of the eyeball is called:
a) Gynecomastia
b) Exophthalmos
c) Mydriasis
d) Hydrocele
Fixation of a joint due to fibrous or bony union is called:
a) Adnexa
b) Ankylosis
c) Anisocoria
d) Ascites
Aphasia is the speech defect commonly related to a motor deficit of the tongue or speech muscles.
Loud, gurgling, splashing sounds produced by hyperactive intestinal peristalsis is likely to be:
a) Borborygmus
b) Crackles
c) Crepitus
d) Bruit
Intermittent, nonmusical, cracking breath sounds that are caused by collapsed or fluid-filled alveoli popping open at the end of inspiration is:
a) Bruit
b) Murmur
c) Crepitus
d) Crackles
Palpable vibration felt over the heart or vessel that results from turbulent blood flow is called:
a) Tympany
b) Thrill
c) Tone
d) Tinnitus
Opacity of the lens of the eye is:
a) Anisocoria
b) Consensual light reflex
c) Cataract
d) Cerumen
Physical assessment technique by which the examiner uses the sense of touch to feel pulsations and vibrations or to locate body structures and assess their texture, size, consistency, mobility and tenderness is
a) Auscultation
b) percussion
c) Palpation
d) Inspection
The medical term for double vision is:
a) Diplopia
b) Mydriasis
c) Anisocoria
d) Hyperopia
Appendages of the uterus, including the ovaries, fallopian tubes and supporting tissues are:
a) Alopecia
b) Hernia
c) Ankylosis
d) Adnexa
Thickening and hardening of the skin often resulting from the irritation caused by repeated scratching of a pruritic lesion is known as:
a) Pruritus
b) Lichenification
c) rhonchi
d) Vitiligo
Entrance to a canal or cavity, such as the vagina is called:
a) Adnexa
b) Introitus
c) Hernia
d) Meatus
The auscultory point on the precordium at the 3rd intercostal space to the left of the sternum is called:
a) Tail of Spence
b) Peau d'orange
c) Point of maximal impulse
d) Erbs point
Erbs point
Low pitched, snoring, rumbling breath sounds that may be heard on inhalation but is more pronounced on exhalation are:
a) Tympany
b) Resonance
c) Rhonchi
d) Tinnitus
Loss of appetite is called:
a) Aphasia
b) Anorexia
c) Ataxia
d) Ascites
Noise or vibrations produced by rubbing together irregular cartilage surfaces or broken ends of a bone is:
a) Tympany
b) Resonance
c) Crepitus
d) Fremitus
Excessive hair growth; may be hereditary, a sign of an endocrine disorder, or an effect of certain drugs is called:
a) Hydrocele
b) Hirsutism
c) Hematuria
d) Hordeolum
Vertigo is a benign acquired skin condition of unknown cause consisting of a complete absence of melanin pigment leading to patchy areas of white or light skin.
Decreased muscle tone which causes muscle to become weak or flabby is called:
a) Peristalsis
b) Flaccidity
c) Hernia
d) Flabiness
Accumulation of serous fluid in saclike structure such as the testis is:
a) Hirsutism
b) Hordeolum
c) Hematuria
d) Hydrocele
Abnormal sound heard on auscultation over an artery, organ or gland that indicates turbulent blood flow through a narrow or partially occluded vessel is:
a) Bruit
b) Borborygmus
c) Murmur
d) Crackles
A sharp-stabbing pain that occurs when the abdomen is pushed in deeply and then suddenly released; usually associated with peritoneal inflammation is:
a) Rhonchi
b) receptive aphasia
c) Rebound tenderness
d) Pruritus
Rebound tenderness
Rhonchi is a low-pitched, snoring, rumbling breath sounds that may be heard on inhalation but is more pronounced on exhalation.
Physical assessment technique by which the examiner taps on the skin surface with her fingers to assess the size, border, and consistency of internal organs and to detect and evaluate fluid in a body cavity is:
a) Palpation
b) Auscultation
c) Inspection
d) Percussion
The involuntary rhythmic movement of the eye is called:
a) Nystagmus
b) Anisocoria
c) Myopia
d) Mydriasis
Normal degree of vigor and tension; in muscle, the normal degree of tension is called:
a) Tinnitus
b) Tone
c) Tymphany
d) Thrill
Inflammation of the sebaceous gland of the eyelids; also called a stye is:
a) Hyperopia
b) Hematuria
c) Hordeolum
d) Hydrocele
Peau d'orange is the orange-peel appearance of skin associated with ovarian cancer.
The physical assessment technique using a stethoscope to listen for sounds coming from the heart, lungs, abdomen, and other organs is:
a) Bimanual palpation
b) Inspection
c) Palpation
d) Auscultation
Tail of Spence is the extension of breast tissue that projects from the upper outer quadrant of the breast toward the axilla.
Puckering or depression of the skin of the breast possible caused by underlying growth; also called retraction is:
a) Gynecomastia
b) Dysarthria
c) Diplopia
d) Dimpling
Ear wax
a) Alopecia
b) Anorexia
c) Cerumen
d) Diplopia
e) Dysphagia
Double vision
a) Alopecia
b) Anorexia
c) Cerumen
d) Diplopia
e) Dysphagia
Loss of appetite
a) Alopecia
b) Anorexia
c) Cerumen
d) Diplopia
e) Dysphagia
Hair loss
a) Alopecia
b) Anorexia
c) Cerumen
d) Diplopia
e) Dysphagia
Difficulty in swallowing
a) Alopecia
b) Anorexia
c) Cerumen
d) Diplopia
e) Dysphagia
Point at which the upward thrust of the heart against the chest wall is greatest, usually over the apex of the heart is called:
a) Gynecomastia
b) Precordium
c) Erbs point
d) Point of maximal impulse
Point of maximal impulse
Accumulation of fluid in the abdominal cavity is:
a) Ascites
b) Ataxia
c) Alopecia
d) Ankylosis
Palpable vibration that results from air passing through the bronchopulmonary system and transmitting vibrations to the chest wall is:
a) Fremitus
b) Peristalsis
c) Rebound tenderness
d) Murmur
The inability to express words or thoughts is:
a) Dysarthria
b) Aphasia
c) Apraxia
d) Expressive aphasia
Expressive aphasia
A change in the shape of the lens that allows the eye to focus is:
a) Myopia
b) Accomodation
c) Hyperopia
d) Adnexa
Fremitus is palpable vibration that results from air passing through the bronchopulmonary system and transmitting vibrations to the chest wall.
Language disorder characterized by difficulty expressing or comprehending speech is:
a) Apraxia
b) Ascites
c) Aphasia
d) Ataxia
Protein deficiency malnutrition that ocurs in young children and involves loss of visceral protein is:
a) Kwashiorka
b) Marasmus
c) Pruritus
d) Peristalsis
The method of palpation involving the use of two hands to locate body structures and assess their texture, size, consistency, mobility and tenderness is called:
a) Inspection
b) Percussion
c) Bimanual palpation
d) Auscultation
Bimanual palpation
Lack of coordination of eye muscles
a) Receptive aphasia
b) Rhonchi
c) Strabismus
d) Telangiectasis
e) Tinnitus
Low pitched, snoring, rumbling breath sounds
a) Receptive aphasia
b) Rhonchi
c) Strabismus
d) Telangiectasis
e) Tinnitus
Ringing sounds in ears
a) Receptive aphasia
b) Rhonchi
c) Strabismus
d) Telangiectasis
e) Tinnitus
Inability to understand the spoken word
a) Receptive aphasia
b) Rhonchi
c) Strabismus
d) Telangiectasis
e) Tinnitus
Receptive aphasia
Weblike pattern of blood vessels
a) Receptive aphasia
b) Rhonchi
c) Strabismus
d) Telangiectasis
e) Tinnitus
A permantly dilated small blood vessel that form a weblike pattern; may be the result of scleroderma, lupus, cirrhosis, or may be normal in health, older adults is called:
a) Peristalsis
b) Tinnitus
c) Tail of Spence
d) Telangiectasis
Critical observation of the patient during which the examiner may use sight, hearing or smell to make informed observations is known as:
a) Percussion
b) Palpation
c) Inspection
d) Auscultation
The period from the beginning of one heartbeat to the beginning of the next; includes two phases, systole and diastole, is called:
a) Crackles
b) Fremitus
c) Cardiac cycle
d) Murmur
Cardiac cycle
Dilation of the pupil due to paralysis of the occulomotor muscles or the effects of drugs is:
a) Mydriasis
b) Exophthalmos
c) Anisocoria
d) Myopia
Strength of a pulse or other force is known as:
a) Ataxia
b) Amplitude
c) Adnexa
d) Ascites
A benign acquired skin condition of unknown cause consisting of complete absence of melanin pigment leading to patchy areas of white or light skin is:
a) Vitiligo
b) Telangiectasis
c) Vertigo
d) Pruritus
The medical term for hair loss is:
a) Adnexa
b) Alopecia
c) Ankylosis
d) Anorexia
Chest area over the heart
a) Menopause
b) Myopia
c) Precordium
d) Pruritus
e) Ptosis
Drooping of the eyelid
a) Menopause
b) Myopia
c) Precordium
d) Pruritus
e) Ptosis
a) Menopause
b) Myopia
c) Precordium
d) Pruritus
e) Ptosis
Cessation of the menstrual period
a) Menopause
b) Myopia
c) Precordium
d) Pruritus
e) Ptosis
Severe itching
a) Menopause
b) Myopia
c) Precordium
d) Pruritus
e) Ptosis
Enlargement of breast tissue in a male is called:
a) Marasmus
b) Tail of Spence
c) Nystagmus
d) Gynecomastia
A speech defect commonly related to a motor deficit of the tongue or speech muscles is called:
a) Dysarthria
b) Aphasia
c) Diplopia
d) Dysphagia
Uncoordinated actions when voluntary muscle movements are attempted is known as:
a) Ataxia
b) Adnexa
c) Apraxia
d) Ascites