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104 Cards in this Set

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Pathology: Local widening of an artery caused by weakness in the arterial wall or breakdown of the wall from atherosclerosis
Pathology: Chest pain caused by decreased blood flow to heart muscle
Pathology: Also called angina pectoris (chest)
Pathology: Abnormal heartbeat (rhythm)
Pathology: Fibrillation and flutter are examples
Pathology: Inability of the heart to pump its required amount of blood.
Congestive heart failure
Pathology: Blood accumulates in the lungs, causing
Pulmonary edema
Pathology: High blood pressure
Pathology: High blood pressure with no apparent cause
Essential hypertension
Pathology: Another illness such as kidney disease or an adrenal gland disorder is the cause of this type of high blood pressure
Secondary hypertension
Pathology: Another term for Heart Attack
Myocardial infarction
Pathology: An area of dead (necrotic) tissue
Pathology: A group of signs and symptoms – paleness of skin, weak and rapid pulse, shallow breathing) indicating poor oxygen supply to tissues and insufficient return of blood to the heart
Prefix: Angi/o
Prefix: Aort/o
Prefix: Arteri/o
Prefix: Arteriol/o
Arteriole – small artery
Prefix: Cardi/o
Prefix: Coron/o
Prefix: Phleb/o
Prefix: Ven/o
Prefix: Venul/o
Venule – small vein
Laboratory Tests and Diagnostic Procedures: Recording (via x-ray) blood vessels after the injection of contrast into the bloodstream
Laboratory Tests and Diagnostic Procedures: Introducing a catheter into a vein or artery to measure pressure and flow patterns of blood
Cardiac catheterization
Laboratory Tests and Diagnostic Procedures: Measurements of enzymes released into the bloodstream after a heart attack (myocardial infarction)
Cardiac enzyme tests
Laboratory Tests and Diagnostic Procedures: Measuring blood flow in vessels via sound waves
Doppler ultrasound
Laboratory Tests and Diagnostic Procedures: Producing images of the heart via sound waves or echoes
Laboratory Tests and Diagnostic Procedures: Recording electricity flowing through the heart
Laboratory Tests and Diagnostic Procedures: Detection of abnormal heart rhythms that involves having a patient wear a compact version of an electrocardiograph for 24 hours
Holter monitoring
Laboratory Tests and Diagnostic Procedures: Measurements of cholesterol and triglyceride levels in the blood
Lipid tests
Laboratory Tests and Diagnostic Procedures: Measurements of HDL and LDL in the blood
Lipoprotein tests
Laboratory Tests and Diagnostic Procedures: Producing an image, by beaming magnetic waves at the heart, that gives detailed information about congenital heart disease, cardiac masses, and disease within large blood vessels.
Magnetic resonance imaging
Laboratory Tests and Diagnostic Procedures: Imaging the motion of heart wall muscles and assessing the function of the heart via a multiple-gated acquisition scan, which uses radioactive chemicals
MUGA scan
Laboratory Tests and Diagnostic Procedures: Radioactive chemicals, which release radioactive particles, are injected into the bloodstream and travel to the heart. Cross sectional images show the flow of blood and the functional activity of the heart muscle.
Positron emission tomography scan (PET)
Laboratory Tests and Diagnostic Procedures: An electrocardiogram plus blood pressure and heart rate measurements shows the heart’s response to physical exertion (treadmill test).
Stress test
Laboratory Tests and Diagnostic Procedures: A radioactive chemical (sestamibi “tagged” with technetium-99m) is injected intravenously and shows perfusion (flow) of blood in heart muscle. It is taken up in the area of a myocardial infarction, producing “hot spots”
Technetium Tc 99m sestamibi scan
Laboratory Tests and Diagnostic Procedures: In this exercise tolerance test, an intravenous radioactive substance is given before the patient reaches maximum heart rate on a treatment
Laboratory Tests and Diagnostic Procedures: A radioactive test that shows where injected thallium-201 localizes in the heart
Thallium-201 scan
Treatment Procedures: Brief discharges of electricity passing across the chest to stop a cardiac arrhythmia.
Treatment Procedures: Procedure also called defibrillation
Treatment Procedures: Vessels taken from the patient’s legs or chest are connected to coronary arteries to make detours around blockages
Coronary artery bypass grafting
Treatment Procedures: CABG
Coronary artery bypass grafting
Treatment Procedures: Surgical removal of the innermost lining of an artery to remove fatty deposits and clots
Treatment Procedures: A donor heart is transferred to a recipient
Heart Transplantation
Treatment Procedures: A balloon-tipped catheter is threaded into a coronary artery to compress fatty deposits and open the artery. Stents create wider openings that make the recurrence of blockages less likely.
Percutaneous coronary intervention (PCI)
Treatment Procedures: Also called balloon angioplasty
Percutaneous coronary intervention (PCI)
Treatment Procedures: Drugs such as tPA and streptokinase are injected into a patient’s bloodstream to dissolve clots that may cause a heart attack
Thrombolytic therapy
Abbreviations: tPA is short for
Tissue plasminogen activator
Abbreviations: ACS is short for
Acute coronary syndromes
Abbreviations: Disease changes in coronary arteries leading to plaque/clot formation and heart attack or other heart problems are called
ACS – Acute coronary syndromes
Abbreviations: AMI is short for
Acute myocardial infarction
Abbreviations: A heart attack is also called
An AMI – acute myocardial infarction
Abbreviations: BP
Blood Pressure
Abbreviations: CABG
Coronary Artery Bypass Grafting
Abbreviations: CAD
Coronary Artery Disease
Abbreviations: CCU
Coronary Care Unit
Abbreviations: CHF is short for
Congestive Heart Failure
Abbreviations: Condition where the heart is unable to pump its required amount of blood
CHF – Congestive Heart Failure
Abbreviations: ECG
Abbreviations: ECHO
Abbreviations: HTN
Hypertension (high blood pressure)
Abbreviations: PCI
Percutaneous coronary intervention
Abbreviations: Balloon angioplasty or placement of a catheter and stent in a coronary artery to open the artery is known as
Largest artery in the body
Blood vessels that carry blood to the heart from the body tissue
Lung capillaries
Tiny blood vessels that lie near cells and through whose walls gases, food and wastes can pass
Tissue capillaries
Small veins
Blood vessels that carry blood away from the heart
Passage of blood from the heart to the body tissues and back
Systemic circulation
Hollow muscular organ that mumps blood all over the body
Tiny blood vessels surrounding lung tissue through which gases pass into and out of the blood
Lung capillaries
Passage of blood from the heart to the lungs and back to the heart
Pulmonary circulation
Pertaining to within a vein
Hardening of arteries
Incision of a vein
Disease of heart muscle
Surgical repair of blood vessels
Inflammation of small arteries
Inflammation of small veins
Aortic stenosis
Narrowing of the largest artery
High blood pressure
Hardening of the arteries with cholesterol like plaque
Chest pain
Group of signs and symptoms; pale skin, weak rapid pulse, and shallow respirations
Myocardial infarction
Heart attack
Abnormal heartbeat
Congestive heart failure
Inability of the heart to pump its required amount of blood
Local widening of an artery
Lipid tests
Measure triglyceride and cholesterol levels in the blood
MUGA scan
Radioactive chemicals and a scanner produce images of the MOTION of the heart wall
Lipoprotein tests
Measurement of HDL and LDL in blood
Holter monitoring
Abnormal heart rhythms are detected with a compact ECG over a 24-hour period
X-ray images of blood vessels after contract is injected into the bloodstream
Cardiac enzyme test
Measurement of substances in the blood that indicate a heart attack
Recording electricity through the heart
Sound waves produce images of the heart
Sestamibi scan
Radioactive test to detect blood perfusion in heart muscle
Doppler ultrasound
Sound waves measure blood FLOW in vessels
Brief discharges of electricity stop a cardiac arrhythmia
Thrombolytic therapy
Drugs such as tPA dissolve clots that may cause a heart attack
Heart transplantation
A donor heart is transferred to a recipient
Removal of innermost lining of an artery to eliminate fatty deposits
Surgery to detour around blockages in coronary arteries
Balloon-tipped catheter with stent opens coronary arteries