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39 Cards in this Set

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Why do some disease seem so harmful to us?

1. they mostly affect people with a weakened immune system (old, young, pregnant)

2. Poor areas of the world with poor sanitation, not enough resources

3. Many disease still don't have a cure or develop resistance to the treatment

What are some ways to fight microbial diseases?

1. drugs

2. Immune clearance

3. Vaccines

4. Vector control

What was the dominating idea behind the cause of disease in the 1800s?


What is humorism?

is the idea tat health, illness, and emotions are caused and/or controlled by the balanced of fluids

What are the 4 humours?

1. Black bile

2. Yellow bile

3. Blood

4. Phlegm

What is blood?

It is the essence of vitality, it is found in the vessels

Over-confident, with a fever: disorder of the ---


What is phlegm?

Phlegm flushes out impurities. It includes phlegm, mucus, saliva, plasma, lymph, serous and interstitial fluids.

Dull, lethargic, respiratory disorder: disorder of ---


What is yellow bile?

powers digestion. It is stored by the liver and stored in the gall bladder

Choleric, irritable, bilious disorders: disorder of the ---

Yellow bile

What is black bile?

awakens the stomach. It is produced in the spleen and excess is spilled into the stomach and intestine

Cholera is a disorder of the ---

yellow bile

Melancholic, depressed, gas, sour stomach, constipation: disorder of the ---

Black bile

What are some ways humorism disorders were treated?

1. Expectorants

2. Emetic

3. Purgatives

4. Blistering plasters

5. Cupping

6. Bleeding

7. Transfusions

What was the purpose of expectorants?

to remove phlegm by coughing

What was the purpose of emetics?

To remove phelgm by vomiting

What was the purpose of purgatives?

To remove excess yellow and black bile by vomiting

Mercurous chloride was a type of --- used to treat disorders of ---

purgative; yellow and black bile

What was the purpose of cupping?

To remove blood and phlegm by lowering the pressure and allowing the heated cups to cool on skin

What were said to be the causes of the disorders of the humors?

1. Witchcraft or evil spirits

2. Punishment for evil deeds

3. Imbalances in diet

4. Fear and other negative emotions

What is the miasma theory?

The theory states that there are particles in "bad air" that cause disease in humans. It is the product of decay and corruption.

What were some methods used to protect against miasma?

The doctor's beak

What was the dominant theory in the 1700s and 1800s?

The miasma theory

The cholera outbreak in the 1800s was thought to have been caused by ---


What was wrong with the miasma theory?

1. The theory was wrong about what was being transmitted

2. Foul smelling locations can have disease causing microbes

What theory came after the miasma theory?

The contagion theory

What is the contagion theory?

The contagion theory states that disease can be transmitted by direct contact with the sick person or objects related to the sick person

What is the main difference between the miasma theory and the contagion theory?

Contagion theory required direct contact to acquire disease while miasma theory did not

What were some ways to combat disease according to the contagion theory?

1. Quarantine

What were some problems with the contagion theory?

1. Did not explain what was being transmitted by direct contact with the sick person

2. Did not explain what/why were diseases being caused in people who did not have direct contact with a sick person

What theory came after the contagion theory?

The germ theory

What is the germ theory?

Microorganisms cause disease

What is the main difference between the germ theory and other theories?

The germ theory explained what exactly was causing the disease

What did Ignaz Semmelweis do?

He speculated that doctors were spreading childbed fever so he encouraged hand washing.

Did Ignaz Semmelweis know about the germ theory?


What did John snow do?

He found a link between the water pumps and the cholera outbreak in the 1800s.

Who invented the germ theory?

Robert Koch

Who is considered the father of microbiology?

Robert Koch