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6 Cards in this Set

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Coronary Artery Disease- a pathological process caused by atherosclerosis that leads to progressive narrowing and obstruction of the coronary arteries. Complete blockage leads to ischemia of the heart.
Risk Factors_ smoking, obesity,HTN, ^ cholesterol levels. Symptoms_
Angina Pectoris - (choking in the chest) Occurs when supply of oxygen to the myocardium is insufficient to meet the demand
Stable Angina- pain after certain activity that can be controlled with nitro and rest.
Unstable- noticable changes in the frequency, sverity, duration of pain. warning signs of impending MI.
Treatment- MONA Morphine 2-4mg iv repeat til pain is gone or vitals drop, oxygen 4lpm,nitro 0.4mg upto 4 doses, aspirin 325mg. 12 lead monitor, iv. monitor vitals.
Acute myacardial Infarction - occurs when any portion of the cardiac muscle is deprived of blood flow long enough for portions of the muscle to die
Symptoms - chest pain- usually beneath the sternum and described as heavy, squeezing, crushing or tight. Positive Levine sign- clenching the chest with closed fist.
Women typically present with nausea, lightheadedness, epigastric burning, sudden onset of weakness and tiredness. Diaphoresis, dyspnea, loss of appetite, weakness, palpitations, impending doom
AMI cont. Assesment. Anxious? Confused? Pale, cold, Clammy? HR strong and regular? Resp Rate rapid? BP high or Low?
Signs of Left sided Heart Failure- wheezes, crackles? Right Sided - distended neck veins? pedal or presacral edema?
Treatment of AMI- MONA Morphine 2-4mg til pain is gone, O2 4lpm, nitro 0.4 mg upto 3 times, aspirin 325mg, IV, 12 lead, monitor vitals
Congestive Heart Failure-heart is unable to pump powerfully enough or fast enough to empty its chambers. Blood backs up into the pulmonary circuit or the systemic circuit or both.
Left sided Heart Failure: The left side of the heart receives blood rich in oxygen from the lungs and pumps it to the remainder of the body. As the ability to pump blood forward from the left side of the heart is decreased, the remainder of the body does not receive enough oxygen especially when exercising. This results in fatigue.
Symptoms of Left sided failure:Shortness of breath
Difficulty lying down; need to sleep with the head elevated to avoid shortness of breath
Sensation of feeling the heartbeat (palpitations)
Irregular or rapid pulse
Cough (produces frothy or blood-tinged mucus)
Fatigue, weakness, faintness
Weight gain from fluid retention
Decreased urine production (oliguria)
Infants may have poor feeding, weight loss, and failure to thrive
Right Sided Heart Failure: the right ventricle loses its pumping function, and blood may back up into other areas of the body, producing congestion. Congestion affects the liver, the gastrointestinal tract, and the limbs. In addition, the right ventricle may be unable to pump blood efficiently to the lungs and to the left ventricle.
Symptoms: the right ventricle loses its pumping function, and blood may back up into other areas of the body, producing congestion. Congestion affects the liver, the gastrointestinal tract, and the limbs. In addition, the right ventricle may be unable to pump blood efficiently to the lungs and to the left ventricle.a