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58 Cards in this Set

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blood test that provides information on liver and kidney function as well as electrolytes
What test is good for monitoring and diagnosing DM?
What two parameters for blood sugars signify a diagnosis of DM?
fasting >126 and two hours after glucose load >200
what four components within the CMP make up the electrolyte panel?
K+, Na+, Cl, CO2
Which four components of the CMP tell about liver function?
ALT, AST, ALP, Bilirubin
What does creatinine tell you about a patient?
it diagnosis impaired renal function, and is a catabolic product of creatine phosphate from skeletal muscle.
Liver problems do not affect BUN. True or False
False, liver problems can minimally affect BUN
Total Protein is a combination of?
GAP-Globulins, Albumin, Prealbumin
where is albumin formed? and what does it do?
in the liver and it makes up 60% of the total protein, albumin's main purpose is to maintain colloidal osmotic pressure in the blood.
Increased albumin levels can mean.
patient is dehydrated
Decreased albumin levels can mean?
liver disease, hepatitis, cirrhosis, hepatocellular necrosis and malnutrition
which lab finding is used to evaluate & monitor fluid and electrolyte balance and therapy?
Sodium (Na+)
Which lab finding within the CMP is especially important for persons taking diuretics and heart medications?
Potassium (K+)
Which electrolyte is important in maintaining membrane electrical potential ie neuromuscular cells.
Which serum electrolyte is a major extracellular anion, serves as a buffer to assist in acid base balance and affects water balance?
What can an increased chloride level mean?
What can a decreased chloride level mean?
Increased levels of CO2 signify ...
metabolic acidosis, ketoacidosis
If a pt presents with jaundice and you order a CMP and it comes back with normal ALT, what could be going on with this pt?
RBC hemolysis
If the same patient has an elevated ALT and jaundice, what could it signify?
hepatitis, hepatic necrosis, liver failure
Used to monitor and identify hepatocellular diseases.
Alanine Aminotransferase
Used in the evaluation of suspected coronary artery occlusion and or hepatocellular disease.
Aspartate Aminotransferase
This enzyme is found in highly metabolic tissue like heart tissue, liver cells and skeletal muscle.
Aspartate Aminotransferase
The higher the level of AST in the blood the greater amount of _______________________.
damage has been done to cells.
used to evaluate hemolytic anemias in adults and jaundice in neonates
used to detect and monitor diseases of the liver and the bone and is increased in intra and extrahepatic disorders
Alkaline Phosphate
Most sensitive test for Liver Cancer
Alkaline Phosphate
increased ALP can be caused by:
primary cirrhosis, biliary obstruction, primary or metastatic liver tumor, childhood and fracture repair
WHich two test are used to detect inflammation? Which one is more specific?
Erythrocyte Sedimentation rate (ESR) and C-reactive protein (CRP). CRP is more specific.
Which one of the CRP or the ESR is believed to be of value in predicting coronary events?
CRP is also used in evaluating a pt with a MI
C.-Reactive Protein
AN acute phase protein used to indicate an inflammatory illness?
C.-Reactive Protein
A nonspecific test used to detect acute and chronic inflammation
ESR-sometimes not elevated in the face of active disease.
calcium normals and indications
-evaluates parathyroid function and calcium metabolism

-renal failure

-renal transplantation
calcium lab test decreased levels indicate
vitamin D deficiency
BUN stands for what?
blood urea nitrogen
BUN is for what?
Indirect and rough measurement of renal function and glomerular filtration

-Urea is formed in the liver as the end product of protein metabolism

-Patients with an elevated bun have azotemia
BUN is

Elevated in:

Decreased in:
BUN is

Elevated in: RENAL FAILURE

Decreased in: LIVER FAILURE
Creatinine (CR) is used for
Dx impaired renal function
diuretics flush what electrolyte
carbon dioxide

-Increased in?

Decreased in?
carbon dioxide

-Increased in? ALKALOSIS

Decreased in? ACIDOSIS
ALT is
(top left)
alanine aminotransferase
AST is
(bottom left)
aspartame aminotransferase
ALP is
(bottom right)
alkaline phosphatase
ALT (top left)
ID ? Disease

Establishes and monitors ? Disease
ALT (top left)
ID ? Disease: the hepaticcell disease

Establishes and monitors ? Disease:
Liver Disease
AST (bottom left)

Increased AST indicates ?
-Increased AST indicates ?
number of cells damaged
AST (bottom left)

is a lab test for what three organs?
AST (bottom left)

-is a lab test for what three organs?
= heart muscle
= liver cells
= skeletal muscle cells
ALP (bottom right)

Used to detect and monitor diseases of ?
ALP (bottom right)

Used to detect and monitor diseases of the liver and bone
ALP increases or decreases in childhood/fracture repair?
ALP increases or decreases in childhood/fracture repair?

-ALP increases
ALP increases or decreases in liver cancer?
ALP increases or decreases in liver cancer?

what is the most sensitive test for liver cancer/liver failure
ALP or AST or ALT?
what test is given for liver function studies?
what test is given for liver function studies?

ESR acronym is
erythrocyte sedimentation rate
CRP acronym is
C.-Reactive Protein
ESR identifies what markers
Inflammatory Markers
which test is more sensitive

CRP is more sensitive

ESR may not show early-stage increases (active phase)
what does ESR show?
what does ESR show?

Nonspecific test for:
-acute and chronic infections
CRP is for what?
CRP is for what?

Acute phase protein marker = indicates inflammatory illness.
-Predicts coronary events
cardiac problems are closely associated with what electrolyte?