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20 Cards in this Set

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Anemia definition
(pathophysiological effects of anemia)
reduced hemoglobin concentration

in general anemia causes what?Hint
tissue hypoxia
Anemia has 3 compensatory mechanisms

(pathophysiological effects of anemia)
-heartrate/stroke volume/capillary dilation = causing hyper dynamic circulation
-DPG (diphosphoglycerate)
DPG in red blood cell = facilitates oxygen from hemoglobin in tissues
anemia and its compensatory mechanisms will eventually cause what?

(pathophysiological effects of anemia)
-Cardiac Murmurs
-High Output Cardiac Failure
anemia has 3 etiologies
-blood loss
-increased destruction
-impaired production
Anemia based on blood loss is from?
-Colon cancer bleeding
-blood loss causes low reticulocyte count
-a slow loss is also affiliated with iron deficiency
anemia based on increased destruction is from
-Hemolytic anemia
aka: hemolysis least common
-normal reticulocyte count
Anemia based on impaired production
-not a reticulocyte count problem

= the above make 1-C
Hereditary Anemias
4 types
-Hereditary Spherocytosis =
Spherocytosis / elliptocytosis
Autosomal Dominant
RBC membrane/cytoskeleton Dys..

-G6PD deficiency =
Oxidative damage (O3 radicals)
X-Linked Recessive / mostly Blacks

(deficient globulin chain synthesis)
Alpha Gene Deletion or
Beta Point Mutation

-Sickle cell anemia =
Autosomal recessive
HgB S and presence of other HgB within the cell.
3 broad reasons for anemia:
Construction failure?
Vitamin failure?
Chemical/disease causes?
Stem cell failure = aplastic anemia or pure red cell aplasia
-no replacement bone marrow

No EPO stimulation (i.e. chronic renal disease)

Deffective DNA:

Megaloblastic anemia = vitamin B12 deficiency / folic acid deficiency

Defective hemoglobin synthesis:
-iron deficiency
-chronic disease
-sideroblastic anemias

Nutritional and toxic factors:
#1 scurvy
#2 protein malnutrition
#3 chronic liver disease
#4 hypothyroidism
#5 chronic disease/infection/cancer
blood loss anemia 2 kinds?
Hemolytic Anemias
what are the two basic causes
-intrinsic red cell defects

-Extrinsic factors
D. I C.
disseminated intravascular coagulation

Clotting factor is used up by all of the small hemorrhages and large hemorrhage has no ability to clot.
In Macrocytic Anemia
Lab MCV / MCHC will be what?
MCV increased
MCHC normal
hint: What causes Macrocytic Anemia?
folic acid deficiency
vitamin B12 deficiency
liver disease
posthemorrhagic 2
In Microcytic Anemia
MCV / MCHC are What
MCV decreased
MCHC decreased

hint: What causes Microcytic Anemia?
iron deficiency
sideroblastic anemia
Normocytic Anemia
MCV normal
MCHC normal

What are 5 causes of micro
aplastic anemia
chronic disease
chronic renal failure
hemolytic anemias (some)
• Deficient diet
• Decrease absorption
• Increase requirements
o Pregnancy
o Lactation
• Blood loss
o GI
o Menstrual
o Blood donation
• Hemoglobinuria
• Iron sequestration
o Pulmonary hemosiderosis
MCV decrease-increased
MCHC normal

What classsification of cell is this?
B12 deficiency causes what kind of deficit
neurological (such as tingly fingers)
folic acid can be obtained from what food?
salad bar

get red hemoglobin cells from folate
also known as thalassemia major
needs what kind of treatment?
is caused by what?
requires regular transfusions

is a gene deletion
gene deletions
defective transcription/translation
Alpha thalassemia
what kind of carrier?
what causes Thalessemia?
silent carrier
gene deletions