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125 Cards in this Set

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the suffixes -al, -ic, -ious all mean what?
pertaining to.
the suffix -itis means?
the suffix -logy means?
study or science of.
the suffix -meter means?
measure, measuring instrument.
the suffix -pathy means?
the suffix -scope means?
an istrument used for viewing.
the suffix -scopy means?
process of viewing.
endo/card/itis means?
inflammation within the heart.
arthr/o/pathy means?
disease of the joint.
gastr/itis means?
inflammation of the stomach.
cardiology means...?
study of the heart.
esophagitis means?
inflammation of the esophagus.
cardiopathy means?
any disease of the heart.
laparoscope is used for ?
viewing the abdomen.
Laparoscopy means?
an instrument is used for viewing the abdomen.
the suffix -drome means?
run or running.
the prefix syn- means?
the suffix emesis means?
hematemesis means?
vomiting of blood.
the suffix -malacia means?
cardiomalacia means?
degeneration of the heart.
the suffix -opsy means?
view of.
biopsy is?
the removal and examination of tissue.
Hemophilia means?
blood loving.
the suffix phagia means?
eating or swallowing.
dysphagia is?
painful or difficulty swallowing or eating.
the suffix -phasia means?
the prefix a- means ?
without or absence of.
aphasia means?
absence or impairment of speech.
the suffix -physis means?
the prefix hypo- means?
hypophysis means?
rowth below.
the suffix -plegia means?
quadriplegia means?
paralysis of all four limbs.
the suffix -oma means?
osteoma means?
tumor of the bone.
the suffix -stasis means?
standing still.
what is homeostasis
The tendency of an organism or system to maintain internal stability.
the suffix -algia means?
arthralgia means?
pain in a joint.
the suffix -asthenia means ?
the term myasthenia means?
weakness of muscle.
what does the suffix -atresia mean?
a closure or the absence of a normal body opening.
hyperatresia means what?
the closure of the uterine cavity.
what does the suffix -cele mean?
hernia, swellin, or protrusion.
what is a meningocele?
a hernia of the meninges of the brain or the spinal column that protrude through an abnormal opening.
the suffix -dynia means what?
what is tenodynia?
pain in a tendon.
the three suffixes -ia, -osis, and -ism all mean what?
a condition.
toxemia is ?
a condition in which toxins are found in the blood.
what is adenosis?
condition of a gland.
What is embolism?
a condition in which a blood vessel is blocked by a clot or embolus.
the suffix -penia means what?
deficiency or abnormal reduction in number.
what does the suffix -plasia mean?
formation, or growth.
the suffix -rrhagia means?
condition or excessive bleeding or hemmorhage.
the sufix -rrhea means?
excessive discharge.
what is neoplaisa?
new formation or growth.
What is rhinorrhagia?
nose bleed.
seborrhea is what?
excessive discharge from the subaceous glands.
the suffix -rrhexis means what?
what is amniorrhexis?
a rupture of the membrane enclosing a fetus known as the amnion.
what does the suffix -sclerosis mean?
conditioning of hardening.
Arteriossclerosis is what?
the hardening and thickening of artery walls.
the suffix -ad means what?
cephalad menas what?
towards the head.
the prefix poly- means what?
excessive or many.
the suffixes -emia, and -hemia mean what?
blood or condition of blood.
what do the six suffixes -ac, -al, -ar, -ary, -ic, -ous mean?
pertaining to.
What does the suffix -iatry mean?
treatment or speciality.
-logy means?
study of.
the suffix -centesis means?
surgical puncture.
thoracocentesis means?
surgical puncture in the chest.
-clasia, clasis, and clast all mean what?
break apart.
Osteoclasis is what?
surgical procedure in which a bone is artifically broken apart.
-deis means ?
fusion, or surgical fixation.
The suffix -ectomy means?
surgical removal, or excision.
chondrectomy is what?
excision of cartilage.
the suffixes -gram, -graph, and graphy are terms used for ?
-gram means?
a record or image.
-graph means?
an instrument used for recording.
-graphy is ?
a recording process.
Angiogram is ?
record or X-ray image of arteries.
Angiograph is?
instrument used for recording arteries.
Angiography is?
process of recording an artery.
-meter means?
-metry means?
process of measurement.
the suffix -pexy means ?
surgical fixation or suspension.
mastopexy is ?
a surgical fixation or lifting of the breasts.
the suffix -phylaxis means?
protection, or protective.
prophylaxis means?
protective treatment to prevent disease.
the suffix -plasty means?
surgical repair.
gastroplasty is?
surgical repair on the stomach.
The suffix -rrhapy means?
Angiorrhapy means?
the suturing of a blood vessel.
the suffix -scope means?
a viewing instrument.
the suffix -scopy means?
the process of viewing.
gastroscope is?
an instrument for viewing the stomach.
what is gastroscopy?
the process of itself of viewing the stomach.
the suffix -stomy means?
surgical creation of an opening.
Gastrosomy is what?
creation of an opening in the stomach.
the suffix -tome means?
cutting instrument.
the suffix -tomy means?
an incision.
the crainiotome is the ____ used during a craniotomy.
cutting instrument.
the suffix -tripsy means?
surgical crushing.
What is lithotripsy?
the surgical crushing of to prevent and get rid of kidney stones.
the suffix -ion means?
ovulation is the process of ______
What is the system of checks and balances?
created by the seperation of three branches, designed by the framers of the Constitution so that no branch could have more power than any other one.
Define Constitutional Law?
Defines the governments power to act, and set limits on the governments power.
Rules are made by ____.
Define Statutes.
laws passed by legislative bodies.
What are statuatory laws?
ever-changing rules and laws created by Congress.
Define Common Law?
explains or interprets other sources of law.
"stare decisis" translates to what?
let the decision stand.
Define civil Law.
concerns relationships either between individuals or between individuals and the gov't.
define tort law.
covers wrongful acts that result in harm to another person or that person's property.
Define Contract Law.
includes enforceable promises and agreements between two or more persons to do or not to do.
What are 7 types of intentional tort?
Assault, battery, false improsenment, defamation of character, fraud, embezzlemnt, and invasion of privacy.
What is unintentional tort.
Negligence occurs, the standard of care is not executed properly.
Define Contract Law.
it addresses a breach, neglect, of a legally binding agreement, between two parties.
What is a felony?
carries a punishment of death or improsenment in a state or federal prison for more than one year.
Define Misdemeanors.
less serious offenses such as traffic tickets, and violations.
What is a defendant?
the person being sued in a court of law.
What is a plantiff?
the person bringing an action into litiagation. what does "subpoena duces tecum " mean?
what does "subpoena duces tecum " mean?
under penalty, take with you.