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50 Cards in this Set

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-Protein that gives strength and resilience
-Loss of collagen results in wrinkle
Loss of skin
Study of skin diseases
physician who specializes in this field
Discolored skin d/t blood in the tissue outside the blood
Dx Tests
-Diagnostic tests can be used to determine the origin of the skin disorder
Wood's Light
use of UV rays to Dx pigment abnormalities, can also detect superficial fungal and bacterial infections
Tzanck's smear
examination of cells and fluids found in vesicles (ex. Herpes zoster and varicella), they are applied ti a glass slide and examined using a microscope
removal of skin-tissue specimen for microscopic exam to determine malignancy or to Dx a skin disorder
Scabies scraping
shave off the top of a suspected lesion, place on a glass slide covered with immersion oil and examine the slide under a microscope
Pruritis (Itching)
-Sx skin disease
-Can also be cause of d by systemic disorders, such as liver disease and dry skin
-Scratching is inevitable, and causes skin breaks which can result in scarring and infections
Pruritis Tx
-divert attention, hypnosis
-Administer medications: antianxiety (Ataraz, Vistaril), antihistamines (Benadryl, Tavist), topical corticosteroids
Pruritis Prevention
Cotton clothing, apply lotion to dry skin, skin testing, cool or lukewarm baths, soothing baths (colloidal oatmeal, starch)
Therapeutic Bath
*Cleanse body and soothe skin
*Promotes wound healing
*Relieves itching
Aids in the removal of eschar
Aids in prevention of infection
After the bath, you can apply medication to the body
Give this type of bath in a WP or bathtub, disinfect after each pt. Use
Oatmeal, cereals, starch, tars and baking soda can also be added to the bath
Don’t use soap (dries the skin), use medicated bath oil
**Tepid water (heat makes one itch)-no more than 100 degrees F
Pat the skin dry, rubbing increases pruritis
*Use lotion if the MD allows
Skin and Tissue Grafts
Skin grafts are used to cover areas of skin lost from burns, infections or wounds
-transplant of skin that is placed on viable tissue
-very painful
-may take months to heal, depending on success
Free Graft
skin completely removed from its original site and grafted on to the recipient site
Pedicle Graft
one end of the graft remains attached to the donor site so that new circulation is established
Nursing Considerations:
Nursing Considerations
-Explain procedure
-Can expect postop edema, ecchymosis
-Protect sites, grafts
-Provide emotional support
Moist Dressings
-Moist packs-reduce edema and weeping in acute dermatitis
-soften and remove exudate and crusts
Relieve pruritus and discomfort
-clean or sterile
-closed dressing-covered with plastic or a firm material
-open dressing-not covered, tissues need O2 to prevent necrosis
-requires frequent dressing changes or resoaking q2 hours
Wound Debridement
-Physician or Surgeon will remove loose skin, crusts, eschar or denuded (protective) tissue
-Sterile procedure often done when changing moist packs (change moist packs q2hours!!)
Surgical Treatments
Plastic or Reconstructive Surgery-improves disfigurement, may be performed for cosmetic effects, to repair congenital defects or repair trauma tissue
Skin and Tissue Grafts
Assess the skin:
-report any changes
Document: size, color, texture, location or distinct characteristics of the skin
Fluid and Electrolyte Balance
Encourage the client to drink and eat
Provide high Kcal, high protein meals
Observe and document I & O
Urticaria (hives) S/S:
edematous, raised pink areas called wheals
Wheals itch and burn
May disappear quickly or stay for days
Most commonly caused by an allergic reaction to meds, foods, spores or pollens
Chronic urticaria
asts longer than 6 weeks, cause is unknown in 80-90% of adults
involves deeper dermal and Subq. Tissues. Affects the lips, eyelids, skin, GI tract, hands, feet, genitalia, tongue, and larynx
**Angioedema Tx
removal of cause, tepid baths, antipruritic lotions, antihistamines, epinephrine for severe cases
-Occurs when areas of skin lack in pigmentation
-Results in patches of pale or white looking skin
-Cause unknown
Vitiligo Tx
methoxsalen after exposure to sunlight can temporarily darken the affected area
Surgical Tx
grafting and melanocyte transplantation
-Melanin-gives skin color
-Albinos cannot make melanin
Eczema (atopic dermatitis) Sx
small vesicles appear along with red and pruritic skin, when the vesicles burst and ooze, crusts form
-Viral, bacterial or fungal skin infection may develop
Eczema (atopic dermatitis)
-Cause unknown but heredity, allergy, and emotional stress can contribute
-Most commonly found in the folds of the elbow, back of the knees, on the face, neck, wrists, hands and feet
Eczema (atopic dermatitis) Tx
-prevent dry skin, cracking and itching
-Apply moisturizing creams, corticosteroid ointments, or wet dressings
Use lanolin free lotions
Eczema (atopic dermatitis) Meds
Topical corticosteriods-exert localized anti-inflammatory activity, reduce swelling, redness, itching, antihistamines-may relieve itching!
-Potency depends on drug concentration and the vehicle (lotion, cream, etc.)
Adverse Reactions
Burning, itching, irritation, redness, dryness of the skin, secondary infections
-Chronic, noncontagious disorder that affects young adults and middle aged adults
-Cause is unknown but hereditary, environmental, metabolic or immune factors contribute to breakouts
-Stress and anxiety precede exacerbations of the disorder
Psoriasis S/S
: red papules covered with silvery, yellow-white scales that the client sheds
Patches appear on the elbows, knees, scalp and lower back, the nails may loosen at the fingertips (onycholysis)
Psoriasis Tx
-reduce scaling and itching
-Therapeutic baths, wet dressings, or lubricating ointments
Psoriasis Meds
-Topical antipsoriatics-help remove the plaques associated with this disorder
-Ex: calcipotriene (Dovonex)
-Anthralin (Anthra-Derm)
-Methotrexate & oral retinoids are useful in treating severe, extensive psoriasis
-Chronic, noncontagious disorder that affects young adults and middle aged adults
-Cause is unknown but hereditary, environmental, metabolic or immune factors contribute to breakouts
-Stress and anxiety precede exacerbations of the disorder
Adverse Reactions
-Burning, itching and skin irritation
-Anthralin may cause temporary discoloration of the hair and fingernails
Psoriasis S/S
: red papules covered with silvery, yellow-white scales that the client sheds
Patches appear on the elbows, knees, scalp and lower back, the nails may loosen at the fingertips (onycholysis)
Psoriasis Tx
-reduce scaling and itching
-Therapeutic baths, wet dressings, or lubricating ointments
Psoriasis Meds
-Topical antipsoriatics-help remove the plaques associated with this disorder
-Ex: calcipotriene (Dovonex)
-Anthralin (Anthra-Derm)
-Methotrexate & oral retinoids are useful in treating severe, extensive psoriasis
Adverse Reactions
-Burning, itching and skin irritation
-Anthralin may cause temporary discoloration of the hair and fingernails
-Chronic, noncontagious disorder that affects young adults and middle aged adults
-Cause is unknown but hereditary, environmental, metabolic or immune factors contribute to breakouts
-Stress and anxiety precede exacerbations of the disorder
Psoriasis S/S
: red papules covered with silvery, yellow-white scales that the client sheds
Patches appear on the elbows, knees, scalp and lower back, the nails may loosen at the fingertips (onycholysis)
Psoriasis Tx
-reduce scaling and itching
-Therapeutic baths, wet dressings, or lubricating ointments
Psoriasis Meds
-Topical antipsoriatics-help remove the plaques associated with this disorder
-Ex: calcipotriene (Dovonex)
-Anthralin (Anthra-Derm)
-Methotrexate & oral retinoids are useful in treating severe, extensive psoriasis
Adverse Reactions
-Burning, itching and skin irritation
-Anthralin may cause temporary discoloration of the hair and fingernails