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71 Cards in this Set

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hyponatremia - causes
inadequate intake of sodium/excessive loss, fluid excess dilutes, third spacing; NPO, sweating, diuretics, GI suction, SIADH, excessive ingestions of hypotonic fluids, freshwater near drowning, decreased aldosterone
hyponatremia - S&S
dehydration/fluid excess; mental status changes (disoriented, confused, personality changes = cerebral edema), weakness, N/V, diarrhea
hypokalemia - causes
inadequate intake of potassium, excessive loss through kidneys, medications (potassium losing diuretics, digitalis, corticosteroids), severe vomiting, diarrhea, GI suction
hypokalemia - treatment
oral/IV potassium (premixed, never by IV push) - level should be 3.5-5 mEq
priorities: replace potassium, treat underlying causes
hypokalemia - S&S
muscle cramping, shallow/ineffective respirations, weak/irregular/thready pulse, irregular heartbeat, orthostatic hypertension, changes in mental status, N/V, abdominal distention, constipation
hyperkalemia - causes
increase in amount of potassium in body, intracellular potassium moves into blood (metabolic acidosis), overuse of potassium based salt supplements, excessive intake of oral/IV potassium, potassium sparing diuretics, renal failure = kidneys cannot excrete
hyperkalemia - treatment
dietary limitation of potassium, D/C supplements, give potassium losing diuretics, Kayexalate (oral/rectal), glucose and insulin to move back into cells
hyperkalemia - S&S
muscle twitches/cramps, muscle weakness, diarrhea, dysrhythmia, decreased BP
hypocalcemia - s&S
breaks a bone, increased/irregular heart beat, mental status changes, hyperactive deep tendon reflexes, increased GI motility (diarrhea/abdominal cramping), Trousseau's sign (spastic fingers/hand if BP cuff is inflated), Chvosteks sign (tap face = facial twitching)
hypocalcemia - treatment
oral calcium supplements 1-2 hours after meals, Iv calcium gluconate or calcium chloride, aluminum hydroxide (binds excess phosphate = increased serum calcium), diet therapy + vitamin D
hypocalcemia causes
lack of intake, inadequate absorption through intestines, insufficient intake of vitamin D, parathyroid dysfunction
• Prioritization of care- who to see first, what to do first
ABC, unstable to stable
• HTN- Diet
decrease salt (works for some), limit caffeine (increases aortic stiffness), get enough potassium/magnesium/calcium (bananas, oranges, broccoli, green veggies, nuts, seeds, whole grains, milk, yogurt, spinach), limit alcohol to 1 oz/day for men/.5 oz/day for women, exercise, decrease smoking
DASH diet - increased intake of commonly available foods
• Anaphylactic shock - causes
Distributive shock/massive vasodilation, extreme hypersensitivity reaction to antigen - bronchioles constrict = increased fluid/mucous in bronchial passages)
• Anaphylactic shock - signs
allergic reaction (urticaria, pruritis, wheezing, laryngeal edema, angiodema, bronchospasm, dyspnea, chest tightness, anxiety), hypotension, decreased LOC, respiratory distress
• Anaphylactic shock - treatment
ABCs, trendelenberg, LOC, take pulse frequently to monitor heart's contractions, monitor for skin temp/color changes, cap refilll, epi, antihistamines, steroids to prevent return of symptoms
• PCA (Morphine/Dilaudid most common)
o Basal dose (i.e. MS 2mg/hr)
o Lockout dose (i.e. MS 1mg every 15 minutes)
o What is purpose of PCA? patient controls for own pain
o Read every 4 hours (Amount in mg)
o Pain is assessed every 2 hours (minimum)
(Ibuprofen, Toradol), limited in use due to ceiling effect, do not produce tolerance of physical dependence, use care if also using opiods because of increased risk of toxicity
• Opioids
; durg of choice, long acting, Dilaudid: shorter acting, faster onset; Fentanyl: patch or IV; Oxycodone, Oxycontin, Percocet, Vicodin), no ceiling effect, need immediate release med for break through pain,
Centrally-acting analgesic
• Adjunct pain medications (
(Anti-seizure meds [i.e. Neurontin: relieve sharp, cutting pain caused by peripheral nerve syndromes)])
potentiate effects of opioids/nonopiods, treating pain that does not response to traditional analgesics
reduction in platelets that increases risk of bleeding/bruising and may require transfusions; may be side effect of chemo
Thrombocytopenia - prevent bleeding
prevent bleeding: safety razor, soft toothbrush/avoid flossing, avoid invasive procedures (douches, enemas, suppositories, rectal temp), avoid IM injections, do not pump BP cuff too high, avoid blood draws, maintain pressure on IV/puncture sites for at least 5 minutes, encourage use of shoes/slippers, keep area clutter free, avoid use of aspirin/NSAIDs, stool softeners, move and turn gently, avoid blowing nose
• Leukopenia
low WBC, increases susceptibility to infection/sepsis; side effect of chemo
• Nadir of chemotherapy
?? __drops_WBC _drops_Hgb drops_ Platelets; time when cell counts are at their lowest
Increase Hgb, WBC, platelets
Platelets: Interleukin 11
Hgb: erythropoietin (stem cells to RBC)
WBC: Granulocyte-macrophage colony stimulating factor (neutrophils, monocytes, macrophages, eosinophils), Granulocyte colony-stimulating factor (stem cells to neutrophils)
nursing interventions for ↓WBC, ↓Hgb, ↓Platelets
monitor temp every 4 hours, monitor WBC count daily, assess for inflammation/drainage @ potential infection sites, monitor for signs of respiratory infection, monitor for signs of UTI, teach administration of meds, good hand washing, limit visitors to healthy adults, keep fresh flowers/plants out of room
• Preoperative teaching
evaluate anxiety level, id knowledge deficiencies, reinforce info, include family/caregivers in education, variety of teaching methods
food/fluid restrictions, special preps (enema), how to report pain level, pain relief methods, anticipate dressings/tubes, post-op exercise (deep breathing, incentive spirometry, coughing, leg exercises, foot circles, how to turn, sit before standing)
• Legal consent
physicians responsibility; nurse may obtain signature, ensure understanding
1) physician must explain procedure in understandable terms 2) sign prior to meds 3) voluntary
• Wound evisceration (p. 198)
viscera spilling out of abdomen
malnourished, obese, elderly, poor wound healing
splint wound when coughing
keep in low fowlers, flex knees, notify physician immediately, gentle pressure, monitor vitals, cover wound with sterile dressing or towels
• Triage in the ER during a disaster- who gets priority?
seriously injured with greatest chance of full recovery
• ABC’s
airway (rule out spinal injury before extending head), breathing (Et tube if unconscious), circulation (pulse quality/rate, skin temp/color, assess for shock), D = disability, CNS
• Middle aged- Erickson’s stage
generativity vs self-absorption; productive/creative, vision for future generations, concern for others
• Alzheimer’s patient care
AChE inhibitors (donepezil/Aricept, rivastigmine/Exelon) to increase levels of acetylcholne
provide box of safe/familiar items, orient to time/season, focus on feelings if hallucinating, reduce stressors such as fatigue, overstimulation, pain, maintain usual routines, communicate clearly,
• Psychiatric emergencies-
no longer posses coping skills necessary to maintain their usual level of functioning, potential to harm self or others, crisis = state of emotional turmoil, unable to resolve situation with own resources; pain = loss of control
depression= physical ailments/somatizations
psychotic = impaired thought processes, hallucinations, delusions, thought broadcasting, through insertion
manic = bizarre, extreme, hyperactive behavior
• Review chambers of the heart, valves and cardio-respiratory blood flow
rt. atrium to tricuspid valve to rt. ventricle to pulmonary semilunar valve to pulmonary artery to lungs to pulmonary veins left atrium to mitral valve to left ventricle to aortic valve to
• Review the pacemaker of the heart
SA node, AV Node, perkenje fibers, bundle of His
: dye injected into blood vessels to make them visible with cardiac cath, NPO 4-18 hours before, check for allergies, burning sensation from dye, may need pressure on insertion site, immobilize extremity for several hours
transducer sound waves bounce of heart to produce images and show blood flow, provides audio and graphic data; patient lies on left side, may be done at bedside
transducer sound waves bounce of heart to produce images and show blood flow, provides audio and graphic data; patient lies on left side, may be done at bedside
sound waves bounce off moving blood, produces recordings; evaluates PVD
VQ scan
inhaled stuff to measure breathing and circulation in lungs
• Review the use of Coumadin and PT/INR
warfarin: INR and PTT to measure clotting
beta blockers
decrease sympathetic nervous system, resulting in decreased blood pressure, heart rate, contractility, cardiac output, and renin activity (-ol), check daily I&O and weight, check HR and Bp before giving
increase urine output by inhibiting sodium and water reabsorption by the kidneys
ACE inhibitors
block production of angiotensin II, a potent vasoconstrictor; reduces peripheral artery resistance and BP (-pril); check for edema
Ca channel blockers
prevent movement of extracellular calcium into the cell, which vasodilates; take pulse, may cause dysrhythmias
• Review stages of HTN and suggested follow-up and medications (
normal: <120/80; follow-up in 2 years, no drugs
prehypertension: 120-139/80-89; follow-up in 1 year; no drugs
stage 1: 140-159/90-99; following in 2 months; thiazide type diuretics (ACEI, ARB, BB, CCB)
stage 2: >160/>100; follow-up in 1 month; both drugs above
labs for MI/ Priorities in the treatment of MI
labs: ECG, serum cardiac troponin I or T, myoglobin, CK-MB levels, magnesium levels, PT, PTT
Priorities: stop damage, oxygen therapy, meds
lft sided heart failure causes
hypertension forces left ventricle to work harder and it eventually fails, aortic stenosis (increased volume to pump), cardiomyopathy (increased workload due to poor contractility), coarctations of the aorta (increased resistance from elevated pressure), hypertension (resistance increased from elevated pressure), heart muscle infections (increased workload from damaged myocardium), myocardial infarction (increased workload from poor contractility), mitral regurgitation (increased volume to pump)
lft sided heart failure S&S
: lungs, increased pulmonary pressure from blood backing up into lungs, SOB, cyanosis, pulmonary edema, dry hacky cough when supine, crackles/wheezing, orthopnea, nocturnal dyspnea, cyanosis, tachypnea/tachycardia, nocturia
rt sided heart failure causes
left sided heart failure, atrial septal defect (increased volume to pump), cor pulmonale (resistance increased due to elevated pressure), pulmonary hypertension (resistance increased from elevated pressure), pulmonary stenosis (increased volume to pump)
rt sided heart failure S&S
engorged jugular neck veins, edema of peripheral tissues , engorged abdominal organs ,anorexia, N/V, abdominal pain. liver failure, engorgement of spleen/liver, peripheral edema, ascites, weight gain, fatigue, weakness, tachycardia, nocturia
HF interventions
oxygen, sodium restriction, fluid restriction, weigh daily, ICD, mechanical assistive decides, valvuplasty, heart valve replacement
increased force of contraction = increased cardiac output, slows heart rate to reduce workload; apical pulse must be at least 60, take at same time each day, therapeutic levels + 0.5 to 2 mg/mL; FAB (digiband is antidote)
ACE inhibitor + diuretic; decreases afterload and cardiac hypertrophy, check BP, monitor WBC, take on empty stomach, report development of cough
reduce triglycerides (tricor, atromid, lopid), take 30 minutes before morning nad evening meal, may increased effects of anticoagulants and hypoglycemia
HMG CoA inhibitors (statins):
reduces low density lipoprotein by reducing cholesterol synthesis, liptor, lecol, taken in evening because cholesterol synthesis is highest, report muscle pain, monitor liver function studies
bile acid sequestrants
: bind bile acids, so stored cholesterol is used to make more bile acids (Colestipol (Colestid), add fruits and veggies, may interefer with absorption of digoxin, thiazides, and beta blockers
prevents conversion of fats into very low-density lipoproteins
flexible endoscopy to examine larynx, trache, bronchial tree
biopsy/visualization/remove object
NPO for 6-8 hours prior
atropine to reduce secretions ,anesthetic spray
NPO till gag reflex returns, may have sore throat
adrenergic bronchodilators
stimulate beta receptors to dilate bronchioles, albuterol (VEntolin, Proventol), Metaproternol (ALupent, Metaprel), Pirbuterol (Maxair), Salmeterol (Serevent), Formoterol (Foradil)
reduce inflammation in airways, methylprednisolone (Medrol), Prednison, Triamcinolone acetonide (Azmacort), Beclomethosone (Beclovent), Flticasone (FLovent), Budesonide (pulmicort)
mast-cell inhibitors:
stabilize mast cells to reduce histamine release, Cromolyn sodium (Intal), Nedocromyl (Tilade)
Leukotrience inhibitors:
inhibit mediator of inflammation in asthma, Zakirlukast (accolate), Montelukast (singulair), zileurone (Zyflo)
• Tracheostomy- need for suctioning
crackles or wheezes heard with or without stethoscope, dropping O2 saturation
• Nasoseptoplasty- care for patient
change moustache dressing as often as needed
do not blow nose, sneeze with mouth open
drink lots of fluids
cool mist vaporizer to humidify air
keep head elevate with two pillows
ice pack to reduce swelling
call physician if fever is more than 101 degrees
• Oxygen delivery devices
simple face mask - 5-10 L/min @ 40-60%
partial rebreather mask - concentrations of 50% or greater, captures some exhaled gas
nonrebreather: 70-100% concentration, do not allow reservoir to collapse to less than 1/2 full
venturi: precise concentration of oxygen
• Thoracentesis
insertion of needle in pleural space to aspirate fluid, sterile procedure - up to 2 L = reduction of dyspnea
void before procedure
may feel pressure
analgesic, local anesthetic
sitting position, relax
dresing to prevent air leakage
bedrest for 1 hour following
ensure lung is not punctured
Upper GI series
x=ray exam of esophgous, stomack, duodenum, jejenum using oral radiopaque liquid
detect strictures, ulcers, tumors, polyps, hiatal hernia, motility problems
NPO 6-8 hours, clear liquids night before
drinks barium, laxative following to expel, drink extra water to prevent constipation
lower Gi series (barium enema
position, movements, filling of colon
low residue diet for two days previous
bowel cleansing evening before
barium instilled rectally, x-rays taken, takes 15 minutes
ensure all barium is passed