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25 Cards in this Set

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Diminished force of contraction of ventricles due to primary heart muscle diseases (cardiomyopathies) or coronory artery disease
Mechanical failure in filling the ventricles during diastole due to narrowing of the mitral valve opening (mitral stenosis) or accumulation of fluid in the pericardium (pericardial tamponade)
Overloading of the ventricles during systole due to:
-high blood pressure (hypertensive cardiovascular disease)
-narrowing and obstruction of aortic valve (aortic stenosis)
-incomplete closure of aortic valve (aortic valvular regurgitation)
-congenital defect in ventricular septum (ventricular septal defect)
Increased cardiac output leads to decreased cardiac output (left ventricle can’t keep up), increased systemic vascular resistance, decreased stroke volume
Renin angiotensin aldosterone system dysfunction leads to
increased body water=vasoconstriction=elevated BP (kidneys responding to decreased blood flow
-Major risk factors: CAD, CHF, DM, MI, Stroke, Kidney failure
primary HTN,
no known cause
Secondary HTN
caused by renal artery stenosis (blood flow not making it to kidneys) and adrenal dysfunction
Untreated HTN leads to increased risk for
CAD, proteinuria (loss of protein in urine which is a huge sign of kidney failure), changes in vision, and potentially stroke
-Management and risk reduction includes
weight reduction, smoking cessation, reduction of alcohol intake,
Thiazide diuretics are the first line of defense against HTN
followed by or in conjunction with ACE inhibitors, BB, and CCB
Management of HTN
Take meds is key
Management of CAD
Controlling BP
Exercise, drug therapy, surgically bypassing blocked areas, medications and vascular rehabilitation programs
Management of DVT
Stopping your blood clot from getting any bigger, preventing the clot from breaking loose and causing a pulmonary embolism, reducing your chances of deep vein thrombosis happening again.
prevents clots from entering the lungs
blood thinners (Coumadin, heparin), compression stockings, and IVC Filters (Inferior Vena Cava Filters)

causes, treatment, labs, diet
Cardiac or pump failure, inability of the heart to pump blood to meet demands of body due to increased cellular demand
-Results in decreased cardiac output and inadequate perfusion of peripheral tissue

Risk factors
CAD, HTN, family history, cardiotoxic drugs, smoking, obesity, alcohol abuse, DM, and sleep disorders

ACE inhibitors (for stage B HF) which interrupt angiotensin system, causes increased potassium, only affects BP; Beta Blockers decrease workload of the heart (slows things down dropping BP); Calcium Channel Blockers; Diuretcis class C patients which removes fluid, creating more room for fluid to go

: CBC, elevated creatinine, thyroid function, increased BNP = decreased EF; BNP greater than 500 is diagnostic, 100-500 nondiagnostic. BNP measures left ventricle over stretching, the higher the BNP the more symptoms
Heart healthy diet, low sodium, low fat, carb controlled, fluid restriction
Normal cardiovascular changes
left ventricular wall is thicker
^collagen/ connective tissue
accumulation of lipofusion
(excess of protein, too much accumulation causes disease
Resting HR in UNCHANGED with age but there is small decline in
cardiac output
cardiac output
the amount of blood pumped out per minute and is calculated by the heart rate x stroke volume
-Increased HR = Increased CO until 150 beats, then CO decreases, 150 beats/min is not enough time for the heart to fill
atrial fibrillation
Random arrival of impulses to AV node which causes an irregularly irregular heart rate
-EKG shows no P wave in A fib, incidence increases with age, occurs post-surgery
-Caused by HTN, valvular stenosis; may cause clots that can go to brain and cause stroke
-S/S: SOB, decreased BP, decreased pulse ox
atrial fib
-S/S: SOB, decreased BP, decreased pulse ox
atrial fib

: Heparin or Coumadin to prevent clot formation, monitor effects of INR (2-3), monitor PTT, control ventricular rate with BB or CCB