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13 Cards in this Set

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What the four main types of nervous system infectious disorders?
meningitis, brain abscesses, encephalitis, Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease
What is meningitis?
inflammation of the pia mater, arachnoid, and the CSF filled subarachnoid space
What are the two types of meningitis and what are the differences?
septic- caused by bacteria
aseptic- caused by viral or secondary to HIV, leukemia
How are N. meningitis infections spread?
secretions, aerosol contamination, within densely populated communities
Explain the Patho of meningeal infection
organism enters bloodstream, cross the blood brain barrier, proliferates the CSF, causing inflammation, ICP
What are potential effects of meningeal infections?
adrenal damage, circulatory collapse, hemorrages, endothelial damage, vascular necrosis, visual impairements, deafness, sz, paralysis, hydrocephalus, septic shock
What are tht s/s of meningitus?
headache, fever, nuchal rigidity (stiff neck), positve Kernig's and Brudzinski's sign, photophobia, rash, lethargy, altered LOC
What is a positive Kernig's sign?
lying supine, one knee to chest, that leg will not competely extend
What is a positive Brudzinski's sign?
flexion of the neck results in flexion of the knees
How is meningitis diagnosed?
bacterial culture, CSF gram stain, polysaccharide antigens in CSF
What are prevention strategies for meningitis?
vaccination, chemo-prophylaxis antimicrobial meds within 24 hours of exposure (rifadin, cipro, rocephin)
What is the treatment for meningitis?
penicillin, cephalosporin, vancomycin HCL, vanco + rifampin, dexamethasone
treament of dehydration, shock, sz
What are nursing considerations for meningitis?
freq VS, LOC, ABC's, ventilation, temp, protect from injury from LOC, daily weight, electrolytes, urine, infection control, immobility, support for family