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33 Cards in this Set

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How many men will eventually have cancer?
1 out of 2
How many women will eventually have cancer?
1 out of 3
Is cancer one type of disease?
No, Cancer is not one disease, but a group of diseases characterized by the uncontrolled growth and spread of abnormal cells
What cancer is the leading cause of cancer-related death in both men and women?
Lung Cancer
What is Carcinogenesis?
The process by which normal cells are transformed into cancer cells
Various factors are possible origins of cancer
What are Carcinogens?
Substances known to increase the risk for the development of cancer
Cancer risk assessment and cancer genetic counseling
First step toward identifying hereditary cancer predisposition
Provides education, health promotion, informed consent, and support
Cell mechanisms and growth:
Normal cells
When cells are destroyed, cells of the same type reproduce until the correct number have been replenished
Cell mechanisms and growth:
Cancer cells
Instead of limiting their growth to meet specific needs, they continue to reproduce in a disorderly and unrestricted manner
Cell mechanisms and growth:
Uncontrolled or abnormal growth of cells
Benign: not recurrent or progressive; nonmalignant
Malignant: growing worse and resisting treatment; cancerous growths; tumors
Cell mechanisms and growth:
Tumor cells spread to distant parts of the body
What characteristics of these malignant cells result in problems for the body?
body?Cancerous cells compete with the body’s normal cells for space and nutrition. As the cancerous cells continue to accumulate, they can impede the body’s passages and interfere with normal organ functions.
Description of Tumors:
Carcinoma: malignant tumors composed of epithelial cells; tend to metastasize
Sarcoma: malignant tumor of connective tissues, such as bone or muscle
Explain Grading of tumors:
Tumors are classified as grade 1 to grade 4
Grade 1—least malignant
Grade 4—most malignant
What is staging of tumors?
Tumor, nodes, metastasis (TNM) staging system for cancer is used to indicate tumor size, spread to lymph nodes, and extent of metastasis
Explain Staging 0-IV
Stage 0: Cancer in situ
Stage I: Tumor limited to the tissue origin
Stage II: Limited local spread
Stage III: Extensive local and regional spread
Stage IV: Metastasis
In regards to the diagnosis of cancer, explain biopsies
-performed to obtain a sample of tissue from the body.

Incisional, excisional, needle aspiration
In regards to the diagnosis of cancer, explain an endoscopy..
* cells or tissues can also be obtained using an endoscope to directly viualize an internal structure thru a body cavity or through a small incision. Indoscopy allows direct viualization of th eupper GI tract (esphogus, stomach, duodenum)
In regards to the diagnosis of cancer, Diagnostic imaging
Bone scanning
Computed tomography (CT)
Radioisotope studies
Ultrasound testing
Magnetic resonance imaging
In regards to the diagnosis of cancer, Laboratory tests
Serum alkaline phosphatase
Serum calcitonin
Carcinoembryonic antigen (CEA)
PSA and CA-125
Stool examination for blood
What impact does the presence of cancer have on the readings of serum alkaline phosphatase, serum calcitonin, carcinoembryonic antigen, PSA, and CA-125?
serum alkaline phosphatase- elevated if there is metastasis to the bone or liver
serum calcitonin- increased in blood of people who have cancer of the thyroid and breast and oat cell cancer of the lung
carcinoembryonic antigen- cea stops before birth but may begin again if a neoplasm develops
PSA- usually elvated indicating possible prostate cancer
CA-125- elevated indicating possible gynecological cancers and pancreatic cancer
In regards to cancer therapies, explain what kinds of surgeries are available...
What two kinds of radiation therapies are available?
External radiation therapy
Internal radiation therapy
Radiation is used to reduce the size of a tumor. How does internal and external radiation differ?
*external radiation may be directed towards superficial lesions or may be targeted to deeper structures

internal is administered intravenously or orally so that its distributed throughout the pts. body
What is chemotherapy?
The use of drug therapy to reduce or slow cancerous cell growth
How do chemotherapeutic agents work?
* interfering with the cells ability to multiply and reproduce
What are side effects of chemotherapy?
Nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea
Tumor lysis syndrome
What body systems are most affected by chemotherapy? Why?
* cells that multipy rapidly are affected the most, such cells belong to the hematopietic system, the hair follicles, and the GI system
Three major mechanisms of biological response modifiers (BRMs)
Three major mechanisms of biological response modifiers (BRMs)
Bone marrow transplantation
Process of replacing diseased or damaged bone marrow with normally functioning bone marrow
What are sources of bone marrow for a transplant?
posterior iliac crest
anterior iliac crest
and sternum
Where are stem cells obtained?
Peripheral stem cell transplantation is,,,
Alternative to bone marrow transplant
This procedure is based on the fact that peripheral or circulating stem cells are capable of repopulating the bone marrow