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109 Cards in this Set

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Varicose veins of the esophagus
Esophageal Varcies
Seen with protal hypertension
Esophageal Varcies
Treatment of this disease includes: Vasopresin, assess the airway, Elevate the HOB, Vit K to promote clotting, transfusion, Surgery, Sengstaken-Blakemore and Minnesota NG Tubes
Esophageal Varcies
A symptom is hematemesis a emergency where patient vomits bright red blood
Esophageal Varcies
Has three ports, one for blowing up the gastric balloon, one for blowing up the esophageal balloon, and one for suctioning the stomach, can insert a second tube to suction above the esophageal balloon used for Esophageal Varcies
Sengstaken-Blakemore NG Tube
Has four ports, uses the same technique as the Sengstaken-Blakemore NG Tube except you use the fourth port to suction above the esophageal balloon, used for Esophageal Varcies
Minnesota NG Tube
Protrusion of a protion of the stomach upward through the diaphragm
Hiatal Hernia
Types include: Sliding: stomach slides into the chest when patient reclines and Paraesophageal (rolling) stomach herniates through the diaphragm
Hiatal Hernia
This disorder is caused by: Weakness in muscles, long term bed rest in reclining positon, increased abdominal pressure (ascites, abdominal cancer, obesity, pregnancy)
Hiatal Hernia
Diagnostics for this disorder include: CXR, Barium Swallow, Esophagoscopy
Hiatal Hernia
S/S of the disorder include: Indigestion, feeling full, belching (eructation), epigastric pain, worse when lying down
Hiatal Hernia
Internvetions for this disorder include: small frequent/bland meals to not upset the gastric, lose weight, elevate the head of bed, sit up after meals, antacids, Regalan (speeds up gastric emptying into the SI), Surgery
Hiatal Hernia
This type of surgery is used for Hiatal Hernia and it strengthens the LES by suturing the fundus of the stomach around the esophagus and anchoring it below the diaphragm
Nissen Fundoplication
This is used for Hiatal Hernia and is speeds up gastric emptying time into the SI
This diagnostic test uses a Barium Swallow to detect abnormalities of the esophagus and stomach, patient needs to be NPO 6-8 hours before surgery, you need to monitor stools for two days to see the pass of white stools (barium is being eliminated) normal color of stool appears in 3 days
UGI, Upper Gastric Intestional
This diagnostic looks for blood, bile, pathogens, parasite eggs, it is not a sterile procedure, collect stool in clean cup and do NOT put bathroom tissue in sample, send to lab ASAP, tell patient to not eat red meant if testing for occult in stool, do not take salicylates, ascorbic acid, anticoagulants, steroids, if blood or mucus is in sample include it
Stool Speciman
For this diagnostic test there are two types, T-Tube and IV, T-Tube detects if bile ducts are open after gallbladder surgery, IV permits visualization of bile ducts they need to be NPO 4-6 hrs before they make take laxative, watch for signs of bleeding and RES distress, for both report allergic reaction
This diagnostic test visualizes the esophagus, stomach, duodenum, need to be NPO 6-8 hours before procedure, may sedate before, NPO until gag relfex returns, Nurse monitors for bleeding in throat and rectum, look for signs of perforation
EGD, Esophagogastroduodenoscopy
Abdominal distension, cramping, fever
Signs of Perforation
These two diagnostic tests look at colon and rectum, the patient needs to be NPO for 6-8 hours before exam, may have liquids the night before, may give laxatives, nurse needs to look for signs of perforation and rectal bleeding
Colonoscopy and Proctoscopy
This disease is cause by the H-pylori bacteria, through fecal and oral (bad handwashing)
PUD, Peptic Ulcer Disease
Risk factors for this disease include: hypertension of gastric juices, Alcohol, smoking, coffee, tea, spicy foods, over use of ASA-NSAIDs-Steroids, certain blood types
PUD, Peptic Ulcer Disease
Blood types: A and O
PUD, Peptic Ulcer Disease
Treatment for this disease include: antibiotics, avoid stimulants, small frequent feedings, stress management
PUD, Peptic Ulcer Disease
PUD meds to use: is used to heal the ulcer; it coats the ulcer
Gastritis/PUD meds to use: used to reduce gastric secretions
PUD meds to use: used to stop gastric secretions
Prilosec, Nexium, Prevacid, Protonix, Aciphex
Surgery as a treatment for PUD:
Subtotal gastrectomy, part of the stomach is removed including the antrum and anastomosed to the duodenum
Billroth I
Surgery as a treatment for PUD:
Subtotal gastrectomy, part of the stomach is removed including the antrum and anastomosed to the jejunum
Billroth II
Complications of this disorder include, hemorrhage, perforation (rigid abdomen (perionitis), board like abdomen), obstruction, Dumping Syndrome, Pernicious Anemia
PUD, Peptic Ulcer Disease
This disorder is characterized when food empties to rapidly into the duodenum, often occurs after subtotal gastrectomy, occurs 30 minutes after meals
Dumping Syndrome
S/S of this disorder include: N/V, weakness, abdominal pain or feeling of fullness, distension, syncope, diaphoresis, increased pule, dizziness, and cold sweat
Dumping Syndrome
Treatment for this syndrome include: avoid large amounts of food/liquids/sweets, increase protein intake, use bentyl, use a resting position to slow down the movement of food through the GI tract
Dumping Syndrome
Cancer of the LI
Colorectal Cancer
Risk factors for this cancer include: increased fats in diet, decreased fiber in diet, obesity, smoking, alcohol, IBD, genes, polyps
Colorectal Cancer
Diagnostics for this cancer include: Rectal exam, CEA (has a specific tumor marker), colonoscopy beginninng at age 50
Colorectal Cancer
S/S of this cancer include: change in bowel habits, bright red blood in stool, pencillike stools, tumors grow slowly and may be asymptomatic
Colorectal Cancer
Treatment: coloectomy, chemo and radiation
Colorectal Cancer
Interventions for this cancer include: look for signs of inflammation, may get drain, measure fecal drainage, assess wounds for infection, TCDB, give analgesics
Colorectal Cancer
bleeding, fever, increased pain
Signs of inflammation
odor, swelling, purulent drainage
Signs of Infection
Inflammation of the lining of the stomach
Caused by: NSAIDs, stress, alcohol, toxins, smoking, bacterial/viral infections, food allergies, certain drugs that your are not suppose to crush
S/S of this disorder; N/V/D, epigastric pain, fever, anorexia
Interventions for this disorder: NPO then move to bland diet, monitor E-lytes, give: sedatives, antacids, antispasmotics, antiemetics, antibiotics, Tagamet-used to reduce gastric secretions
Sac like pouches in the intestional wall become inflammed and infected, mainly sigmoid colon
This disorder is caused by: a decrease in bulk in diet, seen in men 50 and older
Diagnostics for this disorder include: Barium Enema and Endoscopy
S/S of this disorder include: nagging/cramping pain, bloating, unrelieved constipation/diarrhea, fever, N/V, Chills, stools with increased mucus
Treatment for this disorder include: increase fiber, avoid seeds and nuts, bland diet, stool softners, antibiotics, bowel resection
Complications of this disorder include; Perforation and Peritonitis
Sac like pouch in the Esophagus
Esophageal Diverticula
S/S of this disorder include: feeling foreign body in throat, dysphagia, halitosis
Esophageal Diverticula
NI for this disorder include: bland diet with no spicy stuff, vitamins, antacids, antiemetics, semi fowlers position, possible surgery
Esophageal Diverticula
Inflammation and ulceration of the lining of the intestines
Two types: Crohns and Ulcer Colitis
Called Regional Enteritis, is autoimmune, deep ulcers in all layers of the bowel, terminal ileum, chronic, remissions and exacerbations, more severe than ulcerative colitis, affects any area of the GI tract, Attacks last several weeks or months, may be heredity
Diagnostics for this disease: H/P, upper and lower GI, colonoscopy, CBC, H/H and PTT to bleeding, E-lyte will have an imbalance, ESR
S/S of this disease: abdominal crampling, constant pain, diarrhea (constant irritation discharge and rectal irritation), tenderness, anorexia, anemia, fever, melena, perianal fissures
Treatment for this disorder include; Antidiarrheals (except for sever colitis), anticholinergics (block never impulses, Antibiotics, Steroids, Immunosuppressants, Iron, and B12, Folic Acis, Remicade to block inflammatory process
Interventions: Bland diet (increase protien/cal, decrease residue/fat), TPN, transfusions, manage stress, perianal care (sitz bath, topical cream, botox injections, hopefully it heals in 5 weeks because at week 6 it is chronic), emotional support, bowel resection and ileostomy
Complications of this disorder: malabsorption syndroms, abscess, hemorrhage, peritonitis, peri-anal fissures, fistuals, systemic problems (arthritis, liver disease, gall and kidney stones)
Part of colon (LI), could only be 1 attack, maybe genetic, increased incidence in women, ages 15-25 and again 50-80, less severe than Crohns, autoimmune
Ulcerative Colitis
Diagnostic for this disorder include: H/p, stool speciman, endoscopy, CBC, E-lytes, sigmoidoscopy
Ulcerative Colitis
S/S for this disease include: bloody diarrhea, recatl bleeding, abdominal bleeding, nausea, weight loss, cachexia, dehydration, anemia, tachycardia
Ulcerative Colitis
Treatment for this disorder include: antidiarrheals, sedation, antiinflammatories, seroids, anticholinergics, analgesics, vitamins, minerals, TPN, diet, Monitor stools, decrease stress, good perianal care, monitor v/s-labs-I-O, observes skin for breakdown, surgery, may need psychotherapy
Ulcerative Colitis
Complications for this disease include: colon cancer, perforation of colon, peritonitis, hemorrhage, abcess, strictures, malabsorption
Ulcerative Colitis
Protrusion of the intestine through the abdominal wall due to muscle wall weakness
Caused by: lifiting heavy objects, straining and coughing
1. Reducible-slips back in with gental pressure when person lies down
2. Irreducible, Incarcerated-cant be pused back in and impair blood flow to that area and become gangernous (may)
3. Strangulated-trapped and deprived of blood
S/S of this disorder: palpable mass, pressure, swelling, pain and inflammation
1. Herniorrhaphy-repairs it by suturing hernia
2. Hernioplasty-uses mesh to reinforce the area
Post Op care: Turn and deep breath-do not cough or sneeze, ice packs, monitor bowel sounds, and not activity for two weeks
Inflammation of the blind pouch in the cecum, can be caused by bacteria/worms/parasites/ fecaliths
Pain in LRQ, Blumbergs sign, and McBurneys Point
Treatment includes; No heat or Laxative (can cause it to rupture), no analgesics, give ice, NPO in case of surgery, Elevate HOB, hip flexion they need to be in semi fowlers or side lying position
Perforation, Abcess, Peritonitis
Rebound tenderness in abdomen
Blumbergs Sign
Pain is midway between the anterior illac crest and the belly button
McBurneys Point
Inflammation and infection of the peritoneum; fluid shifts out of blood to peritoneal cavity
Varicose veins of the rectum can be external or internal
Caused by: constipation, straining, lifiting, prolonged standing, pregnancy, obesity, pelvis tumors
S/S : rectal pain, anal itching, bleeding, feeling of fullness in rectum
Interventions: warm and cold compresses, sitz bath, exercise, increase fluids, stool softners
1. Hemorrhoidectomy; tell dr. if you have a fever or bleeding, prevent reoccurance, use stool softners, high fiber diet, dont delay defacation, limit activities
Ascultate for 2 min per quadrant, listen for 5 minutes for absence of bowel sounds
Bowel Sounds
Clicks and gurgles occur 5-30 times per minute, loud sounds are called: borborygmi
Bowel Sounds
Document as: present, absent, increased, decreased, high pitched, gurgling, tinkling, gushing
Bowel Sounds
Inspect, Ascultate, Percussion, Palpation
Ascultation before plapation because it can cause no sounds
Steps to Assess the Abdomen
Not indicated or goes against
Uses Trocar and is inserted in the abdominal wall to drain fluid
Indicated for ascites
Get v/s, weight, abdominal girth, have pt void
Remove fluid slowly, to rapid causes circulatory collapse
Monitor v/s until stable, chekc for bleeding and blood in urine and send fluid drained to lab
1. To deliver foods to stomach
2. Can be deivered by gravity or pump, for people who cant swallow,
3. Used to control bleeding (sengstaken-Blakemore)
Purpose for NG tubes
Herbal Laxative
Bulk Forming Agent
Infloding of skin in the midline above the coccyx, evidenced at birth by hairy dimple at sacrococcygeal area, also seen during puberty and in men, may contain hair
Pilonidal Cyst
Caused by bad hygiene, obesity, trauma
Pilonidal Cyst
S/S: pain, inflammation, swelling, redness, hard lesion
Pilonidal Cyst
NI: Warm compresses, antibiotics, analgesics, position on side, I/D, can reoccur and be chronic, surgery to remove
Pilonidal Cyst
Basal and Squamous Cell
Oral Cancer
Includes the lips and is less severe
Basal Cell Oral Cancer
Includes the lips bucca, gums, floor of mouth, tonsils, tongue and is worse
Squamous CellOral Cancer
Diagnostics: H/P, biopsy
Oral Cancer
Caused by: sun, wind, alcohol, poor nutrition, pipe smoking, chronic irritation
Oral Cancer
S/S pain in tongue-ear, leukoplakia, dysphagia, anorexia, weight loss, change in fit to dentures, hemoptysis, access the neck for movement and enlarged nodes
Oral Cancer
Treatment: chemo, radiation, surgery, do rectal and ear temps, monitor RES status (dyspnea, restlessness, tachycardia), analgesics, steroids, TPN, good hydration, surger, suction to remove secretions, good mouth care, emotional support, may need communication device, and swallowing/speech therapy
Oral Cancer