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64 Cards in this Set

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Gram + cooci (types of staph)
staphylococcus Epidermis, staph saprophyticus, and staph aureus
Catalase Test
this is the difference between staph and step, its an enzyme that takes peroxide and converts it to oxygen and water
what happens when you put peroxide on a cut?
the oxygen kills the peroxide (fizzing) instead of peroxide killing the bacteria
where does peroxide work best?
in the mouth, since most bacteria in the mouth is strep, or on a wound where someone bit you.
Staph Epidermis
protective for the skin, but if it gets inside, it becomes infectious
Staph saprophyticus
causes urniary tract infections in women ages 16 to 25
Staph Aureus
-pathogenic organism
-carried in nasal passaeges
-50% of all strains are resistant to the vaccine (MRSA)
Toxins of gram + cocci, or staph:
enzyme that takes the blood plasma and clots it. it's a barrier/wall to prevent phagocytosis
destroys RBC
destroys WBC
destroy tissues
Mannitol Salt Agar
tests for staph aureus
2 parts to mannitol salt agar:
selective medium and differential medium
selective medium:
contians ingredients that will inhibit growth of certain things
ex:"garggling" with salt water is good
differential medium:
allows you to differentiate something, keeps things from growing but allows you to see something
this is the differential ingredient, not all can digest it, but if it can, plate will turn yellow
what does it mean if the plate with mannitol turns yellow?
+ ofr staph aureus
Novobiocin Test
antibiotic, staph epi is sensitive = larger zone of inhibition. staph can be resistant though too
Advantages to Nonculture Techniques:
-don't have to culture/plant
-less time
-just as accurate
-can detect fastidious organisms
What does "Fastidious organisms" mean?
means an organism that is picky and hard to grow, might have to use extra nutrients
types of nonculture techniques:
-Nucleic Acid Testing
detect antigens
Nucleic Acid Testing:
found in and on cells, entrance into an animal will cause production of specific antibodies
proteins produced to destroy an antigen
name antigens:
-Somatic antigen: cell wall
-Flagellar antigen
-Capsular antigen
What do all types of reactions have?
a "marker" tagged to an antibody
Types of Immunoassays:
-Latex Agglutination
Immunofluorescence (type of immunoassay):
quick & easy, but expensive
Latex Agglutination (type of immunoassay):
quick and easy, coats antibody with latex paint, which makes it bigger
EIA (type of immunoassay)
enzyme immunoassay
Staph aureus contains:
protein A (coagulase)
mecA gene produces: PBP2a
enzyme + substrate =
Nucleic Acid Procedures:
Ampllify DNA: polymerase chain reaction
(Adenin and Thymine)
(Guanine and Cytosine)
Ingredients in Polymerase chain reaction:
-DNA (template)
-Taq Polymerase: from the bacterium Thermus Aquaticus
-Seperate Bases
which bacterium does Taq Polymerase come from?
Thermus Aquaticus
Steps of PCR:
1) Separation of double strand
2) Primers attach
3) Extension (creation of anew complimentary strand
brown to blue means.. ?
coolest to hottest
Probe Assay:
use known DNA sequence with a marker ...
-enzyme (mostly the one used); if theres color, they are infected
Why would you need a Probe assay?
for fastidious organisms
Steps for DNA extraction procedure:
1) Put 200ul Instagene matrix in a microtube
2) Scrape your cheek with a pipet tip
3) attach tip to the pipet and mix with the Instagene matrix
4) heat in 56 degree water for 7 minutes; mix periodically (this releases DNA and kills DNase
5) boil for 5 minutes
6) centrifuge so beads are at the bottom of the tube
enzymes that cut DNA into pieces, the beads at the bottom will stop DNase from working
Blood Agar Plate, helps the Streptococci to grow
What does BAP contain?
enrichment agar and differential agar (the blood cells)
when it reacts with the blood cells
3 types of hemolysis:
-Gamma:no hemolysis
-Alpha: only partially break down the blood cells; turns the red agar color into green
-Beta:blood cells are totally destroyed
what causes strep throat?
strep pyogenes
"Group A strep" becuase it has an "a" antigen on cell wall
pus producing "white coating on throat"
necrotizing fascilitis:
flesh eating bacteria, must amputate
Bacitracin + test:
an antibiotic, you will get a zone of inhibition/area of no growth
Group B strep... must do EIA test to look for "B" antigen
-some women carry this in their vaginal tract, causes baby to get meningitis or pneumonia through birth canal
-also causes UTI's in men
Strep Pneumoniae
-a throat culture is not used to check for pneumoniae, must get a sputum specimen (spit) from what they are coughing up
Optochin Test:
a chemical, instead of an antibiotic
looking for antigen on capsule... Quellung is German for "swelling"
found in intestinal tract
Vancomysin Resistant Enterococcus
-see this in wound infections, or in UTI
-will also grow in presense of bile, where strep will not
-also will grow in salt
Bile Esculin (sugar) Agar:
if organism can digest the esculin, the agar will turn black.
-also has PYR +
-gram- rod
-really hard to grow!
-must use chocolate agar (looks like chocolate mousse) it is heated blood mixed with agar
-Hib vaccine
Bordetella Pertussis
-gram - rod, DNA
-the vaccine wears off, very contagious, is it the "whooping cough"
-first phase is like a cold, then the cough that paralyzes the trachea.

-Most fastidious of all!!
Bordet gengou agar:
grows like shiny metallic beads, takes days to grow... so DNAA testing is just better.