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324 Cards in this Set

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Addison disease
Primary adrenocortical insufficiency
Albright syndrome
Young girls with short stature, polyostotic fibrous dysplasia, precocious puberty, cafe-au-Iait spots
Alport syndrome
Progressive hereditary nephritis with sensorineural deafness
Argyll-Robertson pupil
Small, irregular pupils that react poorly to light in neurosyphilis (accommodation is preserved)
Arnold-Chiari malformation
Congenital herniation of cerebellar tonsils and vermis through the foramen magnum; may compress medulla or cervical cord
Aschoff bodies
Painless nodules in rheumatic fever
Auer rods
Intracytoplasmic inclusions in acute myelogenous leukemia
Babinski sign
Upward moving great toe when sole stroked; indicates upper motor neuron lesion
Baker's cyst
Popliteal fossa cyst in rheumatoid arthritis
Bartter syndrome
Hypokalemia, metabolic alkalosis, elevated renin and aldosterone, normal to low blood pressure
Becker muscular dystrophy
Less severe than Duchenne, also due to defective dystrophin
Bell's palsy
Facial paralysis due to lower motor neuron CN VII palsy
Bence Jones protein
Kappa or lambda immunoglobin light chains in urine of patients with multiple myeloma or Waldenstrorn macroglobulinemia
Berger disease
IgA nephropathy; most common form of primary glomerulonephritis
Bernard-Soulier disease
Thrombocytopenia, large platelets; defect in platelet adhesion
Birbeck granules
Intracellular "tennis racket"-shaped structures in histiocytosis X (eosinophilic granuloma)
Bouchard's nodes
PIP swelling in osteoarthritis secondary to osteophytes
Brushfield spots
Ring of iris spots in Down syndrome
Bruton disease
X-linked agammaglobulinemia; mature B cells absent
Budd-Chiari syndrome
Posthepatic venous thrombosis causing occlusion of hepatic vein or inferior vena cava
Buerger disease
Small/medium artery vasculitis, especially in young male smokers
Burkitt lymphoma
EBV-associated lymphoma with 8:14 translocation (starry sky appearance)
Burton's lines
Blue discoloration of gums in lead poisoning
Caisson disease
Gas emboli in divers
Call-Exner bodies
Small spaces with eosinophilic material in granulosa-theca cell tumor of ovary
Chagas disease
Infection with Trypanosoma cruzi (Central and South America)
Charcot's triad #1
Nystagmus, intention tremor, and scanning speech; suggests multiple sclerosis
Charcot's triad #2
Jaundice, RUQ pain, and fever; suggests cholangitis
Charcot-Leyden crystals
Crystals in sputum made of eosinophil membranes; suggests bronchial asthma
Chediak-Higashi disease
Phagocyte deficiency related to abnormally large granules in neutrophils
Cheyne-Stokes respirations
Terminal pattern of respirations with increasing breaths followed by apnea; indicates central apnea in coronary heart disease and increased intracranial pressure
Chvostek's sign
Facial musical spasm on tapping; indicates hypocalcemia
Codman's triangle on x-ray
Subperiosteal new bone formation; suggests osteosarcoma
Cori disease
Liver and muscle glycogen storage disease due to debranching enzyme deficiency
Councilman bodies
Eosinophilic intracytoplasmic balls in hepatocytes; suggests toxic or viral hepatitis
Cowdry type A bodies
Intranuclear inclusions; suggests herpesvirus infection
Crigler-Najjar syndrome
Mild (type 2) to life-threatening (type 1) congenital unconjugated hyperbilirubinemia
Curling ulcer
Acute grastric ulcer secondary to severe burns
Curschmann's spirals
Coiled mucinous fibrils found in sputum in bronchial asthma
Cushing ulcer
Gastric ulcer produced by increased intracranial pressure
Donovan bodies
Intracellular bacteria in granuloma inguinale
Dressler syndrome
Fibrinous pericarditis developing after myocardial infarction
Dubin-Johnson syndrome
Benign black liver secondary to congenital conjugated hyperbilirubinemia
Duchenne muscular dystrophy
X-linked recessive muscle dysfunction secondary to deleted dystrophin gene
Edwards syndrome
Trisomy 18; causes "rocker bottom" feet, low-set ears, and heart disease
Eisenmenger's complex
Uncorrected left-to-right cardiac shunt causes late right-to-Ieft shunt with late cyanosis
Erb-Duchenne palsy
"Waiter's tip" hand secondary to superior trunk brachial plexus injury
Fanconi syndrome
Kidney dysfunction secondary to proximal tubular reabsorption defect
Gardner syndrome
Constellation of colon polyps with osteomas and soft tissue tumors
Gaucher disease
Glucocerebrosidase deficiency leading to potentially fatal glucocerebroside accumulation in multiple organs, notably spleen, liver, marrow, and brain
Ghon focus
Small lung lesion of early tuberculosis
Gilbert syndrome
Benign congenital unconjugated bilirubinemia (mostly just scares doctors)
Goodpasture syndrome
Anti-basement membrane antibodies; causes pulmonary and kidney bleeding
Gower's maneuver
Child using arms to help with leg weakness when trying to stand; suggests Duchenne muscular dystrophy
Guillain-Barre syndrome
Autoimmune peripheral nerve damage causing life-threatening paralysis
Hand-SchUller-Christian disease
Chronic, progressive, potentially fatal histiocytosis in which macrophages attack a child's body
Heberden's nodes
Osteophytes at DIP; suggests osteoarthritis
Heinz bodies
Red cell inclusions in G6PD deficiency
Henoch-Sch6nlein purpura
Hypersensitivity vasculitis causing hemorrhagic urticaria and arthritis
Homer-Wright rosette
Microscopic finding of a ring of neural cells suggesting neuroblastoma
Horner syndrome
Dysfunction of oculosympathetic pathway; ptosis, miosis, hemianhidrosis, apparent enophthalmos; causes include Pancoast tumor, lateral medullary syndrome
Howell-Jolly bodies
Red cell inclusions of DNA suggesting hyposplenism
Huntington disease
Autosomal-dominant caudate degeneration causing chorea and psychiatric problems
Janeway lesions
Hemorrhagic nodules in palms or soles; suggest endocarditis
Jarisch-Herxheimer reaction
Overaggressive treatment of infection causing endotoxin release with possible shock; classic example is syphilis
Job syndrome
Poor delayed hypersensitivity with neutrophil chemotaxis abnormality causing hyper-lgE with skin abscesses and other infections
Kaposi sarcoma
HHV-8 infection in AIDS patients causing vascular sarcoma
Kartagener syndrome
Dynein defect causes defective cilia, leading to bronchiectasis
Kayser-Fleischer rings
Green to golden copper deposits in iris around pupil; suggest Wilson disease
Kimmelstiel-Wilson nodules
Acellular glomerular nodules; suggest diabetic nephropathy
Kluver-Bucy syndrome
Bilateral amygdala lesions causing bizarre behavior with tendency to put anything in the mouth
Koplik spots
Minute white specks in buccal mucosa that may be first sign of measles
Krukenberg tumor
Gastric adenocarcinoma with ovarian metastases
Kussmaul ventilation
Diabetic ketoacidosis causes rapid, deep breathing to blow off CO2
Lesch-Nyhan syndrome
X-linked HGPRT deficiency causing high uric acid levels with risk of brain damage
Lewy bodies
Round intracytoplasmic inclusions in neurons; seen in Parkinson disease
Libman-Sacks disease
Noninfectious endocarditis in SLE
Lines of Zahn
White streaks in arterial thrombus
Lisch nodules
Brown iris lesions in neurofibromatosis
Mallory bodies
Ropy cytoplasmic inclusions in hepatocytes in alcoholic liver disease
Mallory-Weiss syndrome
Esophagogastric lacerations with profuse bleeding secondary to heavy vomiting, forcing part of stomach into esophagus
McArdle disease
Muscle phosphorylase deficiency causing glycogen storage disease with promine -muscular symptoms
McBurney's point
Appendicitis is suggested by tenderness on palpation on a line between the anterior superior spine of the ilium and the umbilicus
Negri bodies
Neuron inclusions on electron microscopy in rabies
Niemann-Pick disease
Potentially fatal sphingomyelinase deficiency causing sphingomyelin deposition in brain and other organs, cherry-red macula spot, and neurologic problems
Osler's nodes
Pea-sized nodules on palms and soles suggesting endocarditis
Pancoast tumor
Apical lung cancer causing Horner syndrome
Parinaud syndrome
Dorsal midbrain syndrome often caused by compression by pineal gland; paralysis of upward gaze, may compress cerebral aqueduct -7 noncommunicating hydrocephalus
Parkinson disease
Motor disorder (resting tremor, rigidity) secondary to nigrostriatal dopamine depletion
Peutz-Jeghers syndrome
Benign autosomal-dominant colon polyposis syndrome
Peyronie disease
Penis deviates on erection secondary to fibrosis
Pick bodies
Round, silver-staining cytoplasmic structures in neurons in Pick disease; contain tab! protein
Pick cells
Swollen (balloon) cells found in Pick disease; may contain Pick bodies
Pick disease
Frontal and temporal atrophy; progressive dementia; similar to Alzheimer disease but has a shorter course
Plummer-Vinson syndrome
Esophageal webs with iron deficiency anemia
Pompe disease
Lysosomal glucosidase deficiency causing cardiomegaly
Pott disease
Tuberculosis of the vertebrae
Raynaud syndrome
Recurrent vasospasm in extremities causing hand or foot color changes
Reed-Sternberg cells
Large binucleate tumor cells in Hodgkin disease
Reid index
Increased Reid index means thick mucous glands in bronchus and suggests chronic bronchitis
Reinke crystals
Crystals seen in Leydig cell tumors on microscopy
Reiter syndrome
Nongonococcal urethritis causes immune response, leading to conjunctivitis and arthritis
Roth spots
Retinal hemorrhages; suggest endocarditis
Rotor syndrome
Fairly benign congenital conjugated hyperbilirubinemia
Russell bodies
Round plasma cell inclusions that suggest multiple myeloma
Schiller-Duval bodies
Glomerulus-like microscopic structures in yolk sac tumors
Sezary syndrome
Cutaneous form of T-cell lymphoma with marked generalized erythema
Sheehan syndrome
Postpartum pituitary necrosis leading to massive hormonal deficits
Sipple syndrome
MEN type lIa; medullary thyroid carcinoma, pheochromocytoma, and parathyroid disease
Sjogren syndrome
Autoimmune attack on salivary glands with dry eyes, dry mouth, and arthritis
Spitz nevus
Childhood spindle cell lesion that looks like melanoma but has better prognosis
Trousseau's sign of hypocalcemia
Carpal spasm
Trousseau's sign of malignancy
Migratory thrombophlebitis suggesting visceral (pancreatic) carcinoma
Virchow's node
Left supraclavicular node enlargement suggesting metastatic gastric carcinoma
Virchow's triad
Combination of blood stasis, endothelial damage, and hypercoagulation causes venous clots with risk of pulmonary embolism
von Recklinghausen neurologic disease
von Recklinghausen bone disease
Osteitis fibrosa cystica
Wallenberg syndrome
Lateral medullary syndrome caused by PICA occlusion; causes contralateral pain/ temperature deficits in body, ipsilateral pain/temperature deficits in face, dysphagia, vestibular dysfunction, ipsilateral Horner syndrome
Waterhouse-Friderichsen syndrome
Adrenal hemorrhage complicating meningococcemia
Weber syndrome
Medial midbrain syndrome; ipsilateral oculomotor paralysis, contralateral spastic paralysis, contralateral lower facial weakness
Wermer syndrome
MEN type I; parathyroid tumors, endocrine pancreatic tumors, and pituitary gland tumors
Whipple disease
Tropheryma whippe/ii causes malabsorption syndrome
Wilson disease
Altered copper metabolism causes damage to liver and brain; Kayser-Fleischer rings
Zenker's diverticulum
Lower esophageal diverticulum
Zollinger-Ellison syndrome
Gastrin-secreting tumor causing peptic ulcers
Argyll Robertson pupil
Tertiary (neuro) syphilis; loss of light reflex constriction; accommodation is preserved; classic form bilateral
Blue sclera
Osteogenesis imperiecta, types I and II (fatal) Also may be seen in Ehlers-Danlos syndrome, pseudoxanthoma elasticum, Marian syndrome
Brushfield spots
Down syndrome (ring of white spots around periphery of iris; trisomy 21)
Charcot's triad #1
Multiple sclerosis (nystagmus, intention tremor, scanning speech; triad #2 is for cholangitis: jaundice, fever, rigors, pain)
Cherry-red spot
Tay-Sachs, Niemann-Pick, central retinal artery occlusion (retinal pallor contrasting with strikingly red macular spot)
Cotton-wool spots
Chronic hypertension (small areas of yellowish-white discoloration in the retina)
Horner syndrome
Impaired sympathetic innervation to eye (ptosis, miosis, anhidrosis, and apparent enophthalmos; numerous causes, including vascular, traumatic, congenital, Pancoast tumor, other tumors)
Internuclear ophthalmoplegia (INO)
Multiple sclerosis (disorder of lateral conjugate gaze; affected eye cannot adduct and nystagmus occurs in the abducting eye; convergence is intact)
Kayser-Fleischer rings
Wilson disease (greenish or golden copper deposits in crescent or ring in Descemet's membrane)
Lens dislocation
Marfan syndrome (can be accompanied by aortic dissection and joint hyperflexibility)
Lisch nodules
Neurofibromatosis type I (tan hamartomas on the iris)
Roth spots
Bacterial endocarditis (hemorrhage in retina with a white center; also seen in leukemia, diabetes, collagen-vascular diseases)
Adenoma Sebaceum
Tuberous sclerosis (raised, erythematous papules on the face, especially around the nose)
Leprosy (skin may be blotchy, red, or thickened)
Bullae (tense)
Bullous pemphigoid
Bullae (flaccid, rupturing)
Brown-black lesion with fuzzy edge
Melanoma (depth of lesion most important prognostic indicator)
Butterfly rash
Systemic lupus erythematosus (nose and cheeks)
Cafe-au-Iait spots
Neurofibromatosis (light brown spots, often over 1 cm)
Primary syphilis (painless ulcer, usually on genitalia)
Haemophilus ducreyi (painful ulcer, usually on genitalia)
Condylomata lata
Secondary syphilis (smooth, flat, painless genital lesions; scrapings may show spirochetes with darkfield microscopy)
Dermatitis, dementia, diarrhea
Pellagra caused by niacin deficiency
Dog or cat bite
Pasteurella multocida
Elastic skin
Ehlers-Danlos syndrome
Erythema chronicum migrans
Lyme disease (expanding red ring with central clearing at tick bite site)
Generalized hyperpigmentation
Addison disease (primary adrenal insufficiency)
Kaposi sarcoma
AIDS (usually slightly raised violaceous papules or plaques)
Port wine stain
Hemangioma (large, purplish lesion on face)
Rash on palms and soles
Secondary syphilis, Rocky Mountain spotted fever
Silvery, scaly plaques
Psoriasis (knees, elbows, scalp)
Slapped cheeks
Erythema infectiosum (fifth disease, parvovirus B19)
Vesicles, small painful
Herpes, dermatitis herpetiformis
Marfan syndrome (very long fingers and toes)
Babinski sign
Upper motor neuron lesion (stimulation of sole of foot ---7 upgoing great toe)
Baker's cyst
Rheumatoid arthritis (cyst in popliteal fossa)
Bouchard's node
Osteoarthritis (PIP osteophytes)
Boutonniere deformity
Rheumatoid arthritis (finger flexed at PIP and hyperextended at DIP)
Calf pseudohypertrophy
Duchenne muscular dystrophy (replacement of muscle with fat and connective tissue)
Heberden's nodes
Osteoarthritis (DIP enlargement because of osteophytes)
Janeway lesions
Endocarditis (hemorrhagic nodules in palms or soles)
Osler's nodes
Endocarditis (tender nodules on palms and soles)
Palpable purpura
Henoch-Schonlein purpura (legs and buttocks)
Rash affecting palms and soles
Secondary syphilis, Rocky Mountain spotted fever
Raynaud syndrome
Recurrent vasospasm (pale to blue to red on hands or feet)
Simian crease
Down syndrome (single long crease across palm; trisomy 21)
Splinter hemorrhage
Infective endocarditis, trauma (found under fingernails)
Tendon xanthomas
Familial hypercholesterolemia (classically Achilles tendon)
Gout (hard nodules composed of uric acid)
Bamboo spine
Ankylosing spondylitis (rigid spine with fused joints)
Boot-shaped heart
Right ventricular hypertrophy; tetralogy of Fallot (upturned ventricular apex and large pulmonary artery make the "boot")
Codman's triangle
Osteosarcoma (new subperiosteal bone lifts periosteum)
Double-bubble sign
Duodenal atresia, also duodenal stenosis, duodenal webs, annular pancreas, malrotation of the gut (two air-filled structures in upper abdomen, with little or no air distally)
"Hair on end" or "crew-cut"
Beta thalassemia, sickle cell anemia (extramedullary hematopoiesis below periosteum leads to formation of bony spicules = "hair" on outside of bone)
Mammillary body atrophy
Wernicke encephalopathy (memory loss)
Periosteal elevation
Pyogenic osteomyelitis (elevation due to subperiosteal inflammation; this may be the earliest radiologic sign of osteomyelitis)
"Punched out" (lytic) lesions of bone
Multiple myeloma
Rib notching
Coarctation of aorta (dilated aorta before coarctation puts chronic pressure on ribs)
Soap bubble
Giant cell tumor of bone (lytic expansile lesion)
String sign
Crohn disease (small bowel follow-through shows very narrow lumen, typically in terminal ileum)
Soft systolic ejection murmurs
May be normal in infants, children, pregnancy
Systolic ejection murmur (right 2nd interspace)
Aortic stenosis
Systolic ejection murmur (mid to lower left sternal border)
Hypertrophic obstructive cardiomyopathy
Systolic ejection murmur (left 2nd interspace)
Pulmonic stenosis
Systolic ejection murmur (apex, can increase through systole)
Mitral regurgitation
Systolic ejection murmur (lower left sternal border, increases with inspiration)
Tricuspid regurgitation
Holosystolic ejection murmur (left fourth interspace)
Ventricular septal defect
Diastolic murmur (apex)
Mitral stenosis
Diastolic murmur (left 4th interspace)
Tricuspid stenosis
Decrescendo diastolic murmur (left 4th interspace)
Aortic regurgitation (see also Austin-Flint murmur)
Austin-Flint murmur (mid-to-Iate-diastolic rumble/low-frequency murmur over apex)
Severe aortic regurgitation
Decrescendo diastolic murmur (right sternal edge and left 2nd interspace)
Pulmonic regurgitation
Continuous murmur (left 2nd interspace below median end of clavicle)
Patent ductus arteriosus
Continuous murmur (centrally at 3rd interspace level)
Aorticopulmonary window defect
Continuous murmur (peripheral body sites)
8ystemic arteriovenous connections
Loud S1
Mitral stenosis
Soft or absent S1
Mitral regurgitation if valve is stiff
Late aortic valve closure in S2
Left bundle branch block, aortic stenosis
Late pulmonic valve closure in S2
Atrial septal defect, right bundle branch block
Fixed split S2 during respiration
Atrial septal defect
Paradoxical splitting of S2
Left bundle branch block (also some cases of aortic stenosis and patent ductus)
8ingle S2
Badly damaged aortic valve (regurgitation, stenosis, or atresia)
Early systolic click
Congenital aortic or pulmonic valve stenosis, severe pulmonary hypertension
Changing systolic clicks with position
Myxomatous degeneration of mitral or tricuspid valves
S3 (pericardial knock)
Dilated and noncompliant left (strongest on expiration) or right (strongest on inspiration) ventricle, normal in kids
Right (strongest on inspiration) or left (strongest on expiration) ventricular dysfunction (myocardial ischemia or early myocardial infarction)
Summation gallop (combined S3 and S4)
Tachycardic patient with right or left ventricular dysfunction
Diastolic knock
Constricting pericardium
Mitral opening snap
Mitral stenosis
Cri-du-chat syndrome (cat-like cry, feeding problems, abnormal mental development)
Turner syndrome (infertile female, webbed neck, coarctation of aorta)
Klinefelter syndrome (male with small testes and eunuchoid habitus)
Cystic fibrosis (chloride channel gene, chromosome 7, recurrent pneumonia, pancreatic exocrine insufficiency)
FBN1 (codes for gene fibrillin)
Marian syndrome (chromosome 15, tall stature, hyperextensible joints, dissecting aortic aneurysm)
Neurofibromatosis type I (von Recklinghausen disease, chromosome 17, neurofibromas, cafe-au-Iait spots)
Neurofibromatosis type II (bilateral acoustic neurofibromatosis, chromosome 22)
Burkitt lymphoma (e-mye)
CML and occasionally AML (Philadelphia chromosome, ber-abl hybrid)
Many follicular lymphomas (bel-2)
Trisomy 13
Patau syndrome (microcephaly, mental retardation, cleft palate, polydactyly, heart malformations)
Trisomy 18
Edwards syndrome (rocker bottom feet, microcephaly, mental retardation, multiple organ defects)
Trisomy 21
Down syndrome (most common chromosomal disorder, older maternal age, mental retardation, early Alzheimer disease)
von Hippel-Lindau (chromosome 3, hemangioblastomas, renal cell carcinoma)
XYY syndrome (very tall male with increased risk of behavior problems)
Auer rods
Acute myelogenous leukemia, particularly promyelocytic (rods in white blood cell cytoplasm)
Basophilic stippling
Lead pOisoning (dots in erythrocytes)
Birbeck granules on EM
Histiocytosis X (eosinophilic granuloma)
Call-Exner bodies
Granulosa-theca cell tumor of ovary (ring of cells with pink fluid in center)
Cerebriform nuclei
Mycosis fungoides (cutaneous T-cell lymphoma)
Clue cells
Gardnerella vaginitis (bacteria on epithelial cells)
Councilman bodies
Toxic or viral hepatitis (pink, round cytoplasmic inclusion in hepatocytes)
Cowdry type A bodies
Herpes (intranuclear eosinophilic inclusions)
Crescents in Bowman's capsule
Rapidly progressive crescentic glomerulonephritis
Curschmann's spirals
Bronchial asthma (coiled mucinous fibrils found in sputum)
Depigmentation of neurons in substantia nigra
Parkinson disease (degeneration of dopaminergic nigrostriatal neurons)
Donovan bodies
Granuloma inguinale (oval, rod-shaped organisms in cells)
Ferruginous bodies
Asbestosis (rod-shaped structures with crystals on them)
Heinz bodies
G6PD deficiency (red cell inclusions)
Homer Wright rosettes
Neuroblastoma (ring of neural cells)
Howell-Jowell bodies
Splenectomy or nonfunctioning spleen (blue-black erythrocyte inclusions)
Hypersegmented neutrophils
Macrocytic anemia (vitamin B12 or folate deficiency)
Hypochromic microcytosis
Iron deficiency anemia, lead poisoning
Keratin pearls
Squamous cell carcinoma (concentric layers of keratin)
Kimmelsteil-Wilson nodules
Diabetic nephropathy (acellular nodules in glomerulus)
HPV infections such as condyloma, cervical dysplasia (look for perinuclear halo)
Lewy bodies
Parkinson disease (round, pink nodules in neuronal cytoplasm)
Mallory bodies
Alcoholic liver disease (ropy, pink cytoplasmic structures in hepatocytes)
Needle-shaped, negatively birefringent crystals
Gout (uric acid)
Negri bodies
Rabies (large viral inclusions in neurons, see on Emergency Medicine)
Neurofibrillary tangles
Alzheimer disease (tangles of fibers in neuron cytoplasm)
Owl's eye nuclei
Cytomegalovirus (due to virus particles in nucleus)
Pick bodies
Pick disease (silver protein depOSits in neurons)
Pseudopalisading tumor cell arrangement
Glioblastoma multiforme (foci of necrosis surrounded by intact tumor cells)
Pseudo rosettes
Ewing sarcoma (rings of cells with central vessel)
Reed-Sternberg cells
Hodgkin lymphoma (large binucleate cell with large nucleoli)
Reinke crystals
Leydig cell tumor (rectangular crystals, ovary or testes)
Renal epithelial casts in urine
Acute toxicity/viral (epithelial casts reflect tubular damage)
Rhomboid crystals in jOint fluid, positively birefringent
Pseudogout (calcium pyrophosphate crystals)
Multiple myeloma (stacked erythrocytes)
Russell bodies
Multiple myeloma (hyaline spheres in plasma cells)
Schiller-Duval bodies
Yolk sac tumor (look like glomeruli)
Senile plaques
Alzheimer disease (extracellular amyloid)
Signet ring cells
Gastric carcinoma (have nucleus compressed to one side of cell)
Smudge cells
Chronic lymphocytic leukemia (smashed lymphocyte)
Spike and dome on EM
Membranous glomerulonephritis (irregular dense deposits with basement membrane material between deposits)
"Starry sky" pattern
Burkitt lymphoma (sheets of small lymphocytes with scattered histiocytes as "stars")
Subepithelial humps on Emergency Medicine
Poststreptococcal g lomeru loneph ritis
Sulfur granules
Actinomyces israeli (clusters of bacteria)
Tram track appearance on light microscopy
Membranoproliferative glomerulonephritis (double contour capillary loops)
Waxy casts in urine
Chronic end-stage renal disease
WBC casts in urine
Acute pyelonephritis
WBCs in urine
Acute cystitis (heavy neutrophilic infiltrate)
"Wire loop" lesion
Lupus nephritis (thickened capillary basement membrane)
Anti-basement membrane
Goodpasture syndrome
Scleroderma (CREST syndrome)
Anti-double stranded DNA (ANA antibodies)
Systemic lupus erythematosus (type III hypersensitivity-immune complexes)
Antiepithelial cell
Pemphigus vulgaris
Celiac disease
Drug-induced SlE
Rheumatoid arthritis (rheumatoid factor)
Primary biliary cirrhosis
Idiopathic thrombocytopenic purpura
Wegener granulomatosis (C-ANCA), polyarteritis nodosa (mostly P-ANCA, but can have both)
Mycoplasma pneumoniae, mononucleosis, lymphoma, Cll
Acanthocytes (spur cells)
Abetalipoproteinemia (severe burns, liver disease, hypothyroidism)
Basophilic stippling
lead poisoning (thalassemia)
Bite cells and Heinz bodies
Glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase deficiency (spleen removes Heinz bodies, leading to "bitten" appearance of RBCs)
Dacrocytes (teardrop cells)
Scarring of bone marrow (myelophthisis), splenic dysfunction
Echinocytes (burr cells)
Often drying artifact, uremia
Elliptocytes (ovalocytes)
Hereditary elliptocytosis (iron deficiency, thalassemia, myelophthisis)
Howell-Jolly bodies and Cabot rings
Splenic dysfunction (thalassemia)
Macrocytes (large cells)
Vitamin B12 and folate deficiency (myelodysplastic syndromes, liver disease)
Microcytes (small cells)
Iron deficiency anemia (thalassemia and some cases of anemia of chronic disease)
Pappenheimer bodies
Sideroblastic anemia (splenic dysfunction)
Rouleaux formation
Multiple myeloma (RBCs stacked like coins)
Intravascular hemolysis (fragmented cells)
Hereditary spherocytosis (extravascular hemolysis)
Hereditary stomatocytosis (alcoholism)
Target cells
Liver disease, thalassemia (HbC, occasionally in iron deficiency)
Bilobed neutrophil nuclei
Pelger-Huet anomaly
Cerebriform nuclei (convoluted appearance to nucleus)
Mycosis fungoides (cutaneous T-cell lymphoma)
Dohle bodies
Sepsis, May-Hegglin anomaly (pale blue, oval cytoplasmic inclusions that can be near cytoplasmic membrane of neutrophils)
Giant platelets
Bernard-Soulier syndrome
Hypersegmented neutrophil nuclei
Megaloblastic (macrocytic) anemia
Large blue granules in cytoplasm of all white blood cells
Alder-Reilly anomaly
Large eosinophilic granules in neutrophil cytoplasm
Chediak-Higashi syndrome
Toxic granulation
Sepsis (medium-to-Iarge sized dark blue granulations in neutrophil cytoplasm)
Alanine aminotransferase (ALT)
Liver damage
Alkaline phosphatase (Alk phos)
Bone, biliary, and placental disease
Pancreatic and salivary disease
Angiotensin-converting enzyme (ACE)
Sarcoidosis (also primary biliary cirrhosis, Gaucher disease, leprosy)
Aspartate aminotransferase (AST)
Acute myocardial infarction, liver disease
Creatinine kinase (CK) CK-MB
Myocardial infarction (early 2-8 h), severe skeletal muscle injury
Pancreatic disease
Lactate dehydrogenase (LDH) LD1>LD2 High LD4 and LD5 High LD1 And LD5
Acute myocardial infarction (early), hemolysis, renal infarction Liver damage (also skeletal muscle damage) Acute myocardial infarction complicated by liver congestion; alcoholic liver disease complicated by megaloblastic anemia
Pancreatic disease
Myocardial infarction (early, but nonspecific)
Troponin I
Myocardial infarction (elevates as early as 3 h post MI, then stays elevated up to 9 days after MI)