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88 Cards in this Set

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Hormones are chemical messengers that work with what to maintain communication and control?

The nervous system
Most hormone levels are regulated by nega¬tive feedback, in which tropic hormone secretion
raises the level of a specific hormone.
The elevated level of the specific hormone then causes
negative feedback, decreasing secre¬tion of the tropic hormone.
Endocrine feedback is described in terms of
short and long feedback loops.
Water-soluble hormones circulate throughout the body in unbound form, whereas lipid-soluble hormones (i.e., ste¬roid and thyroid hormones) circulate throughout the body bound to
carrier proteins.

Hormones serve as first messengers and affect only target cells with appropriate receptors and then act on

those cells to initiate specific cell functions or activities.
Hormones have two general types of effects on cells
direct effects, or obvious changes in cell function, and permis¬sive effects, or less obvious changes that facilitate cell function.
Water-soluble hormones act as first messengers, binding to
receptors on the cell’s plasma membrane.
The signals ini¬tiated by hormone receptor binding are then transmitted into
the cell by the action of second messengers.
Second messengers that have been identified include
cAMP, cGMP, and calcium, which associates with IP3 and DAG to produce physiologic effects.
For cells that have cAMP as their second messenger, a series of interactions within the plasma membrane must activate
adenylyl cyclase.
Cells that have cGMP as their second messenger are acti¬vated by the enzyme
guanylyl cyclase.
For cells that have calcium as their second messenger, an increase in intracellular calcium concentration causes
cal¬cium to bind with calmodulin, a regulatory protein.
This then initiates
other intracellular processes.
Lipid-soluble hormones (including steroid and thyroid hormones) may have rapid effects by
binding to a plasma membrane or receptor or crossing the plasma membrane through diffusion.
These hormones then either bind to cytoplasmic proteins or
diffuse directly into the cell nucleus and bind to nuclear receptors.
Hormones have direct effects or permissive effects. What do these mean?
Direct: facilitate the effects of other hormones, permissive: specific changes in cell func¬tion.
The pituitary gland is connected to the central nervous system through the
The hypothalamus regulates anterior pituitary func¬tion by
secreting releasing hormones into the portal circulation.
Hypothalamic hormones include the following:
dopamine, TRH, CRH, substance P, ADH, and oxytocin
Dopamine does what?
inhibits prolactin secretion
TRH does what?
affects release of thyroid hormones
CRH does what?
facilitates release of ACTH and endorphins
substance P does what?
inhibits ACTH release and stimulates release of a variety of other hormones.
ADH and oxytocin are synthesized in the hypothalamus and stored and secreted by the
posterior pituitary.
The posterior pituitary stores and secretes ADH, also called
arginine vasopressin

ADH controls what?

serum osmolality, increases the permeability of the renal tubules to water, and causes vasoconstriction when administered pharmacologically in high doses. ADH also may regulate some central nervous system functions.
Oxytocin causes uterine contraction and lactation in women and may have a role in
sperm motility in men.
In men and women, oxytocin has what effect similar to that of ADH?
Hormones of the anterior pituitary are regulated by the following:
(1) secretion of hypothalamic-releasing hormones or factors; (2) negative feedback from hormones secreted by target organs; and (2) mediating effects of neurotransmitters.
Hormones of the anterior pituitary include
ACTH, MSH, somatotropic hormones (GH and prolactin), and glycopro¬tein hormones (FSH, LH, and TSH).
Growth hormone
stimulates bone growth, increased pro¬tein metabolism in muscles, and lipolysis. Its effects are mediated in part by IGFs.
Prolactin functions to
produce milk during pregnancy and lactation.
The pineal gland produces
melatonin, which affects sleep, immune function, and aging.
The two-lobed thyroid gland contains
follicles, which secrete some of the thyroid hormones, and C cells, which secrete calcitonin and somatostatin.
Regulation of TH levels is complex and involves the
hypo¬thalamus (TRH), anterior pituitary (TSH), thyroid gland, and numerous biochemical variables.
TH secretion is regulated by TRH through a negative feedback loop that involves the
anterior pituitary and hypothalamus.
TSH, which is synthesized and stored in the anterior pitu¬itary, stimulates secretion of TH by activating intracellular processes, including
uptake of iodine necessary for the syn¬thesis of TH.
Synthesis of TH depends on the glycoprotein thyroglobu¬lin, which contains
a precursor of TH, tyrosine.
Tyrosine then combines with iodide to form
precursor molecules of the thyroid hormones T4 and T3.
When released into the circulation, T3 and T4 are bound by carrier proteins in the plasma that
store these hormones and provide a buffer for rapid changes in hormone levels.

Thyroid hormones alter protein synthesis and have a wide range of

metabolic effects on proteins, carbohydrates, lip¬ids, and vitamins.
TH also affects
heat production and car¬diac function.
Parafollicular cells or C cells
secrete calcitonin and lower serum calcium concentration by inhibiting bone-resorbing osteoclasts.
The paired parathyroid glands normally are located
behind the upper and lower poles of the thyroid gland.
These glands secrete PTH, an important regulator of
serum calcium and phosphate levels.
PTH secretion is regulated by
levels of ionized calcium in the plasma and by cAMP within the cell.
Some other substances— hormones, neurotransmitters, and ions—affect PTH secre¬tion by
inhibiting cAMP or by changing calcium levels.
In bone, PTH causes
bone breakdown and resorption.
In the kidney, PTH
increases reabsorption of calcium, decreases reabsorption of phosphorus and bicarbonate, and stimulates synthesis of vitamin D.

Parathyroid hormone–related peptide (PTHrP) has prop¬erties similar to those of PTH and plays a role in

placental calcium transport, lactation, and fetal tooth development.
The endocrine pancreas contains the islets of Langerhans, which secrete
hormones responsible for much of the carbohy¬drate metabolism in the body.
The islets of Langerhans consist of
alpha cells, beta cells, delta cells, and F cells.
Beta cells synthesize
insulin, a hormone that regulates blood glucose concentration and overall body metabolism of fat, protein, carbohydrates, and amylin.
Alpha cells produce
glucagon, which is secreted inversely to the blood glucose concentration and stimulates glycogenoly¬sis, gluconeogenesis, and lipolysis.
Incretin hormones are produced by
endocrine cells of the gastrointestinal tract that promote glucose-dependent insulin secretion, inhibit glucagon synthesis, and delay gas¬tric emptying.
Amylin promotes
glucose-dependent insulin secretion, inhibits glucagon synthesis, and delays gastric emptying, producing an antihyperglycemic effect.
Delta cells secrete
somatostatin, which inhibits glucagon, insulin, and polypeptide secretion.
F cells secrete pancreatic polypeptide, which stimulates
Y receptors, promotes gastric secretion, and antagonizes cholecystokinin.
The paired adrenal glands are situated on the
Each gland consists of an adrenal medulla, which secretes
Each gland has an adrenal cortex, which
secretes steroid hormones.
The steroid hormones secreted by the adrenal cortex are all synthesized from
cholesterol. These hormones include glu¬cocorticoids, mineralocorticoids, and adrenal androgens and estrogens.
Glucocorticoids directly affect carbohydrate metabolism by
increasing the blood glucose concentration through gluco¬neogenesis in the liver and by decreasing the use of glucose. Glucocorticoids also inhibit immune and inflammatory responses, inhibit bone formation and ADH secretion, and stimulate gastric secretion.
Cortisol secretion is related to secretion of
ACTH, which is stimulated by CRH.
ACTH binds with receptors of the adrenal cortex, which
activates intracellular mechanisms (specifically cAMP) and leads to cortisol release.
Mineralocorticoids, especially aldosterone, are steroid hor¬mones that
directly affect ion transport by epithelial cells, causing sodium retention and potassium and hydrogen loss.
Aldosterone secretion is controlled by the what and acts by?
renin-angiotensin-aldosterone system and acts by binding to a site on the cell nucleus and altering protein production within the cell.
Its principal site of action is the kidney, where it causes
sodium reabsorption and potassium and hydrogen excretion.
Androgens and estrogens secreted by the adrenal cortex act in the same way as those secreted by the
The adrenal medulla secretes the
catecholamines epineph¬rine and norepinephrine. Catecholamines are synthesized from the amino acid phenylalanine.
Their release is stimu¬lated by
sympathetic nervous system stimulation, ACTH, and glucocorticoids.
Catecholamines bind with various target cells and are taken up by
neurons or excreted in the urine.
They cause a range of metabolic effects that generally are characterized as
the flight-or- fight response.
What two systems act together to respond to stressors, providing an inte¬grated and protective response?
The endocrine system acts together with the nervous and immune systems
Several assay methods are used to measure levels of
hor¬mones in the plasma.
RIA compares the proportion of
radiolabeled and nonradiolabeled hormone against stan¬dard reference curves.
ELISA is a method similar to RIA, but uses a
radiolabeled enzyme rather than a radiolabeled hormone.
Bioassays use graded doses of hormone in a reference prep¬aration and then compare the results with
an unknown sample to determine the hormone level.
Endocrine changes that may be associated with aging include
altered biologic activity of hormones, altered cir¬culating levels of hormones, altered secretory responses of endocrine glands, altered metabolism of hormones, loss of circadian control of hormone release, and changes in secre¬tion of hypothalamic regulatory hormones.
What may con¬tribute to endocrine gland dysfunction or alterations in the responsiveness of target organs?
Cellular damage associated with aging, genetically pro¬grammed cell change, and chronic wear and tear
Aging apparently causes atrophy of the
thyroid gland and is associated with infiltrative glandular changes.
Secretion of thyroid hormones may (what) with age.
Aging causes pancreatic fat deposition and is associated with a decrease in insulin
secretion and in insulin sensitivity.
Growth hormone levels do what with aging, leading to decreased bone and muscle mass?
Aging is associated with alterations in calcium steady states, which may be related to
alterations in PTH secretion from the parathyroid glands.
Age-related changes in adrenal function include
decreased clearance of glucocorticoids and a decrease in levels of adre¬nal androgens.
The effects of these changes, however, are offset by
feedback mechanisms that maintain glucocorti¬coid levels and by gonadal secretion of androgens.