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54 Cards in this Set

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Who is Constantine?
-orgins of Christendom
-Sole Emperor of Rome
-Legalized Christianity
-Council of Nicea 325 CE
Was he genuine or did he cynically use Christians to achieve power?
-not genuine conversion
-loyal to Sol Invictus
-Visions of Roman gods
-Late Baptism
-Christianity could unify the empire
Who is Norman Baynes?
a person who talks about the conversion of Constantine
-Letters show he favors Christianity
-Built structures
-Only 10% of the population Christianity
-Late Baptism not extraordinary
-Legislation Favorable to the church
Who brought back persecution?
Julian the Apostate
-Roman Nobility
-Pagans usually were located outside populated areas
What are the motivations for monks?
-Love for God
-the ideal of a martyr
-the appeal of asceticism
What is a Cenobites?
- monks who live a community popular in the west
What is a Eremite,Hermit, or a Anchorite?
-monks that live in solitary life
What are the types of clergy?
Regular- clergy who live within "regular" or rules(ordained monk)
Secular - priest at church/ hold positions in regular positions
What are the vows of community monks?
Poverty, Chasity, Obedience
Who is Anthony?
-eastern monks, typical anchorite monk, located in Egypt
Who is Simeon Stylites?
lived on top a pole
Who is Pachomius?
- Cenobite Monk
- Living together under a rule
Who is Basil of Caesars?
created urban monk communities in the east
Who is Athanasius?
rights a bio of Anothny
-influenced th guy of hippo conversion
Who is Martin of Tours?
starts as a monk then becomes a bishop
-was a bishop outside of the Cathedral
-has a office outside the
Cathedral monastery
Who is Benedict of Nursia?
-wrote the "Rule" in 529
-stable, flexible rule of life for monks
Who is John Cassian?
wrote institution and confessions
How many councils did they have total?
What did the council of Nicea decide?
Jesus Christ is fully divine
What did the council of Constantinople decide(381)?
fully Divine, Fully Human
What did the council of Ephesus 431 decide?
Fully Divine, Fully Human, One Person
What did the council of Chalcedon(451) decide?
Fully Divine, Fully Human, One Person, Two Natures
What are the two trinitarian Councils?
Nicea and Constantinople
What are the two Christological councils?
Ephesus, Chalcedon
What is the problem with Council of Nicea?
God is one, Jesus is God
How are Jesus and God related?
What is Modalistic Monarchism ?
-there is one god that manifests in three forms
What is Patripassionism?
the Father died on the cross
-God cannot Die
What is Dynamic Monarchism?
one God rests his spirit on Jesus
-God is unique
-God is dynamic
What is Arius position?
God is Unique, and Jesus is Subordinate
-son is co eternal
-a perfect creature
-his subordinationalism seems better than any kind of modalism
-cannot be the of the same essence of the creator
-God has static perfection
What is Athansius Position?
Jesus must be fully human and fully divine
Critique of Arius:
Jesus is not fully human
Jesus is not fully divine
-Jesus is a creature and cannot save
What is Homoousios?
-essential that Jesus be of the same substance as the Father
What are the parties involved?
Anti-Arianism, Arianism, and Middle Party
What is the solution and who proposed it?
Eusebius of Caesarea- stated that God is of the same essence, consubstantial, co-equal, co-eternal, and non-biblical
What is the position of the middle party?
homoiousios - like but distinct
What is the position of the orthodox party?
homoousios- of the same essence
What happened with Arianism?
Council in 359 removed homoousios, Athanasius exiled
Who are the Cappadocians?
Basil of Caesarea, Gregory of Nyssa, and Gregory of Nazianzus
They interpreted the Nicea Council as God as one substance and three persons
Who are the Pneumatomachians?
deny the divinity of the Holy Spirit
-is a creature
-superior to angels
Who is Apollinarius?
- proposed the idea of Jesus as a tripartite persons
Jesus only divine in mind/spirit
-Jesus is not fully human
-if Jesus is not fully human than he can save animals but not us
-tertium quid- not human or divine
What is the outcome of the Council of Constantinople?
-homoousios- fully divine, fully human
-phnemat, arians, and apoll are condemned
What is the council of Ephesus?
-that if Jesus is one person or not
What does the Antioch school say?
emphasize humanity more than divinity of Jesus
What did the Alexandria school say?
emphasize divinity is greater than humanity
What did Nestorius of Constantinople say?
that human and divine cannot mix
-divine stuff cannot die
-has two natures and wills
-believed in Christokos
What is Christokos?
Mary cannot bear a divine being only a human
Who is Cyril?
-was Alexander School
-was for Theotokos
-was excommunicated
-called Nestorius the "new Judas"
What is Theotokos?
-thought that Mary bore the divine Jesus
What is the solution of Ephesus?
Jesus is one person, fully divine, fully human
What is Chalcedon about?
Whether Jesus has one or two natures, and the relation of the natures
What is Monophysitism(Eutyches)?
-two natures before the death on the Cross, only one after
-Humanity disappears
Who proposed the solution to the Chalcedon council?
Pope Leo 1 of Tome
-Jesus has two natures and is one person
What is Monothelitism?
-no human will
-one will composed of Logos
-similar to Apollinarianism
-two natures can be accepted while still one will
Who are the Monophysites and where are they located?
one nature
-Copts and Abyssinians
-Syrian Jacobites
Who are the Nestorians and where are they located?
believed in two persons
-Missions to India and Asia