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30 Cards in this Set

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The superficial extrinsic back muscles are axioappendicular
muscles that serve the upper limb.
♦ Except for the

innervated by CN =
the extrinsic back muscles are innervated
by the anterior =
anterior rami of spinal nerves.
The deep
intrinsic back muscles connect elements of the axial skeleton,
are mostly innervated by =
posterior rami of spinal N
anterior rami of spinal nerves serve what myo group=
the extrinsic back muscles
posterior rami of spinal serve what myo group=
posterior rami of spinal
deep intrinsic back muscles are arranged in ___ layers =
-(splenius myo) superficial
-(erector spinae) intermediate
-(transversospinalis myo) deep
intrinsic muscles
provide primarily

for =
and work synergistically with the muscles of the anterolateral
abdominal wall to stabilize and produce movements of the
_________________ provide
proprioceptive information concerning—movements at the
craniovertebral joints.
♦ Suboccipital muscles

extend between vertebrae =
Suboccipital muscles extend between vertebrae C1
and C2 and the occipital bone and produce—and/or provide =
proprioceptive information concerning—movements at the
craniovertebral joints.
Suboccipital muscles extend between which vertebrae =
-(splenius myo) superficial
-(erector spinae) intermediate
-(transversospinalis myo) deep

are mostly innervated by =
posterior rami of spinal
Which layer is this myo group

-(erector spinae) =
Which layer is this myo group

-(splenius myo) =
Which layer is this myo group

-(transversospinalis myo) =
trapezius invervated by =

Which myo group =

superficial extrinsic back muscles

They are axioappendicular
muscles that serve the upper limb.
Nm the Diaphragmatic Hiatuses =
Aortic Hiatuses
esophageal hiatus
caval opening
Nm the Aortic Hiatuses Structers =
azygos vein
thoracic duct

occasionally the azygos vein and hemi-azygos vein passes through the right crus.

it is not an aperture in the diaphragm but an osseoaponeurotic opening between it and the vertebral column, and therefore behind the diaphragm (Meaning that diaphragmatic contractions do not directly influence the Aorta or aortic supply).
esophageal hiatus contains =

located in the right crus of the diaphragm.

It is located approximately at spinal level =
caval opening
IVC (inferior vena cava)
R Phrenic N (some branches of)
two lesser aperture of right crus

(topic: Thoracic diaphragm openings)
greater and lesser right splanchnic nerves
three lesser aperture of left crus

(topic: Thoracic diaphragm openings)
greater and lesser left splanchnic nerves and the hemiazygos vein
behind the diaphragm, under the medial lumbocostal arches =

(topic: Thoracic diaphragm openings)
sympathetic trunk
foramina of Morgagni =

(topic: Thoracic diaphragm openings)
- superior epigastric branch of internal mammary artery
-some lymphatics from abdominal wall
-convex surface of the liver
medial and lateral lumbocostal arches =

(topic: Thoracic diaphragm openings)
-upper and back part of the kidney
separated from
-pleura by areolar tissue only.

This interval is less constant;
when this interval exists
nine regions in the abdominal cavity?
1. Right Hypochondriac:
2. Epigastric:
3. Left Hypochondriac:

4. Right Lumbar:
5. Umbilical:
6. Left Lumbar:

7. Right Iliac:
8. Hypogastric:
9. Left Iliac:
1. Right Hypochondriac: Liver, gall bladder, small intestine, ascending colon, transverse colon, right kidney
2. Epigastric: Esophagus, stomach, liver, pancreas, small intestine, transvers colon, right and left adrenal glands, pancreas, right and left kidneys, right and left ureters, spleen
3. Left Hypochondriac: Stomach, tip of liver, tail of pancreas, small intestines, transverse colon, descending colon, pancreas, left kidney, spleen
4. Right Lumbar: Tip of liver, gall bladder, small intestine, ascending colon, right kidney
5. Umbilical: Stomach, pancreas, small intestine, transverse colon, pancreas, right and left kidneys, right and left ureters
6. Left Lumbar: Small intestine, descending colon, tip of left kidney
7. Right Iliac: Small intestine, appendix, cecum and ascending colon; F- right ovary, right fallopian tube
8. Hypogastric: Small intestine, sigmoid colon, rectum, right and left ureters, urinary bladder; F- uterus, right and left ovaries, right and left Fallopian tubes; M- vas deferens, seminal vessicle, prostate
9. Left Iliac: Small intestine, descending colon, sigmoid colon; F- left ovary, left Fallopian tube
Retroperitoneal Organs =
S = Suprarenal glands (aka the adrenal glands)
A = Aorta/IVC
D =duodenum (2nd/3rd segments) [some also include 4th segment]
P = Pancreas
(tail is intraperitoneal)
U = Ureters
C = Colon (ascending /descending)
K = Kidneys
E = Esophagus
R = Rectum
as transverse and sigmoid retain mesocolon

112 212 111,
correlating to which ones are Primarily (1) or Secondarily (2) Retroperitoneal.
Nm the correlating to which Organs that are
Primarily (1)
Secondarily (2)

which structures are secondarily retroperitoneal. =
-Ascending colon,
-Descending colon,
pancreas is an endocrine and exocrine gland; is retroperitoneal in position; and receives blood from the
Splenic A
Gastro duodenal A
Superior mesenteric arteries A
the urogenital triangle is innervated by =
A) genitofemoral nerve
B) iliohypogastric nerve
C) posterior cutaneous nerve of the thigh
D) pudendal nerve
Destructive damage to structures that form the boundary of the perineum.
what are the 4 structures:
A) pubic arcuate ligament
B) tip of the coccyx
C) ischio tuberosities
D) sacral tuberous ligament