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490 Cards in this Set

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To which TCP Port is HTTP assigned?
To which TCP Port is HTTPS assigned?
Http is what kind of communication protocol?
What is the first word in the Http request?
The command or method.
What does URI stand for?
Uniform Resource Identifier
What does DAV stand for?
Distributed Authoring and Versioning
What does DAV provide?
The ability to lock and unlock files and the ability to designate versions.
What is a request?
The communication from the web browser to the web server.
What is a response?
The communication from the web server back to the web browser.
Status codes in the 100 represent what?
Status codes in the 200s represent what?
Status codes in the 300s represent what?
Status codes in the 400s represent what?
Client Error
Status codes in the 500s represent what?
Server Error
What does MIME stand for?
Multipurpose Internet Mail Extensions
To what is the form data appended when the GET command is used?
URL as part of the query string
When is the POST command a better choice?
For submitting credentials and large amounts of data.
When the POST command is used, where is the form data placed?
Into the message body of the request.
How is a file-system-based website used?
It stores all of the files for the website inside a directory of your choosing.
How is FTP used?
To manage your files on a remote server.
When should you use FTP?
When your website is hosted on a remote computer and your access to the files and folders on that server is through FTP.
When should you use an HTTP-based website?
When you are working with a site deployed inside of IIS.
What will a remote server running IIS require?
Either WebDAV or Microsoft Front Page Server Entensions2002.
Name 5 ways web applications differ from websites.
1. You can create MVC applications
2. VS stores the list of files in a project file, rather than relying on the folder structure.
3. You cannot mix VB and C#.
4. You cannot edit code without stopping a debugging session.
5. You can establish dependencies between multiple web projects.
When should you use website projects?
When one developer will be creating and managing the site.
When should you use web applications?
For enterprise environments with multiple developers and formal processes for testing, deployment, and administration.
Why can you not use HTTP to create a web site with IIS 7.5?
It does not support Front Page Server Extensions because it uses WebDav natively.
What is the easiest way to publish a website to a server?
Map your drive to the server.
How can you publish a website to a server if firewall restrictions prevent you from mapping a drive?
You can publish the website across HTTP by using WebDAV.
Why should you not use FTP?
FTP sends user credentials unencrypted.
What is a solution file?
An XML file.
What kind of information does a solution file contain?
1. A list of the projects that are to be loaded into VS to make up the entire solution.
2. The default language for the solution.
3. A list of project dependencies.
4. Source control information.
5. A list of add-ins that are available.
What is the solution user options file?
A binary file that contains various user settings related to the IDE for the project.
For what are page directives used?
To set up the environment and to specify how the page should be processed.
What does the code section contain?
Code to handle events that execute on the server based on the ASP.NET page processing model.
What comprises the page layout section?
HTML that includes the HTML body, markup, and style information.
What is dynamic compilation?
The first time a user opens a webpage, ASP.NET automatically compiles the application into an assembly and loads it into your site's application domain.
Name 3 pros to dynamic compilation.
1. Changes to a site file will result in an automatic recompilation of the resource. This allows for easier deployment.
2. The entire application does not need to be recompiled every time a change is made to a single page or component. This is great for large websites.
3. Pages that contain compilation errors do not prevent other pages in the website from running. This means you can test websites that contain pages still in development.
Name 2 cons to dynamic compilation.
1. It requires users who request pages before compilation is complete to take a compilation performance hit. That is , the first request for an uncompiled resource will be slower than subsequent requests.
2. It requires your source code to be deployed to the server.
When you precompile your site, what is deployed to the server?
Your layout code and associated assemblies.
Name 2 pros to precompiling your web site.
1. Verifies that all the pages and their dependencies can be compiled.
2. Performance for the first user requesting a resource is improved.
Name 1 con to precompiling your web site.
Precompiled websites can be more difficult to deploy and mange, because you have to compile and then copy only the necessary files to the server.
What is the name of the global configuration file for all sites on a server?
Where is Machine.config located?
%SystemRoot%\Microsoft.NET\Framework\<versionNumber>\CONFIG\ directory
What information does the Machine.config contain?
Settings for all .NET application types, such as Windows, Console, ClassLibrary, and web applications.
What is the root Web.config file?
It is used to change settings for all websites on a computer.
Where is the root Web.config file located?
It is in the same folder as the Machine.config.
What does ASP.NET do to your configuration settings the first time you run your application?
It builds a cache of your settings by flattening the layers of your configuration files.
What does WSAT stand for?
Web Site Administration Tool
What 3 categories does the WSAT allow you to edit?
1. Security
2. Applicaiton Configuration
3. Provider Configuration
A master page is defined with what type of file extension?
From which page class does a master page inherit?
The MasterPage class.
What does a content page contain?
Page specific content.
From what does a content page inherit its shell?
From its master page.
Name the 5 steps master pages and content pages are processed.
1. A user requests a page by typing the URL of the content page.
2. When the page is fetched, the @ Page directive is read. If the directive references a master page, the master page is read as well.
3. The master page with the updated content is merged into the control tree of the content page.
4. The content of each Content control is merged into the corresponding ContentPlaceHolder control in the master page.
5. The resulting merged page is rendered to the browser as a single page.
True or False: Properties set on the master page take priority over settings on content pages.
If you want to define a master page for an entire site, which element do you use in the Web.config?
The <pages> element within the <system.web> section of your Web.config file.
Name the 3 steps to referencing master page properties.
1. Crete a public property in the master page code-behind file.
2. Add the @ MasterType declaration to the ASPX content page.
3. Reference the master page property from the content page by using the syntax Master.<Property_Name>
How should you handle master page properties when using multiple master pages in one site?
Derive all master pages from a single base class.
How do you reference controls in a master page from a content page?
Use the Master.FindControl method.
True or False: Nested, child master pages do NOT have the MasterPageFile attribute.
Which event is the last opportunity you have to override the default master page setting?
What is an ASP.NET theme?
A collection of styles, property settings, and graphics that define the appearance of pages and controls on your website.
Name 2 types of files that a theme may contain.
1. Skin files
2. Cascading Style Sheets (css)
What is the purpose of a skin file?
To define property settings for ASP.NET web server controls.
What is the purpose of CSS files?
To define colors, graphics, the size and placement of controls, and the overall appearance of a site.
In which ASP.NET folder do you create themes?
In the App_Themes folder.
Name the 4 steps in creating a theme.
1. Add an App_Themes folder to your site.
2. Define an individual folder for each theme in your application inside the App_Themes folder.
3. Add skin files, style sheets, and images to your theme folder.
4. Apply the themes to your site.
How do you apply a theme to an individual page in your site?
Add the theme to the @ Page directive and set the attribute's value to the name of your theme.
How do you apply a theme to your entire site?
Add the <pages theme="themeNames"> element to <system.web> section of your Web.config file.
In which folder can you define global themes?
If there is a naming conflict, which takes precedence, a global theme or application theme?
Application theme
How should you name the folder containing a theme?
The folder must be named the same as the actual theme.
How does a skin file differ from a style sheet?
A skin file uses the attributes of the actual control and not just a set of standard HTML style elements.
What are the 2 types of skins?
Default and named skins
What is a default skin?
It automatically applies to all controls of the same type when a theme is applied to a page.
What is a named skin?
It is a control skin with a SkinID property set to a specific name value.
Name the order of precedence (5) in applying style.
1. Theme attributes in the @Page directive.
2. <pages theme="themeName"> elements in the <system.web>
3. Local control attributes
4. StyleSheetTheme attributes in the @ Page directive.
5. <pages styleSheetTheme="themeName"> elements in a Web.config file.
In which event do you programmatically set the page's Theme property?
When programmatically applying a style sheet in the Page_PreInit event, which Page property do you use?
What are the 2 types of ASP.NET caching?
1. Application caching
2. Page output caching
What is application caching?
A collection that can store any object in memory and automatically remove the object based on memory limitations,time limits, or other dependencies.
What is page output caching?
ASP.NET's ability to store a rendered page, portion of a page, or version of a page in memory to reduce the time required to render the page in future requests.
What is another term for application caching?
Application data caching
To which object is the application cache object a property?
The Page object.
True or False: a single cache object exists for your entire application.
How do you assign items directly to cache?
Giving them a name (key) and assigning them an object (value).
You can cache any object type, including your own custom types as long as they are _________.
Which method allows you to access much more sophisticated caching functionality?
The Cache.Insert method
Name the 7 parameters of the Cache.Insert method.
1. key
2. value
3. dependencies
4. absoluteExpiration
5. slidingExpiration
6. priority
7. onRemoveCallback
What does the key parameter of the Cache.Insert method do?
It is the name (as a String) that you'll use to access the cached object in the Cache collection.
What does the value parameter of the Cache.Insert method do?
This is the data (as an Object) that you want to cache.
What does the dependencies parameter of the Cache.Insert method do?
This identifies a file or a key to another item in the cache. When the file or related cached item is changed, this will trigger this cached object to be removed from the cache.
What does the absoluteExpiration parameter of the Cache.Insert method do?
This is the time (as a DateTime object) at which the object should be removed from the cache.
What does the slidingExpiration parameter of the Cache.Insert method do?
This is the time (as a TimeSpan object) after which the object should be removed from the cache if it has not been accessed by a user.
What does the priority parameter of the Cache.Insert method do?
This is a CacheItemPriority enumeration value that you can use to determine which objects are removed first when memory starts to run low (this process is called scavenging).
What does the onRemoveCallback parameter of the Cache.Insert method do?
This is an event handler that is called when the object is removed from the cache.
After a web browser retrieves a page, the browser often keeps what on the local computer?
A copy of the page.
What does client-side caching require that each individual user retrieve?
A dynamically generated version of your page.
Which type of caching allows ASP.NET to keep a copy of a rendered ASP.NET webpage in memory on the server?
Page output caching.
Where should you link to your style sheet?
At the top of your webpage.
Name 2 ways you can minimize the number of objects embedded in a page?
1. Combine multiple style sheets and Javascripts.
2. Use text buttons and links instead of image links.
What should you do if a browser needs to load more than 6 objects?
Consider distributing the objects between different hostnames to allow web browsers to request the files simultaneously.
What is the process of distributing multiple objects between different hostnames to allow web browsers to request the files simultaneously called?
How do you configure caching for individual pages?
Add the @ OutputCache directive to the top of a page's markup.
Name the 9 OutputCache attributes.
1. Duration
2. Location
3. CacheProfile
4. NoStore
5. VaryByParam
6. VaryByControl
7. SqlDependency
8. VaryByCustom
9. VaryByHeader
What does the OutputCache attribute Duration do?
Sets the number of seconds to cache the page.
If you are not using CacheProfile, which OutputCache attribute is required?
What is the OutputCache attribute CacheProfile?
The name of the cache settings to associate with the page.
What does the OutputCache attribute NoStore do?
It is a boolean value that determines whether to prevent secondary storage of sensitive information.
What does the OutputCache attribute VaryByParameter do?
It is a semicolon separated list of strings used to vary the output cache.
What does the OutputCache attribute VaryByControl do?
It is a semicolon-separated list of strings used to vary a user control's output cache.
What does the OutputCache attribute SqlDependency do?
It is a string value that identifies a set of database and table name pairs on which a page or control's output cache depends.
What is the OutputCache attribute VaryByCustom do?
It is any text that represents custom output caching requirements.
What does the OutputCache attribute VaryByHeader do?
It is a semicolon-separated list of HTTP headers used to vary the output cache.
Which 3 OutputCache attributes cannot be used in user controls?
1. Location
2. CacheProfile
3. NoStore
Which OutputCache attribute cannot be used in ASP.NET pages?
Which object do you use if you need to make run-time decisions about output caching?
The Response.Cache object
What does the Response.Cache.SetExpires method do?
It expires the page at a specific time.
What does the Response.Cache.SetCacheability do?
It specifies an HttpCacheability enumeration value, such as HttpCacheability.Public or HttpCacheability.Server.
What does the Response.Cache.SetValidUntilExpires method do?
It will configure the cache to ignore cache-invalidation headers.
What can you use as an alternative to creating separate user controls for the dynamic elements and configuring a different caching policy for those user controls?
When can you not use substitution?
To update cached user controls where output caching is applied at the user control level.
What does HttpValidationStatus.Invalid cause to happen?
It causes the cache to be invalidated so that the page is dynamically generated.
Name the 5 methods that you can call to create a cache page output dependency.
1. Response.AddCacheDependency
2. Response.AddCacheItemDependency
3. Response.AddCacheItemDependencies
4. Response.AddFileDependency
5. Response.AddFileDependencies
What does the Response.AddCacheDependency do?
It makes the validity of a cached response dependent on a CacheDependency object.
What do the Response.AddCacheItemDependency and Response.AddCacheItemDependencies methods do?
They make the validity of a cached response dependent on one or more other items in the cache.
What do the Response.AddFileDependency and Response.AddFileDependencies methods do?
They make the validity of a cached response dependent on one or more files.
What do you add to your Web.config file's <system.web> element to create a cache profile?
The <caching><outputCacheSettings><outputCacheProfiles> section.
After you create a cache profile, how do you reference it from within a page?
By using the CacheProfile attribute of the @ OutputCache directive.
What is view state?
Data is stored within controls on a page.
What are hidden fields?
A hidden field is stored as a field on a page.
True or false: The view state technique and hidden fields only work for multiple requests to a single page.
What is session state?
Data is stored for use within any page in a user's visit.
What are cookies?
Data is stored on the user's computer.
Can cookies be accessed across different visits?
What are query strings?
Data is stored in a URL.
What is application state?
Data is stored on a server that is accessible by any page running within the application.
Name the 7 stages that constitute the application life cycle of an ASP.NET application running on IIS 7.5.
1. A user first makes a request for a page in your site.
2. The request is routed to the processing pipeline, which forwards it to the ASP.NET runtime.
3. The ASP.NET runtime creates an instance of the ApplicationManager class.
4. After the application domain has been created, an instance of the HostingEnvironment class is created.
5. ASP.NET creates instances of the core objects that will be used to process the request.
6. ASP.NET creates an instance of the HttpApplication class.
7. ASP.NET process requests through the HttpApplication pipeline.
Which class represents the Microsoft .NET Framework domain that will be used to execute requests for your application?
The ApplicationManager
Which class provides access to items inside the hosting environment, such as directory folders?
The HostingEnvironment class.
Which class is the base class for a site's Global.asax file?
The HttpApplication class.
What kind of events does the HttpApplication pipeline include?
Validating requests, mapping URLs, and accessing the cache.
What is Application_Start?
An event that is raised when your application is started by IIS.
What is Application_End?
An event that is raised when your application stops or shuts down.
What is Application_Error?
An error event that is raised when an unhandled error occurs and rises up to the application scope.
What is Application_LogRequest?
A LogRequest event that is raised when a request has been made to the application.
What is Application_PostLogRequest?
An event that is raised after the logging of a request has completed.
When does the page life cycle start?
When a user requests a webpage through a browser.
Describe the 8 stages of the life cycle of an ASP.NET page.
1. Compile page & pull from cache
2. Set request and response & determine IsPostBack
3. Initialize page controls & apply page theme
4. If PostBack, load control properties from view state
5. Validate page and validator controls
6. Call control event handlers
7. Save view state & render controls and display the page
8. Unload request and response & perform cleanup
What is PreInit?
This is the first real event you might handle for a page. You usually use this event only if you need to set values such as master page or them.
What is Init?
This event fires after all the controls have been initialized. You can use this event to change initialization values for controls.
What is InitComplete?
Raised once all initializations of the page and its controls have been completed. This event fires before view state has been loaded for the page and its controls and before PostBack processing.
What is PreLoad?
This event fires after view state has been loaded and the page has processed postback data.
What is Load?
The page is stable at this time. The page's load event is called first. Then the load event for each child control is called in turn.
What is Control (postback) event(s)?
ASP.NET now calls any events on the page or its controls that caused the postback to occur.
What is LoadComplete?`
At this point all controls are loaded.
What is PreRender?
This event allows final changes to the page or its control.
What is SaveStateComplete?
Prior to this event, the view state for the page and its controls is set. Any changes to the page's controls at this point or beyond are ignored.
What is Render?
This is a method of the page object and its controls (not an event). This method generates the client-side HTML, Dynamic Hypertext Markup Language (DHTML), and script that are necessary to properly display a control on the browser.
What is DHTML?
Dynamic Hypertext Markup Language
What is Unload?
This event is used for cleanup code.
If you are NOT using master pages and you want to add controls to a form at run time, which event would you use?
If you are using master pages and you want to add controls to a content page at run time, which event would you use?
Which class do controls, such as Button and TextBox, share a common life cycle?
The Page class.
True or false: a control's event occurs during the same event for its parent.
What is view state?
ASP.NET uses view state to track values in controls between page requests.
What is control state?
Control state allows you to persist information about a control that is not part of the view state.
What are hidden fields?
HTML hidden fields store data without displaying that data to the user's browswer.
What are cookies?
A cookie stores a value in the user's browser.
What is the best way to store state data that must be available for multiple webpages on a website?
What are query strings?
A query string is a value that is stored at the end of a URL.
What 2 advantages does storing information on the client provide?
1. Better scalability
2. Support for multiple web servers
When referring to storing information on the client, what is meant by "better scalability?"
Pushing the burden to the clients removes the potential for bottlenecking and frees the server to use its resources to server more requests.
When referring to storing information on the client, what is meant by "support for multiple web servers?"
You can distribute incoming requests across multiple web servers (or a web farm).
Name the 2 advantages that storing information on the server provides.
1. Better security
2. Reduced bandwidth
True or false: You should store large amounts of state management data (say, more than 1 KB) on the client.
True or false: View state data is not stored by the server.
What is a mechanism used by ASP.NET to store user-specific request and response data between page requests?
View state
Unless disabled, what is part of every ASP.NET page?
View state
Which Page property provides a dictionary object for retaining values between multiple requests for the same page.
What does ASP.NET do if the data being stored into view state is too long?
It performs view state chunking to split it across multiple hidden fields.
Why can view state be tampered with?
It is simply a hidden field in the user's browser.
What is MAC?
Message authentication code.
What does MAC do?
It is used by ASP.NET to determine if the view state has been tampered with.
Which Page property allows you to store sensitive information in view state between page requests?
How do you enable view state encryption for you entire site?
You add the viewStateEncryptionMode attribute of the pages element to your Web.config file.
Which is considered the most securable method of client side state management?
View state
True or false: view state is disabled by default.
How do you enable/disable view state at the page level?
Set Page.EnableViewState and Page.ViewStateMode.
How do you control view state for controls?
You set Control.EnableViewState and Control.ViewStateMode.
True or false: Page.EnableViewState is False by default.
True or false: Control.ViewStateMode is Inherit, which causes the control to use the page's view state.
True or false: ASP.NET does provide a way to automatically compress view state data.
Any data that can be _____________ can be embedded in the view state.
Where does ASP.NET place view state information on the form?
At the top.
What does control state allow you to store?
Property value information that is specific to a control.
Can control state be turned off?
How do you use control state in a custom web control?
Your control must override the OnInit method and there call the Page.RegisterRequiresControlState method, passing an instance of your control to this method.
What are hidden fields?
They are simply input fields that are embedded in a page's HTML, not displayed to the user and then sent back to the server on the page post.
Do you submit your pages using HTTP POST or HTTP GET when using hidden fields?
What is a cookie?
A small amount of data that you write to the client to be stored and then passed with requests to your site.
Where are cookies stored?
On the client's machine.
How does a web application create a cookie?
By sending it to the client as a header in an HTTP response.
Of what type is the Cookies property of the Page.Response?
How do you add a cookie to the cookies collection and have it written out to the browser?
You call the Response.Cookies.Add method.
If you do not define the Expires property of a cookie, how long will that cookie survive?
The browser stores the cookie in memory and the cookie is lost if the user closes his or her browser.
How can you programmatically delete a cookie?
You overwrite the cookie and set an expiration date in the past. You cannot directly delete cookies.
How do you limit the scope of a cookie to a directory?
You set the Path property of the HttpCookie class.
How do you expand the scope of a cookie to an entire domain?
You set the Domain property of the HttpCookie class.
How big can each cookie be?
It can be up to 4 KB in length.
How many cookies can you typically store per site?
If you need to work around the 20-cookie limit, how can you store multiple values?
You can store multiple values in single cookie by setting the cookie's name and its key value.
How are values sent to your page via the query string retrieved on the server?
Through the Page.Request.QueryString property.
How must you submit your page when using query strings?
What is the only way to enable a user to include state data when copying and pasting a URL to another user?
Query strings.
How do you read a query string?
By accessing the Request.QueryStrings collection just as you would access a cookie.
Which state management is global to the application and is available to all pages, regardless of the identity of the user requesting the page?
Application state
Which state management is a user-specific state that is stored by the server?
Session state
Which class is used to store application state?
HttpApplicationState, which is provided through the Page.Application property.
When may data stored in the Application object be lost?
Any time the application is restarted.
When may session state be lost?
When the user ends his or her session (or times out).
You store user-specific session state in the Session object, which is an instance of which class?
The HttpSessionState class.
How do you disable session state for an entire application?
You do so by setting the sessionState mode property to Off within the <system.web> section in the Web.config file.
How do you disable session state for a single page of an application?
By setting the EnableSessionState page directive to false.
Values stored in Session must be ___________.
What does session state use by default to track user sessions?
Without cookies, how does ASP.NET track sessions?
By embedding the session ID in the URL after the application name and before any remaining file or virtual directory identifier.
How do you enable cookieless sessions through the Web.config?
You set the cookieless attribute of the sessionState element to true within the <system.web> section.
Which event is raised in the Global.asax file when a new user requests a page on your site and thus begins a new session?
Which event in the Global.asax file is raised when a session is abandoned or expires?
Which session storage option stores session state in memory on the web server?
Which session storage option offers the best performance?
Which session storage option is set up to start manually by default and is stored in a service called the ASP.NET State Service?
Which session storage option stores session state in a SQL Server database?
True or false: the ASP.NET State Service outperforms SQLServer.
Which session storage option enables you to specify a custom session state storage provider?
Which session storage option disables session state?
How can you specify which mode you want ASP.NET session state to use?
By assigning SessionStateMode enumeration values to the mode attribute of the sessionState element in your application's Web.config file.
How can you examine in code the currently set session state?
By accessing the value of the System.Web.SessionState.HttpSessionState.Mode property.
Web server controls are based on .NET Framework classes, and are typically inherited from which class?
How does ASP.NET render web server controls?
As standardized HTML
True or false: client-side validation is a convenience to users and it is also a security feature.
When does ASP.NET automatically call the Validate method?
After the page's Load event handler method executes.
Is client-side validation turned on by default?
How do you allow controls to bypass validation?
Set the CausesValidation property to false.
What is client-side code or markup that allows a user to request a new webpage?
Client-side navigation
What is a control and form that are configured to post back to a webpage that is different than the one that made the original request?
Cross-page posting
What is server-side code that sends a message to the browser, informing the browser to request a different webpage from the server?
Client-side browser redirect
What is server-side code that transfers control of a request to a different webpage?
Server-side transfer
Which type of posting is frequently the best choice in a scenario in which data is collected on one webpage and processed on another webpage that displays the results?
Cross-page posting
If a cross-page post occurs, how do you access the previous page's data?
Inside the Page.PreviousPage property.
How do you access the newly created PageData property for the processing page?
You need to set the PreviousPageType directive in the processing page.
Which object contains the Redirect method?
The Page.Response object.
True or false: Response.Redirect is not a postback; to the web server, the client behaves as if the user clicked a hyperlink.
What is the Boolean parameter called that the Transfer method overload has?
True or false: You can access the PreviousPage property during a transfer.
What type of file is a site map?
An XML file with the extension .sitemap.
How do you add nodes to the site map?
By adding <siteMapNode> elements.
Name the 3 attributes that a <siteMapNode> element has.
1. title
2. url
3. description
What are the 2 primary properties of the SiteMap class?
RootNode and CurrentNode
Name 4 ways you can programmatically access nodes in the hierarchy of a SiteMapNode instance.
1. ParentNode
2. ChildNodes
3. NextSibling
4. PreviousSibling
What do RootNode and CurrentNode both return?
Instances of SiteMapNode.
Which control is designed to provide you with programmatic access to a site map file?
A SiteMapDataSource control.
What are the 2 attributes you can use to configure the SiteMapDataSource control?
1. ShowStartingNode
2. StartingNodeOffset
In configuring a SiteMapDataSource, control how do you prevent a user from seeing the root node in your site map file?
Set ShowStartingNode to false.
In configuring a SiteMapDataSource, if you only want to show parts of the navigation what steps must you take?
Set the StartingNodeOffset to the node at which you want to start.
Name 3 main navigational controls available in ASP.NET.
1. Menu
2. TreeView
3. SiteMapPath
Which navigational control is used to show the structure of your site in a menulike format?
The Menu control.
Which navigational control is used to show your site structure in a collapsible tree format?
The TreeView control.
Which navigational control is used to allow the user to see his or her current location within the site along with the path of pages followed to get there.
The SiteMapPath control.
Which navigational control is often referred to as the breadcrumb trail of site navigation?
The SiteMapPath control.
Name the 8 most important WebPart classes.
1. WebPartManager
2. CatalogPart
3. PageCatalogPart
4. EditorPart
5. DeclarativeCatalogPart
6. WebPartZone
7. EditorZone
8. CatalogZone
Which control is required on every page that includes Web Parts, does not have a visual representation, and is used to manage all the Web Part controls and their events?
The WebPartManager.
Which control provides the user interface for managing a group of Web Parts that can be added to a Web Part page and is typically sitewide?
The Catalog Part.
Which control is similar to the CatalogPart control but only groups those Web Parts that are part of a specific page?
Which control allows users to define customizations, such as the modification of property settings, for the specified Web Part?
The EditorPart
Which control allows you to declare Web Parts that should be available to add to a page or to the entire site?
The DeclarativeCatalogPart
Which control is used to define an area on your page in which Web Parts can be hosted?
The WebPartZone
Which control provides an area on the page where EditorPart controls can exist?
Which control defines an area in which a CatalogPart control can exist on the page?
The CatalogZone
Which database does the ASP.NET Web Parts require?
The ASP.NET personalization database.
To what does a Web Part's chrome refer?
The fact that zones allow you to set common styles for the Web Parts that are placed within the zone.
Which control do you have to add inside the WebPartZone in order to add Web Parts?
A ZoneTemplate control.
Which property of the WebPartManager do you set in code to change the display mode of the Web Parts on a page?
Name the 5 Web Part Display Modes.
1. BrowseDisplayMode
2. DesignDisplayMode
3. EditDisplayMode
4. CatalogDisplayMode
5. ConnectDisplayMode
Which Web Part Display Mode is the standard way in which users browse webpages and is default?
Which Web Part Display Mode enables users to drag Web Parts to different locations.
Which Web Part Display Mode enables users to add additional Web Parts that you specify by using a CatalogZone control?
Which Web Part Display Mode enables users to manually establish connections between controls by interacting with a ConnectionZone control?
How do you set the display mode for a WebPartManager in code?
By using the SupportedDisplayModes collection.
Name the 5 steps in creating a static Web Part connection.
1. Create a provider Web Part.
2. Create a consumer Web Part.
3. Create a webpage with a WebPartManager control.
4. Add your provider and consumer Web Parts to WebPartZone containers.
5. Add connection information to the WebPartManager markup.
How do you create a provider Web Part?
You create a public method inside your provider with the ConnectionProvider attribute attached to it.
How do you create a consumer Web Part?
You create a public method with the ConnectionConsumer attribute that accepts the same type that the provider's ConnectionProvider method returns.
How do you add connection information to the WebPartManager markup?
You add a <StaticConnections> element that includes a WebPartConnection control to declare the connection between the provider and consumer.
Name the 4 steps in enabling dyanmic Web Part connections.
1. Create a page with a provider and consumer connection.
2. Establish a static connection between the provider and consumer.
3. Add a ConnectionsZone control to the webpage.
4. Add a control to enable the user to enter connect mode.
What does Web Parts personalization rely on?
Client-side cookies
How do you store custom Web Part data in the personalization database?
You define a public property on the control and add the Personalizable attribute to it.
True or false: Web Parts personalization is disabled by default.
How do you give someone the power to make personalization changes that affect how everyone sees Web Parts?
You can enable shared personalization in your application's Web.config file.
How do you disable Web Part personalization on a page?
Set the WebPartManager.Personalization.Enabled attribute to false.
Which file contains a language-specific set of text for a page or for an entire site?
A resource file.
What are the 2 types of resources in ASP.NET
Local and global
What are local resources?
Resources that are specific to a page.
What are global resources?
Resources that are shared throughout the site.
Where are local resources stored?
In the special App_LocalResources folder.
How do you name a local resource file?
It is named by using the page name plus the .resx extension.
What is the format for naming a language-specific local resource file?
What does culture refer to in ASP.NET?
The regional language and formatting differences.
What is the format for naming a culture specific local resource file?
True or false: Visual Studio will automatically generate the default version of your local resource file, but only for controls on the page; and not text outside of controls.
Which ASP.NET control can you use to localize text that is typically outside of a control?
How do you refer to an implicit resource?
How do you refer to an explicit resource?
<%$ Resources: ResourceFile, ResourceID %>
Which Page property is responsible for setting culture?
Which file is defined to be read from any page or code that is in the website?
A global resource.
Where are global resource files stored?
In the App_GlobalResources folder at the root of an application.
True or false: global resources can be used implicitly.
How do you programmatically access global resource values?
By using the Resources.ResourceFilename.Resource syntax.
If your resource files are not available at design time or you want to access local resources programmatically how would you do this?
Use the methods GetLocalResourceObject or GetGlobalResourceObject.
Which 2 different Page properties do you use to set language and culture?
Culture and UICulture
How do you define the Culture and UICulture properties?
By overriding the page's InitializeCulture method.
What is Page.Culture?
This object dictates the results of culture-dependent functions, such as the date, number, and currency formatting.
What is Page.UICulture?
This property dictates which global or local resources are to be loaded for the page.
How do you retrieve an array of all available cultures?
By calling the System.Globalization.CultureInfo.GetCultures method.
What are the 3 most useful CultureTypes enumeration values that you pass to the System.Globalization.CultureInfo.GetCultures method?
1. AllCultures
2. NeutralCultures
3. SpecificCultures
How do you define the culture for an entire website?
Add a <globalization> section to the Web.config file, and then set the UICulture and Culture attributes.
How do you declare a culture for a specific webpage?
Define the UICulture and Culture attributes of the @ Page directive.
What does W3C stand for?
World Wide Web Consortium
What is the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C)?
A web standards organization.
What does WAI stand for?
Web Accessibility Initiative
What does WCAG stand for?
Web Content Accessibility Guidelines
The US government has created accessibility standards in Section 508 of which act?
The Rehabilitation Act.
What does the SkipLinkText property of navigation links do?
It allows screen readers to skip past the link text, instead of reading a URL back to the user.
Name the 7 guidelines to make your application as accessible as possible for visually improved users.
1. Describe every image by using the AlternateText property to provide alternative text.
2. Use solid colors for background, and use contrasting colors for text.
3. Create a flexible page layout that scales correctly when text size is increased.
4. Set the Table.Caption property to a description of the table.
5. Provide a way to identify column headers.
6. Avoid defining specific font sizes.
7. Avoid requiring client scripts.
Name the 8 guidelines to make your application as accessible as possible from a keyboard.
1. Set the DefaultFocus property for a form to place the cursor in the logical location where data entry normally begins.
2. Define the tab order in a logical way so that the user can complete forms without using a mouse.
3. Specify default buttons for forms and Panel controls by setting the DefaultButton property.
4. Provide useful link text.
5. Define access keys for button controls by setting the AccessKey property.
6. Use Label controls to define access keys for text boxes.
7. Use the Panel control to create subdivisions in a form, and define the Panel.GroupingText property with a description of the controls in that panel.
8. Specify meaningful error messages in the Text and ErrorMessage properties of validator controls
Name the 4 steps in using Visual Studio to test the accessibility of a webpage.
1. Open the page you want to check in VS.
2. From the View menu, select Error List to display the Error List window.
3. From the Tools menu, select Check Accessibility .
4. Select the check boxes for the type and level of accessibility checking that you want to perform and then click Validate.
Name the 6 steps in using Visual Studio to automatically test the accessibility of an entire web application as you are building it.
1. In Solution Explorer, right-click your website and select Property Pages.
2. Click the Accessibility node.
3. Select the check boxes for the type and level of accessibility checking that you want to perform, and then click Apply.
4. Select the Build node of the Property Pages dialog box.
5. In the Accessibility Validation group, select one or both of the following check boxes.
6. Clock OK to close the Property Pages dialog box.
What groups existing controls together to provide encapsulated functionality inside a single site?
User controls.
What are just like the ASP.NET controls that ship with the .NET Framework?
Web server controls
User controls created in ASP.NET are created as what kind of file?
What must you do to enable reuse of user controls?
You must include the ASCX and code-behind files in each project that requires the user control.
If you need a user control to be reusable between sites, what should you consider doing?
You should consider abstracting the functionality as a web server control.
True or false: user control events are called in sync with the events on the page.
What are the 3 steps in passing events from a user control up to the page?
1. Define the event arguments class, which should inherit from EventArgs.
2. Add code that declares an event to the user control's class.
3. Consume the event on the page to which the user control was added.
How do you wire up an event handler for a user control in C#?
By using the += syntax inside the Page_Init method.
True or false: you define a user control property as you would any other class-level property in the .NET Framework.
True or false: controls contained within a user control are declared as protected members.
How do you gain access to a control contained within a user control?
You can return a reference to it through a property setting.
What must you include on a page to register a user control?
The @ Register directive.
What is the TagName attribute of a user control?
The name of the control.
What is the Src attribute of a user control?
The location of the user control file.
Which Page class method dynamically loads a user control?
The LoadControl method.
Which control provides separation of control data from the presentation of that data?
A templated user control.
What does a templated user control not provide?
A default UI layout.
Name the 6 steps for creating a templated user control.
1. Add a user control file to your web application.
2. Add an ASP.NET PlaceHolder control to the user control's markup.
3. Create a class file in your site to serve as a naming container for your control.
4. In your user control's code-behind file, implement a property of type ITemplate.
5. Add code to the Page_Init method of the user control.
6. You might also need to pass data from your user control to the naming container.
Regarding templated user controls, what is a naming container?
It's simply a control container that allows you to search for a contained child control by using FindControl.
Regarding templated user controls, name the class from which it inherits and the interface it implements.
1. Control
2. INamingContainer
Regarding templated user controls, why must you implement a property of type ITemplate?
This property will serve as the template for users of your control. The name you give this property will be the name of the template tag in any consuming page's markup.
Regarding templated user controls, which attribute are you to apply to the ITemplate property?
The TemplateContainerAttribute.
Regarding templated user control, which method must you call in the consuming page's code-behind file?
Which control can you write that inherits either from the WebControl class or from an existing web server control?
A custom web control.
What does GAC stand for?
Global assembly cache
True or false: a custom web server control can be compiled into a separate DLL file that can be shared among applications and can optionally be installed in the GAC.
Name the 2 common approaches to creating a custom web server control.
1. Create a web server control that inherits directly from WebControl.
2 Inherit from an existing web server control that already provides the core features you need for your control.
When would inheriting directly from the WebControl class be a preferable approach to creating a custom web control?
When there is no existing control that provides enough default behavior similar to the control you want to implement.
Regarding custom web controls, from which method do you override when inheriting from the WebControl class in order to provide the HTML output you want for your control?
The Render method.
What is the primary requirement that allows a custom web control to be added to the Toolbox?
That the web control be placed into a separate DLL file.
What is a composite control?
A custom web control that contains other web server controls.
From which class does a composite control inherit?
It inherits from the CompositeControl.
When creating a composite control, which method must you override?
The CreateChildControls method.
What purpose does the CreateChildControls method server?
It instantiates the child controls and sets their properties.
What would you have to do if you want to be able to assign styles to a composite control?
You should create an instance of the Panel class to provide a container that can have attributes assigned to it. You would add the container to the Controls collection of your composite control, and then add your controls to the Panel control.
Name the 13 steps in creating a Templated Custom Web Server Control.
1. Create a ClassLibrary (DLL) project for your templated control.
2. Add a reference to the System.Web.dll library.
3. Add a container class to your project.
4. In the container class file, add a using directive for the System.Web.UI namespace.
5. Code your container class to inherit from the System.Web.UI.Control class and implement the INamingContainer interface.
6. Add a class to the project for your templated control.
7. In the class file, add a using directive for the System.Web.UI namespace.
8. Code your templated control to inherit from the System.Web.UI.Control class and implement the INamingContainer interface.
9. Add the ParseChildren(true) attribute to the class.
10. Create one or more properties in the templated control class with the data type of ITemplate.
11. Add the properties you want to the template container so that they will be accessible by the template.
12. The DataBind method must be overriden to call the EnsureChildControls method on the base Control class.
13. The CreateChildControls method must be overridden to provide the code to instantiate the template by using the InstantiateIn method of the ITemplate interface.
How do you register custom server controls?
Add the <control> section to the <pages> element of <system.web>. Within the <control> section add the <add assembly> and <add src> elements.
Name 2 reasons why you should disable debugging on a live site.
1. It slows the performance of your website.
2. It transmits error information to the web browser.
How do you enable/disable debugging for your entire site?
You set the debug attribute of the compilation element within the <system.web> element of your Web.config file.
How do you set page-level debugging?
You set the Debug attribute of the @ Page directive.
Name the 4 steps in exporting or importing breakpoints in Visual Studio.
1. Click the Debug menu
2. Select Windows
3. Select Breakpoints
4. Click the Export/Import button
How do you configure custom errors inside the Web.config file?
By using the <customErrors> element nested inside <system.web>.
What are the 2 attributes that <customErrors> has?
1. mode
2. defaultRedirect
What is the path of the page that causes an error provided as part of the query string?
The aspxErrorPath named parameter.
To redirect users to a custom error page based on a specific error code, which element of the <customErrors> element do you use?
The <error> element.
What is msvsmon.exe?
The Visual Studio Remote Debugging Monitor.
What is msvsmon.exe used for?
Remote debugging.
Name the 7 steps in setting up remote debugging using msvsmon.exe.
1. Find the tool inside your 32-bit development environment installation folder.
2. Copy this file over to the server hosting the site.
3. Using the Remote Debugging Monitor tool, select Tools -> Options.
4. Set the server name to a user and a server.
5. Give the appropriate user in the Active Directory repository access rights to remotely debug.
6. Begin a remote debugging session by opening Visual Studio and a solution that includes the code you intend to debug.
7. Attach to the server that is running the Remote Debugging Monitor application, by setting the qualifier to the name of the server running the Remote Debugging Monitor.
Name the 4 steps required to debug client-side script.
1. Enable script debugging support in the browser, in IE select Tools -> Internet Options
2. Click the Advanced tab
3. Find the Browsing node in the Settings tree and clear the Disable Script Debugging.
4. Set breakpoints in your client script and run the site through Visual Studio.
What is the process of emitting data about a running application?
In ASP.NET, where is tracing data logged?
To a trace log file that you can access through a web browser.
What kind of information does tracing provide?
Who accessed your site, what the results were, and what the HTTP data looked like.
Name the 4 steps in enabling and configuring the trace facility by using the WSAT.
1. Open WSAT by selecting Website -> ASP.NET Configuration from the Visual Studio menu.
2. On the home page, click the Application tab.
3. On the Application tab, click Configure Debugging And Tracing.
4. Select the Capture Tracing Information check box.
How do you configure tracing in the Web.config file?
Edit the attributes of the <trace> element nested under <configuration><system.web>.
How do you enable tracing at the page level?
By setting the trace attribute of the @ Page directive to true.
How do you view tracing data?
By navigating to http://server/application/trace.axd
In which namespace does the Trace class belong?
True or false: the Trace class is exposed as a member of the Page object.
True or false: Tracing you enable on the server is fired for AJAX partial-page requests.
Which namespace does the Microsoft AJAX Library provide in order to trace AJAX client-side script.
What provides a set of classes in the System.Web.Management namespace for tracking the health of your application?
ASP.NET health monitoring.
Why would you use ASP.NET health monitoring?
To create your own events and your own custom event listeners (and viewers). You can also use the default features exposed by these classes to monitor most aspects of any running website.
What can you use the features of health monitoring for?
To receive email messages about important activities, log information to the event log, and log information to SQL Server.
Name the 3 steps in configuring a web event and provider.
1. Add an eventMappings child element to healthMonitoring.
2. Add a providers child element to healthMonitoring.
3. Add a rules element to healthMonitoring.
True or false: websites, by default, are entirely file based.
If your website has a database, requires special web server configuration, or needs different configuration settings in a release environment, what will publishing your site involve?
- Configuring an application in IIS
- Copying website files to the web server
-Setting up a database
- Configuring the website with the production database connection
- Modifying other configuration settings, such as disabling detailed error messages
What allows you to create separate Web.config files for different release types?
Web.config transformations.
What do Web.config transformations contain?
Only those settings that should be different from the standard Web.config file.
How do you add a setting to a Web.config file that is generated when publishing a web application?
In the Web.config transformation file add the <add> element along with the appropriate settings and the xdt:Transform="Insert" property.
How do you define different settings for the same value in your base Web.config file and in a Web.config transformation file?
Add the element to the Web.config transformation and specify the xdt:Transform="Replace" property.
What is the xdt:Locator property used for in a transformation file?
To selectively replace settings when a property matches a specified value.
How do you remove an attribute from the Web.config file in a transformation file?
Use the RemoveAttributes() method like so: xdt:Transform="RemoveAttributes(debug)"
Name the _ steps to deploy databases along with your web application.
1. Right-click the project in Solution Explorer and then click Package/Publish Settings.
2. Click Package/Publish SQL
3. Click Import From Web.config to automatically configure any database you have added to the <connectionStrings> section. For databases not in the Web.config file, click the Add button to configure a database to be deployed, and then type a connection string or click the ellipses to connect to the database.
4. If the database does not yet exist on the server to which you are deploying your web application, select the Pull Data And/Or Schema From An Existing Database.
5. Select the Include All Databases Configured In Package/Publish SQL Tab check box in the Package/Publish Web tab.
How do you publish a web application if you have already configured the publishing settings?
Right click the project in Solution Explorer and then click Publish.
Name the 6 individual settings in the Publish Web dialog.
1. Publish Method
2. Service URL
3. Site/Application
4. Mark As IIS Application Destination
5. Leave Extra Files On Destination
6. Credentials
Which Publish Method setting from the Visual Studio Publish Web dialog, must you choose if you want to publish IIS web server settings, database schema, and data, database scripts, and security settings?
Web Deploy
If you will not be deploying a website directly, how can you package your website into a .zip file that a systems administrator can install?
Right-click the project in Solution Explorer and then click Build Deployment Package.
Which tool extends Visual Studio 2010 by adding a user interface to manage build configurations, merging, and using pre-build and post-build tasks?
The Web Deployment Projects tool.
Name the 3 capabilities provided by Web Deployment Projects not provided by other deployment technologies.
1. The ability to precompile websites.
2. The ability to merge all files into a single assembly, merge folders into individual assemblies, or create separate assemblies for each page and control.
3. Strong naming and delayed signing of assemblies.
True or false: as with publishing websites, Web Deployment Projects allow you to change the Web.config file for the release environment and create IIS virtual directories.
When do you need to use Web Deployment Projects?
When you do not want to store the source code on the web server or when management requires signed assemblies.
What do Web Setup Projects provide?
They allow you to generate an MSI package, precompile a website, and perform virtually any setup task that your application might require.
Name the 4 steps in adding a Web Setup Project to a website.
1. Open your website in Visual Studio.
2. From the File menu (or by right-clicking your solution) select Add, and then select New Project .
3. Under Installed Templates, expand Other Project Types, expand Setup And Deployment, and then select Visual Studio Installer. From the list of available templates, select Web Setup Project.
4. Crete a project output group by right-clicking the Web Application Folder, selecting Add, and then selecting Project Output.
True or false: Web Setup Projects are automatically built when you build or run your website.
Where is a MSI file placed once created?
By default, the file is placed in the folder that contains your solution file.
What is used to define the server requirements for you application installation?
A launch condition.
How do you create and manage launch conditions?
You use the Launch Conditions editor in Visual Studio.
What are the 2 main branches of the Launch Conditions editor?
1. Search Target Machine
2. Launch Conditions
Which branch of the Launch Conditions editor allow you to define the criteria to search for prior to installation?
Search Target Machine
Which branch of the Launch Conditions editor allows you to create new launch conditions that define conditions that must be met prior to installation?
Launch Conditions
True or false: you must add an item to each of the branches of the Launch Conditions editor to require a single component as part of your installation.
Name the 3 search condition types of the Search Target Machine node of the Launch Conditions editor.
1. File Search
2. Registry Search
3. Windows Installer Search
Storing information in the registry used to be the preferred way to store application settings. With the .NET Framework, what is the best practice for configuring .NET Framework applications?
Store settings in configuration files.
Name the 5 steps to configure a Web Setup Project to add a registry entry during setup.
1. In Solution Explorer, select your setup project.
2. View menu -> Editor -> Registry
3. To add a registry setting in a nested key, you need to add each nested key to the editor.
4. Right-click the key to which you want to add a setting, select New, and then select String Value, Environment String Value, Binary Value, or DWORD value. Type the name of the value, and then press Enter.
5. To define the value, select the registry value, view the Properties window, and set the Value property.
How can you enable simpler configuration at setup time?
You can add custom setup wizard pages.
When combined, what do custom setup wizard pages and custom actions enable you to perform?
- Display a license agreement
- Modify settings in the Web.config file
- Perform custom configuration
- Activate or register your application
How do you add a custom setup wizard page to your Web Setup Project?
You use the User Interface editor (View -> Editor -> User Interface).
How do you add a custom setup page.
You right-click the setup phase to which you want to add, and then select Add Dialog.
Name the 4 phases of setup in which Custom actions can run.
1. Install
2. Commit
3. Rollback
4. Uninstall
Which setup phase performs the bulk of the work done during setup by adding the files and creating the configuration settings that are required to run your application?
Which setup phase runs after the Install phase, and finalizes the changes made during the Install phase?
Which setup phase runs only if setup fails or is cancelled?
Which setup phase removes files and settings from the computer when the application is removed with Add Or Remove Programs.
How do you add a custom action to your setup project?
Through the Custom Action Editor (View -> Editor -> Custom Actions)
Which 2 files are typically generated to the target build directory for Web Setup Projects?
1. Setup.exe
2. <WebSetupProjectName>.msi
What is the executable file that installs the files and settings you added to your Web Setup Project?
What is the Windows installer file that contains any file you added to your Web Setup Project?
When are Web Setup Projects useful?
If you are providing a website to many users or to an administrative team.
Which tool can copy individual files or an entire website?
The Copy Web tool.
True or false: The Copy Web tool does merge changes within a single file.
How do you launch the Copy Web tool from Visual Studio?
Right-click the site in the Solution Explorer and choose Copy Web Site.
Which 2 pages does the Copy Web Tool display?
1. Source Web Site
2. Remote Web Site
When using the Copy Web tool and you launch the Open Web Site dialog box, what are the 4 options for navigating to a remote website?
1. File system
2. Local IIS
3. FTP site
4. Remote site
True or false: regarding the Copy Web tool, Visual Studio will save configured connections for future use.
Regarding the Copy Web tool what are 4 ways in which you can copy or synchronize files between the source and the remote website?
1. Copy individual files
2. Copy the entire site
3. Synchronize individual files
4. Synchronize the entire site
True or false: ASP.NET website are not always precompiled where ASP.NET web applications are.
Name the 4 steps to precompile an ASP.NET website.
1. Right-click your website in Solution Explorer and select Publish Web Site.
2. In the Publish Web Site dialog box, specify a location to which to publish.
3. In the Publish Web Site dialog box select either Allow This Precompiled Site To Be Updatable, Use Fixed Naming And Single Page Assemblies, Emit Debug Information, and Enable Strong Naming On Precompiled Assemblies
4. Click OK to compile and publish the website
Which tool do you use to configure IIS to run a specific version of ASP.NET?
aspnet_regiis.exe command-line tool
What is the -i command of the aspnet_regiisexe command-line tool?
This installs ASP.NET 4 and updates both the IIS Classic mode and IIS Integrated mode handlers and script mappings.
What is the -ir command of the aspnet_regiisexe command-line tool?
Like -i, this installs ASP.NET 4. This option does not change the existing application pools.
What is the -iru command of the aspnet_regiisexe command-line tool?
This performs a -i installation if ASP.NET is not currently registered. If ASP.NET is currently registered, this performs a -ir installation.
What is the -enable command of the aspnet_regiisexe command-line tool?
This enables the ASP.NET Internet Server Application Programming Interface (ISAPI) extension for IIS 6.0 or IIS 7.0 in Classic mode.
What is the -s path command of the aspnet_regiisexe command-line tool?
This option updates scriptmaps and application-pool assignments for the specified path and all subdirectories to ASP.NET 4.
What does ISAPI stand for?
Internet Server Application Programming Interface
What is the -sn path command of the aspnet_regiisexe command-line tool?
This updates scriptmaps and application-pool assignments for the specified path to ASP.NET 4. Unlike -s, -sn does not apply to subdirectories.
What is the -Iv command of the aspnet_regiisexe command-line tool?
This option displays the installation path of all versions of ASP.NET.
What does RIA stand for?
Rich Internet Applications
What is a platform-independent technology that works with web applications running in various internet browsers and is an ECMAScript-compliant technology?
What is ECMAScript?
It is the foundational language from which JavaScript and JScript are derived.
What is a set of JavaScript files that make programming client-side JavaScript easier?
Microsoft AJAX Library
These are server controls that can be embedded in your webpages to enable partial-page updates, communicate with a server process to indicate progress, and periodically update portions of a page?
ASP.NET AJAX server controls
This is a code library that makes it easier to write client-side scripts and AJAX applications?
This is a set of community-created and supported controls that show off the power of AJAX?
AJAX Control Toolkit
Name 7 key usage scenarios and related benefits of building web applications with ASP.NET AJAX.
1. Partial-page updates
2. Client-side processing
3. Desktop-like UI
4. Progress indication
5. Improved performance and higher scale
6. Web service calls from the client
7. Cross-browser, cross-platform support
Which 2 basic AJAX features are meant to be provided with the controls that ship with ASP.NET?
1. partial-page updates
2. server-to-client progress updates
What does each page you write that uses ASP.NET AJAX require one and only one of?
An instance of a ScriptManager control.
What is responsible for pushing the Microsoft AJAX Library down to the client when your page is requested?
The ScriptManager control.
True or false: by default, the ScriptManager control's EnablePartialRendering property is set to false.
True or false: the ScriptManager control is also used to register custom scripts with the Microsoft AJAX Library.
True or false: you can use the ScriptManager control to register web service method calls from the client.
Which control can be used either by child pages that use a master page that already defines a ScriptManager control or by user and custom controls that you write?
The ScriptManagerProxy control.
Which control allows you to define areas of a page that should post back to the server independent of the rest of the page?
The UpdatePanel control
Which 2 properties does the UpdatePanel expose for controlling when a postback should occur to trigger an update of content contained in an UpdatePanel?
1. UpdateMode
2. ChildrenAsTriggers
What is the Always value of the UpdatePanel.UpdateMode used for?
To indicate that the content of an UpdatePanel should be updated on every postback that originates from the page.
What is the Conditional value of the UpdatePanel.UpdateMode used for?
It indicates that an update to the UpdatePanel is conditional on something else on the page.
True or false: if you set the UpdateMode to the Conditional value, by default nested UpdatePanel controls will cause an update to their parent.
To set a trigger to cause a postback of an UpdatePanel how would you complete this markup?
<asp:AsyncPostBackTrigger ControlID="IDOfControl" EventName="NameOfEvent"/>
Name 2 ways to handle errors that occur during a partial-page update?
1. Write a handler for the AsyncPostBack Error event of the ScriptManager
2. Set the AsyncPostBackErrorMessage of the ScriptManager control to an error message
Which control is used to provide information in the form of graphics or text that is displayed to the user during a partial-page update?
An UpdateProgress control.
How do you directly associate an UpdateProgress control with an UpdatePanel control?
By setting the AssociatedUpdatePanelId property of the UpdateProgress control to the ID value of the UpdatePanel control to which you want to associate.
What happens if you do not set the AssociatedUpdatePanelId property of the UpdateProgress control?
Any UpdatePanel that causes an asynchronous postback will trigger the UpdateProgress control.
By default, when is the UpdateProgress set to display?
A half-second after the partial-page update start.