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68 Cards in this Set

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What are three types of vaginitis?
Vulvovaginal Candidiasis (VVC)
Bacterial Vaginosis (BV)
This is a dynamic ecosystem that contains approximately 10 to the ninth powe bacterial colony-forming units.
The vagina
Normal vaginal discharge is?
clear to white, odorless, and of high viscosity.
Normal bacterial flora in the vagina is?
Normal bacterial flora is dominated by lactobacilli – other potential pathogens present.
The vagina is a what environment that prevents?
Acidic environment (pH 3.8-4.2) inhibits the overgrowth of bacteria

Some lactobacilli also produce H2O2, a potential microbicide
Vaginitis is usually characterized by?
Vaginal discharge
Vulvar itching
What are the common types of vaginitis?
Trichomoniasis (15%-20%)
Bacterial vaginosis (40%-45%)
Vulvovaginal candidiasis (20%-25%)
What are other causes of vaginitis?
Mucopurulent cervicitis
Herpes simplex virus
Atrophic vaginitis
Allergic reactions
Vulvar vestibulitis
Foreign bodies
How do you diagnose vaginitis?
Patient history
Visual inspection of internal/external genitalia
Appearance of discharge
Collection of specimen
Preparation and examination of specimen slide
Apart from the typical diagnostics, what are more specialized diagnostics for vaginitis?
DNA probes
Fem Examine Test Card™
PIP Activity Test Card™
The Fem Examine Test Card™ tests for?
card test for detection of pH and trimethylamine
The PIP Activity Test Card™ tests for?
detects enzyme breakdown from G. vaginalis
Symptom presentation Itch, discharge, 50% asymptomatic

Vaginal discharge Frothy, gray or yellow-green; malodorous

Clinical findings Cervical petechiae “strawberry cervix”

Vaginal pH > 4.5

KOH “whiff” test Often positive

NaCl wet mount Motile flagellated protozoa, many WBCs
Symptom presentation Itch, discomfort, dysuria, thick discharge

Vaginal discharge Thick, clumpy, white “cottage cheese”

Clinical findings Inflammation and erythema

Vaginal pH Usually < 4.5

KOH “whiff” test Negative

NaCl wet mount Few WBCs

KOH wet mount Pseudohyphae or spores if non-albicans species
Symptom presentation Odor, discharge, itch

Vaginal discharge Homogenous, adherent, thin, milky white; malodorous “foul fishy”

Vaginal pH > 4.5

KOH “whiff” test Positive

NaCl wet mount Clue cells (> 20%), no/few WBCs
Bacterial Vaginosis
Most common treatable STD
Estimated 7.4 million cases annually in the U.S. at a medical cost of $375 million
Estimated prevalence:
2%-3% in the general female population
50%-60% in female prison inmates and commercial sex workers
18%-50% in females with vaginal complaints
Trichomonas vaginalis
What are the risk factors for trichomonas vaginalis?
Multiple sexual partners
Lower socioeconomic status
History of STDs
Lack of condom use
What is the transmission of trichomonas vaginalis?
Almost always sexually transmitted

T. vaginalis may persist for months to years in epithelial crypts and periglandular areas

Transmission between female sex partners has been documented
What is the microbiology behind trichomonas vaginalis?
Etiologic agent:
Trichomonas vaginalis - flagellated anaerobic protozoa

Only protozoan that infects the genital tract
Trichomonas vaginalis has a possible association with?
Pre-term rupture of membranes and pre-term delivery
Increased risk of HIV acquisition
What is this?
Trichomonas vaginalis
What is the clinical presentation of trichomonas vaginalis in women?
May be asymptomatic in women

Frothy gray or yellow-green vaginal discharge
Cervical petechiae ("strawberry cervix") - classic presentation, occurs in minority of cases

May also infect Skene's glands and urethra, where the organisms may not be susceptible to topical therapy
What is this and what is it associated with?
Strawberry cervix due to T. vaginalis
May cause up to 11%-13% of nongonococcal urethritis in males

Urethral trichomoniasis has been associated with increased shedding of HIV in HIV-infected men

Frequently asymptomatic
Trichomonas vaginalis in men
How do you diagnose T. vaginalis?
Motile trichomonads seen on saline wet mount

Vaginal pH >4.5 often present

Positive amine test

Culture is the “gold standard”

DNA probes
How do you diagnose T. vaginalis in men?
Male diagnosis - Culture

First void urine concentrated - at least an hour after not voiding

Urethral swab
This has limited sensitivity and low specificity for detecting T. vaginalis in women.
Pap smear
What is TX for T. Vaginalis?
CDC-recommended regimen
Metronidazole 2 g orally in a single dose

CDC-recommended alternative regimen
Metronidazole 500 mg twice a day for 7 days

No follow-up necessary
How do you TX T. Vaginalis in pregnant women?
CDC-recommended regimen
Metronidazole 2 g orally in a single dose

No evidence of teratogenicity
What do you do if there is TX failure in T. vaginalis?
If treatment failure occurs after 1 treatment attempt with both regimens, the patient should be retreated with metronidazole 2 g orally once a day for 3-5 days
Assure treatment of sex partners

If repeated treatment failures occur, contact the Division of STD Prevention, CDC, for metronidazole-susceptibility testing
What two things are important with patient partner management?
Sex partners should be treated

Patients should be instructed to avoid sex until they and their sex partners are cured (when therapy has been completed and patient and partner(s) are asymptomatic)
What is involved with patient education and counseling in T. vaginalis?
Nature of the disease
May be symptomatic or asymptomatic, douching may worsen vaginal discharge, untreated trichomoniasis associated with adverse pregnancy outcomes

Transmission issues
Almost always sexually transmitted, fomite transmission rare, may persist for months to years, associated with increased susceptibility to HIV acquisition
With risk reduction, the clinician should?
Assess patient’s potential for behavior change

Discuss individualized risk-reduction plans with the patient

Discuss prevention strategies such as abstinence, monogamy, use of condoms, and limiting the number of sex partners

Latex condoms, when used consistently and correctly, can reduce the risk of transmission of

T. vaginalis
Affects most females during lifetime

Most cases caused by C. albicans (85%-90%)

Second most common cause of vaginitis

Estimated cost: $1 billion annually in the U.S.
Vulvovaginal Candidiasis (VVC)
These are normal flora of skin and vagina and are not considered to be sexually transmitted pathogens
Candida species
What is the microbiology of Candidiasis?
Candida species are normal flora of the skin and vagina

VVC is caused by overgrowth of C. albicans and other non-albicans species

Yeast grows as oval budding yeast cells or as a chain of cells (pseudohyphae)

Symptomatic clinical infection occurs with excessive growth of yeast

Disruption of normal vaginal ecology or host immunity can predispose to vaginal yeast infections
Vulvar pruritis is most common symptom

Thick, white, curdy vaginal discharge ("cottage cheese-like")

Erythema, irritation, occasional erythematous "satellite" lesion - like a diaper rash

External dysuria and dyspareunia
Candidiasis can be a sign of what underlying disease?
How do you diagnose candidiasis?
History, signs and symptoms
Visualization of pseudohyphae (mycelia) and/or budding yeast (conidia) on KOH or saline wet prep
pH normal (4.0 to 4.5)
If pH > 4.5, consider concurrent BV or trichomoniasis infection
Cultures not useful for routine diagnosis
Sporadic or infrequent vulvovaginal candidiasis
Mild-to-moderate vulvovaginal candidiasis
Likely to be C. albicans
Non-immunocompromised women
Uncomplicated VVC (Vulvovaginal Candidiasis)
Recurrent vulvovaginal candidiasis (RVVC)
Severe vulvovaginal candidiasis
Non-albicans candidiasis
Women with uncontrolled diabetes, debilitation, or immunosuppression or those who are pregnant
Complicated VVC (Vulvovaginal Candidiasis)
Mild to moderate signs and symptoms
75% of women have at least one episode
Responds to short course regimen
Uncomplicated VVC (Vulvovaginal Candidiasis)
What is CDC recommended TX for uncomplicated VVC vulvovaginal candidiasis?
Intravaginal agents:
Butoconazole 2% cream, 5 g intravaginally for 3 days†
Butoconazole 2% sustained release cream, 5 g single intravaginally application
Clotrimazole 1% cream 5 g intravaginally for 7-14 days†
Clotrimazole 100 mg vaginal tablet for 7 days
Clotrimazole 100 mg vaginal tablet, 2 tablets for 3 days
Clotrimazole 500 mg vaginal tablet, 1 tablet in a single application
Miconazole 2% cream 5 g intravaginally for 7 days†
Miconazole 100 mg vaginal suppository, 1 suppository for 7 days†
Miconazole 200 mg vaginal suppository, 1 suppository for 3 days†
Nystatin 100,000-unit vaginal tablet, 1 tablet for 14 days
Tioconazole 6.5% ointment 5 g intravaginally in a single application†
Terconazole 0.4% cream 5 g intravaginally for 7 days
Terconazole 0.8% cream 5 g intravaginally for 3 days
Terconazole 80 mg vaginal suppository, 1 suppository for 3 days
Oral agent:
Fluconazole 150 mg oral tablet, 1 tablet in a single dose
Recurrent (RVVC)
Four or more episodes in one year
Excoriation/fissure formation
Non-albicans candidiasis
Compromised host
Complicated VVC: How do you treat
Recurrent VVC (RVVC)?
7-14 days of topical therapy, or
150 mg oral dose of fluconozole repeated 3 days later
Maintenance regimens (see CDC STD treatment guidelines)
Complicated VVC: How do you treat Severe VVC?
7-14 days of topical therapy, or
150 mg oral dose of fluconozole repeated in 72 hours
Complicated VVC: How do you TX non albicans?
Optimal treatment unknown
7-14 days non-fluconozole therapy
600 mg boric acid in gelatin capsule vaginally once a day for 14 days
Complicated VVC: How do you TX
Compromised host?
7-14 days of topical therapy
How do you handle partner management with VVC?
VVC is not usually acquired through sexual intercourse.

Treatment of sex partners is not recommended but may be considered in women who have recurrent infection.

A minority of male sex partners may have balanitis and may benefit from treatment with topical antifungal agents to relieve symptoms.
What is involved with patient counseling and education regarding VVC?
Nature of the disease
Normal vs. abnormal vaginal discharge, signs and symptoms of candidiasis, maintain normal vaginal flora

Transmission Issues
Not sexually transmitted

Risk reduction
Avoid douching, avoid unnecessary antibiotic use, complete course of treatment
Most common cause of vaginitis
Prevalence varies by population:
5%-25% among college students
12%-61% among STD patients
Widely distributed
Linked to premature rupture of membranes, premature delivery and low birth-weight delivery, acquisition of HIV, development of PID, and post-operative infections after gynecological procedures
Organisms do not persist in the male urethra
Bacterial Vaginosis (BV)
What are the risk factors for bacterial vaginitis?
African American
Two or more sex partners in previous six months/new sex partner
Absence of or decrease in lactobacilli
Lack of H2O2-producing lactobacilli
What is known about the transmission of bacterial vaginitis?
Currently not considered a sexually transmitted disease, but acquisition appears to be related to sexual activity
What is the microbiological basis of bacterial vaginitis?
Overgrowth of bacteria species normally present in vagina with anaerobic bacteria

BV correlates with a decrease or loss of protective lactobacilli
Bacterial vaginitis correlates with a decrease or loss of?
protective lactobacilli
What is specifically associated with protective lactobacilli and its help in fighting off bacterial vaginitis?
Vaginal acid pH normally maintained by lactobacilli through metabolism of glucose/glycogen

Hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) is produced by some Lactobacilli,sp.

H2O2 helps maintain a low pH, which inhibits bacteria overgrowth

Loss of protective lactobacilli may lead to BV
The following details correlate to what?

All lactobacilli produce lactic acid

Some species also produce H2O2

H2O2 is a potent natural microbicide

Present in 42%-74% of females

Thought to be toxic to viruses like HIV
50% asymptomatic
Signs/symptoms when present:
50% report malodorous (fishy smelling) vaginal discharge
Reported more commonly after vaginal intercourse and after completion of menses
Clinical presentation and symptoms of bacterial vaginitis
You obtain bacterial vaginitis diagnosis by using what?
Amsel Criteria:
Must have at least three of the following findings to diagnose bacterial vaginitis:
Vaginal pH >4.5

Presence of >20% per HPF of "clue cells" on wet mount examination

Positive amine or "whiff" test

Homogeneous, non-viscous, milky-white discharge adherent to the vaginal walls
Pregnant women with symptomatic bacterial vaginitis disease should be treated with?
Metronidazole 250 mg orally 3 times a day for 7 days, OR
Clindamycin 300 mg orally twice a day for 7 days
TX for bacterial vaginitis, CDC-recommended regimens:
Metronidazole 500 mg orally twice a day for 7 days, OR
Metronidazole gel 0.75%, one full applicator (5 grams) intravaginally, once a day for 5 days, OR
Clindamycin cream 2%, one full applicator (5 grams) intravaginally at bedtime for 7 days
TX for bacterial vaginitis, Alternative regimens:
Metronidazole 2 g orally in a single dose, OR
Clindamycin 300 mg orally twice a day for 7 days, OR
Clindamycin ovules 100 g intravaginally once at bedtime for 3 days
Bacterial vaginitis Asymptomatic high-risk women (those who have previously delivered a premature infant) are handled how?
May be screened at first prenatal visit
Follow up 1 month after completion of therapy
What are the four things to do in bacterial vaginitis screening and TX in asymptomatic patients?
Asymptomatic screening of low-risk pregnant women is not recommended.

Therapy is not recommended for male partners of women with BV.

Female partners of women with BV should be examined and treated if BV is present.

Screen and treat women prior to surgical abortion or hysterectomy.
What is the recurrence of bacterial vaginitis?
20% recurrence rate after 1 month

Recurrence may be a result of persistence of BV-associated organisms and failure of lactobacillus flora to recolonize.

Data do not support yogurt therapy or exogenous oral lactobacillus treatment.

Under study: vaginal suppositories containing human lactobacillus strains
Partner management in bacterial vaginitis.
After multiple occurrences, some consider empiric treatment of male sex partners to see if recurrence rate diminishes, but this approach has not been validated.
Three main things in patient counseling and education regarding bacterial vaginitis.
Nature of the Disease
Normal vs. abnormal discharge, malodor, BV signs and symptoms, sexually associated

Transmission Issues
Not sexually transmitted between heterosexuals, high association in female same-sex partnerships

Risk Reduction
Avoid douching
Limit number of sex partners