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149 Cards in this Set

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General Manager of the Brooklyn Dodgers who asked Jackie Robinson to be the first player to break the color barrier in Major League Baseball.
Branch Rickey
First black player to break the color barrier and play major league baseball.
Jackie Robinson
Year that Jackie Robinson became the first African American to play in the major leagues.
African American Migration to northern cities, the New Deal, World War II, Rise of the NAACP.
reasons for the accelerating demand for civil rights.
After World War II the campaign for African American civil rights began to _______.
In 1896 the Supreme Court case Plessy v. Ferguson had established the _______________.
"separate but equal" doctrine
After World War II, the African American civil rights movement made few gains until _______.
the 1960s
Ordered an end to discrimination in the armed forces.
President Truman
Leader of the NAACP's Legal Defense Fund "Mr. Civil Rights"
Thurgood Marshall
Lawyer who argued on behalf of Brown against segregation in America's schools.
Thurgood Marshall
Supreme Court ruling that declared the "separate but equal" doctrine to be unconstitutional.
Brown v Board of Education
Year of Brown v. Board of Education decision.
In Brown v. Board of Education the Supreme Court ruled that "separate educational facilities are _______________."
inherently unequal
Chief Justice influential in the Brown v. Board of Education decision.
Earl Warren
A year after the "Brown decision" the Court ruled that local school boards should move to desegregate "with __________."
all deliberate speed
The "Brown decision" and the court order to desegregate, resulted in many southern whites responding with fear and angry ______.
Southern congressmen claimed that there was "no legal basis" for the "Brown decision" and the court order to desegregate, that it violated states' rights and was an example of "judicial usurpation."
"Southern Manifesto"
Bringing together of races.
When she refused to give up her seat to a white man, she was seized by the police and ordered to stand trial sparking the Montgomery Bus boycott.
Rosa Parks
Boycott aimed at forcing the bus company to change its policy of segregated seating on buses.
Montgomery bus boycott
Event that introduced a new generation of African American leaders including Martin Luther King, Jr.
Montgomery bus boycott
The Montgomery bus boycott lasted from December of 1955 to December of _______.
Even though the Montgomery bus company refused to change its policies the boycott did result in a Supreme Court decision declaring bus segregation _____________.
When nine African American students attempted to attend Central High School in Little Rock, Arkansas this governor used the National Guard to prevent them from attending.
Orval Faubus
Although HE was not in favor of integration, he did believe Governor Faubus actions were a violation of the Constitution and a challenge to his authority.
President Eisenhower
President Eisenhower sent in the 101st Airborne to protect the Little Rock Nine as they desegregated the school. He also nationalized the Arkansas National Guard placing them under ______.
his Authority
When the 101st Airborne left Little Rock, and only the National Guard remained to protect the Little Rock Nine, they were constantly subjected to ____________.
verbal and physical abuse
Year Eisenhower used the 101st Airborne and the National Guard to enforce school integration, in Littlerock, Arkansas.
Eisenhower said his actions in Little Rock, Arkansas were necessary to defend the authority of the ____.
Supreme Court
Mexican American reform groups such as the Community Service Organization and the League of United Latin American Citizens (LULAC) sought change through ________.
peaceful protest
Federal government policy adopted in 1953, which sought to eliminate reservations altogether and to assimilate Native Americans into mainstream culture.
The policy of "termination" met resistance, and was discarded, but THEIR problems of poverty, discrimination, and little real political representation remained.
Native Americans
In the 1920s and 1930s this group had success in challenging segregation laws.
National Association for the Advancement of Colored People
Critics charged that IT was out of touch with the basic issues of economic survival faced by many poorer African Americans.
This group helped African American newcomers, to large cities, find homes and jobs.
National Urban League
Civil rights organization founded by pacifists in 1942 and dedicated to effecting change through peaceful confrontation.
Congress of Racial Equality
Organized the first sit-in, in 1943, at a restaurant called the Jack Spratt Coffee House in Chicago.
Founder and President of CORE from 1942 to 1966, turned it into a national organization.
James Farmer
It was founded by pacifists and directed by James Farmer.
CORE pursued its goals through ________.
peaceful confrontation
Civil Rights organization founded by African American ministers in 1957.
Southern Christian Leadership Conference
In 1957 Martin Luther King Jr., and other ministers founded the ___________.
The SCLC and CORE were similar in that they both promoted _____.
nonviolent protest
Group that shifted the focus of the civil rights movement from the North to the South.
Method used by Martin Luther King, Jr., and other members of the SCLC, to achieve victory in the struggle for Civil Rights.
nonviolent protest
Individual who influenced Martin Luther King, Jr., to believe in nonviolent protest.
SCLC taught its nonviolent protesters not to resist even when ________.
King followed Gandhi's teaching that those who fight for justice must peacefully refuse to obey ____.
unjust laws
SCLC's 17 rules for maintaining a nonviolent approach instructed "If another person is being molested do not rise to go to his defense, but __________."
pray for the oppressor….
Gave young African Americans a greater voice in the civil rights movement.
Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee
SNCC was formed to enable students to make their own decisions about ___________.
priorities and tactics
Group that entrusted decisions about priorities and tactics to young activists.
As director of the SNCC's Mississippi Project, HE traveled to the South to try to register black voters.
Robert Moses
Fourteen-year-old boy, from Chicago, who was murdered in Mississippi, in 1955, supposedly because he whistled at a white woman.
Emmett Till
His murder was noted as one of the leading events that motivated the American Civil Rights Movement.
Emmett Till
Protest technique in which African Americans occupied a segregated establishment and demanded service.
Were used to protest against segregation at lunch counters.
Technique used by civil rights activists to force segregated establishments to serve African Americans.
The sit-in at a Woolworth's in this town in 1960, launched a wave of anti-segregation sit-ins across the South.
Greensboro, North Carolina
Participants in sit-ins were often harassed and forced to spend time in ___.
In 1960 in Boynton v. Virginia the Supreme Court expanded and earlier ban on segregation, on interstate buses, to include __________.
bus terminals
Organized by CORE, with the aid of SNCC, these were designed to test whether southern states would obey the Supreme Court ruling, integrating bus terminals.
Freedom Rides
Civil Rights activists used interstate buses to protest segregation at terminals.
Freedom Rides
The Freedom Riders encountered violent resistance in the state of ______.
This group of protestors received federal protection after being violently attacked in Alabama.
Freedom Riders
The first Freedom Ride died out in Jackson, Mississippi when the riders, and volunteers to replace them, were all ___.
Advanced the cause of civil rights by attempting to enroll at Ole Miss.
James Meredith
When a riot broke out over James Meredith's admission to the University of Mississippi HE sent army troops to restore order and protect Meredith.
President Kennedy
Martin Luther King, Jr., targeted THIS CITY, for demonstrations because he believed it to be the most segregated city in the country.
Birmingham, Alabama
When a court order directed the protestors in Birmingham to cease demonstrations, King decided to disobey the order and set an example of ___.
civil disobedience
Police commissioner of Birmingham who arrested King and other demonstrators.
Eugene "Bull" Connor
Wrote the "Letter from Birmingham Jail."
Martin Luther King, Jr.
After being released from jail in Birmingham King decided to include THEM in the campaign.
young people
He arrested over 900 young people as they marched in Birmingham and used fire hoses and dogs on the protestors.
"Bull" Connor
When they watched the brutal tactics used by police against protestors in Birmingham, Alabama, on TV., even the ______________.
opponents of civil rights were appalled
Most Americans were angered by the treatment of demonstrators by the ________.
Birmingham police
The Birmingham protests led to the __________.
desegregation of the city facilities
The success at Birmingham proved the effectiveness of ____________.
nonviolent protest
He moved slowly at first on civil rights issues, to avoid offending southern Democratic senators, whose votes he needed on other issues.
President Kennedy
Civil Rights violence was an embarrassment for President Kennedy, when he met with other ______.
world leaders
Just hours after the broadcast of President Kennedy's speech for civil rights, this civil rights leader was gunned down.
Medgar Evers
Kennedy was prompted to propose a strong civil rights bill by the ____________.
brutality against African Americans in Birmingham
When civil rights leaders planned a march on Washington, to support his civil rights bill, Kennedy feared it would alienate congress and cause racial violence, but when he could not persuade organizers to call it off he ___________.
gave it his support
In August 1963, more than 200,000 people joined this demonstration to focus attention on Kennedy's civil rights bill.
March on Washington
Participants in this demonstration hoped to convince congress to pass civil rights legislation in 1963.
March on Washington
Martin Luther King, Jr.'s "I have a Dream" speech was given at the ____________.
March on Washington
Was the highlight of the March on Washington.
"I Have a Dream" speech
Three months after the March on Washington President Kennedy ___________.
was assassinated
Was used by members of the Senate to prevent the Civil Rights bill of 1964 from coming to a vote.
Enlisted the help of HIS former colleague, Republican minority leader Everett Dirksen, to invoke the cloture rule and end the filibuster against the Civil Rights Bill of 1964.
President Johnson
Was used to end the filibuster that was blocking the Civil Rights Bill of 1964.
Landmark law, that outlawed discrimination in education, employment, and all public accommodations.
Civil Rights Act of 1964
Legislation that banned discrimination in all public facilities.
Civil Rights Act of 1964
After the Civil Rights Act of 1964 the main emphasis of the Civil Rights movement became ensuring African Americans the right to _____.
A campaign in the summer of 1964 to register blacks to vote in Mississippi, also set up freedom schools and freedom houses.
Freedom Summer
This project that was opposed by the NAACP and barely accepted by the SCLC, was organized by COFO and SNCC.
Freedom Summer
COFO a coalition of established civil rights organizations stands for ___.
Council of Federated Organizations
SNCC field secretary and co-director of COFO, directed Freedom Summer.
Robert Moses
During Freedom Summer James Chaney, Andrew Goodman, and Michael Schwerner were ____.
When the forces of white supremacy continued to block black voter registration, the Freedom Summer Project switched to building the ________.
Mississippi Freedom Democratic Party
Members of the MFDP went to the Democratic National Convention in the summer of 1964, hoping to be seated in the convention instead of delegates of the regular democratic Mississippi party, which had prevented blacks from ___.
registering to vote
Lyndon B. Johnson feared losing Southern support in the coming campaign, so he prevented the MFDP from replacing the _______.
regular Mississippi democratic delegation
The goal of this demonstration was to get voting rights legislation passed.
The Selma March
Freedom Summer and the Selma March both drew attention to African Americans' lack of ____.
voting rights
Argued that Congress should support voting rights because they were guaranteed by the Constitution, and congressional members had sworn to uphold the constitution.
President Johnson
Argued that voting rights were not a "states rights" issue but a "human rights" issue.
President Johnson
Says that no person shall be kept from voting because of his race or color.
the Constitution
President Johnson argued that Congress must support voting rights because those rights are guaranteed in the ______________.
Allowed federal official to ensure that blacks were not prevented from registering to vote, and effectively eliminated literacy tests and other barriers to blacks voting.
Voting Rights Act of 1965
Legislation that enabled more African Americans to register to vote.
Voting Rights Act of 1965
This piece of legislation resulted in many African Americans being elected at all levels of government.
Voting Rights Act of 1965
Many of the goals of the Civil Rights movement were not met, but after the Voting Rights Act of 1965, thousands of African Americans could _____.
vote for the first time
Two landmark civil rights laws passed during the Johnson presidency.
Civil Rights Act of 1964 & Voting Rights Act of 1965
African American group, founded by Elijah Muhammad, that preached black separation and self-help.
Nation of Islam
Group of Black Muslims who preached black separation and self-help.
Nation of Islam
Elijah Muhammad taught that white society was ___.
Unlike the early civil rights leaders, HE believed strongly that the races should be separated.
Malcolm X
While in prison he was converted to the Nation of Islam and came to believe in black separatism.
Malcolm X
Came into conflict with Elijah Muhammad, and while on a pilgrimage to Mecca he changed his views, rejecting the belief in black separatism and his hatred of whites.
Malcolm X
Nine months after Malcolm X came to reject the beliefs of the Nation of Islam, and came to accept an Islam that was open to all people, he was ____________.
The idea that African Americans should unite, take pride in their heritage, and control their own organizations.
black power
SNCC leader who called on African Americans to support black power.
Stokely Carmichael
Idea that African Americans should take charge of their communities.
black power
This movement taught that African Americans should separate from white society and lead their own communities.
black power
Under his leadership SNCC became increasingly militant.
Stokely Carmichael
Militant Black Nationalist group, formed by Bobby Seale and Huey Newton.
Black Panthers
Black Separatism is also called ___.
Black Nationalism
Black power group, that wanted African Americans to lead their own communities.
Black Panthers
Black power gave rise to the slogan _________.
"Black is beautiful"
The black power movement led to a serious split in the ____.
Civil Rights movement
The civil rights movement was split between those who favored militant black nationalism and separatism, and those who favored ______.
peaceful desegregation
His writings warned Americans that African Americans were angry and tired of waiting.
James Baldwin
He wrote about the violent consequences of segregation.
James Baldwin
Rigid pattern of separation, dictated by law in the South, prior to the Civil Rights Act of 1964.
de jure segregation
Actual, as opposed to legal, separation of whites and African Americans.
de facto segregation
Racial separation imposed by poverty and ghetto conditions.
de facto segregation
De facto segregation and poverty in black communities, in large cities, led to a series of ____.
riots from 1964 to 1968.
They were an explosion of anger that had been smoldering in the inner-city ghettos.
Martin Luther King, Jr., and Robert Kennedy were both assassinated in what year?
His assassination eroded faith in the idea of nonviolent change.
Martin Luther King, Jr.
Robert Kennedy's assassination ended many people's hopes for an inspirational leader who could heal the _____.
nation's wounds
Rose by 88% between 1970 & 1975.
elected African American officials
Making segregation illegal, opening the political process to more African Americans, & giving African Americans a new sense of pride.
accomplishments of the civil rights movement
In spite of the achievements of the Civil Rights Movement, a disparity still existed both economically and politically between _______.
blacks and whites