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51 Cards in this Set

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What are the 3 conditions that require a departure from a standard unqualified opinion?
1. Scope of the audit has been materially restricted (Scope limitation)
2. Financial statements have not been prepared in accordance with GAAP.
3. Auditor is not independent.
Scope limitation
When the auditor has not accumulated sufficient appropriate evidence to conclude whether the financial statements are stated in accordance with GAAP, a scope restriction exists.
What 2 things usually cause a scope restriction?
1. Client imposed.
2. CAused by circumstances beyond client or auditor's control (Such as being appointed at client's year end makes it impossible to physically observe inventory.
Financial statements not presented with GAAP
For example if a client insists on using replacement costs for fixed assets of values inventory at selling price rather than cost.
Where are auditor independence guidelines outlined?
Code of Professional Conduct Rule 101
When is an unqualified report issued?
1. All financial statements are included. (I.S., B.S., R.E., and C.F.)
2. All 3 general standards must be followed.
3. SUfficient evidence is accumulated to know standards of fieldwork have been followed.
4. Followed US GAAP
5. No conditions requiring explanatory paragraph exist.
When is a qualified opinon report issued?
This type of report follows when there is a failure to follow GAAP or when scope has been restricted.
When can a qualified report be used?
What is the least severe departure from unqualified opinion?
Qualified opinion
What two forms can a qualified opinion take?
CAn either be qualification of both the scope and the opinion or of the opinion alone.
When can qualification of opinion alone be used?
What wording is present in a qualified opinion?
When a qualified report is issued, the auditor must use the term, except for in the opinion paragraph. This implies that the auditor is satisfied that the overall financial statements are correctly stated "except for" a specific aspect of them.

When is an adverse opinion issued?
AN adverse opinion is only used when the auditor believes that the overall financial statements are so materially misstated or misleading that they do not present fairly the financial position or results of operations and cash flows in conformity with GAAP.
When is a disclaimer of opinion issued?
A disclaimer of opinion is issued only when the auditor has been unable to satisfy himself that the overall financial statements are fairly presented. The necessity to diclaim may arise from severe scope limitation OR a nonindependent relationshio under professional code of conduct.
How is the diclaimer distinct from an adverse opinion.
It can arise only from a LACK OF KNOWLEDGE whereas a adverse is used when the auditor KNOWS the statements is NOT fairly presented.
If a misstatement is material which report should be used?
Define materiality
A misstatement in financial statements can be considered material if knowledge of the misstatement will affect a decision of a reasonable user of the statement.
What are immaterial amounts? IF there are immaterial misstatements what type of audit report should be issued.
Amounts that would not be likely to affect the decision of a reasonable user. UNQUALIFIED
When amounts are material but don't overshadow statements as a whole what audit opinon should be used?
Qualified opinion using except for is appropriate.
When amounts are so material that overall fairness of statements is in question, what audit opinion should be issued?
What condition always calls for an adverse opinion?
If there is determined to be a lack of independence, an disclaimer is always issued
What audit opinion will be issued if a client fails to follow GAAP?
IT depends the auditor can do unqualified if amount is immaterial.
Qualifed opinion if material
or adverse if highly material.
When evaluating materiality what must an auditor do?
They must combine all unadjusted misstatements and judge whether there may be individually immaterial misstatements that, when combined, significantly affect the statements.
Measurability of misstatements.
The dollar amount cannot be accurately measured sometimes. SUch as a client's willingness to disclose an existign lawsuit is difficult, if not impossible in terms of the dollar amount. The auditor must evaluate its effect on users of the faiure to make the disclosure.
What are some transactions whihc may affect a users decision and the auditors opinion in a different way than most misstatements:
1. Fraud
2. AN item that can affect materiality in future period even if current period is fine.
3. An item that has a "psychic affect"
4. Contractual obligations.
Materiality decisions when scope limitations are present
Audit report can be unqualified, qualified scope and opinion, or disclaimer depending on materiality of scope limitations. Auditor will consider same three factores for materiality decisions but will be considered differently. Size of POTENTIAL misstatements, rather than known misstatements will be important.
How does materiality differ in scope restrictions?
For client imposed restrictions, the auditor should be concerned about the possibility that management is trying to prevent discovery of misstated information. IN such cases, auditing standards encourage a disclaimer of opinion.
Two restrictions imposed relate to physical examination of inventory and confirmation of a/r. Reasons for these may be desire to save audit fees and to prevent possible conflicts in a/r when client and customer accounts differ.
What conditions beyond control of client and auditor often cause a restriction in scope?
When auditor is appointed after the client's balance sheet date. THe confirmation of A/R, physical exam of inventory, and other important procedures may be impossible under those circumstances.
When auditor can't perform procedures desirable but can be satisfied with alternative procedures what can they do?
THey can issue an unqualified report.
If alternative procedures in scope limitation cannot be used what should the auditor do?
They should issue a qualified scope and opinion or disclaimer of opinion is necessary.
What does a scope resriction lead to in regards to the audit report?
It leads to a qualifying paragraph preceding the opinion to describe the restriction. In the case of a disclaimer, the entire scope paragraph is excluded from the report.
What does the auditor's opinion look like when a disclaimer is required?
There are only three paragraphs.
1. First paragraph is modified to say we were engaged to audit
2. SEcond paragraph is the same as qualified paragraph
3. The scope paragraph is deleted and the final opinion is changed to a disclaimer.
When the auditor knows financial statements may be misleading because they weren't prepared in accordance with GAAP, and the client is unwilling or unable to correct, what does the audit report look like?
They must issue an adverse opinion depending on materiality.
The opinion must clearly state the nature of the departure from GAAP and also the amount of the misstatement if known.
When amounts are so material or pervasive that an adverse opinion is required but scope is still unqualified what do they do?
The opinion paragraph must read:
IN our opinion, because of the effects of the matters discussed in the preceding paragraph, the financial statements referred to above DO NOT PRESENT FAIRLY in conformity with GAAP the financial position as of December 31, or the results of its operations and its cash flows for the year then ended.
When the client fails to include info necessary for fair presentation in the body of the statement or related footnotes, what must teh auditor do?
Present the info in the audit report and issue a qualified or adverse opinion. It is common to include thi type of info in an added pargraph before the opinion.
What does Rule 203 in the Code of Professional Conduct permit?
A departure from GAAP when auditor believes adhering to gaap would result in misleading statement users,
When an auditor decides that adherence to GAAP would result in misleading statements, what should there be?
There should be a complete explanation in a third paragraph. The paragraph should fully explain the departure and why GAAP would result in a misleading statement.
What happens to the structure of the audit report when the auditor decides adherence to GAAP would cause misleading statements?
When this occurs, opinion paragraph should then be unqualified except for the reference to the third paragraph. This is an audit report with an explanatory paragraph.
What type of audit report should be issued when there is a failure to include a statement of cash flows?
Third paragraph stating the omission and an except for opinion qualification.
What happens if it is discovered an auditor lacks independence?
If a lack of independence is discovered, this overrides any other scope limitations and there should be no other information provided other than a disclaimer due to lack of independence.
What must the auditor do to determine what auditing opinion is required?
1. Determine if there are conditions requiring departure from a standard unqualified report.
2. Decide materiality for each condition
3. Decide the appropriate type of report for the condition, given the materiality level.
4. Write the audit report
When accounting principles are not consistently applied what audit report should be issued?
Unqualified with explanatory paragraph.
If scope is restricted by client or other conditons and the condition is material but does not overshadow financial statements as a whole what type of report should be issued?
Qualified scope, additional paragraph, and qualified opinion.
If there is substantial doubt about going concern what type of report should be issued?
Unqualified opinion with explanatory paragraph
Financial statements are not prepared in accordance with GAAP if this is so material that overall fairness is in question what type of report should be issued?
If there is a justified departure from GAAP or other accounting principle what type of opinion should be issued?
Unqualified with explanatory paragraph
Scope restricted by client or other conditions what type of report should be issued when it is so material that the overall fairness is in question?
Emphasis of a matter what type of report should be issued?
Unqualified report, explanatory paragraph
When an auditor wants to draw attention to the use of another auditor what type of report should be issued?
Unqualified report modified wording
When the auditor is not independent what type of report should be issued?
Disclaimer regardless of materiality
What does the number of paragraphs in the report do?
It signals the investor as to whether financial statements are correct. A 3 paragraph report usually menas no exceptions. However, these can also be issued when a disclaimer is involved.