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63 Cards in this Set

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Due to environmental conditions a billion years ago the majority of organisms were likely
The activity of which type of organisms is thought to be the cause of the great oxidation event
Oxygenic photoautotrophs
Which is not a piece of evidence supporting the of mitochondria and chloroplasts
they have peptidoglycan primarily in their envelopes
important in the production of fermented dairy products
fecal streptococci related to the lactic acid bacteria, often used as waste contamination indicator
generally pathogenic causing a type of pneumonia, lack peptidoglycan, high sterol content
ACID FAST. One species causes lung infection due to the presence of a growth characteristic called cord like growth.
Sporulating gram positive, aerobic. One toxigenic species can cause the infection known as anthrax
Which of these psychotolerant bacteria can cause foodborne infection due to consumption of contaminated deli meats or soft cheeses, and can commonly result in miscarriage or stillbirth
Listeria monocytogenus
Members of the genus clostridium are all what, In terms of oxygen requirements
Strict obligate anaerobes
All endospore forming bacteria are ecologically related because they are found primarily in
A gram positive microorganism has the following traits: filamentous, forms spores at the end of mycelia, produces many antibiotics produces geosin that gives and its pleasant aroma, is nutritionally versatile, yields compact dusty colonies on agar culture media
Which of these describes the ability of propionic acid bacteria to utilize lactic acid; itself produced via fermentation by lactic acid bacteria, as a substrate for fermentation to produce the propionic acid and carbon dioxide
Secondary fermentation
Which of these is a food products produced by the bacteria described in the question above
Swiss Cheese
When packaged in the virion the complex of nucleic acid and protein is known as the virus
What is the reason that viruses sometimes contain enzymes in the viron
Any of the above may be function (they are needed to perform gene expression in a way the host does not naturally do, they are required to pemetrate the host cell wall, they are required to lyse the host cell upon exit of mature virus)
According to the Baltimore classification system, what type of virus would be a class IV virus
Single stranded positive sense RNA virus
Which type of virus would produce mRNA for protein synthesis using an RNA replicase enzyme package in the viron
Double stranded RNA virus
Which of these would always be lacking from a virus particle
Which of these would happen latest among the phases of viral replication, occurring towards the beginning of the maturation step
Assembly of capsid
Among bacteriophages the ability to hitch a ride in the bacterial genome by becoming a period known as
A prion is a type of misfolded infections
Protein found in the brain
single stranded positive sense RNA virus that makes polyprotein
Influenza virus
needs to utilize RNA replicase before any viral proteins can be translated
MS-2 virus
An RNA bacteriophage infecting E. coli with a very small genome of only 4 genes
Varicella-Zoster virus
Double stranded DNA virus causes latent infection
Hepatitis B
DNA virus that utilizes reverse transcriptase
Which feature of the influenza virus genome allows for the incidence of antigenic shift producing new and potentially more virulent strains over one season
segmented genome
Members of this group which include the waterborne parasite
Which organelle found in some anaerobic protists…without citric acid cycle or electron transport
You have enlisted in doctors without borders and been stationed in sub sahara Africa. Which of these organisms is likely to be one of your primary concerns as the cause of African sleeping sickeness?
Trypanosoma brucei
Which eukaryotic algae are the most common cause of harmful algae blooms and cause florida red tide
Group A that causes scarlet fever
streptococcus pyogenes
Often seen as diplococci, common cause of lower respiratory infection
Streptococcus pneumonia
Spirochete bacterium that is the cause of syphilis
Treponema pallidum
A common cause of bacterial infections that result in inflammation of the membranes lining the central nervous system; often occurs in epidemic among confined populations may quickly be fatal
Bacterial meningitis.
Spirochete that causes a debilitating vector borne disease called lyme disease, transmitted by ticks
Borrelia burgdorferi
Which virus is responsible for most common cold cases
Regarding influenza A viruses, which is one of the major antigens on the viral envelope responsible for binding of the virion to mucocus membrane cells of the host
Which animal typically serves as a mixing pot for recombination of human and avian influenza, possibly resulting in a pandemic strain
A virus that causes liver disease and can be a common cause of liver cancer is
Hepatitis C
A sexually transmitted infection that can ultimately result in cervical cancer, but is now preventable with an effective vaccine
If a male comes into your clinic presenting with a painful penile infection and samples reveal the presence of gram negative diplococci what should you expect
West nile fever, eastern equine encephalitis and malaria are all transmitted by a similar root, what is it
Bite of mosquitoes
True or False: The immune system is effective at totally clearing HIV from the body, but it is a persistant disease because most individuals are constantly re-infected by different strains via continuous risky behavior
HIV infections are established in the body by infection of which type of cell
CD4 T cells
The most important potential common source of infectious disease is
The poliform organisms such as E. Coli, and Easterlivus are used as water quality indicators because
they are found in animal intestinal tracts and indicate fecal contamination
Which of the following bacterial pathogens is found in both aquatic environments and is commonly present in air conditioning systems
legionella pneumophila
This waterborne disease organism is responsible for high mortality when inadequately treated (but when effectively treated by rehydration); can cause large scale disease outbreaks when sanitation is inadequate and causes severe watery rice water diarrhea due to the enterotoxin it produces
Vibrio cholerae
Which of the following waterborne pathogens is a eukaryotic protozoan organisms
Giardia intestinalis and cryptosporidium
What is the key toxic component of the pathogenic gram negative enteric proteobacteria
lipopolysaccharides (LPS) in the outer membrane
In your florida primary care clinic, an adolescent is brought in during the month of august complaining of terrible persistent headache centered behind the eyes. The parent happens to mention they had been swimming in a lake during a camping trip two days ago
Infection by the amoeba Naegleria fowleri
The organisms responsible for the greatest number of reported cases of bacterial foodborne disease is
campylobacter jejuni
Which of these food infections is commonly acquired from consumption of undercooked poultry
The virus that causes the greatest number of foodborne disease in the US annually is
Which of these food infetion-causing organisms is often transmitted by undercooked ground beef or via contaminated water and can cause very serious illness possibly resulting in kidney failure and death. This disease is mostly due to the production of a enterohemorrhagic toxin called verotoxin
E. coli
Which of these is not an attribute that make small subunit rTNA genes an effective measuring for evolutionary history
they are highly diverse among closely-related organisms
What is one primary way to distinguish between non-pathogenic micrococcus isolates that may be found on the skin with potentially pathogenic staphylococcus isolated that also can be found on the skin?
Micrococcus are obligate aerobes and cannot ferment, staphylococcus are faculatative and can ferment sugars to acid
RNA -> DNA -> mRNA -> proteins: the progression shown above is essentially what is done by retroviruses to express their genes. It is different from the central dogma of melcular biology. Which enzyme is not normally present but is required to enable this flow of genetic material
Reverse transcriptase
It is due to concern about infection from which of these eukaryotic parasites that pregnant women are instructed not to clean or handle cat litter boxes
Entamoeba histolytica
Which of these is a virulence factor that allows staphylococcus aureus bacteria to form a hard lump characteristic of a boil, essentially walling the infected area off from the bodys blood and immune cells
True or False: Food poisining cause by clostridium perfingens bacteria is the result of toxins release into creamy or meat based food that is left out at warm temperatures as the bacteria grow. The food is eaten later and the toxins cause illness immediately even if the food is re-heated destroying all the living bacterial cells