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56 Cards in this Set

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Microtubules begin to form what structure during mitosis in prophase?
The mitotic spindle
Germ cells
sperm and ova
In human cells except for germ cells, there are 46 chromosomes, or 23 homologous pairs.
Every chromosome has a homologue.

Somatic cells reproduce through the process of ?
Mitosis (involves nuclear division)
The period of the cell's life cycle between mitotic divisions ?
3 subphases of Interphase
G1 AKA Gap phase

S AKA Synthesis phase

G2 AKA Growth phase
S phase
The cell reproduces it's genome in preparation for division.
Cytoplasmic division
The cell-cycle phase associated with replication of the cell's genome is:
S phase of Interphase
During the S phase, what replicates?
All 23 pairs of chromosomes replicate. each pair of duplicates are joined at the centromere.
After all 23 pairs of chromosomes are replicated during the S phase, what are the duplicated chromosomes joined by?
A centromere
When each of a cell's chromosomes has a homologous counterpart, it's called a ________ cell

When a cell's chromosomes don't have homologues, they are called Haploid. But regardless of dipoildy or hapoildy, the chromosomes are composed of double-stranded DNA.

Diploid cell does not contain two nuclei.
If for a given organism, the diploid number is 24, then the haploid number is ?

A haploid cell contains 1/2 the # of chromosomes found in a diploid cell. A
A diploid human cell contains __ chromosomes, or __ homologous pairs
46 Chromosomes
23 homologous pairs
Each member of the pair of chromosomes is termed?
Sister chromatid
For as long as duplicated pairs are joined at their centromeres, the cell has __ pairs of chromosomes and each chromosome comprised of a pair of ?
23 pairs of chromosomes with a pair of sister chromatids each.
After mitosis what process occurs?
Division of the cytoplasm - Cytokinesis.
Which phase of mitosis represents the chromosomes condensing to the point that they are visible under the light microscope as an X-shaped structure?
During which phase of mitosis does the nucleolus slowly disappear?
During which phase of mitosis do the centrioles move to opposite poles of the cell?
Aster fibers form around what structure?
During which phase of mitosis?
Aster fibers form around the centrioles during prophase.
During which phase of mitosis do the microtubules begin to form?
What do the microtubules give rise to?
Mitotic spindle which spans from pole to pole.
When does the nuclear membrane begin to dissolve?
What is the essential marker of early metaphase ?
(AKA prometaphase)
Complete dissolution of the nuclear membrane
When do the Kinetochore fibers, associated with the centromeres, interact with the mitotic spindle?
Main function of Kinetochore fibers
The structure that helps to align the centromeres and maintain the (pairs of sister chromatids) chromosomes along an the midpoint on the axis of the metaphase plate.
During which phase of mitosis do the sister chromatids separate?
Anaphase. Resulting in splitting of the centromeres too.
When sister chromatids separate during anaphase, what is each separated chromatid termed?
Daughter chromosome
A Cleavage Furrow is seen during which phase of mitosis?
During which phase of mitosis do the Kinetochore Fibers disappear?
What happens to the daughter chromosomes during telophase?
They are positioned at opposite poles of the cell.

A nuclear membrane forms around each of the two generated cells containing the daughter chromosomes.
The chromosomes are visible by light microscopy until they reach which point of mitosis?
Telophase, after the membrane forms around each separated cell.
When do the nucleoli disappear and reappear in mitosis?
Disappear slowly in Prophase
Reappear in Telophase
What marks the completion of mitosis and nuclear division?
The reappearance of Nucleoli
When does Cytokinesis begin?
During the last part of anaphase or early telophase, when you see the cleavage furrow begin to form.
When does the cell actually divide into two separate entities with regard to Mitosis?
What are the two formed cells termed?
After Telophase when cytokinesis takes place. The cleavage furrow initially formed in Anaphase begins to deepen and ultimately divides the cell.

This forms two Daughter cells, each possessing a diploid number of chromosomes.
What marks when the daughter cells produced by Mitosis are ready to enter interphase?
The splitting of the cells resulting from Cytokinesis, producing two diploid daughter cells.
Development of a cleavage furrow occurs during?
Which two phases of mitosis involves a change in chromosome density?
Prophase and Telophase

At prophase, the chromosomes condense and become visible under the light microscope.
Which phases mark the visibility and invisibility of the chromosomes to be seen under a light microscope?

What is this due to a change in?
Become visible during: Prophase.
The chromosomes condense.

Become invisible during: Telophase.
The chromosomes decondense.
Reduction Division

What does it produce and how is it accomplished. What is it the basis of?
Refers to the generation of haploid daughter cells by a diploid parent cell.

Accomplished by Meiosis.

Basis of gametogenesis.
How does Prophase I of Meiosis differ from Prophase of Mitosis?
The homologous pairs of duplicated chromosomes align to form Tetrads. This association of homologous pairs of duplicated chromosomes is called Synapsis.
What is Synapsis?
When does it occur?
The homologous pairs of duplicated chromosomes align to form Tetrads.

It occurs during Prophase I of Meiosis.

It is the differing factor between Mitotic and Meiotic Prophase.
What is the Chiasma (aka Synaptonemal Membrane) ?
The site where the tetrads' chromatids physically bind to each other.

Chromatids may break at the chiasma.

It results in crossing over.
At what site does Crossing Over occur during Prophase I?

What does Crossing Over cause?
Site: Chiasma

It causes:
Physical exchange of chromatid segments between sections of homologous chromatids.
Each chromatid loses a component of it's DNA and acquires a corresponding section of DNA from it's homologue.
What is a form of genetic recombination that is specific to Meiosis?
Crossing over at the Chiasma during Synapsis.
Difference in the number of chromatids aligning during metaphase of Mitosis and Meiosis?
Mitosis: Double stranded 2 sister chromatids

Meiosis: Tetrads composed of 4 sister chromatids.
Anaphase I marks the separation and movement to opposite poles of what type of chromosome pairs?
Homologous chromosome pairs separate and move to opposite poles of the cell.
Main difference between Anaphase of Mitosis and Anaphase I of Meiosis?
Mitosis: the centromeres split
Meiosis I: the centromeres do not split
What accurately distinguishes the difference in the result from the first division of Mitosis vs. Meiosis with regards to daughter cells?
After mitosis, each daughter cell possesses a full complement of genetic material.

After Meiosis I, they do not. The homologues separate while their centromeres remain intact. Each Daughter cell receives only one member of each homologous chromosomal pair. The absence of the other member of the homologous pair means that each daughter cell receives half of the full parental genome.
Daughter Cells of Meiosis I
After Meiosis I, the homologues separate while their centromeres remain intact.

Each Daughter cell receives only one member of each homologous chromosomal pair. The absence of the other member of the homologous pair means that each daughter cell receives half of the full parental genome. (But two copies of it each joined by a centromere)
Anaphase II
Centromeres divide.
The 2 chromatids are pulled to opposite poles of the cell.
Cytokinesis produces 2 daughter cells.
2 Daughter cells produced by Meiosis II each have what kind of chromatids?
Two daughter cells are produced from each two Meiosis I daughter cells.
There is one chromatid in each cell from each original tetrad.
2 daughter cells from Meiosis I produced 4 daughter single chromatid (haploid) cells from Meiosis II.
Mitosis vs. Meiosis: Types of cells produced at the end of each?
Mitosis: 2 Diploid daughter cells

Meiosis: 4 Haploid daughter cells
Centromeres split during which of Mitosis, Meiosis I, Meiosis II?
Mitosis and Meiosis II
