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73 Cards in this Set

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Isotopes of hydrogen names
protium, deuterium, tritium
Bohr model
electrons travel in specific orbits at specific energy levels around dense, positive nucleus.
(doesn't account for electron-electron interactions)
Quantum Mechanical Model concepts
A quantum = Energy difference between energy levels.
Model has electrons moving in orbitals, the areas where you are most likely to find an electron. (≥ 1 e⁻)
Heisenberg uncertainty principle states...
impossible to know both an electron's position and momentum at same time
Hund's rule states...
electrons prefer to be unpaired with parallel spins.
Key eqn to determine energy value of a quantum.
E = hf
E = Energy (J)
h = Planck's constant (J·s)
f = frequency of radiation (1/s)
Quantum numbers
n (principal) — holds 2n² e⁻s max
l (azimuthal / angular p) — = n-1, holds 4l+2 e⁻ max
m(l) (magnetic) — = -l to +l, id's spec orbital, 2l + 1 possible values
m(s) (spin) — +½ or -½

l determines s, p, d, etc. subshells
Electron Subshell Flow Diagram
2s 2p
3s 3p 3d
paramagnetic vs. diamagnetic
para = unpaired e⁻s ∴ attraction
dia = all paired e⁻s ∴ repulsion
Key eqn to determine energy of an electron.
E = -R(h) / n²
Use this eqn also to determine E of emitted photon!
E = energy
R = Rydberg constant
n = principal quantum number
Key eqn to determine electromagnetic energy.
E = hc / λ
E = energy
h = Planck's constant
c = speed of light
λ = wavelength
Ionization energy
E to remove an e⁻
How much an atom wants to keep an e⁻
Starting rule for drawing Lewis structures.
Generally least electronegative atom is at center.
How to determine formal charge. (eqn)
Formal charge = V - N(nonbonding) - ½N(bonding)
V = normal number of e⁻s in valence shell
N(nonbonding) = nonbonding electrons
N(bonding) = bonding electrons
Electronic vs. molecular geometry.
electronic = arrangement of electrons
molecular = shape
**STP vs. standard state**
STP = 0°C, 1 atm
standard state = 25°C, 1 atm
Key eqn to determine kinetic energy or velocity of a gas from temperature.
KE = ½mv² = 3/2 kT
k = Boltzmann constant
T = temperature of a gas
Key eqn to determine relative rates of diffusion or effusion of a gas. Used to compare velocity of or distance traveled by 2 gases at same temp.
Graham's Law
r₁ / r₂ = √(M₂ / M₁)
r = diffusion rates of 2 gases
M = molar masses of 2 gases
mass / volume
For gases: g/L
Volume of a gas at STP
22.4 L/mol
Key eqn to determine total pressure of a bunch of gases.
Dalton's Law of partial pressures.
P = P₁ + P₂ + P₃ ...
P₁ = PX₁
X₁ = n₁ / n
X = mole ratio
n₁ = moles of gas 1
n = moles total of gases
P = total pressure
Avogadro's number
6.022 e23
Normality measure.
Measure of concentration. (equivalents / L)
Empirical vs. molecular formulas.
empirical = simplest whole number ratio
molecular = numbers of atoms of each element in actual molecule
Eqn to determine percent composition by mass.
% composition = mass of X in formula / formula weight) *100
5 types of chemical reactions
Combination (reactants > products)
Decomposition (reactants < products)
Single-Displacement (redox rxns)
Double-Displacement/Metathesis (often 2 reactant halves forming precipitate or gas)
Neutralization (Acid + B: → salt)
spectator ions
ion in a rxn we can ignore b/c it's not doing anything
Removal ➔ net ionic eqn
Measuring ionic vs. covalent compounds
ionic = formula weights
covalent = molecular weights
gram equivalent weight
measure of mass of a substance that can donate one equivalent of a species of interest

e.g. gram equivalent wt of acid? How many H's to donate? divide by molecular weight
Key eqn used for experimental determination of the rate law or to calculate a rate from given rxn data.
Rate = k [A]ˣ [B]ʸ
k = rate constant
[ ] = concentration of substrate
x = orders of the rxn
x+y = overall rxn order
Only cases where you can take stoichiometric coefficients for use in determining rxn order.
1. Rxn mech is a single step
2. Complete rxn mech given and rate-determining step indicated.
Reaction orders
Zero order (rate only affected by catalysts & temp Δ)
rate = k [A]⁰ [B]⁰ = k
First order (ex: radioactive decay)
[Aᵀ] = [A₀] e⁻ᵏᵗ ≡ conc. of radioactive substrate at time t
Second order (often suggests physical collision)
Enthalpy Δ
ΔH = difference bw potential E's of products & reactants
-ΔH = exothermic = releases heat (product)
+ΔH = endothermic = heat absorbed (reactant)
Factors that affect rxn rate
[Reactant] (except for zero-order)
Catalysts (homogeneous = same phase as reactant vs. heterogeneous)
Key eqn to determine the constant ratio of products to reactants of a system at equilibrium.
Law of Mass Action
For rxn aA + bB → cC + dD
K(eq) = ( [C]ᵓ [D]ᵈ ) / ( [A]ª [B]ᵇ )
K(eq) = k₁ / k₋₁
Key eqn to determine if a rxn is at equilibrium and if not, which direction it will proceed.
The Reaction Quotient
For rxn aA + bB → cC + dD
Q𝔠 = ( [C]ᵓ [D]ᵈ ) / ( [A]ª [B]ᵇ )
For comparison to K(eq) (what it would be if at equilibrium).
Q𝔠 < K(eq), ΔG < 0 ➔ proceeds forward to equilibrium
Q𝔠 > K(eq), ΔG > 0 ➔ proceeds in reverse to equilibrium
Method/Eqn to determine K(sp) of a salt.
1. Split the salt into ions. Ksp = [+][+]..[-]..
2. Multiply number of ions by the molar solubility.
3. Plug back into eqn for ion concentration (Ksp = [+]²[-]) and solve for Ksp.
Characterizations of systems with exchange w/surroundings (or ∅).
Isolated (∅ xΔ)
Closed (xΔ of E (heat & W) but ∅ matter)
Open (heat, W, and matter xΔ)
Types of processes with constants.
Adiabatic = ∅ xΔ of heat bw system & environment
Isothermal = ∅ Δ in temp in system
Key eqn to determine E txfer to/from a system.
(Most common with gases)
ΔU = Q - W
U = internal E of a system
Q = heat txfer'd (+ endothermic, - exothermic
W = work
2 Basic Types of Calorimetry
(bomb calorimeter - ∅W done b/c W = PΔV & no heat txfer'd ∴ Q = 0, so no xΔ of heat/W/matter & no internal EΔ (ΔU = 0) ADIABATIC)
Key eqn to determine temperature after heat txfer. (Calorimetry probs!)
Specific heat
q = mcΔT ("q equals MCAT")
q = heat absorbed/released in process
m = mass
c = specific heat
ΔT = change in temp
Key eqn to determine enthalpy change.
(Most common for determining whether rxn is exo- or endothermic)
ΔH = H(products) - H(reactants)
+ = endo
- = exo
Eqn to calculate entropy in a reversible process.
ΔS = Q(rev) / T
ΔS = Entropy (usually kJ/mol·K)
Q(rev) = heat gained/lost in a reversible process
T = Temperature in °K
Key eqn to determine change in free energy, commonly to determine whether rxn is spontaneous or not.
Gibbs Free Energy
ΔG = ΔH - TΔS ("Get High Test Scores!")
ΔG = measure of Δ as system undergoes a process
ΔH = enthalpy
T = temp (K)
ΔS = entropy
∅ effect on speed, just on whether or not rxn happens
Key concept regarding signs of ΔH and ΔS.
Temp dependent when both ΔH & ΔS have same sign.
Both + ≡ spontaneous only at high temps
Both - ≡ spontaneous only at low temps
Key eqn to determine change in free energy with respect to K(eq), commonly to determine a reaction's spontaneity.
Gibbs Free Energy
ΔG° = -RT ln(K(eq))
ΔG° = Standard free energy change
R = gas constant (≈8 J/K·mol)
K(eq) = equilibrium constant
Eqn to replace K(eq) with a system not at equilibrium.
Q = ( [C]ᵓ [D]ᵈ ) / ( [A]ª [B]ᵇ )
Key eqn to determine change in free energy with respect to standard free energy and Q, commonly to determine the spontaneity of a rxn at a pt of non-equilibrium.
Gibbs Free Energy
ΔG = ΔG° + RT lnQ
ΔG = RT ln(Q/Kᵉ)
Kᵉ = K equilibrium, equilibrium constant
Q = reaction quotient
If Kᵉ < Q = non-spontaneous
If Kᵉ > Q = spontaneous
Laws of thermodynamics & associated eqns.
0. Zeroth Law (a = b & b = c, then a = c w/ thermal equilibriums)
1. E is conserved
2. Spontaneous evolution towards equilibrium (w/ greatest entropy possible)
3. ΔS➔0 as °K➔0
Packing forms of metallic solids
Simple cubic
Body-centered cubic
Face-centered cubic (NaCl 6:6)
Mixing liquids
mixable liquids = miscible
non-mixable = immiscible
small non-mixable particles mixed = emulsion
Phase changes
solid to gas — sublimation
gas to solid — deposition
solid to liquid — fusion, melting
liquid to solid — freezing, solidification, crystallization
gas to liquid — condensation
liquid to gas — vaporization
Phase Diagram
"Cup holds the liquid, solid pushes over the cup, only air beneath"
y-axis = Pressure
x-axis = Temperature
critical pt = above which, no distinction bw gas and liquid, heat of vaporization = 0
Colligative properties
(all dependent on concentration of dissolved particles rather than what was dissolved)
vapor pressure depression
boiling point elevation
freezing point depression
osmotic pressure
Key eqn to calculate vapor pressure depression & plot phase diagram for solution of two liquids. (usually in reference to distillation)
Raoult's Law (for ideal solutions)
Pᴬ = XᴬP°ᴬ
Pᴬ = partial pressure of component A
Xᴬ = mole fraction of solvent A in solution
P°ᴬ = vapor pressure of pure solvent A
Law works best when solute-solute, solvent-solvent, and solute-solvent interactions are all very similar.
When solute-solvent rxn weak, vapor P↑. (more evap)
When solute-solvent rxn strong, vapor P↓. (less evap)
Key eqn to calculate boiling point elevation given molality or molality given bp.
ΔTᵇ = iKᵇm
ΔTᵇ = boiling point elevation
i = van't Hoff factor = mol particles dissolved / mol solute molecules
Kᵇ = proportionality constant of solvent (given)
m = molality (mol solute / kg solvent)
Key eqn to calculate freezing point depression given molality or molality given fp depression.
ΔT𝑓 = iK𝑓m
ΔT𝑓 = freezing point depression
i = van't Hoff factor (mol particles solute / mol molecules solute)
K𝑓 = proportionality constant of solvent (given)
m = molality (mol solute / kg solvent)
Key eqn to calculate osmotic pressure from molarity or vice versa.
Π = iMRT
Π = osmotic pressure
i = van't Hoff factor (mol particles dissolved / mol molecules solute)
M = molarity of soln
R = ideal gas constant (≈8)
T = temperature (in K)
What is an ideal solution?
Enthalpy (ΔH) = 0 (or approaches it)
(strength of new interactions w/solute ≈ strength of original interactions)
Solubility concepts
solubility = max amt of substance that can be dissolved in a particular solvent at a particular temp
saturated = max added
dilute vs. concentrated
sparingly soluble salts = don't dissolve well in H₂O
*7 general solubility rules
1. All salts of alkali metals are H₂O soluble.
2. All salts of the ammonium ion (NH₄+) and nitrate (NO₃⁻) are H₂O soluble.
3. Cl+, Br+, I+ are H₂O soluble unless w/Ag+, Pb²+, Hg₂²+
4. SO₄²+ are H₂O soluble except Ca²+, Sr²+, Ba²+, Pb²+
5. CaO, SrO, BaO are H₂O soluble
6. Ca(OH)₂, Sr(OH)₂, Ba(OH)₂ are H₂O soluble
7. Everything else, H₂O INsoluble.
Ion nomenclature
-ous vs. -ic?
-ite & ate?
-ous (lesser charge) vs. -ic (greater charge)
-ide (monatomic anions)
-ite (oxyanion w/less O) & -ate (oxyanion w/more O)
Ways of expressing concentration.
% Composition by mass (100 * kg solute / kg solution)
Mole fraction (mol solute / mol solution)
Molarity (mol solute / L solution)
Molality (mol solute / kg solvent) (∵H₂O density = 1kg/L)
Normality (# equivalents solute of interest / L solution)
(equivalent = mole of charge)
Dilution (M₁V₁ = M₂V₂)
Key eqn to determine K(sp) or molar solubility. (often in context of the ion product)
Solubility Product Constant
For A₁B₂ ⇄ 1A²⁺ + 2B¹⁻,
K(sp) = [A²⁺]¹ [B¹⁻]²
Key eqn to determine behavior of a solution by comparing IP to K(sp)
I.P. = [A²⁺]¹ [B¹⁻]²
I.P. = Ion product (analogous to Q for chem rxns)
Q(sp) < K(sp) = unsaturated
Q(sp) > K(sp) = supersaturated
Unconventional definition of boiling point
When vapor pressure = atmospheric pressure, you get bp.
Specific heat of H₂O
c = 4.184 J / g·K = 1 cal / g·K
Prob: What is molar mass of solute given mass solute, mass solvent, boiling point, and Kᵇ?
Use equation ΔTᵇ = iKᵇm
where ΔTᵇ = change in boiling point temp
Kᵇ = constant for solvent bp
m = molality (mol solute / kg solvent)
Prob: What is solubility of gas at a new atmospheric pressure? Given solubility at old atmospheric pressure.
Solubility = New pressure % * solubility @ original pressure

e.g. 80% of 1 atm = .8 atm new * Orig P
Formation rxns
All of the reactants are in standard elemental state!
What do catalysts affect?
Do NOT affect equilibrium (K(eq))!
Only affect rate!