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72 Cards in this Set

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What is an atom made up of?
nucleus: contains protons and neutrons
electrons: surround nucleus
made up mostly of empty space
mass number (A)
sum of the number of protons and neutrons
Atomic number (Z)
number of protons
element that contains a different number of neutrons than the normal element
1 mole = 6.022 x 10^23 atoms
large atoms that tend to lose electrons to form cations or position oxidation states, form ionic oxides (left side of periodic table)
lower melting point than metals , form negative ions, form covalent oxides (right side of periodic table)
alkali metals (group 1A)
soft solids with low densities and low melting points, easily form cations
alkaline earth metals (group 2A)
harder, more dense solids that melt at higher temperatures and form 2+ cations. These are generally less reactive
Periodic table trends
-atomic radius increases from top of periodic table to bottom
-ionization energy increases from left to right and from bottom to top
-electronegativity increases left to right and from bottom to top
-electron affinity increases from left to right and from bottom to top
ionization energy
energy necessary to detach and electron from a nucleus
tendency of an atom to attract an electron
electron affinity
willingness to accept an additional electron
covalent bond
two electrons are shared between two nuclei
bond length
point where energy level is lowest
bond disassociation energy
energy necessary to separate a bond
principle quantum number (n)
1st quantum number designates shell level. The larger the quantum number, the greater the size and energy of the orbital
valence electrons
located in the outer most shell and contribute most to an elements chemical properties
azimuthal quantum number (l)
2nd quantum number designates subshell s,p,d, f.
if l=0, s subshell.
magnetic quantum number (m)
3rd quantum number designates orbital. each subshell will have orbitals from-l to +l
electronic spin quantum number (ms)
4th quantum number has value of -1/2 or +1/2 and signifies direction of the electron in the orbital
Pauli exclusion prinicple
no two electrons can have the same four quantum numbers
Aufbau principle
-for each new proton added to create a new element, a new electron is added too
-electrons look for orbitals available at the lowest energy state in the subshell with the lowest energy
Hund's rule
electrons will not fill any orbital in the same subshell until all orbitals in that subshell contain at least 1 electron
planck's theory
h=6.6 x10^-34 Js

when an electron falls from a higher run to a lower rung, energy is released
photons can bump electrons up to the next level
standard temperature and pressure (stp)
0 degrees Celsius and 1 atm
Ideal gas characteristics
1. gas molecules have zero volume
2. gas molecules exert no forces other than repulsive forces due to collisions
3. gas molecules make completely elastic collisions
4. the average kinetic energy is directly proportional to the temperature of the gas
ideal gas law

n=# of moles
R= universal gas constant
T= temperature in Kelvin
standard mole volume
one mole of any gase behaving ideally should occupy 22.4L
partial pressure
partial pressure of a= mole fraction of a times the total pressure
Dalton's law
the total pressure is equal to the sum of all of the partial pressures
Grahm's Law
average speed is inversely proportional to the square root of its mass

spread of gas from high pressure to low pressure

effusion rate is inversely proportional to the square root of the mass
spreading of 1 gas into another gas or empty space
rate of reaction typically as it moves to equilibrium
deals with the balance of reactants and products after they have reached equilibrium
collision model
in order for a chemical reaction to occur, the reacting molecules must collide. most collisions do not result in reactions. to react, molecules much reach activation energy and have the proper spatial orientation
-rate of rxn increases with temp because more collisions with high energy likely to occur
rate determining step
rate of the slowest elementary step, determines the rate of the overall reaction. Steps after slow step make no conrtibutions to rate law
substance that increases the rate of the reaction without being permanently consumed or altered. Most work by lowering activation energy, which means more collisions have sufficient energy to create a reaction, which increases the overall rate
heterogeneous catalyst
different phase than reactants and products
homogeneous catalyst
same phase as reactants and products
when the forward reaction rate is equal to the reverse reaction rate with no change in concentration of products or reactants
Law of Mass action
k (equilibrium constant)= products divided by reactants

no solid or pure liquids (eg H2O) in law of mass action
reaction quotient (Q)
Q=products divided by reactants
-use to predict what direction a reaction will go in
if Q is equal to k, then the rxn is at equilibrium
if Q is greater than K, the products are greater than the reactants and the reaction goes left
if Q is less than K, the reactants are greater than the product and the reaction shifts right
Le Chatelier's Prinicple
When a system at equilibrium is stressed, the system will shift in the direction that reduces stress

three stressors:
1. addition or removal of product or reactant
2. changing the pressure of the system
3. heating or cooling the system
open systems
exchange both mass and energy with their surroundings
closed systems
exchange energy but not mass
isolated systems
do not exchange energy or mass
extensive properties
properties are proportional to the size of the system

(eg. volume, number of moles)
intensive properties
properties that are independent of the size of the system

(eg. pressure and temperature)
state functions
properties that describe the state of a system, pathway independent

(eg. number of moles, enthalpy)
path functions
properties that depend on the pathway used to achieve any state

(eg work and heat)`
natural transfer of energy from a warmer body to a cooler body
any energy transfer without heat
Forms of Heat
1. Conduction
2. convection
3. Radiation
thermal heat transfer of energy via molecular collisions; requires direct physical contact
thermal energy transfer via fluid movements. Differences in pressure or density drive warm fluids to cooler areas
thermal energy transfer through electromagnetic waves
transfer of energy, not heat

w=P deltaV at constant pressure

if the volume remains constant, no PV work is done
1st Law of thermodynamics
the energy of the system and surroundings is always conserved

E= w +q
2nd Law of thermodynamics
heat cannot be completely changed to work in a cyclical process
internal energy
collective energy of molecules measured on a microscopic level, does not include mechanical energy
Hess' Law
when you add reactions, you can add their enthalpies too
zeroth law of thermodynamics
two systems at equilibrium with a third system are at equilibrium with each other
man-made property that accounts for the extra capacity to do PV work

H= U + PV
standard enthalpy of formation
change in enthalpy for a reaction that creates one mol of that compound from its raw elements in their standard state

Change in enthalpy of reaction = the standard enthalpy of products - the standard enthalpy of the reactants
endothermic reaction
enthalpy change is positive, produces heat flow into the system
exothermic reaction
enthalpy change is negative, produces heat flow into the surrounding
natures tendency to create the most probable situation that can occur in a system; natures tendency toward disorder
2nd law of thermodynamics
entropy in an isolated system will never decrease
3rd law of thermodynamics
assisn by convention a zero entropy value to any pure substance
Gibbs free energy
change in gibbs free energy is equal to the change in enthalpy minus the change in entropy times temperature

when G=0, at equlibrium
when G is negative, spontaneous