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52 Cards in this Set

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Chordata, at some stage in their development they posses:
A muscular post-anal tail
Dorsal hollow nerve cord
Notochord - develops into
vertebrates for vertebrates
Pharyngeal slits or gills
Chordates have a ____ (a ___ within mesodermal tissue)
body cavity
Chordata are ____, meaning their anus develops from or near the ____.
The earliest organisms were probably heterotrophs subsisting on preformed organic compounds in their immediate surroundings. Fossils of these organisms have been dates at ____.
3.6 billion years old
Binomial theorem
p2 + (2pq) + q2
(2) alleles & p + q = 1
Small populations are subject to ____, where one allele may be permanently lost due the death of all members having that allele.
genetic drift
____ exists when 2 or more species evolving from the same group maintain a similar structure form the common ancestor.
divergent evolution
A species may face a crisis so sever as to case a shift in the allelic frequencies of the survivors, this is called an _____.
evolutionary bottleneck
A ____ is a relationship between 2 species. The relationship can be beneficial for both called ____, beneficial for one and not the affect the other called ____ or beneficial for one and detrimental to the other called ____.
2 species may independently evolve similar structures in ____.
convergent evolution
____ - no change in the gene pool of a sexually reproducing population, with certain assumptions.
Hardy-weinberg equilibrium
Hardy-weinberg equilibrium "assumptions" -
No selection for the fittest organism
immigration or emigration must not change gene pool
random mating
mutational equilibrium
large population
The way in which a species exploits its environment is called its ____.
The theory of ____, predicts that one species will exploit the environment more efficiently, leading to the demise of the other w/ the same niche.
survival of the fittest
The definition of the ____ organism in the ____ theory is the organism which can best survive to reproduce offspring etc, etc.
survival of the fittest
2 opposing reproductive strategies
r- selection, lots of young no parental care
k-selection, less young, slow maturing and strong parental care
K-strategists tend to have a ____ growth curve which levels off at the ___.
carrying capacity
____ - is the process by which new species are formed.
_____ occurs when several separate species arise from a single ancestral species.
adaptive radiation
_____ is loosely limited too, but inclusive of, all organisms that can reproduce fertile offspring w/ each other.
ontogeny recapitulates phylogeny
The course of development of an organism from embryo to adult reflects its evolutionary history.
For instance, the human fetus has pharyngeal slits reflecting a gilled ancestor.
classification system specific grouping order.
Dear King Phillip Came Over From Germany Starving.

(plants & fungi use divisions instead of phylum)
Major subgroup important for Mcat ____ -
vertebrata, subphylum in phylum chordata
since organisms within the same group have similiar genetic structures, they probably share similar ____ (evolutionary histories)

All mammals belong to the class ___ & the phylum ____, birds ___ & ___
____ is a change in the gene pool.
The ____ is the total of all alleles in a population.
gene pool
In most somatic cells, one of the X chromosomes will condense & most of its genes will become inactive. The tiny dark object formed is called a ___.
barr body
When a gene is found on the sex chromosome it is called ____.
Karyotype -
a map of the chromosomes
Homozygous -
Heterozygous -
2 recessive or dominant allele's
1 dominant & recessive allele, also called a hybrid
allele -
PP, Pp & pp - each p is an allele
complete dominance -
position on respective chromosomes
Mendel's 2nd law of heredity the ____ states that genes that code for different traits (such as peas shape & pea color) when located on different chromosomes, do not affect each other during gamete formation.
law of independent assortment
In humans, the 23rd pair of chromosomes establishes the sex of the individual, and each partner is called a ____.
sex chromosome
The occurrence of distinct phenotypic forms is called ____.
A female may carry a recessive trait on her 23rd pair of chromosomes without expressing it. If she does she is said be a ____ for the trait.
Mendel's 1st law of heredity, the ____ states that alleles segregate independently of each other when forming gametes. Any gamete is equally likely to posses any allele. Also, the phenotypic expression of the alleles is not a blend of the 2, but an expression of the dominant allele.
law of segregation
phenotypic ratio of a dihybird cross -
The expression of a trait is the ____, and an individual's genetic makeup is the ____.
phenotype -
flower color
PP, Pp or pp
The mendellian ratio -
3 to 1 ratio of dominant to recessive

(result of 2 heterozygous parents)
Mendel found that when he crossed purple flowered plants w/ white flowered plants the ____ or ____ produced purple flowers. He called the purple trait ___ and the white trait ___.
first filial
f1 generation
Experiments attempting to recreate the atmosphere of early earth have resulted in the autosynthesis of molecules such as urea, amino acids And even adenine. The ____ was one of the early experiments to make such an attempt.
urey-miller experiment
The first cells are thought to have evolved from ___, lipid or protein bilayer bubbles. These spontaneously for and grow form fat molecules suspended in water.
____ is the phylum containing humans. It does not mean backbone, all ____ have bilateral symmetry.
Around 2.3 billion years ago, the ancestors of cyanobacteria evolved. They were able to use sunlight and water to reduce CO2. These were the first oxygen producing ____. The atmosphere began to fill w/ oxygen.
photosynthetic bacteria
____ or ____ is mating of nonrelatives which produces hybrids or heterozygotes.
outbreeding or outcrossing
Mating relatives is called ___ & does not change the frequency of alleles, but does increase the # of homozygous individuals within a population.
An individual with a genotype havig one dominant & one recessive allele is said to be ____ for the trait, and is called a ____.
Members from the subphylum ____ have their notochord replaced by a segmented cartilage or bone structure.