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34 Cards in this Set

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What are the six major groups of lipids?
fatty acids, triacylglycerols, phospholipids, steroids, terpenes, and glycolipids
fatty acids
long chains of carbons truncated at one end by a COOH
usually even number of carbons
max # is 24 carbons
reach cells in this form
three carbon backbone (glycerol) attached to three fatty acids
store energy, insulate, pad
adipocytes contain triglycerides
fat cells whose cytoplasm contains almost nothing but triglycerides
glycerol backbone, two fatty acids, one phosphate group
four ringed structures
include hormones, vitamin d, cholesterol, etc
regulate metabolic activities
beta pleated sheets
single polypeptide chain that lies along side itself
can be parallel or antiparallel
five forces that create the Tertiary Structure
1. covalent disulfide bonds between two cysteines
2. electrostatic (ionic) interactions between basic and acidic side chains
3. hydrogen bonds
4. van der waals forces
5. hydrophobic side chains
On the MCAT, when you see nitrogen in a structure, think _________.
made from carbon and water
have empirical formula : CH2O
All digested carbohydrates reaching body cells have been converted to ________ by the _______ or _________, which are the small columnar epithelial cells found in the small intestine lining
cyclic stereoisomer
example : alpha and beta glucose

alpha glucose has hydroxyl group on one end (on carbon1) and methoxy group on opposite end (on carbon6)

beta glucose has both on same side of the carbon ring
branched glucose polymer with alpha linkages
large amounts found in muscle and liver cells
______ cells are one of the few types capable of reforming glucose from glycogen
Plants don't form glycogen, but instead form _________ and __________ from glucose
cellulose and starch
nucleotide structure
three components : five carbon sugar (pentose), nitrogenous base, phosphate group
examples : ATP, cAMP, NADH and FADH2 (coenzymes)
phosphodiester bonds are formed between what to structures of nucleotides?
between the phosphate group of one nuclotide and the 3rd carbon of the pentose of the other nucleotide
written as 5' --> 3'
dissolved inorganic ions
create electrochemical gradients which assists in the transport of substances entering and exiting the cell

can combine and solidify to give strength
can act as cofactors (iron in heme)
the enzyme substrate complex
an enzyme bound to the substrate
minerals or coenzymes that help enzymes reach their optimal activity
coenzyms are vitamins (essential organic molecules) or their derivatives
vitamins or their derivatives
irreversible inhibitors
agents which bind covalently to enzymes and disrupt their function
tend to be highly toxic
competitive inhibitors
compete at active site
generally only block active site for a fraction of a second
noncompetitive inhibitors
bind to a spot other than the active site and change conformation of enzyme
feedback inhibition / negative feedback
when one of the products downstream in a reaction series comes back and inhibits the enzymatic activity in an early reaction
- most enzymes work through this. - other proteins also undergo this regulation, such as hemoglobin
- done through allosteric regulation
positive cooperativity (in terms of enzyme regulation)
the first substrate changes the shape of the enzyme allowing other substrates to bind more easily
lyase vs ligase
lyases are enzymes that catalyze the breaking of various chemical bonds other than by hydrolysis or oxidation often forming a double bond or ring structure. lyases do not require energy. ligases are enzymes that join two molecules together and require energy.
kinase vs phosphatase
kinase phosphorylates, phosphatase dephosphorylates
breaks glucose into two 3C pyruvates. produces 2 ATP and 2 NADH
substrate level phosphorylation
formation of ATP from ADP and inorganic phosphate using the energy released from the decay of high energy phosphorylated compounds as opposed to using the energy from diffusion
Krebs cycle
each turn produces 1 ATP, 3 NADH, and 1 FADH2. substrate level phosphorylation.
aerobic respiration net ATPs
36 ATPs
glycolysis net products
krebs net products
g: 2 ATPs, 2 NADH
k: 2 ATPs, 6 NADH, 2 FADH2
respiration overally equation
glucose + O2 --> CO2 + H2O