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162 Cards in this Set

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universal receiver and why
Group AB; no antibodies against A & B
universal donor and why
Group O; no antigens
shift of Hgb binding curve to right
(1) inc in [H], i.e. low pH
(2) inc in [CO2]
(3) inc in 2,3-DPG
(4) high temp
Bronsted-lowry acid
Proton donor
Lewis acid
electron pair acceptor
--secreted by?
-secreted by parafollicular cells of THYROID
-lowers plasma calcium by promoting bone
why do we say that magnetic forces do not do work?
force is perpendicular to velocity direction of particle and magnetic field lines; SO magnteic force can change direction of particle but it can slow/speed it up
remembering that capacitance is amt of electric charge stored for a given electric potential, what is eqn?
C= Q/V (coulomb per volt aka farad)
eqns for Resistors vs Capacitors in parallel
Resistors in parallel: 1/R+1/R...
Capacitors in parallel: just add
eqns for Resistors vs Capacitors in series
resistors in series: just add
Capacitors in series: 1/C+1/C..
linkages of cellulose
1,4 Beta glycosidic bonds b.w glucoses (vs alpha in starch or glycogen)
centripetal acceleration formula (can use same formula if need to figure out centripetal force eqn)
connectivity of conformational isomers vs constitutional isomers
Conformational--same connectivity;
Constitutional--different connectivity
cos 0--90
sin 0--90
cos goes from 1 down to 0
sin goes from 0 up to 1
colligative properties--defn & 4 properties
depend on # of molec & NOT on size/mass of molec
If add particles..
(1) decr VP
(2) incr BP
(3) decr FP
(4) osmotic pressure
Molality (m)
mol solute/kg solvent
Molarity (M)
mol solute /L soln
elastic collision and what's conserved
collide & separate; momentum and KE conserved
(m1v1+m2v2)before-m1v1+m2v2 after
perfectly inelastic collision and what's conserved
coliide and stick;
only momentum conserved;
DNA helicase job
unwind DNA
DNA synthezised from ___end to ___end
5' to 3' (add bases at the 3' end)
high vs low pKa means what
just like pH; lower pKa is strong acid
when pH=pKa
there is equal concentration of acid and its conjugate base.
high vs low Ka
high Ka means subs has dissociated all the way, i.e. strong acid
which acid halides are strong acids
HCl, HI, HBr
**HF is NOT a strong acid** (just remember that this is why we put it on our teeth)
3 properties that affect acid strength (trend goes down and to the right)
These make something more acidic:
1) big size
2) inc resonance
3) withdrawing groups on benzene
these are all examples of?
H2SO4 (sulfuric acid), HNO3 (nitric acid) , HClO3 chloric acid; HClO4 perchloric acid
strong acids (in addition to the acid halides except HF)
eqn for gauge pressure
eqn for dilution
MV initial=MV final
where M is molarity (aka mol solute/kg solvent)
for each mol of ATP used, how much energy released?
7 kcal
for block on incline place, what is force parallel to incline (pulling block down)
F=mg sin theta
force of gravity eqn

where each m is a different mass
Current: eqn relating it to Q and what is it measured in?
I = Q/T (charge per time)
meas in amperes
where does glycolysis occur
how does distance between genes affect their likelihood of crossing over?
closer genes=less chance b/c more likely that their linked
how many bonds b/w A and T/U
How many bonds between C and G
how is Keq affected by catalyst
it isnt
how to approach ideal gases
-low pressure
-high temp
-mono-atomic gases
-lower molecular wt
-weaker intermolecular forces
how to find pH range
take exponent of 10 (n) to find pH but range is n-1 to n
(ex) 6.2x10^-5 then pH range is 4-5
in elements, A stands for?
____script position
mass number <superscript>
in element symbol, Z stands for?
____script position
atomic #(aka proton #)
in the kreb's cycle, pyruvate is converted to
acetly coA
IR spectra for -OH
3000-3500 (very broad)
IR spectra for C=O
1750 ish
IR spectra for triple bonds
IR spectra for alkenes
1650 ish
IR specra for amines
3300 ish; sharp
is work scalar or vector
kinases ___ phosphate
kinases add phosphate;
phosphotases remove phosphate
which strand has okasak fragments
lagging strand
isochoric means?
constant volume
2 life cycles of bacteriorphage
lytic--virion replicated then bacteria lysed
lysogenic--integrate into host cell so passed down to all offspring
max tension in elevator cable
when elevator goes up
what goes in/out in Na-K pump
2K in for 3Na out
Adenine and guanine (pure as gold)
cytosine, thymine, uracil
1 mol of gas will occupy ___L of vol
origin of myelin sheaths in CNS vs PNS
PNS--Schwann cells
point mutation
one base switched for another
if obj is at focal length, image will be projected at
posterior pituitary hormones
ADH and Oxytocin
Power =
velocity in x and y for projectile motion
Vx=(Vorg)cos theta
Vy=(Vorg)sin theta

*Vy=0 at max ht; Vx constant throughout flight
promoter DNA sequence that is crucial in forming the transcription initation complex
TATA box
smooth muscle develops from which germ layer
prevents "supercoiling of DNA" by breaking and reattaching strands
torque is + when movement is clockwise or counterclock?
where are ribosomes made
velocity vs time graph tells us what 2 things
slope is acceleration and area under curve is displacement
Turner syndrome letters
XO; no 2ndary sex characteristics
what are nitriles
C triple bonded to N
aka cyanides
3 steps of translation
(1) inititation
(2) elongation
(3) termination
3 stop codons
conditions for total internal reflection
moving from area of higher index of refraction to lower index of refraction
what is needed to convert trypsinogen to trypsin
what distinguishes a purine from a pyrimidine
purine=2 rings
pyrimidine=1 ring
Open vs closed vs isolated systems
open-exchange energy & matter;
closed-exchange energy
isolated-no exchange
what group of cells is responsible for cell mediated immunity vs humoral immunity
cell mediated: T cells
Humoral immunity: B cells
what germ layer develops into epithelial linings
what changes vs remains dame when light ray moves from air to another medium
speed and wavelength change but freq stays same
what is frameshift mutation
addition/deletion of base pairs, causing it to be read in wrong frame
what is an amp and what does it measure
measures current (moving charge)
what area of loop of henle NOT permeable to water which creates the countercurrent multiplier
ascending loop is NOT permeable to water
Ohm's Law
V = IR
(R must be constant and V can vary)
what is specific gravity
density of obj/density of water
nucleoside vs nucleotide
Nucleoside=base + pentose
electron affinity vs ionization energy
basically opposites. Electron affinity refers to the change in energy when an electron is added to an atom while ionization energy is the energy change to remove an electron.
density of phases in most substances vs density of phases in water
solid > liq> gas
liq> solid> gas
what is name of sequence of nucleotides on mRNA that is complementary to the rRNA in the 30S subunit
shine dalgarno sequence
what is start codon
AUG (methionine)
what kind of solvent is favored by sn2 rxns
polar aprotic (non hydrogen bonding) solvents
What stimulates release of bile
CCK released from duodenum in response to chyme
Nervous system, lens of eye, inner ear comes from what germ layer
what type of immunity is responsible for making immunobodies after one has been exposed to sickness
when substance freezes (liq to solid) the heat of _____ is given off
heat of fusion given off (vs heat of fusion taken in when goes from solid to liq)
where does electron transport chain occur in prok vs euk
prok--cell membrane
euk--inner mitochon membrane
what electromagnetic wave is more readily absorbed: long or short wavelengths
short wavelength
what is absorbed more: IR spectra or visible light?
visible light absorbed more because shorter wavelength
why do 3'amines have lower BP than 1' or 2'?
b/c they cant form H bonds.
Klinfelters syndrome letters?
1st law of thermodynamics
energy constant, cant be created nor destroyed
2nd law of thermodynamics
move toward disorder (high entropy; pos S)
ligament connects?
bone to bone
surface area of sphere
4 ii r^2 (vol is 4/3iir^3)
newtons first law
law of inertia (obj velocity wont change unless force acts upon it)
center of mass eqn (used for ques that ask where balancing pt is on stick)
you choose origin;
torque eqn and what is it measured in
torque=rFsin (theta)
meas in N*m (dont change to joules)
when work done ON system, PE____
when work done BY system, PE _______
ON system: PE inc
BY system: PE dec (b/c convert PE to KE)
impulse is change in momentum, or
Force x time (can graph force vs time)
total pressure of fluid = ___ + ____
Gauge pressure + atm P
Buoyancy force =
density of fluid x vol subs x g
Electric force eqn; what does it mean qhen Fe is neg vs pos
-pos when same charges; neg when opposite charges
4 conditions that must be met for Bernouilli's eqn to be true
1) constant density (cant compress the fluid)
2) no friction (small viscosity)
3) streamlined aka laminar flow
4) steady flow
bernouillis eqn
P+1/2(density)v^2+(density)gy=same thing
electric potential eqn and is measured in what?
=kQ/r or joule/coulomb or VOLT

*make it NEG if attract
actual electrons move from ____potential to ___potential
lower potential to higher potential
Resistance is meas in
resistance of insulators vs conductors
insulators: high resistance; wire is thin & long
conductors: low resistance; wire thick & short
what symbol tells you that charges moving out of page vs into page
out of page-dot
into page- X
Hooke's law tells us about what & what's eqn
tells us about restoring force of spring, neg sign b/c restoring force opposite to displacement
F= -kx
(x is amplitude; high k when stiff spring so will need bigger force to restore spring)
elastic potential energy eqn
how to figure out freq of wave when given pic of a transverse wave
add # of crests & troughs then /2
speed of wave is determined by ___ & ____; doesnt matter about _____
speed of wave determined by type of wave & medium; doesnt matter about freq
why does sound travel fast in water
water resists compression (the greater the compression, the faster the sound travels)
what is our hearing threshold
eqn to find intensity of sound in decibels
=10log I/Io where Io is our hearing threshold (10^-12)
what is doppler effect
apparent shift in freq produced by moving source (if moving towards each other then perceived higher freq aka higher pitch)
order of EM waves in order of increasing freq & decreasing wavelength
radio/micro/infrared/visible/UV/Xrays/gamma rays
ROYGBIV (what side has highfreq/short wavelength & vicecersa)
Red (long wavelength & low freq)
Violet (short wavelength & high freq)
angle of incidence =?
angle of reflection
if move from LOW n to HIGH n, light bends...
TOWARD normal
if move from HIGH n to LOW n, light bends..
AWAY from normal
if i (image distance) is + then image is... ____&_____
real and inverted
if i (image distance) is - then image is... ____&_____
virutal and upright
lens power meas in ? and what is eqn
Power meas in Diopters; =1/f where f is focal length
if magnification (m= -i/o) is neg then image is? vs pos then
m is + then image erect; - then inverted
intra vs intermolecular bonds
intra-within molec
inter-b/w molec
H bonds occur when H bonded to ____ bonds with ____
4 quantum #s and what does each tell you
n--shell (period#)
l--subshell (0 to n-1)
m sub l--orbital (-l to l)
m sub o--spin
BP elevation/FP depression eqn (used to figure out new BP/FP when subs added to something)
change in temp=iBm
where i is # of particles (ie 2 if salt added b/c separates into Na & Cl)
B can be B or F (BP or FP constant)
m is molality (mol solute/kg solvent)
what = what at equivalence pt on titration curve
what is eqn for Ksp & what is it telling us?
If low Ksp then more likely to percipitate
LEO is A GERC refers to what?
where e- loss/gained in electrochemical cell
LEO is A=Loss of Electrons, Oxidation, Anode
GERC=Gain Electrons, Reduction, Cathode
when doing electron configuration, e- fill lowest E levels according to Aufbau principle (pyramid thing) EXCEPT for
Chromium and Copper columns (take 1 out of s and put it in d)
Cr is 4s1,3d5 (more imp to have 1/2 of d filled than all of s)
when transition metals become cations where are there e- coming from
valence s subshell before d subshell
wavelength of.... red, blue (remember trick) and violet
blue=420nm ("blue 42")
what is a Bohr atom
one electron system (H, He+, Li2+)
order of electronegativity (remember german-like word)
atomic radius PT trend
down and to left
if subs gains some heat & have to figure out how much temp changed, what eqn to use?
inc temp does what to solubility (remember to consider the PHASE)
inc solubility of sol in liq
Dec solubility of gas in liq (so bubbles form)
when particles added to soln, VP decr, but how figure out by how much it decr
∆VP= (-X)(VPo)
where X is mole frxn (mol solute/total mols)
VPo is org VP
Keq eqn
but only use aq & g
re: LeChatlier's principle, what happens when inert gas added
NOTHING b/c they wont react
pH of pure water neutral at ____Celsius
25 (therefore, pH+pOH=14 only at 25 Celsius
1 cal = ___ joules
E = q + W tells us what
energy cant be created/destroyed but can be trasnferred (ie heat produced)
total cell potential (E°) is found similarly to ΔH b/c add up 1/2 rxns but different b/c
both you switch sign but for E°, you dont have to multiply E° of half rxn by # if rxn had to be multiplied by #